K9A2 Platinum Raid 1 Setup / Installation Problem

I'm trying to setup a raid 1 with my new K9A2 Platinum board. I would prefer to use the promise controller but have had no luck with the SB600 or Promise.
My PC:
2 gig GSkill Ram 800mhz
2 Identical Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 hard drives
750w Corsair psu
AMD 5200+
Vista Home Premium
GeForce 8600GT
The first hard drive has everything loaded on it including all my business and personal data, so I don't want to reformat and start over with that drive.  I just want to add another drive as a mirror for redundancy purposes.
I can't select my RAID configuration in the Fastbuild Utility. It will show me the current drives as connected, Model, Capabilities, Capacity, RAID mode (showing JBOD), and Status (Functional). The bottom of the screen doesn't give me any options, it just says "Any Key to Continue" at which point it brings me back to the main page of Fastbuild.  I have a pictures of the relevent screens, just haven't figured out how to post them here.
What I've already tried:
Enabled the SB600 as Raid while drives plugged into SATA1 and SATA2.  (once each with Onboard controller Enabled and Disabled)
Enabled the OnBoard Controller while drives plugged into SATA5 and SATA6 (once each with SB600 set as RAID, set as IDE, and Disabled)
So how do I select RAID 1 as my configuration?

Steps to RAID 1:
1) Backup your data to a third drive.
2) Connect both Seagate drives to the Promise controller.
3) Enable the Promise controller in your BIOS.
4) Enter the FastBuild utility using CTRL + F.
5) Select 'Define Array' (I believe it's option # 3).
6) Define parameters and asign drives to the array
7) Save and reboot.
The RAID 1 array is now active. If you plan to install an OS on it, you will need to load a driver during setup. For WinXP you will need to use a floppy and F6, for Vista you can use other media as well (CD-ROM, USB stick, etc.).
If you plan to run your OS from a third drive, you will just need to boot to the OS and access the Drive Manager. Create a partition on the RAID 1 array, the OS will format the array and it will prompt you to reboot when finished.
Regarding the external drive, it's best to use a hard drive of choice and an eSATA external enclosure. I use an ICY IB-351 BL Series for example, it has eSATA, Firewire and USB 2.0. I also have a Cooler Master X-Craft, same idea. It might come in handy to be able to swap drives...

Similar Messages

  • K9A2 Platinum Raid problem

    Hi i have 4 days trying to install my new system. And the mobo do not want to recognize the drives in sata 5 and 6, those controlled by promise.
    My system specs:
    Phenom 9600
    MSI k9a2 platinum
    6 samsung hard drives SATAII 7200 rpm
    8gb ram Corsair Dominator 1066 MHZ
    2 x Diamond ati HD3870 512 mb GDDR4
    Thermal take toughpower 850W PSU
    I want to run:
    RAID 1+0 With 4 drives of 320GB each using sb600 controller
    and two 320 GB single drives, NON RAID on the promise controller.
    How can i run this config on my mobo? it is possible? i need detailed bios settings for this please.
    Second alternative config:
    Raid 0 on sb600 using 4 disk
    Raid 1 on promise using 2 disks
    I have 6 drives in total and want to use them all.
    Right now if I enable additional raid config on BIOS my sb600 controller only detect disks on the 1 and 3 ports, but doesnt see the 2 and 4 ports. Also i cant see the 5 and 6 ports anywhere in the bios or in the ctrl-f raid utility.
    My bios version is 1.3
    Any help?

    hi, you could use the promise controller for your raid array using the rear esata connectors (with a esata to sata cable) and in side ports 5-6, use the sb600 not in raid for the other drives, like bas was saying each controller has it own bios, so what that means is if promise raid is on (sb600 off) the drives would show up in the promise raid setup and the other way around (drives in the SB600 RAID set up) and also if both raid controllers are off the drives show up in the main board bios. once i did have both controllers run through their setup at the same time but i got "some memory ran out of room" message after post,..
    anyway so you should be able to do what you want, but use the promise for raid and sb600 for not, that way only one raid controller is on.

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    4 GB GSkill 1066 4 x 1GB
    2 WD caviar SATA HD (in RAID 0 - I think??)
    LITEON BD Player
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    I connected the 2 HDD to the 5&6 SATA ports, set them on Promise controller both to RAID 0 and reloaded Windows Vista 64 bit.  I manually loaded the RAID driver during the Windows load from the MSI disk that came with MBO.  Everything seems ok.  Windows only sees a C drive, but on Device Manager sees both drives as a 1+0 RAID device in Raid 0 - this also shows up on Fast Build Utility as LD1 and 2 and both 1+0 RAID device RAID 0.  Don't really notice any improvement in load times.  Is the RAID setup correctly?  Is there a way to improve the speed?  When I run the Windows Vista performance test - HDD speed rating is only 5.7.
    Thanks for any help

    Why are you  starting a scond topic about all this?
    Please stick to the one you already started... this makes no sense at all.
    I'm locking this one.
    >> Here << is the other topic.

  • K9N2 SLI Platinum raid setup after bios flash

    I'm building a new system based on K9N2 SLI Platinum. Apart from a new 80 GB sys. HDD everything else is reuse from another MB (MSI K9N Platinum).
    Here is what is puzling me: Before trying to install WinXP i flashed the bios to 3.2 because of the included updates to the raid bios. Flashing went well, however in my setup I want the 80 GB HDD to be non-raid and the two 320 GB HDD to be raid1. I've set this up in bios so that only channel 5 and 6 is enabled for raid and would expect that the 80 GB HDD (channel 1) would show up as a normal sata HDD when starting up. But it doesn't - it is listed as 0.0 xxxx after the "press F10 to enter raid setup" message?
    This is strange because I had the same HDD setup on my old MSI K9N Platinum and there the 80 GB sata HDD was shown as a "normal" disk and not as a "appendix" to the raid list.
    Because of this I have problems installing WinXP on the 80 GB HDD
    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for your quick response.
    Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 12-August-08, 00:14:44
    Well, leave the 80GB only and install XP over it.
    Then connect other two HDD's and enable RAID for them.
    Unfortunately this didn't help. As soon as I installed the Windows nVidia RAID SW it prompted med that it had registered  the 80 GB disk as a new disk that wasn't a member of any RAID. This happened everytime Windows XP was started.
    The trick was to add the 80 GB disk as a Spanned disk using the nVidia RAID BIOS setup utility. Install Windows XP (again) and the Windows nVidia RAID SW and setup RAID 1 on the other two sata disk.
    I don't think this is a great setup but it works. I hope that MSI will fix this issue in a later BIOS upgrade. It would be nice if the enabled/disabled for sata RAID setting actually worked.

  • P6n sli platinum (raid setup "issues")

    got 2#  320 gig seagates formated and ready (sata)
    the system was up and running fine on  1  hard drive and windows xp-pro
    reformated  1st hard drive  and want to re-install XP but  in raid O  now...............
    I am booting from my floppies, when instructed to hit F6  to install raid controllers off another floppy....
    the damn system won't allow me......  I hit f6  quite a bit and can never get into the installation of the raid controllers?
    any ideas?

    I can remember having a similar issue when I installed a RAID system for the first time.  It turned out to be the keyboard.  I had a MS keyboad and it turns off the F-Keys on defult.  There is a function key toggle button just to the right of the f-keys.  you need to hit it as soon as the bios shows up on the screen.  then you should be able to get the F6 key to work.
    also, make sure you have the raid turned on for your drives in the system bios, then you need to activate the raid volume in the raid bios.
    hope this helps.

  • K9a platinum raid setup options?

    few quick questions.
    for raid 0 what do the following options mean?
    gigabyte boundary? default is on. should it be?
    next is fast write default is off but i turned it on?
    stripe/block size? is smaller better or bigger better?
    lastly, can i partition a raid 0 array? or is it a bad idea?
    p.s. i already set mine up but maybe when i upgrade to vista later i would like to have a better understanding of it.
    i set my boundary to on, my fast write to on and my stripe/block size to 64k since it matches the block size for my NTFS. drives are 2 wd 150 gb raptors.

    Quote from: msiguy on 26-September-07, 08:31:02
    few quick questions.
    for raid 0 what do the following options mean?
    gigabyte boundary? default is on. should it be?
    It means that the raid-size is in GB's only and not parts of them. Just leave it like it is. No reason to mess around with it.
    next is fast write default is off but i turned it on?
    I don't know what it does exactly, but I suppose it has to do with the way data is written to the array. I'd leave it at the default value for now.
    stripe/block size? is smaller better or bigger better?
    There is no good answer to that. You need to understand first how a striped array works. For example: if you have a raid 0 with two disks, the following situation exists. When the blocksize is set to 64kB and you write a 128kB file, the file is split in two 64kB parts. Those parts are written to both disks at the same time. So, disk A receives one part and disk B receives the other part at the same time. Now, the smaller the blocksize is set, the more files will be split. (You see, a 64kB file cannot be split in smaller pieces, since it is equal to the block size of the RAID-0).
    So, the answer is something like this: if you use many small files, setting a small blocksize is better (for example, when you install Windows on the RAID). When you use it for data storage (many large files), larger blocksizes are better. If you are not sure, set it to 64 or Auto.
    lastly, can i partition a raid 0 array? or is it a bad idea?
    Yes, you can. No problem.
    You're welcome!
    p.s. i already set mine up but maybe when i upgrade to vista later i would like to have a better understanding of it.
    I hope you will wait a bit with that ....
    i set my boundary to on, my fast write to on and my stripe/block size to 64k since it matches the block size for my NTFS. drives are 2 wd 150 gb raptors.
    If it is working fine now, just leave it alone.
    Note this: if one of your disks gets damaged, or when data is lost from it, you will lose the whole RAID array and all the data on it. So, it is important to backup everything regularly.

  • MOVED: Setting up K9A2 Platinum Raid

    This topic has been moved to AMD64 ATI boards.

    Why are you  starting a scond topic about all this?
    Please stick to the one you already started... this makes no sense at all.
    I'm locking this one.
    >> Here << is the other topic.

  • K9A2 Platinum Sata Raid Problems

    I could not get my 2 500 gb seagate 7200.11 drives to work on the sb600 raid controller, in raid 1 (set to raid mode in bios).  I'd set it up and it would remain functional until I formatted it and put stuff on it. Then when I restarted, it says critical and can't locate the second drive, but it shows up in the list of definable drives.  My older 200 gb seagates 7200.9 in the same setup do not have this problem.  I finally got my 500s working by hooking them up to the promise controller instead.  (Although no longer a current problem, I wouldn't mind knowing what would cause this for future occasions.)
    My new problem is, I had to unhook all but the drive I wanted to install Windows XP on (A separate 120 JBOD configured drive) so I could get it to be C:/.  This all went fine.  However when I hooked up the 500s again, Windows XP would not boot, the screen just stayed black, with them not hooked up, it boots just fine, with the 200s as well.  When running the Windows XP setup again, the 500s appear as C:/ instead of the 120 in the disk select screen of the install.  It's like the 500s took over the drive letter when they are hooked up and thus can't load.  Is there some way to stop it from doing this or am I completely off on this.
    My computer spec is:
    K9A2 Platinum
    AMD X2 6000
    2*2gb OCZ PC6400
    ATI Radeon 3870
    700 Watt OCZ PSU
    Update: Installing XP ignoring the fact its not C: fails.  It copies all the files onto it, then after restarting I get a black screen.
    Another Update: On a whim I tried disabling the SB600 raid and set it to AHCI instead as I read that other people were having problems with it and it all works perfectly now.  It's too bad this doesn't work, but I'll just put the 200s back in my old computer instead.

    I'm having the exact same problem you did. Same Mobo. Except I started off with Promise RAID 1 because when I tried using SB600 RAID, my SATA DVD drive would not function in Vista Ultimate x64. So I had my Raid 1 configured on Promise T3 with BIOS 2.8.1030.0021 using 2 320GB drives. One of them Seagate, one WD, both 3GB/s transfer, only difference was that Seagate has 16MB cache, while the WD has 8MB. But both drives worked fine in the array for some time, and then after doing some updates from Windows Updates now the Raid config shows that encountered a critial status, "A disk member of an array has failed or is not responding", "Problem is detected with Array : 1". And when I go to the see the Array status it shows the Seagate drive on ID channel 1, but for the 2nd drive it shows questions marks all the way through the item line. I checked the drive, it seems fine. And even when I go to define a second Array, it shows the WD available on channel ID 3. So it definitely see both drives, but how do I re-add that WD drive that it doesn't see to my earlier defined array without loosing data on my Seagate drive?

  • How to Setup RAID 0 on K9A2 Platinum using SATA 5&6 Promise Controller

    MSI K9A2 Platinum
    2 x Sapphire 3870 HD in Crossfire Mode
    2 x 500 GB WD Caviar Hard drives ( I want to put these in RAID 0)
    Pioneer 115DBK DVD Burner
    Phenom 9850
    GSKILL 4 GB 1066
    Antec P182 Case
    Rosewill 850 W Power Supply
    Windows Vista 64 bit
    I am trying to set the RAID up on the PROMISE SATA ports 5&6.  I have enabled the additional RAID controller in the BIOS and set the SATA controller to RAID.  One drive shows up as JBOD and I can set the other to RAID 0 in the Fast Track utility.  What do I need to do to change the JBOD to RAID?  I'm sure its showing that I am a newbie at this and first RAID attempt.  It's a new setup so I don't mind having to re-load VISTA.
    Additionally - I cannot get the IDE DVD burner to work.  If there is any obvious fix for this I'd appreciate input.  The SATA BD Player works just fine.
    Thanks for any advice!

    Sorry, my explanation seems to be too short... some remarks:
    - Yes, you need to go to the Promnise Setup prgram like you say;
    - Yes, you have to delete the JBOD-array, but you also need to delete the RAID-0 array. Both drives  become available now to setup RAID.
    - Make a new striping (0) array and select both drives to use -> make array and reboot.
    - go into bios and select the RAID-0 array as second boot device and your DVD/CD as first boot device (for now);
    - reboot and boot off the Vista Setup CD/DVD.
    - Wait until Vista asks to select the drive to install to. It will show you the RAID-array or it will show you nothing. If it shows you noting (and I bet it won't ), then choose to manually install a driver. Now, you can select the Promise driver to use. Vista will load it and recognize your RAID array. Select the array and tell Vista to install.
    - Now start hoping that it will work out!
    Good luck!!

  • PROBLEM RAID K9A2 Platinum

    I have a problem for the raid on my msi k9a2 platinum.
    currently, I have 2 SATA hard drives, on first (samsung 750 GB) I have vista ultimate 64 installed, and on second (maxtor 200 GB) I have games. in the bios I see "Raid: Ide" and when I met "Raid: Raid" blue screen at startup vista.
    phenom 9600 Be
    MSI K9A2 platinum
    Sapphyre 3870 hd toxic
    2 x 1g 1066 Mhz Kingmax
    Samsung 750 Go & maxtor 200 Go
    2 x HPw2207h

    Why are you trying to run a single drive in RAID mode? Sounds logical that Windows would Blue Screen, you have no RAID array. Just keep it running at IDE mode, should be fine...
    PCI latency should be set as low as possible, though I doubt you will notice any difference between the 64 and 32 settings. This setting mostly applies when you have add in cards that need to hold the PCI bus longer than default...

  • Problem RAID K9A2 platinum /vista X64

    hello all,
    i have install driver promise raid for K9A2 platinum on vista x64 but when i reboot vista say me raid not install... my bios is 1.4
    please help me

    hello and thanks,
    i installing drivers raid which I downloaded from the site msi, I install and when I reboot vista x64, I have a window that tells me that vista has detected new hardware and if I want him to research driver on the web but they did not find.
    if I go in the device manager I see raid controller with an exclamation point ( dont install).
    my config:
    Amd phenom 9600 BE
    MSI K9A2 platinum ( chipset amd 790fx )
    HDD samsung Sata 750 Go 32mo
    Sapphyre toxic HD3870
    2x1Go kingmax 1066
    alim 450w

  • Question about Raid set up with (SB600) K9A2 Platinum V 1.0

    I am having trouble setting up my raid.  I am using Windows XP Pro and go through the usual set up procedures using F6 command then installing the drivers etc.  Once I get everything up and running installed on Raid 0 the computer works very well for a few days.  Then later BSOD.  The first was a 0000007b stop error, then I got the system back up again only to have it a few days then another BSOD 00000024 stop error.  This time I was not able to bring it back.  I thought my problem was linked to a RAM issue as I was using OCZ PC2 6400 DDR2 OCZ2G8008GQ (2X2GB).  The reason I thought this was when I went to the motherboard site for approved ram, this ram was not there, then on OCZ site it was also not tested, then I went to newegg and used thier motherboard ram compatability screener and it did not show up either.  So I bought the Giel ram and am now trying to set it back up again though I could not get it back still.  So I finally just reformatted the drives (using another computer and a hard drive enclosure)and am getting ready to reinstall everything.  I want to make sure I am using the right SB600 drivers for my application.  I should be selecting AHCI X86 or x64.  This does pertain to the operating system (I am using Win XP 32 Bit) or the processor (I am using the Kuma Athlon X2 7750 2.7Ghz)
    I believe I should be selecting the x86 drivers when installing windows.  Am I right?  I just want to make sure I do not screw anything up so as to bring on the horrible BSODs again.  I realize this could be some driver issue as well that could have caused this.  I did everything I could to make sure it was not the hard drives.
    The last question I have is:  In order to ensure proper operation of the dual channel ram, (I have read the book, still confused a bit), I must install the ram with one stick in the first slot nearest the CPU and the other in the first slot of the opposite color?  In this case Green/Orange slots.
    Mainboard: MSI K9A2 Platinum 790FX
    CPU: Athlon X2 Kuma 7750 AM2+ 2.7Ghz Processor
    CPU-Cooler: Factory Supplied
    RAM: 4GB (2X2GB) G Skill F2-8500CL5D-4GBPI DDR2-1066 Dual Channel
    GPU: AMD790FX
    VIDEO: PowerColor HD4830 512MB GDDR3
    HDD: 2 Velociraptor 150 10000 rpm drives WD1500HLFS
    Floppy: YES
    Power Supply: CORSAIR CMPSU-650TX 650W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready
    OS: Windows XP Pro SP1 (Updated to SP3)

    I was just trying to obtain the fastest load times/install times.  When the machine was first running it was very quick with no cpu temps running beyond 34C, no abnormal performance.  This is my wifes computer though.  Things began to go astray after she updated through windows update to SP3.  I am now using a slipstreamed CD with SP3 already on it.  She said she was clicking on the internet explorer "E" icon and it just shut off.  THen when it rebooted (it was still set that way in windows recovery) it started loading windows then BSOD 0000007b error.  I fixed it by finally getting into windows recovery and running fixboot, then fixmbr, then chkdsk /r /f.  It started working fine again.  Then later maybe two days later it happend again this time wihtout the restarting.  She was working on something else this time and it shutdown again.  This time when it tried ot reload windows I was getting the ntfs.sys issue with a 00000024 stop error.  I could not do the same magic with windows recovery any longer.  When I tried it indicated it repaired the boot, the mbr, but when I tried to run the chkdsk, it gave me disk read errors, such as "this disk has unrecoverable errors".  I used Western Digital test programs on the drives by removing them and installing them into an enclosure and taking them to a good computer.  One drive I could see in windows and it reflected 140G/B, the other would pick up but not in my computer.  It also showed the drive as having the entire quantity as the RAID together had of 298G/B versus the real size of the drive 150G/B.  I just figured that was the drive that was set up as LD 1 in the RAID setup (prior to windows) and possible was the drive with he boot sector on it???  I could get another drive and include it into the array, but then just figure I will have to worry about 3 drives versus 2.  She keeps improtant backup stuff on an external drive.  I will tone down the ram to 800.  Should I set the latency in Bios though to the 5-5-5-15?  or just leave everything at auto like I hade done before?  Though this ram is new and was not in the computer when this happened.  I had replaced the other OCZ Gold stuff and put in the G Skill stuff I have now.  I had previously stated Giel, but it is G Skill, sorry about that.  I may just do what you say, guess sleep on it and decide whether to just install the drives with OS/Programs on one and data on the other. 

  • OpenGL games fps going down after install Windows on RAID 0 on K9A2 Platinum

    Hello .
    Description of problem :
    The problem was showed right after installations Windows on RAID 0.
    When I had one HDD, the problem was not.
    The problem was showed on both integrated RAID controllers (both on SB600 and on Promise T3).
    When I play games (just games in OpenGL!!! for example conter-strike 1.6, Quake3, on Direct3D such problem is not present), and simultaneously I copy (or other users on FTP:)) a plenty of small files, game frames per second going down.
    If to stop copying in current of minute, frames per seconds goung up.
    If in 2-3 minutes, will help only restart game.
    Processor type: "AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ (Brisbane)"
    Motherboard: "MSI K9A2 Platinum, AMD® 790FX and SB600 (+ Promise T3) Chipset,  AMI BIOS v1.3"
    RAM: "Samsung 1GB 800MHz DDR2 Non-ECC"
    HDD: 2x in RAID 0: "Samsung HD501LJ 500GB 7200rpm 16MB with NCQ Serial ATA II-300"
    Video: "XpertVision NVidia 8800GT 512Mb"
    Power supply: "FSP ATX-400PNR 400W ATX 12V v 2.01 20+4 pin passive PFC 12cm fan Noise Killer"
    Operating System:
    Windows 2003 server 32bit
    Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit 
    I have established last version Dual Core Optimizer.
    Tried to clean in boot.ini a key /usepmtimer and reboot has helped nothing.
    The similar problem was on absolutely another motherboard (Biostar nForce570SLI) and hdd (Hitachi 80GB) with the same processor and Windows. But , installation Dual Сore Optimizer and a key/userpmtimer has helped.
    What reasons of a problem? 
    How to eliminate a problem?
    In advance thanks for the answer.

    Oops, missed the PSU....
    But why when copying to stop in 3-4 minutes, game fps not going up.
    In fact after copying files system resources are not used, also reading and writing from a disk does not occur.
    I understand that at copying Soft-RAID use some system resources. But when system resources not use game fps not going up.
    Will help only restart game!!!
    The problem was showed right after installations Windows on RAID 0.
    When I had one HDD, the problem was not.
    See that? You went from single disk to RAID and then the problem started...... I guess it's not very hard to conclude that one is related to the other. Just try to use single disk again an and see what happens.
    Then: did you have two disks installed before going to RAID-0? Or did you add one disk for that? If so, then your PSU may be the troublemaker, not providing enough juice to feed all devices.
    About your English: it is fine, don't worry. We do not mind, as long as it looks like English and we can understand it and as long as there's no MSN-crap in it... so, you are doing fine. 

  • K9N SLI Platinum - RAID 0 problems

    Hi everyone,
    I've just assembled a new pc with a K9N SLI Platinum (PCB Ver: 1.1; BIOS Ver: 1.3), 1GB (2x512MB DIMM1 & 3) Kingston KVR667, 2 Maxtor SATA-II disks, GF 7300GS with 256MB DDR2.
    I'm able to install windows with one disk but can't do it with both disks setup as raid 0.
    I've tried both Sata Raid Driver from cd and from MSI website.
    With the driver from the cd windows setup finds the raid and starts installation, but freezes somewhere (totally random) without finishing.
    With the driver downloaded from the website windows setup can't find the raid.
    Any hints?

    Quote from: manuelmont on 25-September-06, 07:13:09
    I tried once again to install windows and this time setup finished successfully and the computer boots from the raid. So my first question: what is the relation between the bootable option at the raid setup and the fact that the system booted without it?
    I doubt that the removal of the floppy from the bootable devices list has anything to do with the successful install...
    Well if it is grayed out in the RAID setup is because it is already Bootable, as for the removal of the floppy from the bootable devices, there are things that only the gods of the computers know...
    Quote from: manuelmont on 25-September-06, 07:13:09
    Everything seemed to work ok but the computer started to freeze once again during installation of other software which made the system unstable.
    Then I replace the graphics card with an ATI X300 (just for testing) and the system became stable. I installed software, played some games without problems. As the GF 7300GS I removed works on another pc this seems to be some compatibility problem between the MB and the GF (turbocache?).
    I used Sisoft Sandra 2007 Lite to test/benchmark the system. All the tests were almost normal (except memory - benchmark showed values a bit lower than I expected!) but I could not run Physical Disks Benchmark module neither Physical Disks Hardware module (but could benchmark the file system). What does this mean?
    The disks are in fact DiamonMax 17 (6G160E0) but I'll try another brand as well, these are the only disks. On the IDE channel I only have one dvd recorder.
    Your PSU has way to low amperage for that system, the test is the change you made from a superior GFX to a lower end one, the NX7300GS eats alot of amps in comparison to the X300, and it does not have nothing to do with the TurboCache feature.
    As for Sisoft Sandra I don't use that "I'm a potty mouth" (pardon my french ) I use Lavalys Everest or for disks HDtach, and others.
    You could not test the physical disks because they are in RAID mode, but you can test or benchmark the logical disks because they are the partitions you created in the physical disks and are divided by the 2 disks, half in one half in the other...
    I hope this will shed some light into the questions...
    Be well....

  • K9A2 Platinum & Promise T3 Windows 7 Raid Drivers

    I first want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my post. Hopefully together we can make this work. I am currently running Vista 64BIT and purchased a Windows 7 64 BIT to upgrade. I need helping finding a stable driver for the installation.
    Current Specs:
    K9A2 Platinum (BIOS 1.0B LATEST VERSION)
    Windows Vista 64BIT
    4GB DDR2 RAM
    Phenom 9500 2.2GHZ Quad Core
    2X 250GB Sata hard drives (currently RAID 0) on Sata ports 5&6 Promise T3.
    850WATT Antec Power Supply.
    I already have the two 250GB hard drives in Raid 0 on sata ports 5 & 6 (Promise T3) which works perfect in Vista. MSI doesn't have Windows 7 drivers on their website. I did however find that Promise has on their website the FastTrak TX2650 Driver which supports Windows 2008/7 which I believe will work. I believe the model number is promise_PDC42819.
    If anyone has any information on this that would be wonderful. I need to know which drivers to load up with Windows 7 when installing.
    Thanks again for all the support everyone!

    It looks to me that the fastTrak 2650 is for an installed internal card to run a RAID config so I see that as a NO.
    You are right, that promise T3 Raid driver is tough to find.
    Have you tried contacting MSI tech support?
    This is the only definite RAID I see at MSI's site, the one you found for ports 1-4.
    Is One controller better than the other?
    If you don't get a reply here, again, contact MSI tech support.
    I also, like you, found old threads here that never answered that question.

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