Kdcmond cannot retreive the computer's local Hostname

When I open Console, the following message appears hundreds of times in the log for today. What is this and why am I getting it?
"2/8/10 10:36:11 AM com.apple.kdcmond[158] kdcmond cannot retreive the computer's local Hostname , retrying .. "
It retries every 10 or 15 seconds, continuously...

In looking at the log file, very early in the reporting there is an entry:
" 2/8/10 9:26:04 AM org.apache.httpd[27] httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ::1 for ServerName "
This entry directly precedes the first entry of:
" kdcmond cannot retreive the computer's local Hostname , retrying.. "
It seems that something in my httpd.conf file was changed and now Apache can't find the domain name. Any ideas what to look for in the httpd.conf file?

Similar Messages

  • Every time i wake my mac i get This computer's local hostname "D-360.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "D-444.local".

    error message that my local host name is in use and the system generates a new one every time I wake my mac the error mssg reads This computer’s local hostname “D-360.local” is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to “D-444.local”.

    There are several possible causes for this behavior.
    1. Two (or more) computers on the local network have the same Bonjour name, such as "X's-MacBook-Pro.local". Resolve the name conflict by renaming one or more of them in the Sharing preference pane.
    2. You have two simultaneous connections to the same local network: probably Ethernet and Wi-Fi. If applicable, disconnect the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi.
    3. A Mac wakes from sleep due to network traffic. This is a bug in OS X that may only affect some models.
    4. A device that gets its network address from the router wakes from sleep, and the address it was using before has been assigned to another device.
    5. A third-party wireless router has incompatible settings or firmware. In that case, refer to the manufacturer or ISP for support. Restarting the router may help, temporarily.
    6. See also this support article.

  • What does this mean?  This computer's local hostname "Linda-Daviss-iMac-4.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "Linda-Daviss-iMac-5.local".

    What does this mean: This computer’s local hostname “Linda-Daviss-iMac-4.local” is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to “Linda-Daviss-iMac-5.local”.
    When I came back to my computer this message was on the screen.  Should I be concerned ? or doing something?

    Sometimes this message means that you have two simultaneous connections to the same local network: probably Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Disconnect the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi.
    Sometimes it happens because a device that gets its network address from the router wakes from sleep, and the address it was using before has been assigned to another device.
    Rename the computer in the Sharing preference pane.

  • Should I ok "this computer's local hostname Irma-Mac-mini-local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to Irma2 Mac-mini 2-local

    Should I ok this message-this computer's local hostname Irma's Mac-mini-local is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to Irma's Mac-mini-2local

    Don't think this is a conflict with IP Addresses or computer names
    = DHCP hangover when computer renews DHCP lease
    There is no actual other computer
    It just appears that way when reconnects so creates new -2 computer name
    What types of names do you use your computers ?
    Whether you name them after quantum particles or the romantic poets...
    They will each start to be appended with "-2" then "-3" etc if you auto configure network settings from Airport Router  DHCP service and you have this Change computer name issue where pop up window states name is already being used on your LAN
    As stated previous post you can reset the computer name in SysPrefs / Sharing / Edit button
    And restart Router or renew all DHCP leases (if persists in not allowing original name)
    Can now press Edit and reset name of choice
    But for Fix see link above

  • I get this message:This computer's local hostname "x-8.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "x-9.local" I have turned off sharing and it continues to upgrade name. What is the fix?

    I get this message: This computer’s local hostname “x-8.local” is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to “x-9.local” I have turned off sharing and it continues to upgrade name. What is the fix?

    Hi, this is a common problem, mostly just irksome though.
    It can have many cause, like using more than one Interface for connections, Router temporarily losing x.local & seeing a new connection with x.local already used, insists it must be x-1.local, x-2.local, etc..
    What all Sharing do you have enabled?
    Some possible fixes...

  • This computer's local hostname is already in use. How can I fix this?

    Almost every day the following message appears in a pop up box.
    This computer's local hostname "my-iMac-6.local"  is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "my-iMac-7.local"
    The numbers do not correspond to those in the name in the Security preferences.
    I preformed the "fix" described in the discussion.apple.com/messages---/messageID=9113111.
    Set "iPv6" from "Automatically" to "Off" in both Airport and Ethernet.
    That is apparently not the answer either.
    There is only one computer in my house with the name shown in the message.
    My wife's iMac has her name in it. Mine has my name in it.
    How can I fix this?
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    Rob Morrison

    This seems to be a DHCP issue when the lease is renewed
    When the computer reconnects (renews the lease) it believes its own computer name "already has been taken" so because the router has retained it on the local network so your computer inserts the after its computer name a
    "-2" then a  "-3" then "-4" etc. (the mac needs to do this and does so by default to ensure and create its own unique name on the local network)
    -> this appears to be a delay / hangover on the router (AE or TC) when using DHCP
    have seen a fix which only requires you set your computer with a fixed IP address
    (can be EITHER reserved on the router OR set on the computer itself in network settings)
    Router (AE or TC) Airport Utility 5.6 / Internet tab / DHCP button / click the "+" button & you reserve the computer's IP address by EITHER its MAC address (= shown in SysPrefs/Network/Advanced/Hardware) OR a DHCP client id (which you choose yourself) & enter exactly the same identical passphrase on the computer in sysprefs/network/advanced/DHCP(->set ro "using DHCP") shows textbox to enter the DHCP id
    THEN apply with Update button  (Router restarts)
    Computer itself - under sysprefs /  network  ->  Configure IPv4 to "Using DHCP with Manual Address" (will autofill from DHCP) check correct local IP address of computer is set & click Apply OR "Manual Address & manually enter the settings for local IP Address of computer / subnet mask / router's Ip address / DNS server's IP address / (DNS) Search Domain (optional)
    Since setting static address this problem has not re-occurred.
    Thanks to MacFixit there is a  terminal fix here (from Sept 09) as well : http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-10362633-263.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=Ma cFixIt

  • This computer's local hostname is already in use on this network

    has anyone else experienced this issue?
    The iMac will display the following error message on the screen every day or so (with the host number incresing by 1 digit each time):
    This computer's local hostname "MacName.local" is already in use on this network.The name has been changed to "MacName-1.local". This continues even after I've reset the name in the System Preferences panel/sharing settings, for example ("MacName-2.local, MacName-3.local, MacName-4.local" etc).
    Please advise
    Currently running an Apple iMac
    OS 10.6.8
    *please see attached screenshot for a reference

    (1) Check names of all other devices on the network, including the router, any airport express, iphone, ipad, printers etc. Make sure these all have unique names.
    (2) Do you have both wired ethernet as well as wireless active on any of these devices, including the Mac computer? This has been linked to such renaming behavior in the past, apparently the two methods of accessing the internet, if both are active at the same time, may switch off and on and conflict with one another (shouldn't happen, but apparently does sometimes). Solution is to switch one of them off.
    (3) The following may be helpful:
    In System Preferences > Network > Airport > Advanced > TCP/IP
    Set "Configure iPv6" from "Automatically" to "Off".
    If you do this, check to make sure that your email and other tools are still working properly. If something goes amiss, change the iPv6 back to what it was.
    (4) Go to your router and reset power to it.
    (5) Go to your router and check its LAN client table. Make sure that all entries should be there. Investigate any "extra" devices on the network. For instance, if it shows 4 devices, but you know you have only a computer and a printer, investigate what the other two are. Delete them from the list if they really seem to be "ghosts."

  • "This computer's local hostname changed".

    Since installing Mountain Lion, I have twice received the following warning pop-up. "This computer's local hostname "my-name-iMac.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to " my-name-iMac-2.local". In both cases the hostname is automatically changed by adding a "2" at the end. I am able to go into "sharing preferences" and change it back, however I am confused as to why this is happening on its own.

    Sometimes your network router thinks your computer is still connected to the network when it isn't - most typically after a forced quit or restart but not always. I've also seen it associated with a computer going to sleep and waking up. When your computer restarts or wakes up it connects to the router and the router, in human terms says, "No that can't be. I already have a Jim here. I'll call you Jim-2."
    It is slightly aggrevating but no big deal. You may solve the problem (at least temporarily) by turning off every device on your network including the router and then turning the router on again - followed by the rest of your devices.

  • My computer's local hostname keeps changing - is there a solution?

    I have looked into this in the community but have yet to find a resolution to this. I don't think this is a serious problem, but what do I know? The message that pops up is:
    This computer's local hostname "besMac-277.local" is already in use on this network. The names has been changes to "besMac-400.local". To change the local hostname, open System Preferences and click Sharing, then click "Edit" and type the name in the Local Hostname field.
    The only think I can gether from reading the other posts is that having a wired ethernet connection to the router and wifi active may have something to do with it. I'm hesitant to unplug the ethernet as I would like it as a backup in case the wifi fails.
    Thanks for your help!

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  • I just installed OS X Yosemite on my MacBook. I now cannot get the computer to start up. If I hold down the power button to try and power it back up, it will not start. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    I just installed OS X Yosemite on my MacBook. I now cannot get the computer to start up. If I hold down the power button to try and power it back up, it will not start. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility and press the Continue button. After Disk Utility loads select the Macintosh HD entry from the the left side list.  Click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If Disk Utility reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit Disk Utility and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Continue button.
    Download and install the OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Combo Update.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.
    Alternatively, see:
    Reinstall OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Choose the version you have installed now:
    OS X Yosemite- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Lion- Reinstall Mac OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
                     if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • I keep getting an error message that says that the hard drive cannot be repaired.  Therefore I cannot get the computer to start up.

    I keep getting an error message that says that the hard drive cannot be repaired.  Therefore I cannot get the computer to start up.

    It doesn't sound like you are doing anything incorrectly from what I can see. Have you tried restarting the iPad and then see if you can backup?
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

  • Help!!  I changed my log in screen to show a blank name and pw. Now I cannot open the computer???

    Help!!  I changed my log in screen to show a blank name and pw. Now I cannot open the computer???

    1.Turn on the computer and when you hear the startup chime hold CMD+S. This boots the computer into single-user mode, giving you root access.
    2.Once single-user mode loads (it looks like a black screen with white text) mount the hard drive. So at the prompt type in:
    /sbin/mount -uw /
    3. Now that the drive is mounted we can edit the file system. We need to delete a file that tells your computer that you have completed setup. So type in:
    rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
    4.We need the system to reboot so it can check for the file and not find it. Type in:
    5.Continue setup
    Be sure to select “DO NOT TRANSFER MY DATA”.
    6.Finish setup and login.
    7. Go to system preferences and edit that account so it HAS A NAME.

  • HT5167 Error after 10.7.4 upgrade..."computer's local hostname ........is already in use on this network.  The name has been changed to......  What to do now to get it back to status before 10.7.4 upgrade?

    Error after 10.7.4 Lion Upgrade to iMac
    Computer's local host name .......is already in use on this network.  the name has been changed to........
    and it keeps adding up the number each time I wake the iMac.
    What to do to get it back before upgrade error?

    Ok worth repeating, hope this works.  Finally spoke to AppleCare Support and walked me thru following...restart computer holding down "command" and "option" keys at the same time with letters "P" and "R" when computer turns on.  This is what he called a PR restart, clears out discrepancies in memory (if that is what the error message actually is).  Then went to Systems Preferences/Network/Sharing and deleted the number that kept increasing every time MAC would wake up.
    Even tho this was just done, I am hopeful that error pop-up won't happen again.  Fingers crossed!

  • This computer's local hostname is already in use on this network the name has been changed to

    I've been getting this error after waking my computer from sleep. I think it has to do with my airport extreme. Does anyone have a fix?

    Sometimes this message means that you have two simultaneous connections to the same local network: probably Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Disconnect the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi.
    Sometimes it happens because a device that gets its network address from the router wakes from sleep, and the address it was using before has been assigned to another device.
    Rename the computer in the Sharing preference pane.

  • Why do I get the messagehis cowhy do I get the messageThis computer's local hostname "lenajs-imac.local" is alreamputer's local hostname "lenajs-imac.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "lenajs-imac-2.local".

    why do I get the message "this computers local host name ______is already in use by the network

    Usually this message means that you may have two simultaneous connections to the same local network: probably Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Disconnect the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi. If that's not the issue, shut down any virtual machines (Parallels, VMware, or VirtualBox) that are running. Rename the computer in the Sharing preference pane.

Maybe you are looking for