Keep Both / Don't Replace

After installing the new Lion software i noticed that the "don't replace" option has now disappeared. I used to use this on a regular basis. When backing up files i would select all of the files on my mac, and then copy them to my external hard drive. I only wanted to copy the new files to the hard drive and leave the others. The "don't replace" option allowed me to do this after selecting "do this for all" it was very easy for me to copy the new data, without sorting through which files i do and don't need to copy across.
Is there anyway of doing this on the new lion software?
I know there are many work arounds, but these will all take a lot longer than the way i use to do it (both in sorting through which files to copy and also in actual transfer time). This was a useful option and i dont understand why it has been removed

I don't have a solution but I wanted to add my name to the list of people frustrated by the loss of the "don't replace"option.

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    Hi Everyone, I had posted about this in regards to being a photographer with limited CF card space, so I often bring my laptops to upload cards on-the-go. In this fashion it's easy to sometimes shoot on cards that have been partially uploaded or uploaded and then not reformatted and had additional files added. This is a big reason the "don't replace" was of value to me, as I am always worried about accidentally deleting work. (No judgements on my work-flow or style, I just upgraded to a markii so at the largest RAW even a 16GB o ly holds about 400 files and I usually shoot 2500 for an avg 4-6 hour event)
    I did NOTICE recently that a days ted a shoot when I was transferring the last cards, when the finder popped up where it would normally list "don't replace" there were the same options as always, but this time it listed information about a duplicate file that was found. Has anyone else seen this in Lion OS?
    I'm guessing this was the intention, why I didn't see it on other transfers I've done I don't know. But regardless, it only listed ONE file - which given how I shoot, would imply there are many more. So I think of I had hit "skip" it would have gone on to show me the next duplicate. This is still a big error of Lion, because it's just common sense that if this is the updated version of "don't replace" then it should list all the files that are duicates at one time. 
    I plan on writing Apple today about the issue, as was directed in one of the preceding posts. I also an on listing a link to this discussion - it would be GREAT if everyone else grappling with this did likewise, as I'm sure it's likely to have more of an impact.

  • "Keep Both Files" is NO Substitute for "Do Not Replace"

    Can someone please post a Terminal command sequence to disable the "Keep Both Files" option in the Finder copy dialog? It's useless to me and I've already wasted several hours trying to manually work around this bug and shut it off on my own. Anyone with a digicam hobby will quickly run into the huge drawbacks of the loss of this feature.
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    Windows 7's mostly useless "Keep Both Files" feature has no place in a system as useful as Apple's. It really doesn't help with anything other than to offer a rubber bumper to protect inattentive people from overwriting files, which was elegantly in place up until Lion. Come on, you can't GUI someone's inattention out of the equation. If you could, would I be typing this?....
    Listen, by removing the "Do Not Replace" option from the finder copy dialog, I am forced to either increase storage space--I can't believe I need to explain this, but I will say "unnecessarily" just to be redundant--or alternatively I must copy EVERY FILE???!!!! So, if only 50 files out of 1,800 need to be copied I still have to move all 1800 or sort through them one by one.
    You have got to be joking. Give me a Terminal rip to kill this behavior please. This is an amazingly full-fleshed waste of time. It seems obvious enough that this is a programming SNAFU. "Do Not Replace" has been removed from the Finder copy dialogue because Lion actually cannot do both that and "Keep Both Files."
    So, who knows the code for Terminal to revert this behavior to the pre-Lion days? Post that sucka!!!! A lot of people are looking for it.
    I swear I will regress to Slow Leopard just for this one single feature-- and sorry ya'll, I doubt I will be the only person who can't spend all day waiting for drives to back up.

    Okay, what we are griping about is called "recursive copying." There is a Terminal command for it.
    A-and, the Terminal command is in bold if you already know how to do this. Otherwise, here's a primer for command-line interfacing. If you want to learn more about the cp command, type [ man cp ].
    1. Open the Terminal application (in Utilities).
    2. Type this code, which is a basic command for recursive copying ("do not replace" for us non-tech linguists):
    cp -Rpn /originating file path/ /destination file path/
    3. Hit return. If you're moving a large amount of data, say a few gigs or more, at this point the cursor will disappear and the file transfer will take place. The cursor reappears when the operation is done. You can do other things like normal on your computer at this point, but don't move or alter any of the files during the transfer (just like normal). While that cursor is gone there's a transfer going on. If you're curious if it's working (or distrustful like me), you can open a finder window at the destination to watch the files show up.
    If you're wondering if you have to do all that typing, the answer is no. Type in the [ cp -Rpn ] exactly like that and then drag and drop folder 1 into the Terminal window. It'll give you a file path automatically. Then you only need to put a slash after it and then drop the folder you want to copy into onto the the Terminal window. You might have to type another slash. Hit enter.
    Apologies to the person who posted this information on another site or here in the forums. I haven't found your post, but when I do I'll attribute. Many thanks!
    [edited for spelling]

  • What determine whether I see 'keep both' or 'skip/stop/replace' as options when moving files??

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    What controls whether I see "Keep both files" as an option (where Finder just adds a 2 suffix to the filename of the newer item being added) vs "skip/stop/replace"? 
    When I'm trying to copy distinct new items with duplicate filenames, I want to use 'keep both files'; when I'm grabbing a mass of files, moving to a common storage place, and want only the new files to copy over, so that finder does the hard work of figuring out which ones are new/missing from the new folder, I want the option of 'skip' instead.

    The option-click 'copy file' does  not change the dialog box from just clicking and dragging without option--still only seeing the skip/stop/replace.
    I do use iPhoto, but find the file structure does not follow my patterns of use, so do not let it organize the files--for those many, inevitable times when I want to access the images directly without having to export the images first.  I also have Adobe Bridge, which has a file renaming feature.  But I started seeing this option of 'keep both' recently--I think since my install of Mavericks when 10.9.3 came out, and determined it does something very helpful to me, but can't figure out how to make it show up consistently.  For some things it would be nicer than always just making a new iPhoto library when the file numbers start over again. 

  • How to keep both file when paste

    hi to  every one
    I would like to know how to keep both files have the same name when I copy one of them to the other folder , since I have tow options only : replace or skip !!!!!!!!!! in windows 8   

    I suspect that that's how it is supposed to be, Cyber_Defend_Team. However, I can confirm that in Windows 8.1, when I attempt to Copy and Paste files, like from my camera's SD card which starts it's numbering system at 0 each time, to my photo folder,
    I only have the following options:
    Replace the file in the destination
    Skip this file
    Compare info for both files
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    all in a given column). I'm given only two buttons on this screen, Continue and Cancel. 
    As such, Lany Zhang, I don't think that this question can be considered answered as it isn't. 

  • Keeps printing done...

    I know why this code keeps printing done, its one my for loops. Currently this code does percisily what I want it to with a few hiccups that will be fixed. The current problem is that it keeps printing done for each row or record it places in the csv file. I need it to print to the file and then when it is truly done - print done. Also this is really slow....there are 1500+ records to pull from the cdata section, convert to comma delaminated and then place into the csv. the ripping and converting takes seconds. the writing's to the file takes .....well i never let it finish, every time I press stop its up to the 600th record and that's after a couple minutes.
    I know I am missing something. I just need some eyes to look at it. its not the most efficient way to do this, I get that. All i care about right now is making it print done ONLY when it is truly DONE writing to the file - and it shouldn't take so long to write to a file. 600 records in 2 minutes? something is wrong.
    Code is bellow. - prepare for a long read.
    package xmlcsv;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
    import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    * Essentially we take a xml file, find its cdata section and then
    * process the information in there to then spit out to a csv file.
    public class XmlCSV {
          * We need to process the data in the Cdata section and spit it out in a csv file.
          * This is the "main" part of the program which is run.
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              File file = new File("Data.xml");
              DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
              Document doc = db.parse(file);
              NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("TransmissionWrapper");
              for (int i = 0; i< nodes.getLength(); i++)
                   Element element = (Element) nodes.item(i);
                   NodeList cData = element.getElementsByTagName("TransmissionData");
                   Element line = (Element) cData.item(0);
          * We want to get all the data out of the CData Section.
          * Pass it into the getInfo() method to then get the
          * the data which will be parsed and thrown into a csv file.
          * @param e
          * @return
         private static final String getCData(Element e)
              NodeList child = e.getChildNodes();
              if (child != null)
                   for (int i = 0; i< child.getLength(); i++)
                        Node childNode = child.item(i);
                        if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
                             CDATASection cdata = (CDATASection) childNode;
                             String data = cdata.getData();
                             return data;
              return "Theres nothing there";
          * We want to remove all pipes then replace all those pipes with commas
          * the simple .replace() does not work. so we pass all the data into a string array and
          * pass it to a method that reforms the data and replaces pipes with commas
          * TODO: I didn't realize some information is comma deliminated so we have:
          * CHEVROLET,COBALT which may pose a problem later.
          * @throws Exception
         private static final String getInfo(String str) throws Exception
              StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str.trim());
              while (st.hasMoreTokens())
                   String[] info = str.split("\\|", -1);
                   for(int i = 0; i<info.length; i++)
              return "Nothing to return";
          * We take the String array of data and reform it back into
          * a comma deliminated peice of data that we can then use with CSV
          * @param str
          * @return
          * @throws Exception
         private static final String returnComma(String[] str) throws Exception
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              for (int i =0; str != null && i < str.length; i++)
                   if(i < str.length - 1)
              writeToFile(sb.toString(), "data2.csv");
              return null;
         * Write the data to a csv file.
         * @param st
         * @param filename
         * @throws Exception
         private static final void writeToFile(String st, String filename) throws Exception
              FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename);

    The question(s) is: +"How do I make it write to the file and print done only when done?"+Move the print statement out of the loop?
    +"Why is it taking up to 5-10 minutes to write 600 records to a file when it takes 30 seconds to parse the pipes, and put commas in and spit it out to the page"?+Because you are writing to the file every time you call returnComma(), and you are calling returnComma() lots of times. Most probably your entire file writing scheme is up the pole. You can't really want the file just to contain whatever the last invocation of returnComma() printed, and if you do why do all the preceding writes at all?
    Also returnComma() doesn't return a comma. Poor naming. Fix its name to describe what it really does.

  • Should I keep both Projects and Events in same external drive?

    I just updated to 10.1 lastnight and expected to see a few differences with the library system but prior to this version, I was always under the impression that it's better to keep events on one external drive and projects on another which would boost performance. That is how my system is currently setup.
    After updating, I had one project being worked (which means one active event folder and one active project folder on both drives). The update modified my projects and events folders as expected, and now I have 2 libraries appearing in FCPX: "Hardrive 1: Updated Projects" and "Harddrive 2: Events".
    Problem: The project that appears in the first library has an exclamation sign saying Proxy Files Missing so when I double click it to load into the timeline, the clips don't show.
    Confusion: In that same first library that has the project, I also see a few clips from the event that it belongs to, so they all say proxy files missing. The Second Library that's on my Media drive (where I kept my events isolated from before) is showing all the clips that were there from before for that event as it should, so why are there also a fraction of clips inside the First Library where the Project file is? Are clips being duplicated in to where the Project files reside?
    SIMPLIFIED QUESTION: Am I now supposed to keep both projects and events on the same single external drive and stop using two separate drives?
    Thank you for reading and I appreciate any responses.

    I was always under the impression that it's better to keep events on one external drive and projects on another which would boost performance.
    Unfortunately a surprising number of people have been doing this. It wasn't really any great benefit.
    If you saved the original projects and events and the previous version of FCP, who should go back to it and sort out the projects and events. Use the application to move the projects to the drive that holds the corresponding events.  Then update the projects and events in 10.1.
    SIMPLIFIED QUESTION: Am I now supposed to keep both projects and events on the same single external drive and stop using two separate drives?

  • Ical keeping both events when I move events from one google calendar to another

    Hi all!
    I use multiple google calendars and sync them with my iPad, iPhone, and MacBook Air. I like to move events from one calendar to another (for color coding purposes), and am coming across a unique issue that I hope someone has a solution to.
    When I edit an event by moving the event from one calendar to another the events show up correctly on the iPhone and iPad, but not in my iCal on MacBook Air. (Only when I make the changes on my iPhone and iPad). For example, when I switch an event originally created in my 'appointments' calendar to my 'done' calendar the event shows up appropriately on iPhone and iPad, and even in my Google calendars on the web. But, the iCal on my MacBook Air keeps both events. This only happens when I make the changes from the iPhone or iPad. If I make calendar changes on my computer, then there are no hiccups on any of the devices.
    It seems like a syncing issue with iCal, and I can't figure out how to prevent the duplications in my iCal on my computer from showing up. Quite annoying because I have to go in and delete all of the duplicated events on the computer at the end of the day.
    I have the Mavericks OS on my MBA and the software on my iPad and iPhone are updated to the latest software.
    If you have any suggestions, please let me know! Thanks!

    Thank you. I was trying to do that yesterday, but it was grayed out. It seemed to work alright today.

  • Question about nouveau wiki entry (keep both drivers installed?)

    In this section: … _installed
    It talks about ways to keep both drivers installed. As far as I can tell both drivers cannot be installed at the same time because of the conflicting packages  "mesa-libgl" and "nvidia-libgl". Is there in fact a way to have both of these packages installed? Seems like in that entry section there is a lot of useful information. Not sure which sections to keep and which to rename / move etc.. Wanted to put up a discussion about this first to see what needs to be done if anything.
    Last edited by dodo3773 (2013-12-10 20:28:39)

    I agree on "keep both drivers installed" issue.
    I've done some modifications to the nouveau -> nvidia and the other way round scripts, too (so they'll install/ uninstall the way they should). Might add that tomorrow.

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    Try one of these extensions for multiple cookie sessions.
    Multifox: <br /> <br />
    Cookie Swap extension: <br /> <br />
    Cookie Pie extension: <br />

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    Ian Brown, thankyouthankyouthankyou for taking the itme to reply
    I am not (indeed) a film studio, so this is EXCELLENT news.

  • Is it possible to keep both iPhoto and Aperture on the same Mac

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    Is anybody able to advice me about this opportunity?

    You can keep both Applications (iPhoto and Aperture) on the same computer and separate libraries for iPhoto and Aperture;  images from both libraries will/should be available in other Applications from the Media Browser. In the long run, after you get accustomed to working Aperture, you will find it more convenient to migrate all your images to Aperture. Aperture has the more efficient storage strategy, you need less disk space to store multiple versions of the same image in Aperture than in iPhoto, and Aperture is the more versatile tool.
    It is easy to migrate iPhoto libraries to Aperture, but that is a one way road, if you want to export back to iPhoto, you can export your images, but not all of your library structure.

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    After several attempts, I now find that this is working for me.  I wasn't able to open the IMPORT folder in Photos until I clicked on "Close" from File Menu. Once I was able to open the IMPORT folder and select the photos for import, the new photos appeared in "Last Import."

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    Have recently installed PS CS6 on a Windows 7 machine. Works fine, but has installed CS6 and CS6 64-bit. Do I need to keep both of these ??

    Hi Dougie59,
    No , you are not required to do so. it just happened coz you have selected both the options 32 BIT and 64 BIT (default), for correct installation if you have 64 bit compatible OS follow these steps..
    First do a clean uninstall.
    Run the Photoshop CS6 installer.
    Enter your serial number. Click Acccept.
    On the right side of the Options panel under the 64-bit heading, uncheck the box for Photoshop CS6. Leave the "Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64-bit)" option checked.
    Finish the installation.
    But keeping both the files does not do any harm excep the storage issues (it increases).
    Its all my assumption and experience both but hope you will get the answer.

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