Keeping track of methods by name

Is there a way that the java programming system would
give a list of methods in a java file and list the methods used and unused?

You can certainly get a list of methods. Just get the object's Class, then call one of the reflection methods like
However, I have no idea what you mean by "used and unused" methods. Do you mean which methods are called from somewhere else? Code itself can't tell you that. But most IDEs, such as Eclipse, can you what other classes reference your methods.

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    I got the following code on the server side:
    ..........//this method invocation may take a long time to do
    Object methodResult = method.invoke(object, args);
    if (methodResult != null) //method invocation return results
          //convert the methodResult Object into JDOM Element   
         ObjectWriter writer = new SimpleWriter();  
         Element element = writer.write(methodResult); 
         //return result to client--------------------------------------------------------  
         //Results tag to notify incoming result from method invocation on next incoming byte  
         //convert the element into String  
        String strXML = Util.convertXMLtoString(element);  
        //send the String xml out to the client. The client will receive the string representation of the xml  
    else //there are no results return from method invocation
        //save the result into xml file  
        Util.createFile(element, new File(filename));
    .......................The problem is how to I keep track of the status of the method invocation.
    As can be seen from the above code, Object methodResult = method.invoke(object, args);
    the method invocation will take a long time!
    How do I write a wrapper class to keep track of the status of the method invocation that can be check by the client? I am thinking of using a url to keep track of method invocation so that the client can continously poll the wrapper object to check if the method invocation has finished.
    Can anyone change my code and give advice?
    Thanks a lot!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

    I am not using Java threads at all.
    I just need to keep track of the status of the method invocation and report to the client.
    Sometimes, the method invocation can take ages so it is not acceptable for the client to invoke a method and wait a long time without any response: but in fact the server is still in the process of executing the method.
    Please advice.

  • How to keep track of all the classes/methods/properties created in a long script

    I'm curious to know what method people use to keep track of all the classes, methods, and properties you've created when writing a longer script.
    For quick scripts, this isn't a problem. But for long scripts it can get quite difficult to keep track of all the objects one has created, and all their methods and properties, and overloaded constructors, etc.
    ESTK is great, and it's the IDE I use for InDesign scripting, if only because of it's powerful debugging options.
    But it doesn't provide any way of keeping track of this stuff. No proper Intellisense as in Visual Studio.
    I'd be interested to hear how people solve this issue.

    Hi Ariel,
    Not sure it is relevant to your question but I have an old snippet that collects and displays ExtendScript references using $.list(). This may help to track some object relationships.
    // WARNING: this is just a WIP -- Not tested in all platforms and versions
    $.scanRefs = function scanRefs(/*0|1*/showAll)
        var s = $.list(),
            p = (!showAll) && s.indexOf('[toplevel]'),
            a = ((!showAll) ? s.substr(0,10+p) : s).split(/[\r\n]+/),
            n = a.length,
            // --- Address:1     L:2  Rf:3   Pp:4  Type:5  Name:6
            re = /^([0-9a-z]{8}) (.) +(\d+) +(\d+) (.{10}) (.{1,17})/,
            reTrim = / +$/,
            i, t, k, m,
            refBy, type, name, tag, rest, rfCount, props, j,
            o = {},
            TYPES = {'Function':"FCT", 'Object':"OBJ", 'Array':"ARR", 'RegExp':"REG"};
        for( i=2, refBy=0 ; i < n ; ++i )
            while( s && m=s.match(re) )
                k = '&'+m[1].toUpperCase();
                rfCount = parseInt(m[4],10);
                rest = s.substr(m[0].length);
                type = m[5].replace(reTrim,'');
                name = m[6].replace(reTrim,'');
                if( 0x5B==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
                    p = rest.indexOf(']');
                    tag = rest.substr(0,1+p);
                    rest = rest.substr(1+p);
                    tag = '';
                if( 0x20==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
                if( p=!(rest.indexOf("referenced by:")) )
                    rest = rest.substr(14);
                o[k] || (o[k] = {
                    locked:        +('L'==m[2]),
                    rfCount:    parseInt(m[3],10),
                    ppCount:    rfCount,
                    type:        TYPES[type]||type,
                    name:        name,
                    tag:        tag,
                    from:        [],
                    order:        -1,
                if( 0 < refBy )
                    if( p || !rest ){ throw "Unable to parse references." }
                    props = rest.split(' ');
                    refBy -= (j=props.length);
                    while( j-- ) t.from.push([k,props[j]]);
                    rest = '';
                    refBy = rfCount;
                    if( p != !!refBy )
                        if( p ){ throw "Unable to parse references."; }
                        refBy = 0;
                    (t = o[k]).order = n - i;
                s = rest;
        for( k in o )
            if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
            a[i++] = k;
        a.sort( function(x,y){return o[x].order-o[y].order;} );
        //a.sort( function(x,y){return parseInt(x.substr(1),16)-parseInt(y.substr(1),16);} );
        var u,
            pngLock = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x06\x00\x00\x00\x1FH-\xD1\x00\x00\x00\tpHYs\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x01\x00\x9A\x9C\x18\x00\x00\x01VIDAT(\xCF\xA5\x91\xB1j\xC2P\x14\x86\x93\xD6\x94\x98\xA4\xB5\xA5\x85\x0E-R\xAF\xA5\xB8\xF4\x1D\xAA\xEF\x10_B\x9C\xDD\x0B]\xA4o`C\xE9$B\x1C\xCD\x10\x10C6\x05q\td\xA9%\x83d2\x83O\xF0\xF7\xDCp#i\xB5\x1D\xDA\xC0\xC7\xB97\xE7|\xF7\xDC\xCB\x91\x00H\x7FA\xFA\xB7\x98\xFF\xAA\xD5\xEA\x0B\x855\xC1\x13k\xDA\xBF\xEA\x9A\xA6\x9C\x18\xC6\xC1\xB6\xE8\xBBHE\x16\x85w\xC6\xD8\xE3\x91\xA2\xDCQ|\xA2\xFD\x07\xC57\xADXT\x8B\xAAz\xB8#\x8A\x13\xD7\xBC\xD8\xD0\xB4kC\xD7\x19q\xCB*\x95g\xFA\x9FP\xD7\x0B\x8A\n!oE.\xB5Z-\xEC\xA3\xD9l\xA2\xFEP\x07\x1D\xC8;\x18D!/\x16x\x91\xEF\xFBX.\x97\xD8l6H\x92$]O\xA7S\x8CF#\x887\x9F\x13j^T\xB9\xD8\xE9t0\x99L\x10\xC71V\xAB\x15\x82 \xC0\xD0\x1E\xA2\xDDng\xE2\x15q\x9C\x175.:\x8E\x83\xC5b\x81(\x8A \xCB2\xE6\xF39\\\u00D7E\xBF\xDF\xCF\xC4\x1B\xE24/\x1A\\\u00ECv\xBB\xF0<\x0Fa\x18\xA2\xD1h`<\x1E\xC3\xB2,\x98\xA6\x99\x89\x8C8\xDB\x11\x07\x83AzU\xDEu6\x9B\xA5\xA2m\xDB\xE8\xF5z?\x8B4\xC3,\xF9\x1B_E1\x9F\x12Q&j\xC4\xFD\x1Ej\"_\xCA\x8B\x051\xA3K\x91d{(\x8B\xBC\xFE\t\xC1TI!\xE3L\x03\x7F\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
            pngNop = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x03\x00\x00\x00(\x96\xDD\xE3\x00\x00\x00\x03PLTE\x00\x00\x00\xA7z=\xDA\x00\x00\x00\x01tRNS\x00@\xE6\xD8f\x00\x00\x00\x15IDATx\xDA\xDD\xC1\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x80\x90\xFE\xAF\xF6#\xDA\x01\x00\xD2\x00\x01\xCC \x10\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
            w = new Window('dialog', " ExtendScript Memory"),
            p1 = w.add('panel', u, "References"),
            lRefs = p1.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Refs"],
                columnWidths: [90,60,120,36],
            g = w.add('group'),
            pFrom = g.add('panel', u, "From"),
            lFrom = pFrom.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Property"],
                columnWidths: [90,60,120, 120],
            pTo = g.add('panel', u, "To"),
            lTo = pTo.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Property", "Address", "Type", "Name"],
                columnWidths: [120,90,60, 120],
        g.orientation = 'column';
        w.orientation = 'row';
        w.alignChildren = ['left','top'];
        lRefs.maximumSize = lRefs.minimumSize = [330,450];
        lFrom.maximumSize = lFrom.minimumSize = [420,120];
        lTo.maximumSize = lTo.minimumSize = [420,220];
        lRefs.onChange = function()
            lFrom.parent.text = "From";
            lTo.parent.text = "To";
            if( !this.selection ) return;
            var key = '&'+this.selection.text,
                t = o[key],
                from = t.from,
                i = from.length,
            lFrom.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"] is reachable from " + t.ppCount + (1<t.ppCount ? " properties" : " property");
            if( t.ppCount && !i )
                with( lFrom.add('item', '--------') )
                    image = pngNop;
                    subItems[0].text = '';
                    subItems[1].text = '<UNKNOWN REFERRER>';
                    subItems[2].text = '';
            while( i-- )
                k = from[i][0];
                t = o[k];
                with( lFrom.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
                    image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
                    subItems[0].text = t.type;
                    subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
                    subItems[2].text = from[i][1];
            for( k in o )
                if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
                t = o[k];
                from = o[k].from;
                i = from.length;
                while( i-- )
                    if( from[i][0]!=key ) continue;
                    with( lTo.add('item', from[i][1]) )
                        image = pngNop;
                        subItems[0].text = k.substr(1);
                        subItems[1].text = t.type;
                        subItems[2].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
            lTo.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"]'s properties had access to " + lTo.items.length + " addr.";
            from = t = null;
        for( i=0, n=a.length ; i < n ; ++i )
            t = o[k=a[i]];
            with( lRefs.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
                image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
                subItems[0].text = t.type;
                subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
                subItems[2].text = t.ppCount + '/' + t.rfCount; ();
    // TEST
    var t;
    var f = function MyFunc()
        (function MyInnerFunc(){})();

  • How do I keep track of how many times a method is called inside anthr clas?

    I am writing code for a program that solves a Knight's Tour. A Knight's Tour is a path a Knight Chess piece can take around the board starting at any spot, touching every square once, and only once. I have to write 2 classes and one is provided. The provided class is encrypted and written by our professor. All I know that it does is simulates the game using the two classes I write and provides a print out and prompts to ask the user which square they want to move to next.
    The square class I have to write consists of a constructor that makes a square object that keeps track of its color (white/black) and its status (whether it has been visited, is occupied by the knight, or is free and has not be visited).
    The GameBoard class I have to write is what I am having problems with. I am writing a method that determines how many squares have been visited. The previous mentioned class that my professor wrote for me contains a method moveKnight();. The way the program works is that every time moveKnight() is called a square's status is changed to occupied and therefore visited later. moveKnight() will only work if the move requested by the user is a valid move.
    SO! My main problem (sorry for all the explaining, just trying to give you all the information) is that I don't know how to keep track of how many times moveKnight() is called by the program. If i can figure this out it should be simple. I'm new to java but i believe...
    if(moveKnight() is called)
    {count++;} //count is a member variable already initialized
    return count;
    the moveKnight() is called section within the if() statement is what I am unclear how to do. Please help.
    Thanks, Veritas

    in your case you want 'count' to be a class attribute rather than a local variable. But yes, incrementing it each time that the method is called will serve your purpose.

  • Table name which keep track records Items which is Personalized.

    Is their any table which keep track records of personalized items of self-service page.
    Thanks in advance

    You can navigate to Functional administrator and get all the personalizations in an xml format. Hope that helps.

  • How to keep track of the sequence of the BSP Pages being invoked.

    How to keep track of the sequence of the BSP Pages being invoked.
    I have a BSP Page A.htm. There are two other pages B.HTM and C.HTM in the same BSP Application.
    The page B.HTM has a link A.HTM. The page C.HTM also has a link A.HTM. On clicking  these links the Page A.HTM would be invoked. Is there any way to keep track which BSP Page  (i.e B.HTM or C.HTM) invoked the page A.HTM.
    Any input on this Regard would be of great help.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Pavithra,
    Declare in page attributes:
    appl_url type string
    In the onClick event of the link that calls the A.htm page , use:
    call method runtime->get_url
    URL = appl_url.
    Now appl_url contains the url (also name) of the page that invoked A.htm .
    Hope it helps.

  • Need help with spreadsheet to keep track of personal spending.

    I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I can enter what I spend at the end of each day, so I can keep track of where my money goes. I probably would have a separate spreadsheet for each month. I have a series of categories (groceries, booze, gas, movies, restaurants, etc.) I would like to be able to add a little description to each number to be even more specific than just what the category is (restaruant name, utlity name, etc). That way I can keep my categories a little less specific and have less of them. I notice that when I just add text after the number in a cell, that cell's numeric value is no longer calculated in the "TOTALS" for each column.
    Is there a way to attach a text description to each numeric entry and still have the numeric value be calculated in formulas? If not, is there a way to attach a text description to each cell that is not in the cell itself? Like you click on a cell and a separate description window pops up or something? Or I am open to other suggestions if someone has made a similar spreadsheet for the purpose of tracking person spending.
    Thanks for any advice,

    Hi Keith,
    You could make a table with a simpler appearance by modeling it on the checking register. Other than editing the pop-up menus to contain your categories, you'd need only two or three simple changes.
    The Transactions table in this template has six columns, A through F. All formulas in this table are in column F, and calculate the running balance shown for each row.
    But you want only a total for each category, not a running balance. You don't need this column, or its formulas.
    Click on any cell to show the column reference tabs.
    Click on the tab for column F to select that column.
    Go to the Table menu and choose Delete Column.
    Column A of this table contains information regarding the means of payment for each transaction. If you want to record this, keep the column, if not, delete it, as was done with Column F. To delete this column, you'll first have to undo the merge of cells A1 and B1, using the Table Inspector, or delete Row 1 in the same manner as column F was deleted. (Note that cell row references below assume Row 1 has NOT been deleted.)
    Column C contains a set of pop-up menus containing the categories used for transactions. Except for "Deposit" (which you're not intending to include) and "Credit Card" (which is more a payment method than an expense category), these may be the general categories you are looking for. If not, you'll need to edit them, using the Cell Inspector. Click on cell C3, open the Inspector, and choose the Cell button ( 42 ) to open the editor.
    I would edit Deposit, replacing it with a single space (as close to 'blank' as you can get using the Inspector) to use as the default setting for rows with no entries as yet. To do the edit, double click on "Deposit" in the list in the Inspector to select the whole word. Press the space bar once to replace the word with a single space.
    Edit the other categories to fit your needs, using the same method.
    To add a new category to the end of the list, click the + button. To completely remove a category, click on that category, then click the - button.
    When you have the category menu list set to include all your categories, set the menu in C3 to the 'blank' item, then put the mouse pointer on the Fill handle (the small circle at the bottom right corner of the Selection rectangle marking the selected cell (C3). When the pointer changes to a black + sign, press the mouse button and drag down to the bottom of column C. (as you do this, you will notice the amounts in the Account Categories table change and the pie chart adjust to those changes.Here's the template after deleting columns F and A of the Transactions table, deleting the "Beginning Balance label from what's now D1, and editing the pop-up menu cells to replace Deposit with a space, Credit Card with XXX, and add a new category, Travel.
    Note that I have moved the category column to the left of the description column. Not a necessary move, but one that makes sense to me. To make the move:
    Select any cell to show the column and row reference tabs.
    Click the reference tab for column C (Categories) to select the column.
    Click again and drag the column down and left. When a thick blue line appears between columns A and B, release the mouse button to drop the column into its new location. Numbers will adjust the formulas in Account categories to match the new position of the Category column.
    I've also replaced Credit Card in the Account Categories table with XXX, but have not yet added the new Travel category.
    To add that category to both the table and the pie chart, select the Food, Gas, or XXX cell, then press option-down arrow to add a new row below that cell. Type travel in the new column A cell, making sure that you spell it exactly as is spelled in the pop-up menus. When you confirm that entry, the total for travel will be immediately calculated in the column B cell, and its wedge will appear on the pie chart, and in the legend for that chart:
    At this point you might want to change the names of the two tables and the chart. This is done by double clicking the name of each item in the Sheets list, and typing in the new name. The names will automatically update above the tables and chart in the document.
    Once your table and chart are working, you're ready to delete the dummy data from the Date, Description and Amount columns, and to set the Category pop-ups to the 'blank' entry. When you've done that, Save your file as a Template.
    Open a new document from the template each month to record that month's expenses. If you need more rows for transactions, click on any cell to show the row control handle at the bottom left of the table. Drag the handle downward to add new rows to the table. The pop-up cells in the Category column will automatically fill into the new rows, and the formulas in the Account categories table will adjust to include the new rows.

  • Adding a counter that keeps track of the total number of times a loop has run, even if LabVIEW has been restarted.

    Hi all,
    I am writing a VI for measuring data and inserting it into a database. The measurements are controlled by a loop that runs once every minute. I want to give each measurement a unique id number and store this too in the database.
    To do this, I want to add a counter to this loop so that I can count the number of times the loop has executed in total. This is, even if the VI, LabVIEW or even th PC is restarted, I want the counter to keep track of the number of executions. If say, the loope executes two times and then the VI is stopped and restarted, I want the following number on the counter to be three.
    Does anyone have an idea about how to do this? I am gratefule for any help!
    Message Edited by Clara G on 05-11-2010 08:21 AM
    Go to Solution.

    Not allowed to give away code but I can describe one of my "Totalizers" used to keep track of how much stuff has passed through a fliter so we know when to change it.
    THe Total izer is implemented as an Action Engine.
    It has three actions (methods)
    1) Init - Opens an ini file and reads the last values read and cahces these in shift registers. It also inits a timer so we now how long since the last file I/O.
    2) Update - Uses the data passed by the caller to update the totals. It also checks how long since the last save and if more than one minute it writes to the ini file (forced write).
    3) Read - returns the totals for display and evealuating if a an alarm should be triggered to change the filter.
    THe pre-LV 8.6 version of the ini file exposed methods to allow writing to the file. The new ini functions do not expose that functionality and require closing the file.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Is there ANY way to keep track of changes or versions in a dynamic form, viewed in Reader

    I need to provide a measure of content control.
    I looked at for help.  There is a rather convoluted method and I don't know if I can get my company to go along with it.
    I have a dynamic form and it has to be dynamic, so I cannot change it to static to give it Comment/Markup ability - out of the question.
    Does anyone know of ANY way to keep track of changes or comments or anything? And if you know, please be as specific as possible.

    No replies, so I assume that there isn't any way to do this at present. Do people agree that this would be a really useful feature?

  • How can I keep track of ans of quest ???? [Struts]

    I am trying to develop Question-Answer pages using struts.
    The problem is when user selectes the right option(radio button) of different different quest. how can i keep track of these selected radio buttons ???
    I mean how can i trace the value of selected radio button corresponding to its quest. in my ActionForm and ActionClass.
    //loop for all questions
    <logic:notEmpty name="QUEST_LIST">
         <logic:iterate id="list" name="QUEST_LIST"  indexId="sno">     
              <td><%=(sno.intValue()+1) %>
              <td> <bean:write name="list" property="QUESTION" />
         <tr>//loop for all options of corresponding question
    <logic:iterate id="OptionList" name="list" property="OPTION_LIST">
              <td><INPUT type="radio" name="<bean:write name="list" property="QUESTION_ID" />" value="<bean:write name="OptionList" />">
                   <bean:write name="OptionList" />
         <tr><td> </td>
    </logic:notEmpty>Now my problem is in statement.....
    INPUT type="radio" name="<bean:write name="list" property="QUESTION_ID" />" value="<bean:write name="OptionList" />">
    if I hardcode the valueof "name" attribute then only one radio button is selected from all the question, so i created it dynamically using quesID.
    now its working fine only one radio can be selected for each quest. BUT how I set the values of these selected radio button in my ActionForm and get it into ActionClass
    I hope u understand what i am trying to say.....
    Please help me......

    try "last" in the client's terminal. is this what you are looking for?

  • How to keep track of how many records to display in a page.

    Hi All:
    I am using Weblogic 9.2, Web Services Client, and Struts.
    I have a java client in struts that calls a web services.
    The "ID" field contains a Java integer.
    The "First_Name" is a Java String.
    The "Effective_Date" field is a Java date field.
    The web service returns an arrayList of a class called Result.
    Code for
    public class Result
    int id;
    String first_Name;
    Date effective_Date;
    public int getId
    return id;
    public void setId(int id);
    public String getFirst_Name()
    return first_Name;
    public void setFirst_Name(String first_Name)
    this.first_Name = first_Name;
    public Date getEffective_Date()
         return effective_Date;
    public void setEffective_Date(Date effective_Date)
    From the arrayList, I displayed the result as the following:
    3 John 9/10/2007
    2 Andrew 1/11/2006
    5 Peter 3/4/2006
    The "ID" header is a link.
    The "First Name" header is a link.
    The "EFFECTIVE_Date" is a link.
    If I clicked on the link "ID", the first time, it will sort the rows in ascending
    order like the following:
    2 Andrew 1/11/2006
    3 John 9/10/2007
    5 Peter 3/4/2006
    If I clicked on the link "ID", the second time, it will sort the rows in descending
    order like the following:
    5 Peter 3/4/2006
    3 John 9/10/2007
    2 Andrew 1/11/2006
    If I clicked on the "First_Name" field the first time, it will sort the rows in
    desceding order.
    If I clicked on the "First_Name" field the second time, it will sort the rows in
    ascending order.
    This applies the same for the "EFFECTIVE_DATE".
    If the arrayList returns 80 records of class
    I needed to displayed only the first 50 records for the first page and 30 records for the second page.
    How do I keep track of that so that when I am in the second page, I know to display only record 51 to 80?
    If I have a arrayList that returns 120 records of class
    In the first page, it displayed only 50 records.
    In the second page, it displayed only 50 records.
    In the third page, it displayed only 20 records.
    Assuming I am able to sort the rows by ID, FirstName and Effective_Date by using implementing the
    Java Comparator class. Is it still possible to keep track of how many records displayed in the first page and how many records should
    be dispalyed in the second page?
    Any hint would be greatly appreciate.

    Access the table through SM30. It comes blank as standard. Click "New Entries" and make entries for changes to be tracked. For example, whenever an org. unit changes 002 and 003 relationship, you will make entries like:
    01 O 1001 B002 Activate box checked
    01 O 1001 B003 Activate box checked
    Here, 01 is your active plan version, O is org. unit, 1001 is infotype and B002 and B003 are the subtypes. You can also use * for infotype and subtype which means every change will be logged.
    If you then run the report RHCDOC_DISPLAY through SA38, it will pick up all the changes pertaining to B002 and B003 relationship for org. units (in the above example).
    Similarly, you can set up this table for other object types.
    For more information, follow SPRO>Personnel Management>OM>Basic Settings>Activate change documents and go through the documentation for that node. Also, read up the documentation for the report.
    Hope this helps.

  • Best way to keep track of family members, etc

    I am a hobby photographer, and have been playing around with the trial version Aperture to replace iPhoto, and I have some questions.
    1. What is the best way to keep track of family members? For example, I like to basically keep track by setting keywords, adding a keyword for each family member & dog. Is this still the way to do it in aperture, or is there a different solution?
    2. If keywords are still the way, what is the fastest way to do this (in particular for multiple files at a time)? The various keyword buttons & shortcuts seem to only apply to one image at a time, whereas the batchchange option seems to only rely on freeform text-- which makes it likely that somewhere along the line I will get a typo.

    You can apply a keyword to multiple images by selecting a group of images and dropping a keyword from the keyword HUD onto one of the selected images.
    I created keywords in the keyword HUD for family members, events (Christmas, Birthday, Vacation etc.), and some other things. Keywords you have already typed into an image will be in the keyword HUD already. I created a hierarchy of keywords such as:
    Sorry for the dashes to show the indentations. I tried spaces but they didn't work for some reason.
    Message was edited by: Badunit

  • Keep track of the shopping cart for anonymous user

    I have the following problem on b2c site. Anonymous user can browse through the site and adds items to the shopping cart. At the checkout the login page is prompted, however login page is located on the different application server where the actual login happening. After that control is returned to my server where I need to create login object and associate the shopping cart with it. My problem is how to maintain shopping cart without losing it.
    I came with that solution : On checkout attach shopping cart to context object with unique key, then pass this unique key to the remote server, then remote server passes it back to me together with the login id, then I create new session and attach shopping cart to it after retrieving shopping cart from the context.
    I hope it will work, however I think there is a standard solution for this type of the problems. Any ideas, hints, suggestions are strongly appreciated.
    We use WebLogic 9.0 and Servlets.

    Do you have a problem keeping track of the shopping cart for a user who is logged in? No, I didn't think so. So give the anonymous user an internal name, just for your own convenience. Then keep track of the shopping cart for the user with that name. You already know how to do that.

  • Keeping track of stock footage usage

    Hello all,
    Does anyone know of a way where by I can keep track of stock clips used in multiple projects? Basically we have a stock library which contains some clips which are the property of a cameraman we regularly use. Each time we use some of his footage we have to keep track of the duration used so we can reconcile at the end of each series produced. Is there any way of "flagging" his clips so that we can easily do a search and come up with the clips and durations used throughout an entire series or even for each episode? There must be some kind of database software that does this mustn't there?

    Put the tape name, or his name, in the title of the clip. Then you can search for it in the Timeline by pressing APPLE-F and typing in that name. This will go to each clip in the timeline in turn, so then you can determine the duration.
    Or export an EDL and search that with Apple-F...

  • What does DIAdem do to keep track of multiple versions of itself?

    I am using an automation reference to open up DIAdem. I have 8.1 and 9.0 installed. If I run DIAdem 8.1 and close it, then the reference gives me 8.1. If then I run DIAdem 9.0, the reference gives me 9.0. So the computer must be keeping track of the program that was run most recently. How does it do this?

    I don't have two versions on this computer so I can't play with it to find the exact key, it's probably going to be under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\ somewhere, but it'll be under the Class ID rather than the name.
    Ryan K.

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