Keeping Track of Scripts

Newbie question for the group:
As I write and collect scripts I find myself spending more and more time searching for something I've already written. Is there a "best practice" for naming and script file location I should follow? Or is it whatever suits your needs.
Many thanks!

Hi Brian,
in my case, I almost exclusively build functions (after having educated our techs in the benefits of actually using the console to run functions: Output that can easily be manipulated and more flexible). So I have a big library of functions in the form of
a Powershell Studio project, with functions sorted by category ("FileSystem", "ActiveDirectory", ...).
Whether that method suits your needs, I do not know, that you must figure out yourself unfortunately, since - as Mike already said - it's primarily a matter of personal preference. The only "best practice" I know of is to
have a system how you can find the right scripts again :)
Ps.: Just in case you didn't know: "Powershell Studio" is a PS Script development environment by Sapien Technologies. Pretty much the best such tool out there. It allows creating a Powershell Project, that can contain any number of files (amongst
maaaaaaany other things it does).
There's no place like

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  • How to keep track of all the classes/methods/properties created in a long script

    I'm curious to know what method people use to keep track of all the classes, methods, and properties you've created when writing a longer script.
    For quick scripts, this isn't a problem. But for long scripts it can get quite difficult to keep track of all the objects one has created, and all their methods and properties, and overloaded constructors, etc.
    ESTK is great, and it's the IDE I use for InDesign scripting, if only because of it's powerful debugging options.
    But it doesn't provide any way of keeping track of this stuff. No proper Intellisense as in Visual Studio.
    I'd be interested to hear how people solve this issue.

    Hi Ariel,
    Not sure it is relevant to your question but I have an old snippet that collects and displays ExtendScript references using $.list(). This may help to track some object relationships.
    // WARNING: this is just a WIP -- Not tested in all platforms and versions
    $.scanRefs = function scanRefs(/*0|1*/showAll)
        var s = $.list(),
            p = (!showAll) && s.indexOf('[toplevel]'),
            a = ((!showAll) ? s.substr(0,10+p) : s).split(/[\r\n]+/),
            n = a.length,
            // --- Address:1     L:2  Rf:3   Pp:4  Type:5  Name:6
            re = /^([0-9a-z]{8}) (.) +(\d+) +(\d+) (.{10}) (.{1,17})/,
            reTrim = / +$/,
            i, t, k, m,
            refBy, type, name, tag, rest, rfCount, props, j,
            o = {},
            TYPES = {'Function':"FCT", 'Object':"OBJ", 'Array':"ARR", 'RegExp':"REG"};
        for( i=2, refBy=0 ; i < n ; ++i )
            while( s && m=s.match(re) )
                k = '&'+m[1].toUpperCase();
                rfCount = parseInt(m[4],10);
                rest = s.substr(m[0].length);
                type = m[5].replace(reTrim,'');
                name = m[6].replace(reTrim,'');
                if( 0x5B==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
                    p = rest.indexOf(']');
                    tag = rest.substr(0,1+p);
                    rest = rest.substr(1+p);
                    tag = '';
                if( 0x20==rest.charCodeAt(0) )
                if( p=!(rest.indexOf("referenced by:")) )
                    rest = rest.substr(14);
                o[k] || (o[k] = {
                    locked:        +('L'==m[2]),
                    rfCount:    parseInt(m[3],10),
                    ppCount:    rfCount,
                    type:        TYPES[type]||type,
                    name:        name,
                    tag:        tag,
                    from:        [],
                    order:        -1,
                if( 0 < refBy )
                    if( p || !rest ){ throw "Unable to parse references." }
                    props = rest.split(' ');
                    refBy -= (j=props.length);
                    while( j-- ) t.from.push([k,props[j]]);
                    rest = '';
                    refBy = rfCount;
                    if( p != !!refBy )
                        if( p ){ throw "Unable to parse references."; }
                        refBy = 0;
                    (t = o[k]).order = n - i;
                s = rest;
        for( k in o )
            if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
            a[i++] = k;
        a.sort( function(x,y){return o[x].order-o[y].order;} );
        //a.sort( function(x,y){return parseInt(x.substr(1),16)-parseInt(y.substr(1),16);} );
        var u,
            pngLock = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x06\x00\x00\x00\x1FH-\xD1\x00\x00\x00\tpHYs\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x00\x00\x0B\x13\x01\x00\x9A\x9C\x18\x00\x00\x01VIDAT(\xCF\xA5\x91\xB1j\xC2P\x14\x86\x93\xD6\x94\x98\xA4\xB5\xA5\x85\x0E-R\xAF\xA5\xB8\xF4\x1D\xAA\xEF\x10_B\x9C\xDD\x0B]\xA4o`C\xE9$B\x1C\xCD\x10\x10C6\x05q\td\xA9%\x83d2\x83O\xF0\xF7\xDCp#i\xB5\x1D\xDA\xC0\xC7\xB97\xE7|\xF7\xDC\xCB\x91\x00H\x7FA\xFA\xB7\x98\xFF\xAA\xD5\xEA\x0B\x855\xC1\x13k\xDA\xBF\xEA\x9A\xA6\x9C\x18\xC6\xC1\xB6\xE8\xBBHE\x16\x85w\xC6\xD8\xE3\x91\xA2\xDCQ|\xA2\xFD\x07\xC57\xADXT\x8B\xAAz\xB8#\x8A\x13\xD7\xBC\xD8\xD0\xB4kC\xD7\x19q\xCB*\x95g\xFA\x9FP\xD7\x0B\x8A\n!oE.\xB5Z-\xEC\xA3\xD9l\xA2\xFEP\x07\x1D\xC8;\x18D!/\x16x\x91\xEF\xFBX.\x97\xD8l6H\x92$]O\xA7S\x8CF#\x887\x9F\x13j^T\xB9\xD8\xE9t0\x99L\x10\xC71V\xAB\x15\x82 \xC0\xD0\x1E\xA2\xDDng\xE2\x15q\x9C\x175.:\x8E\x83\xC5b\x81(\x8A \xCB2\xE6\xF39\\\u00D7E\xBF\xDF\xCF\xC4\x1B\xE24/\x1A\\\u00ECv\xBB\xF0<\x0Fa\x18\xA2\xD1h`<\x1E\xC3\xB2,\x98\xA6\x99\x89\x8C8\xDB\x11\x07\x83AzU\xDEu6\x9B\xA5\xA2m\xDB\xE8\xF5z?\x8B4\xC3,\xF9\x1B_E1\x9F\x12Q&j\xC4\xFD\x1Ej\"_\xCA\x8B\x051\xA3K\x91d{(\x8B\xBC\xFE\t\xC1TI!\xE3L\x03\x7F\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
            pngNop = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x0E\b\x03\x00\x00\x00(\x96\xDD\xE3\x00\x00\x00\x03PLTE\x00\x00\x00\xA7z=\xDA\x00\x00\x00\x01tRNS\x00@\xE6\xD8f\x00\x00\x00\x15IDATx\xDA\xDD\xC1\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x80\x90\xFE\xAF\xF6#\xDA\x01\x00\xD2\x00\x01\xCC \x10\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAEB`\x82",
            w = new Window('dialog', " ExtendScript Memory"),
            p1 = w.add('panel', u, "References"),
            lRefs = p1.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Refs"],
                columnWidths: [90,60,120,36],
            g = w.add('group'),
            pFrom = g.add('panel', u, "From"),
            lFrom = pFrom.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Address", "Type", "Name", "Property"],
                columnWidths: [90,60,120, 120],
            pTo = g.add('panel', u, "To"),
            lTo = pTo.add('listbox', u, "",
                numberOfColumns: 4,
                showHeaders: true,
                columnTitles: ["Property", "Address", "Type", "Name"],
                columnWidths: [120,90,60, 120],
        g.orientation = 'column';
        w.orientation = 'row';
        w.alignChildren = ['left','top'];
        lRefs.maximumSize = lRefs.minimumSize = [330,450];
        lFrom.maximumSize = lFrom.minimumSize = [420,120];
        lTo.maximumSize = lTo.minimumSize = [420,220];
        lRefs.onChange = function()
            lFrom.parent.text = "From";
            lTo.parent.text = "To";
            if( !this.selection ) return;
            var key = '&'+this.selection.text,
                t = o[key],
                from = t.from,
                i = from.length,
            lFrom.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"] is reachable from " + t.ppCount + (1<t.ppCount ? " properties" : " property");
            if( t.ppCount && !i )
                with( lFrom.add('item', '--------') )
                    image = pngNop;
                    subItems[0].text = '';
                    subItems[1].text = '<UNKNOWN REFERRER>';
                    subItems[2].text = '';
            while( i-- )
                k = from[i][0];
                t = o[k];
                with( lFrom.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
                    image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
                    subItems[0].text = t.type;
                    subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
                    subItems[2].text = from[i][1];
            for( k in o )
                if( !o.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue;
                t = o[k];
                from = o[k].from;
                i = from.length;
                while( i-- )
                    if( from[i][0]!=key ) continue;
                    with( lTo.add('item', from[i][1]) )
                        image = pngNop;
                        subItems[0].text = k.substr(1);
                        subItems[1].text = t.type;
                        subItems[2].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
            lTo.parent.text = "["+key.substr(1)+"]'s properties had access to " + lTo.items.length + " addr.";
            from = t = null;
        for( i=0, n=a.length ; i < n ; ++i )
            t = o[k=a[i]];
            with( lRefs.add('item', k.substr(1)) )
                image = t.locked ? pngLock : pngNop;
                subItems[0].text = t.type;
                subItems[1].text = + ' ' + t.tag;
                subItems[2].text = t.ppCount + '/' + t.rfCount; ();
    // TEST
    var t;
    var f = function MyFunc()
        (function MyInnerFunc(){})();

  • Keeping track of broadcaster

    I am developing a webcasting app (realtime broadcast) using
    flash and I would like to keep track of the online
    status(yes/no) of the broadcaster. I tried the following:
    When broadcaster starts broadcasting:
    On "Connect.Success", do a
    loadvars("setOnline.aspx?broadcasterid=111&online=yes") -
    setOnline.aspx would go update the database accordingly
    When broadcaster signs off:
    In the SERVER-SIDE SCRIPT, on application.onDisconnect, I
    tried to do similar loadvars procedure with online set to "no", but
    loadvars is no good in SSAS. I did try to do this in client side,
    but it dies too quickly before the loadvar code is executed.
    I wonder if there is other way to accomplish the above
    tasks.(update a database column when broadcaster go online/offline
    through simply calling a aspx page with url parameters).
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Simply Dave,
    If you or your Nephew use Safari and the "Private Browsing" option available on Safari, it's almost impossible to track any downloads, any history, or any cache - it's designed that way...
    iMac G5 iSight 20" - 30G iPOD in Slimming Black -   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   - HP Pav 15" WS and Toshiba Sat 17" WS LP's - Canon 20D & A620

  • How to keep track of which checkboxes are checked

    I have 21 checkboxes on a scene and want a user to have to
    pick at least four of them, i will then use the ticked checkboxes
    to bring data back from a database. My question is how do i keep
    track of which checkboxes are clicked so i can put them in to a sql
    statement like this?
    select * from table where title in (checkbox1, checkbox2,
    And how do i make sure the user has picked four boxes before
    being allowed to leave the current frame?
    EDIT: sorry this is probably in the wrong forum it should go
    under basics, but instead of posting the thread there can someone
    please reply to it here, thank you.

    i am using flash component checkboxes, i tried to come up
    with my own way to do this i am doing different:
    on CheckBoxState -- name of custom handler
    TickedBoxes = [] -- a empty list will be filled where ever a
    checkbox is ticked
    CheckBoxNames = ["dr no", "from russia","goldfinger",
    "thunderball", "you only live" ]
    -- the above is a list containing the names of all my
    repeat with i = 1 to 5 - repeat for each checkbox
    CurrentCheckbox = CheckBoxNames
    -- used to keep track of which box is checked this sets
    currentcheckbox to value of i, i is a checkbox from checkboxname
    if the hilite of member(CurrentCheckbox) then -- if
    currentcheckbox hilite is true (checked)...
    append(TickedBoxes, CurrentCheckbox) -- ... add
    currentcheckbox to the tickedboxes list
    end if
    end repeat -- end repeat
    return TickedBoxes -- return the list of checked boxes
    on mouseUp me -- on mouse click
    choosenBoxes = me.CheckBoxState() -- chosenboxes is a
    variable calls the handler on it
    -- will put sql here
    this is the only script i have which is attahced to my
    submit button, but for some reason when i try to trace the results
    in the message window it always return void can anybody tell me
    what i am doing wrong?

  • Do you need to use an email as an apple ID?    We have a family email which is currently the apple ID so I can keep track of purchases but i have 2 iPhones and 2 itouches. Can all 4 devices have different apple ID under the same email address. Also for th

    Do you need to use an email as an apple ID?    We have a family email which is currently the apple ID so I can keep track of purchases but i have 2 iPhones and 2 itouches. Can all 4 devices have different apple ID under the same email address. Also I wanted to know because for the game center we wanted to keep track of each individual not just o e account.  DID I MAKE SENSE

    Figured it out. Thanks.

  • I have an ipad and iphone with a pc laptop at home. I have a program called "Passkeepers on the laptop that keeps track of all my passwords. Can I tranasfer this file to  my ipad or iphone. If yes, how if now what program for ipad or iphone do I need?

    I have an ipad2 and an iphone 3. I also have a PC laptop. The lap top has a program to keep track of my passwords, "Passkeeper" Can I sync with my ipad or iphone? If yes how? If no what app will work on the ipad or phone to keep track of passwords?

    Oh nice, there's a PassKeeper application for the iPhone and iPad.  Simply install it and it should talk you through steps, otherwise their website is probably a great place to check.
    I really like the application 1Password, and it works across all the products, Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone.

  • Looking for an application to keep track of things

    Again, forgive me, for I am new to the BB world.
    I have a Palm Zire that I use to keep track of, among other things, all the books I've read - nothing worse that buying a book for the second or third time!  I use the Palm desktop contacts list, filter by "Books", the by author keep track of the titles in the note field.
    Can anyone recommend a BB application to keep track of this for me.  One of the reasons I got this phone was so I wouldn't to carry my PDA and phone with me when shopping.
    Thanks a million

    Hi there!
    For me, I use contact items...I have a whole batch of them that start with "Note" and contain tons of things. One is my weekly shopping list. Another is a list of gift ideas for folks. And many many other things. I like using Contacts as I can not only search them, but they replicate to my desktop PIM (for me, via BES/Exchange) and I can even edit them in my PIM and they wind up on my BB. Handy, IMHO!
    Hope that helps!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • How do I keep track of how many times a method is called inside anthr clas?

    I am writing code for a program that solves a Knight's Tour. A Knight's Tour is a path a Knight Chess piece can take around the board starting at any spot, touching every square once, and only once. I have to write 2 classes and one is provided. The provided class is encrypted and written by our professor. All I know that it does is simulates the game using the two classes I write and provides a print out and prompts to ask the user which square they want to move to next.
    The square class I have to write consists of a constructor that makes a square object that keeps track of its color (white/black) and its status (whether it has been visited, is occupied by the knight, or is free and has not be visited).
    The GameBoard class I have to write is what I am having problems with. I am writing a method that determines how many squares have been visited. The previous mentioned class that my professor wrote for me contains a method moveKnight();. The way the program works is that every time moveKnight() is called a square's status is changed to occupied and therefore visited later. moveKnight() will only work if the move requested by the user is a valid move.
    SO! My main problem (sorry for all the explaining, just trying to give you all the information) is that I don't know how to keep track of how many times moveKnight() is called by the program. If i can figure this out it should be simple. I'm new to java but i believe...
    if(moveKnight() is called)
    {count++;} //count is a member variable already initialized
    return count;
    the moveKnight() is called section within the if() statement is what I am unclear how to do. Please help.
    Thanks, Veritas

    in your case you want 'count' to be a class attribute rather than a local variable. But yes, incrementing it each time that the method is called will serve your purpose.

  • How to keep track of how many times a link has been clicked?

    How to keep track of how many times a link has been clicked or accessed? Do I need to use database for this?

    Proably something like this can work,
    1> Have a servlet/bean invoked when the link is linked
    2> have a static variable in that servlet/bean wich gets incremented before the control is passed to another desired page..
    The problem with this approach is that care has to be taken that the servlet/bean is not re-instalised, in case of which the static variable will also be instalised and the data would be lost.
    The best thing is to store the count in the database.

  • My iTunes doesn't keep track of my listening history anymore. It doesn't update play counts and default "Recently Played" playlist.

    My iTunes doesn't keep track of my listening history anymore. It doesn't update play counts and default "Recently Played" playlist. But it still tracking plays from my iPhone and syncing them.
    I've tried to repair it with setup file. Nothing's changed.
    Can you help me with that?
    NOTE: Now I tried disabling the crossfade feature and it worked, started to count again. But I like crossfade, I don't want to keep it off.

    I think I got this figured out. The playcount does update, but not how the previous iPod models update their playcount. Instead of immediately updating the playcount right after you finish the song like the older iPod models, iPod Touch keeps the updates in memory. The next time you connect to iTunes it'll sync those playcounts in memory to the actual songs itself, effectively updating the playcount of the songs only after connecting to iTunes. I have set my syncing manually. That's why after connecting to iTunes, my playcounts are updated. BUT it doesn't solve the mystery of my Smart Playlist. Even though in iTunes, the correct songs are listed, in the iPod Touch, it shows the old playlist.
    Don't you just hate that? It was working fine before on non-iPod touch models. Now we have to live with this new bug. I just hope when they release software 2.0 it fixes these bugs and that they *give it for free!* People shouldn't be charged on something they should have gotten as a support!

  • Why do my songs and audio books keep getting erased when I add a new book?  Now some books will not play and the iPod does not keep track of where I was when I pause a book, leave for music and then go back!

    About a month ago I added some new audio books to my iPod Classic and then after disconnecting, I discovered EVERYTHING had been erased. 
    I had to restore through my iTunes but then I could not load my music back on.
    I uninstalled / reinstalled iTunes and completely reformated the iPod drive.
    I successfully got my music and books back on but then added a new book two days ago only to discover everything got erased AGAIN!!!
    Of course, my 1 Year Warranty was up about a week before the first incident.....
    I formatted the iPod again, uninstalled / reinstalled iTunes (it was freezing during sync) and downloaded all my music and books again.
    Now I have several books that will not play (they play on iTunes and they played on the iPod before all these events) and the iPod does not keep track of where I was in a book when I have to stop and go to something else.
    Does anyone know what is going on with this thing???  I have a 5th Gen Video and in all the years I've had it, I've NEVER had problems like this! 
    Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to get my iPod Classic up and running properly again?

    When iTunes/iPod sync process failed due to timeout, the iPod, has only the initilaised  filesytem structure at the start of the Sync.
    The timeout failure could be due to
    Bad hardisk - do the iPod disk diagnostic, refer to this excellent post by tt2
    Slow USB port or resource - Dont use any USB hub, disconnect all other USB devices while syncing
    Timeout due to Antivirus or other plugins - disconnect from Internet and stop the Antivirus or monitoribng software if you are syncing.
    Preferably stop doing other things while syncing this ancient device, which the latest iTunes designer, think will soon be extinct.
    Have a nice day!

  • Any table keep track of Sales order and relevant IDOC

    hi all,
    Do we have any table to keep track Sales order and its relevant IDOC in the system?
    A list of sales order# given by user, from the list, we would like to find a faster way to get the corresponding IDOC.

    Hi Reetha,
    EDIDS table would have the IDOC Number & sales order number. Parameter 2 is the field in EDIDS which would have the sales order number.
    I understand that this table would have many records but i dont think any other table would have the above combination. If you get any other table, then pls. do update @ it on this thread.
    Best regards,

  • Why does DW CC 2014.1 Fluid Grid load HTML file that contains Google Analytics Tracking Code script so slowly?

    I exclusively work in Fluid Grid since my site is a Responsive Web Design.  I'm having trouble with slow load time in DW CC 2014.1, when my file, as they all do of course, has the Google Analytics Tracking Code script.
    I'm on a Windows 8.1 using a Dell Precision M3800 Laptop with Memory 16GB (2x8GB) 1600MHz DDR3 . Each of our site's 180 or so web pages, of course, has its Google Analytics Tracking Code script. It is placed, following Google instructions, as the last entry in the <head>.  Google Analytics does not instruct to place the script in the JS Folder with an scr to it, but rather in the <head>.  It takes up to one and a half or two minutes for DW CC 2014.1 to load the Google Analytics Tracking Code script .  That is, the grid does not show in Live View until finally analytics.js shows up in the Document Toolbar. A minute or two can add up when every page you load takes this long.  And, making new Fluid Grid pages, as is done, through the Save As command; every new page made you have to deal with the minute or two wait time since all those pages have the Google Analytics Tracking Code script.  Therefore, this time component alone, assuming I'm accessing and/or making 20 pages per week (and in our business this is easily the case) the math is that I'm wasting between 17 and 35 hours per year just with DW CC 2014.1 loading the much needed Google Analytics Tracking Code script.
    I have loaded HTML files that do not have the Google Analytics Tracking Code script as a test and those files load at the normal quick speed.
    Therefore, the new Chromium Embedded Framework browser engine has a serious load problem when it confronts an HTML5 file with a Google Analytics Tracking Code script.  Oddly, the prior DW CC 2014 version, with the old browser engine did not have this slow-load problem since I was loading these same files in that DW CC version up until October 8th or so.
    I think this new browser engine is a Google platform that apparently has a problem rendering or loading a Google Analytics Tracking Code script.  That makes no sense.
    Anyone else had this particular slow-load problem with DW CC 2014.1?

    Wow.  That sure solved the slow-load problem, at least using your suggested snippet in a simple test HTML file.
    Per Google's instructions, I pasted the snippet before the closing </head> tag.  And, even in that positioning in the file; the file loaded at the speed (about one second) that it did prior to DW 2014.1.
    Two questions.
    Will this snippet provide the same tracking data as my current GA snippet?
    Because my current GA snippet is in about 200 web pages, can I retain the old snippet in most of them and place the new snippet in my approximately 5 main web pages as well as my templates so my new pages, as well as my main pages, have the new snippet.  That is, can I have both snippets (i.e. old snippet in earlier pages and new snippet in main pages and new pages to be made going forward) in my website at the same time?
    Of course I would not have both the old and new snippet in a web page at the same time.
    I greatly appreciate any assistance anyone can provide me on this issue and thank all of you in advance.
    I've provided code for both simple test files below.
    Code for Asynchronous Syntax of GA script:
    <!doctype html>
    <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="ie6 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="ie7 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="ie8 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
    <html class="">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
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  • I have been using Find my iPhone for over a year to keep track of my 12 year old daughter occasionally.  All of a sudden when I click on the app icon it asks me to log in.  This has not been the case.  It has always remained logged in in the past.  W

    I have been using find my iPhone on my iPhone 4s for the past year.  I will look at it occasionally to keep track of my 12 year old.  All of a sudden I have to log in every time I click on the app.  I have always remained logged in in the past.. I upgraded to IOS 8 today thinking that might fix it.  It has not.

    adkennon wrote:
    And maybe you don't talk to too many people but I've been on many forums on different websites where people have had similar problems and a lot of people in the store were having battery problems where they were draining too fast. What I learned is that all the people who did not download the updates are good. There phone is working the same. The people who have, they're having battery problems
    I have downloaded every update and my battery life is better than any previous iPhone I have ever owned. I see posts from hundreds of people every day, and this is not a commonly reported problem. While there are a few random reports of battery problems, it is no more than I have seen for any other model or any other version of iOS in almost 8 years. Usually problems of rapid battery drain can be traced to bad apps (FaceBook is the worst offender) or corrupt data being synced from iCloud or other sources (gmail, Windows Live, Yahoo, etc).
    The simple test is to restore the phone as New. Do not create any email accounts. Do not install any apps. Do not enable FaceTime or iMessage. Do not enable Twitter or any other social networking app. Use it for a day and check the battery usage. You will find that it is working well.
    And also see this: rain. It is the best treatise I have seen on the subject of battery usage.

  • Adding a counter that keeps track of the total number of times a loop has run, even if LabVIEW has been restarted.

    Hi all,
    I am writing a VI for measuring data and inserting it into a database. The measurements are controlled by a loop that runs once every minute. I want to give each measurement a unique id number and store this too in the database.
    To do this, I want to add a counter to this loop so that I can count the number of times the loop has executed in total. This is, even if the VI, LabVIEW or even th PC is restarted, I want the counter to keep track of the number of executions. If say, the loope executes two times and then the VI is stopped and restarted, I want the following number on the counter to be three.
    Does anyone have an idea about how to do this? I am gratefule for any help!
    Message Edited by Clara G on 05-11-2010 08:21 AM
    Go to Solution.

    Not allowed to give away code but I can describe one of my "Totalizers" used to keep track of how much stuff has passed through a fliter so we know when to change it.
    THe Total izer is implemented as an Action Engine.
    It has three actions (methods)
    1) Init - Opens an ini file and reads the last values read and cahces these in shift registers. It also inits a timer so we now how long since the last file I/O.
    2) Update - Uses the data passed by the caller to update the totals. It also checks how long since the last save and if more than one minute it writes to the ini file (forced write).
    3) Read - returns the totals for display and evealuating if a an alarm should be triggered to change the filter.
    THe pre-LV 8.6 version of the ini file exposed methods to allow writing to the file. The new ini functions do not expose that functionality and require closing the file.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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