Kernel26 PKGBUILD: A simple patch for customization

Hi all!
I have saw many PKGBUILDs for custom kernels. There is some on the wiki, some on the forum, others on AUR, etc. Diversity is great, as the possible choices, but it gets a bit confusing because each of these PKGBUILDs are different. It's a bit like to many forks of a project...
I sometimes want a customized kernel, but since I'm not a kernel dev/maintainer, I still want to keep the -ARCH kernel. If I break something in my own customization, I still want to be able to boot. I think others will want the same thing.
What I propose is a modification the stock PKGBUILD so a change in the pkgname variable will result in a custom kernels, installable side-by-side with Arhc's stock one.
The advantages of this approach:
1) Nothing changes for devs
2) Simplification of custom kernel building
3) Easier testing of patches
4) Easier testing of new kernels
There is not much modification for the PKGBUILD. It mainly adds the possibility to give a special name to the package like this : pkgname=kernel26-mypatchset. Then, through the LOCAVERSION in the config file, folders and files will have the "-mypatchset" suffix. For example :
To build Arch's stock kernel, just keep "pkgname=kernel26" and it will build as before.
This is something I am using right now. Would other people be interested? Could it be included included in the distribution?
I hope it will help others.
-Bump version to (from core)
-Added corrections from the bug report (
-Bump version to (from core)
-Cleaned the patch, some comments
-Corrected problem where initrd files were overwritten
-Updated to
kernel26- REMOVED. Please check bug report at for the latest patch. This should prevent bad copy/paste from the forum...
Last edited by big_gie (2009-02-05 04:22:58)

Seems like a good idea, I'm not that advanced so what I saw looks like a nice idea. I do have another solution that I use if you want a kernel installed side by side in your grub list that will allow your Stock -ARCH kernel to not be ruined and still allow updates.
What I do is I have my custom PKGBUILD that I made from modifying an ABS kernel26 PKGBUILD. I give the kernel a different pkgname such as kernel26zen3.
I also change the "_patchname=-ARCH" to the name of my patchset like zen2 or zen3 so it looks like this: "_patchset=-zen3". Then I add this line to the line above "make menuconfig": "_kernver="${_basekernel}${_patchset}" so it writes "2.6.27-zen3" for the kernver.
I also include the kernel26.preset and kernel26.install and rename them to use my new pkgname so they are called: kernel26zen3.preset and kernel26zen3.install..... I also modify both of those files to use the appropriate names and versions as well as anything in the PKGBUILD.
This builds me a separate "kernel26zen3" that has a separate "vmlinuz26zen3", "System.map26zen3", "kernel26zen3.img", and "kerenl26zen3fallback.img" in the /boot directory, and a separate "2.6.27-zen3" directory in /lib/modules, and also a separate "linux-2.6.27-zen3" in /usr/src. It also adds a "kernel26zen3.kver" and "kernel26zen3.preset" to the /etc/mkinitcpio.d directory.
Then I add my kernel26zen3 kernel to my grub list, if I run into any problems with it, I can still boot into my stock -ARCH kernel or my Vista partition.
This is me using my zen3 kernel while I still have my other stock -ARCH kernel installed..... I just updated the stock kernel while logged into my kernel26zen3 that I use as my default kernel.....
[seventy3@HPdv9920us ~]$ uname -r
[seventy3@HPdv9920us ~]$ pacman -Q kernel26zen3
kernel26zen3 2.6.27-1
[seventy3@HPdv9920us ~]$ pacman -Q kernel26
[seventy3@HPdv9920us ~]$
I also didn't mean to hijack your thread or anything.
Last edited by methuselah (2008-12-01 23:21:30)

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    Obviously some things could be more elegant, there's no method given here to pass options to either program, but implementing that would be trivial.
    Anyone interested?

    You should ask about this on the [pacman-dev] mailing list.  It is nice that you are sharing it here.  But if you really think this is a superior way of handling it, then submitting it upstream for review is probably the better thing to do.

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    Select, count(client_group_services.clnt_group_services_id) as nCompleted
    Where group_services_id=client_group_services_id(+)
    And client_group_services_id.result="Completed";
    It isn't working, what am I missing???? Sheena:
    It probably isn't working because of missing 'group by' clause. I don't know the exact detail of your query statement, but suppose you want to count number of employees in a dept, then you're query should look like:
    select dept.deptno, dept.dname, count(emp.empno) as nCount
       from dept, emp where dept.deptno = emp.deptno(+)
       group by dept.deptno, dept.dname  // This group-by is important
    OR if you want to use nested SELECT
    select dept.deptno, dept.dname,
       (select count(emp.empno) from emp where dept.deptno=emp.deptno(+)) as nCount
       from dept

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    schivmeister wrote:
    uastasi wrote:
    #dark5 patch
    # dark5 patch
    patch -Np1 -i ../patch-2.6.24-dark5.patch || return 1
    After running makepkg I get an error like this:
    Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file sound/usb/usx2y/usX2Yhwdep.c.rej
    patching file sound/usb/usx2y/usx2yhwdeppcm.c
    Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file sound/usb/usx2y/usx2yhwdeppcm.c.rej
    ==> ERRORE: Compilazione interrotta.
    L'operazione sta per essere interrotta...
    Simple - the patching failed. Apparently you have patches that are conflicting here, and one file in concern is $startdir/src/linux-2.6.24*/sound/usb/usx2y/usx2yhwdeppcm.c but I can't tell what other files are involved since you didn't paste the relevant lines before this.
    This is the PKGBUILD:
    These are the relevant lines before the error:
    B wrote:Just use the broken out ones, what you are doing now is applying the whole lot, I don't think that's what you're after.
    Now that I know what broken-out means I notice that I could only choose to apply something in particular and not the whole patch, but I'm totally a newbie in kernel patching...

  • Patch for modbin6-1.00.38.exe is out.. "2MBIOS.BIN can't open!" Solved.

    Hi mates,
    ive decide to make a patch for modbin6 1.00.38 to improve stability and minise risk of modding the BIOS. for users which is reading this post if never heard about MODBIN better avoid reading below. its nice program for basic BIOS mod, simple to use, but very danger in the same time couse mess with BIOS and inproperty using may couse disaster. im not gona advert or to invite persons to use it. just wana make this program to be used normally to bring stability and minise risk of making corrupted BIOSes.. for persons which is already using it and have experience with him or with person Enthu which is wana try it and they dont worry if mobo may caouse for trash. there is 2 reasons to making this patch.
       1. couse sometimes im using it there is features on it wchich gives basic stuffs, unlocking hidden features locked by manifacturer(sometimes really usefull especially for DIMM Vcore..). so there is a nasty bug on it which gona explain later. most of persons who is using MODBIN know about it. so that patch will spend me alot of time and minimise risk of mistake during avoiding bug couse operation need several procedure and automatised will risk free and much fastern.
       2. to bring ability for most stable operations to persons which is already using it when need.
    but lets talk about the patch. everyone know that nasty issue with MODBIN(made it by Borg N1,part from his collection). bug is program wont safe BIOS file  and quiting with Abnormal program termination.... gives this one message: !!!File
    2MBIOS.BIN can't open!Thanks for using ModBin6 1.00.38  how nice ...
    here is Borg N1 advices:
    Quote from: Borg Number One on 16-July-05, 05:24:51
    It is a kind of sad fact that many users just know how to use the mouse and keyboard. 
    Well, you have to configure your config.sys (Win9x/ME) or config.nt to run MODBIN6
    (e.g. MODBIN6 2.01.01 (06/25))
    in Windows prompt/console without problems.
    The " FILES " & " BUFFERS " values are the important values.
    +++ BNOBTC & BNOBLG +++
    Borg advices is good but unfortuanly doesnt fix that bug... seems author dont have much idea why this is happend...error is constant ... Pure DOS also can't help... i wana add few more tips to the Borg's ones to improve stability when using  modbin, after that will talking about patch.
    TIP: navigate to this folder and open config.nt file:  %SystemRoot%\system32\config.nt
    at the end of file add this ones:
    dos=high, umb
    device=%SystemRoot%\system32\himem.sys /CPUCLOCK:ON /HMAMIN=64
    STACKS=9,256            -----> Preserving 039A-045Eh   3,152   Sys  039Ah Stacks, 0552h DOSX
    Also MODBIN doesnt work well with long filenames.... etc "document and settings\my profile\desktp\modblabla" if not gona work property and there is a big chance of failure will load but after saving will have problems to update BIOS "core"(original.tmp) so always use 8.3 syntax standart .... best way from root directory make subdir whcih name to no NOT exceed 8 symbols... etc C:\123,C:\MYFLASH,C:\ROFL
    without TIPs it is really big gamble with BIOS....
    Aslo that will prevent Stack Overflow error when BIOS is loading....
    NOTE: To activate changes just quit from any DOS interpretators like(4nt,,cmd and so on). and re-run it. Reboot OS is not requred.
    here how to do:
    Also when executing MODBIN put below executable file this ones without quotes "loadfix forcedos modbin6-1.00.38.exe"
    and ofcourse nasty error is waiting us... "2MBIOS.BIN can't open!Thanks for using ModBin6 1.00.38"
    Patch which iv maked gona RIP this error forever.
    Download: modbin6_1.00.38
    Download: MODBINPATCH
    What patch need? and how to use it? I named patch "Dynamic Patch for modbin" Couse isnt make modification on MODBIN program but momory his parent process when is loaded into memory.
    tips suggested below is recommended but not nesecery for the patch.. patch need MODBIN and your BIOS file (modbin6-1.00.38.exe and mybios.bin) to be copied to systemroot drive(usually C) in folder MSI etc put modbin6-1.00.38.exe and mybios.bin(BIOS which you gona mod) to C:\MSI
    Patch make checking if folder doesnt match will not continue....
    How to use it..... Copy modbin6-1.00.38.exe and mybios.bin to C:\MSI, then from command prompt navigate to C:\MSI and execute "loadfix forcedos modbin6-1.00.38.exe" after that load your BIOS file... when loading is complete navigate to your patch folder and execute patchMSI.exe.... takes 10 seconds to complete after that make active "white" window and enter "Q" then hit ENTER key both windows will be closed, after that return to your modbin window, make what you gona make and save BIOS file like normal procedure... Method is founded and tested by me from years below never let me down(never brings corrupted BIOS), but just today ive made patch couse was too lazy... also Borg's MODBIN can work with most of all chipsets which is using AWARD Modular based... NOTE: K9 isnt tested. the most of here you can view how exacly to do it and differents with and without patch:
    here is one more think some time maybe usefull from me:D
    Here is 1st little short trick:(no analog anywhere, like patch only here can be found if accepted):
    How to reset BIOS if you have nothink? Examples if you are administrator/PC-support or any and must fix same PC but the BIOS has an password?! And you dont have permision to open Case to reset CMOS(couse PC has an sticker with Warantly (and removing that sticker couse lost pc warrantly) You need access to BIOS to re-check,configure somethink there but its password protected. anyway there could be many situation. what we need? nothink special just bootable DOS(or analog- PC-DOS or whatever,doesnt matter where will boot(cd,flash disk,hdd)), no extended commands.[io.sys(jo.sys),] - files requred to boot Here we go:
    boot from desired device.when you see command prompt etc.: "A:\,C:\"
    We will write a program without any languich..directly in PC code..(without compilator), direct in machine code.
    write this:
    copy con|ffs          *comment None
    176.230p144144230q195     *comment Hold "ALT" and write number
    ^Z                                  *comment "CTRL+Z" then hit "Enter"
    copy(internal command)
    con (command line switch)
    ^Z (CTRL+Z)
    NOTE: Numbers in second line must be written with holdon "ALT" key and specified numbers.(ASCI Code). Non numbers symbols is normal keyboard selection. on input display should look like:
    copy con|ffs                   
    Program is 9 bytes long... (simple but high effective)
    Thats it.Reboot Computer... password is gone. CMOS is reseted to default values. Tested on Award 4.0,6.0, AMI BIOS. Break all..
    and finaly again:
    **To All readers of this thread: Please note that this thread is with regards to Self-Modding BIOS and are of NO Official Testings from MSI. MSI will not be responsible for ANY Damage caused from requesting these self modded BIOSes! Please mind that you'll ONLY request and flash AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!** also MODBIN Author(Borg N1) and me is dont are NOT  responsible for ANY Damage caused by MODBIN or Add On Patch. (i didnt think there is risk exit must must said that warning....couse playing with BIOS is always risky). Happy Tweaking. 

    Well, I was wondering if the system not allowing the tty to change ownership -- but root also has the problem.
    You might try checking which shell is set for your users in /etc/passwd, and then check that the shell really exists at the specified path, and that it is executable.  You might also check that the home directory for you users (also specified in /etc/passwd) is mounted and your user has the appropriate rights to that directory.
    Other than that, I am running out of altitude, airspeed and ideas all at the same time.  There was one thing in your trace I did not understand.  Why is your system looking to the floppy drive?  I wonder if that is contributing to the problem.

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    - what Jdeveloper version to use for 11.5.10?
    - Where to download this version from?
    - Is it even possible to run iStore from local Windows machine using JDeveloper?
    - What is the main iStore page that should be run the 1st time?
    - Any expert available in USA for a 2 week paid assignment to help our team setup Jdeveloper for customization? And give intro lessons?
    Much Help...

    1. The Jdeveloper you use with 11.5.10 will depend on which ATG patch level you are at (see metalink note 416708.1)
    2. It will be in a metalink patch (see metalink note 4167708.1)
    3. I don't believe you can run it locally on a windows machine.
    4. Can't remember it off the top of my head but I will look back in my notes, I'm no longer working at the client site who has iStore.
    5. I know of 3 or 4 experts that I have worked with in Canada on JDeveloper/iStore/Configurator, I don't know anyone in the US but there has got to be a bunch out there looking for work.
    Edited by: mcharchu on Jul 17, 2009 9:20 PM

  • Practices for maintaining source code patches for branch of OSS project?

    There is this open source project I use and modify for my personal, private use...
    I would like some best-practice/practical experience suggestions on methodology/tools to maintain a growing number of source code patches I have created for said software. (FYI It is generally not mandatory that I upgrade to new version of the software when it comes out. Sometimes I will use the version I have for several versions before getting the new one, and re-implementing my changes. And sometimes I don't even implement the changes; I just run it vanilla.)
    Currently, I download the latest code from SVN, make my changes to the original code files, and keep track of my changes in a text file, which I then dutifully reference to re-create them when I feel like re-synching with the official version. What I would like to have instead is a separate base of code that contains just my modifications, and somehow include/import it as painlessly as possible whenever I get a new version of the official code from SVN.
    What's the best way to go about it? That's why I'm here.
    I realize these situations rarely, if ever, work out perfectly, and I can deal with that. I just want to improve on how things are, now, in anticipation of where I can see them going!
    I have some ideas about how to implement this, but they are of the "naive" variety and I think any tips I could get on method or tools to use would go far. I mean ... is it as simple as declaring new versions of affected methods in my patch code and marking them "overrides"? Also, probably a dumb question but will SVN that will help me do this?
    Thanks for reading, and any response.
    PS - Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I am just looking for general, tip-of-the-iceberg type tips/links, so I figured folks could drop a quick answer here. TY!

    The patch program on *nix or Cygwin does exactly what you want, and you can create the patchfile using either Subversion or CVS (and any other source control system that provides a diff).
    Here's the article that I always turn to to create a CVS Patch (I have to relearn patching every time I do it):
    And here's the equivalent from the Subversion FAQ:
    When I've worked for companies that did local patches, we kept a separate source-control repository/module that held our patches for the various OS libraries that we used. When we'd upgrade, we'd apply the patches and verify they made sense (if you have a lot of patchfiles, this can be a royal pain). And most important, once we had a patched upgrade, we generated a new patchfile from it (because, again, patchfiles become obsolete, and trying to apply a patch from several versions back can sometimes be impossible).
    And of course we submitted any bugfixes back to the projects...

  • [SOLVED] Patch For Openbox In Repos Needed

    I just experienced a crash in openbox due to java. This fix works (scroll to last reply):
    I just realized that when I updated to "3.5.0-5" a while back this had still not gotten fixed. I tested the same fix and it works. Not sure how to implement a patch or if this can be done so that other people do not have to experience this. Not sure why it never got fixed as the fix was found on their bug tracker before this last release. I know that a lot of our packages are pretty vanilla so I am not sure what the official policy is on this is or if an alternate PKGBUILD would have to be created. I am interested in any feedback on this. Thanks.
    Last edited by dodo3773 (2012-03-31 05:13:34)

    tomk wrote:
    The patch in that bug report was submitted by the bug reporter in October 2011, and the status is still "ASSIGNED" i.e. no fix has been applied yet, despite the patch submission. Also, Openbox 3.5.0 was released in August 2011, so clearly it does not include this patch.
    Arch policy here is to continue to provide the current stable upstream release. You should contact the Openbox developers regarding the fix for this problem.
    Thanks for the clarification. The reason I was confused is that sometimes in a PKGBUILD I see patch files. Marking thread as solved. I hope they fix this in the next major release / before we get another version update to 3.5.0-6.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12972: Commit Catalyst-submitted patch for fixing up unicode path/ file names in ActiveX.

    Revision: 12972
    Revision: 12972
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-15 15:27:40 -0800 (Tue, 15 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    Commit Catalyst-submitted patch for fixing up unicode path/file names in ActiveX.
    QE notes: None.
    Doc notes: None.
    Bugs: SDK-24648
    Reviewer: Alex & I
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: Yes
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Dear Pallavi,
    Very useful post!
    I am looking for similar accelerators for
    Software Inventory Accelerator
    Hardware Inventory Accelerator
    Interfaces Inventory
    Customization Assessment Accelerator
    Sizing Tool
    Which helps us to come up with the relevant Bill of Matetials for every area mentioned above, and the ones which I dont know...
    Request help on such accelerators... Any clues?
    Any reply, help is highly appreciated.
    Manish Madhav

  • When is Apple gonna release a patch for iTunes to sync apps?

    I already bought the apps the day it first came out and i can't even sync the january software upgrade to my ipod touch. i'm not about to re-sync my ipod and lose all my music just for 5 little apps. i refuse to do that. i wanna know when apple is gonna release a patch for itunes (7.6.1) so i can sync the upgrade file to my ipod touch without having to lose my music collection?
    if the patch doesn't come out by the end of the month, i'm gonna ask for my money back.

    well, the thing is, some of my mp3's aren't on my computer since i probably deleted them off my hard drive at one point or if i was using another computer to add my music. i have an ipod video that has the same exact collection as my ipod touch, but i like to have my playlists a certain way and i don't want to start organizing it the way i like it again. its such a pain.
    i just want apple to at least say something about a patch. they're always quiet about everything, even something as simple as updates.

  • MAKEPKG -c error - PKGBUILD: line 32: patch: command not found

    Hello all,
    Well I am getting the above error when running the makepkg -c as user in my local abs tree i am using
    [devnull@myhell chromium]$ makepkg -c
    ==> Making package: chromium 0.9.12-6  (Sun Mar 30 01:43:39 EDT 2008)
    ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
    ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving Sources...
      -> Found chromium-src-0.9.12.tar.gz in build dir
      -> Found chromium-data-0.9.12.tar.gz in build dir
      -> Found 0.9.12-gcc3-gentoo.patch in build dir
      -> Found 0.9.12-freealut.patch in build dir
      -> Found 0.9.12-configure.patch in build dir
      -> Found 0.9.12-png.patch in build dir
      -> Found in build dir
      -> Found chromium.png in build dir
      -> Found chromium.desktop in build dir
    ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
        chromium-src-0.9.12.tar.gz ... Passed
        chromium-data-0.9.12.tar.gz ... Passed
        0.9.12-gcc3-gentoo.patch ... Passed
        0.9.12-freealut.patch ... Passed
        0.9.12-configure.patch ... Passed
        0.9.12-png.patch ... Passed ... Passed
        chromium.png ... Passed
        chromium.desktop ... Passed
    ==> Extracting Sources...
      -> bsdtar -x -f chromium-src-0.9.12.tar.gz
      -> bsdtar -x -f chromium-data-0.9.12.tar.gz
    ==> Removing existing pkg/ directory...
    ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
    ==> Starting build()...
    PKGBUILD: line 32: patch: command not found
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    Here is a cut from PKBUILD file line 32:
      cd $startdir/src/Chromium-0.9
      patch -p0 -i ../0.9.12-gcc3-gentoo.patch || return 1   <--- This is line 32 from pkbuild file
      patch -p0 -i ../0.9.12-freealut.patch || return 1
      #patch -p0 -i ../0.9.12-configure.patch || return 1
      patch -p0 -i ../0.9.12-png.patch || return 1
    Thanks you in advance for all your help

    /devnull.nsb wrote:
    Hello all,
    PKGBUILD: line 32: patch: command not found
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    It looks like you might not have patch installed.  What happens when you type
    pacman -Q patch
    If you get an error that the patch package is not found, install base-devel.

  • Will there ever be patches for Flash 8?

    I just wondered if Adobe intends to issue patches for Flash 8
    instead of just Flashplayer. I reported bugs over a year ago that
    were taken up as existing and have not heard a word since. Does
    anyone know what is happening?

    thanks for the reply. Yes - truly irritating!
    Although some can't be classified as true "bugs" but are
    clearly usability issues.
    I can add to that list with a few of my own - i will pick
    Properties Panel, the field that displays the frame number of
    a nested animation in a Graphic
    symbol. It is only wide enough to show 2 digits, so any
    nested animations 100 frames or longer will
    not show the entire number of frames - very annoying when you
    spend a lot of time typing in frame
    numbers to control graphic symbols and nested animations.
    I have included the items from your list that are not already
    on mine and will do what i can to see
    that the next version of flash solves some of these issues.
    And yes - not having the ability to export movie clips and
    effects to video format is the biggest
    bummer for flash 8 - i knew it during the BETA and know it
    all too well now. But I haven't regarded
    it as a total loss - i choose to find work-arounds and
    thankfully has a tool
    called SWF2Video - it has saved me on many flash to video
    projects that included graphics that had
    to have bitmap filtered effects.
    anyway - i appreciate your reply and if you have anymore
    gripes - send em my way please.
    --> **Adobe Certified Expert**
    Walter Elias wrote:
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > What is it about Flash 8 that is not working for you?
    You haven't mentioned it
    > yet I don't think.
    > ******************************************
    > 1)
    > I use Flash heavily to produce television animation. I
    use a TV-safe color
    > pallette which has several hundred colors. Now try this:
    add some colors to
    > your Flash color pallette. Bring it to more than 100
    colors. Then try selecting
    > a new color in the Color Mixer or clicking the color
    swatch on the Tools panel.
    > Guess what? The swatches go off the screen. There is no
    way to access any
    > swatches other than the lower 60 or so. You can't resize
    or drag that pallette
    > window. This was untrue in earlier versions of Flash. I
    can't tell you how
    > badly this slows down work for me and all my fellow
    animators. The
    > ex-macromedia tech people told me they flagged this as a
    "critical" issue.
    > Seems to me it would be simple to revert to the earlier
    methods of handling the
    > swatch windows and release a patch.
    > 2) Apply timeline ActionScript to an object. Then on a
    later frame put a mask
    > on the timeline and apply it to that object. The
    ActionScript controlling the
    > object stops working. Same in reverse: if there's a mask
    that is removed, the
    > timeline AS stops working. Workaround: repeat the Action
    Script at every frame
    > where a mask starts and stops. This was also a bug in
    Flash 7. Macromedia tech
    > support worked with me for several weeks on this, and
    finally rated this to be
    > a "critical bug".
    > 3) Put any movie clip on the timeline. Do not give it an
    instance name. Add a
    > keyframe later in the movie. On that later keyframe,
    give the movie clip an
    > instance name. Then put some ActionScript on the
    timeline that refers to that
    > movie clip's instance name. It won't work. You have to
    go back and apply the
    > same instance name to every instance of that movie clip
    anywhere on the
    > timeline, even before the AS appears. Otherwise it won't
    work. Can you imagine
    > the agony of having produced a complex animation with
    hundreds of keyframes,
    > only to later decide to apply a script to several movie
    clips. You have to go
    > back and apply instance names to every one of the
    hundreds of previous
    > instances of those movie clips, or the script won't
    > Is that enough? Shall I continue with all the irritating
    little user interface
    > bugs? Such as the Controller window, which you used to
    be able to tuck away
    > beneath the Tools pallette, without sacrificing screen
    real estate. But now it
    > can only appear above the timeline, which means you have
    to sacrifice a bit on
    > the size of the stage. When doing animation, every pixel
    of viewable area is
    > important!
    > I could go on and on. Most of the bugs I found are
    simple to fix, since most
    > of them were not bugs in Flash 7!
    > To be very honest, even though I'm a designer and
    animator, I find the
    > 'graphic enhancements' in Flash 8, like the filters, to
    be mostly useless. If
    > my clients didn't require that I use Flash 8 so that I
    can send files back and
    > forth with them, I'd do like a huge number of animators
    I know and go back to
    > Flash MX (version 6), the last stable, elegant and truly
    user-friendly version
    > of Flash.

  • Is there a bash patch for PPC Tiger?

    I see there are patches for (Intel) Mountain Lion and Mavericks - what about older Macs such as my G5 running Tiger?

    Version 4.3.28 here...
    It looks bit intimidating at first but in reality it starts with a series of tests to see to which commands your BASH might be prone.  Given I know my Tiger hasn't been updated in this regard since Apple stopped doing updates 5 years or more ago I figure it is prone to all of them.  Once you run the first one you probably don't need to run all the others since there isn't really anything different you do in the end.
    The actual process is simple and basically you are replacing two files in your computer's library with two copies of a single file you download and decompress first.  You can then run the tests a second time if you wish.  I guess that might be to make sure there isn't something else catching those commands and handling them but my computer came clean.
    Everything is done in Terminal because you're working with folders that don't allow drag and drop replacement of files.  I highlighted the text in the instructions in the link above in my web browser and dragged the whole thing to a blank Text Edit document.  Although the instructions say to close all applications I kept the document window open and highlighted and dragged the individual line commands from the document to the Terminal window to save a bit of typing.

  • AAC/MPEG-4 support patch for abcde

    I got bored to day and made up this patch for abcde that adds support for AAC using the M4A extension.
    It uses FAAC as the encoder and also patches abcde to version 2.2.3
    I have not tested it yet so bear with me...i'll post my test results later.
    You'll have to manually add the "M4AENCOPTS=" variable to the config
    usage is: abcde -o m4a
    UPDATED: fixed a plethora of typos
    another side note is the fact FAAC must be compiled with mpeg-4 support, the Archlinux package for FAAC isn't, so therefore this could be a problem unless you compile FAAC yourself. I submitted a feature request to get mp4 support added.
    the following is the 2.2.0 to 2.2.3 update+AAC patch. I will submit a AAC patch for the newest release to the developers of abcde later on.
    --- abcde-old-2.2.0 2005-03-08 12:42:14.000000000 -0500
    +++ abcde2 2005-03-08 12:11:07.000000000 -0500
    @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
    # Copyright for this work is to expire January 1, 2010, after which it
    # shall be public domain.
    usage ()
    @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    echo "-1 Encode the whole CD in a single file"
    echo "-a <action1[,action2]...>"
    echo " Actions to perform (cddb,read,normalize,encode,tag,move,playlist,clean)"
    -echo "-A Experimental actions (retag, transcode)"
    +#echo "-A Experimental actions (retag, transcode)"
    echo "-b Batch mode: enable album normalization and nogap encoding"
    echo "-c <file>"
    echo " Specify a configuration file (overrides system and user config files)"
    @@ -366,6 +366,9 @@
    run_command tagtrack-$1 true
    + m4a)
    + run_command tagtrack-$1 true
    + ;;
    @@ -489,6 +492,10 @@
    ## FIXME ## to the encoder ends up empty.
    run_command encodetrack-$OUTPUT-$1 nice $ENCNICE $MPPENCODER $MPPENCODEROPTS --artist "$TRACKARTIST" --album "$DALBUM" --title "$TRACKNAME" --track "$1" --genre "$CDGENRE" --year "$CDYEAR" --comment "$COMMENT" "$IN" "$OUT"
    + m4a)
    + # AAC/MPEG-4 format (.m4a) is done locally, with inline tagging.
    + run_command encodetrack-$OUTPUT-$1 nice $ENCNICE $M4AENCODER $M4AENCODEROPTS --artist "$TRACKARTIST" --album "$DALBUM" --title "$TRACKNAME" --track "$1" --genre "$CDGENRE" --year "$CDYEAR" --comment "$COMMENT" -w "$IN" -o "$OUT"
    + ;;
    # Only remove .wav if the encoding succeeded
    @@ -737,6 +744,9 @@
    if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = "y" ]; then
    while [ "$DONE" != "y" ]; do
    + if [ "$ERASEPLAYLIST" = "" ]; then
    + fi
    case $ERASEPLAYLIST in
    e|E|a|A|k|K) DONE=y ;;
    @@ -764,7 +774,7 @@
    ARTISTFILE=$(mungefilename "$TRACKARTIST")
    # If we want to start the tracks with a given number, we need to modify the
    # TRACKNUM value before evaluation
    - if [ -n $STARTTRACKNUMBER ] ; then
    + if [ -n "$STARTTRACKNUMBER" ] ; then
    # Get the trackpadding from the current track
    @@ -843,7 +853,7 @@
    if [ "$WEHAVEACD" = "y" ]; then
    vecho "Querying the CD for audio tracks..."
    - TRACKS=$( $CDROMREADER -Q 2>&1 | egrep '^[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]' | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d "." | tr 'n' ' ' )
    + TRACKS=$( $CDROMREADER -d $CDROM -Q --verbose 2>&1 | egrep '^[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]' | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d "." | tr 'n' ' ' )
    if [ -f "$ABCDETEMPDIR/status" ] && checkstatus cdparanoia-audio-tracks ; then
    @@ -1354,7 +1364,7 @@
    if [ "$EDITCDDB" = "y" ]; then
    - CDDBDATAMD5SUM=$($MD5SUM "$CDDBDATA" | cut -d " " -f 1);
    + CDDBDATAMD5SUM=$($MD5SUM "$CDDBDATA" | cut -d" " -f1);
    # Use the debian sensible-editor wrapper to pick the editor that the
    # user has requested via their $EDITOR environment variable
    @@ -1387,7 +1397,7 @@
    # Some heuristics first. Look at Disc Title, and if it starts with
    # "Various", then we'll assume Various Artists
    - if [ "$(grep ^DTITLE= "$CDDBDATA" | cut -f2 -d= | egrep -ci '^(various|soundtrack|varios|sonora|ost)')" != "0" ]; then
    + if [ "$(grep ^DTITLE= "$CDDBDATA" | cut -f2- -d= | egrep -ci '^(various|soundtrack|varios|sonora|ost)')" != "0" ]; then
    echo "Looks like a Multi-Artist CD" >&2
    @@ -1470,7 +1480,7 @@
    echo "variousartiststyle=$VARIOUSARTISTSTYLE" >> "$ABCDETEMPDIR/status"
    if [ "$EDITCDDB" = "y" ] && [ "$UNINTENTIONALLY_ANGER_THE_FREEDB_PEOPLE" = "y" ]; then
    - if [ $CDDBDATAMD5SUM != "" ] && [ $CDDBDATAMD5SUM != $($MD5SUM "$CDDBDATA" | cut -d " " -f 1) ]; then
    + if [ $CDDBDATAMD5SUM != "" ] && [ $CDDBDATAMD5SUM != $($MD5SUM "$CDDBDATA" | cut -d" " -f1) ]; then
    # This works but does not have the necessary error checking
    # yet. If you are familiar with the CDDB spec
    # (see
    @@ -1577,7 +1587,7 @@
    if [ -r "$CDDBDATA" ]; then
    - TRACKNAME=$(grep ^TTITLE$CDDBTRACKNUM= "$CDDBDATA" | head -n 1 | cut -f2 -d= | tr -d [:cntrl:])
    + TRACKNAME=$(grep ^TTITLE$CDDBTRACKNUM= "$CDDBDATA" | head -n 1 | cut -f2- -d= | tr -d [:cntrl:])
    echo "Grabbing track $UTRACKNUM: $TRACKNAME..." >&2
    echo "Grabbing track $UTRACKNUM..." >&2
    @@ -1692,6 +1702,7 @@
    # Use the following VAOUTPUTFORMAT to revert to 2.0.x VA format:
    @@ -1738,6 +1749,7 @@
    # mpp (Musepack)
    @@ -1773,6 +1785,7 @@
    # mpc
    @@ -2039,6 +2052,7 @@
    spx) [ "$SPEEXENCODERSYNTAX" = "default" ] && SPEEXENCODERSYNTAX=speexenc ;;
    mpc) [ "$MPPENCODERSYNTAX" = "default" ] && MPPENCODERSYNTAX=mppenc ;;
    + m4a) [ "$M4AENCODERSYNTAX" = "default" ] && M4AENCODERSYNTAX=faac ;;
    *) echo "abcde error: Invalid OUTPUTTYPE defined" >&2
    exit 1
    @@ -2100,6 +2114,12 @@
    +case "$M4AENCODERSYNTAX" in
    + faac)
    + ;;
    # and which tagger
    @@ -2144,7 +2164,7 @@
    # Cut off the command-line options we just added in
    X=$(echo $X | cut -d' ' -f2)
    @@ -2207,37 +2227,6 @@
    -if [ "$STRIPDATATRACKS" = "y" ] && [ ! "$ONETRACK" = "y" ]; then
    - case "$CDROMREADERSYNTAX" in
    - cdparanoia|debug)
    - # cdparanoia can query the CD, so let's process the TRACKQUEUE list with the results.
    - if checkstatus cdparanoia-audio-tracks; then
    - CDTRACKQUEUE=$( cat $ABCDETEMPDIR/cdparanoia-audio-tracks )
    - else
    - ## FIXME ##
    - vecho "Querying the CD to obtain a list of valid audio tracks..."
    - $CDROMREADER -Q > $ABCDETEMPDIR/cdparanoia-query 2>&1
    - # Obtain a list of valid audio tracks from the results of the query
    - CDTRACKQUEUE=$( cat $ABCDETEMPDIR/cdparanoia-query | egrep '^[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]' | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d "." | tr 'n' ' ' )
    - fi
    - # Obtain the track padding value from the before-processing list and pad the CD list
    - TRACKNUMPADDING=$( echo $TRACKQUEUE | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d " n" | wc -c )
    - for TRACK in $CDTRACKQUEUE ; do
    - TRACKNUM=$(printf %0.${TRACKNUMPADDING}d $(expr ${TRACK} + 0 ))
    - done
    - # Now, compare if the values in the list are valid tracks in the CD
    - for TRACK in $TRACKQUEUE; do
    - if echo $CDTRACKQUEUE | grep $TRACK >/dev/null ; then
    - fi
    - done
    - esac
    # Create playlist if needed (backgroundable) and start reading in tracks
    @@ -2446,7 +2435,7 @@
    # TRACKNUM=$(printf %0.${TRACKNUMPADDING}d $(expr ${UTRACKNUM} + 0))
    - TRACKNAME=$(grep ^TTITLE$CDDBTRACKNUM= "$CDDBDATA" | cut -f2 -d= | tr -d [:cntrl:] | sed 's/ +$//')
    + TRACKNAME=$(grep ^TTITLE$CDDBTRACKNUM= "$CDDBDATA" | cut -f2- -d= | tr -d [:cntrl:] | sed 's/ +$//')
    the patches can also be found here
    please post any other issues you have

    not yet, i'm going to work all the kinks out before i submit it
    as of right now I noticed some major typos, on my part, that cause it to fail...i'm working on that right now

  • Not able to find out the OCT 2012 CPU patch for

    I am trying to download the OCT 2012 CPU patch for the to install on Linux x86-64 which is having OS of RHEL 5.7. I am able to get the OCT 2012 PSU patch which include the CPU patch too.
    Database PSU Patch 14275605, or
    GI PSU Patch 14275572, or
    But I just require only the CPU patch. Can anyone provide me the patch number or some link where I can download the Oracle CPU patch OCT 2012

    The given link take to the window where CPU patch for all the quarter available.
    The Critical Patch Updates released to date are listed in the following table.
    Critical Patch Update Latest Version/Date
    Critical Patch Update - October 2012 Rev 1, 16 October 2012
    Critical Patch Update - July 2012 Rev 1, 17 July 2012
    Critical Patch Update - April 2012 Rev 2, 19 July 2012
    If I click on Critical Patch Update - October 2012 its takes to the window for selectin the database version ( From there it goes to the Patch Set Update and Critical Patch Update October 2012 Availability Document [ID 1477727.1] which I had already checked.
    There for the database products it shows the below option.
    Table 9 Patch Availability for Oracle Database
    +*<moderator edit - deleted MOS Doc content - pl do NOT post such content - it is a violation of your Support agreement>*+
    It doesnt have the sepreate CPU patch. The below CPU patch is for the OC4J. I had a check.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Returns item problem

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