Keyboard access in Mail?

Having switched to Mail from Eudora, I am having trouble figuring out an easy way of accessing my very long list of mailboxes.
Am I right that there seems to be no way of accessing mailboxes via the keyboard? Is it all point and click? Also, when you highlight a mailbox folder that has mailboxes nested inside it, there is no way of opening the folder with the keyboard, i.e., by using the arrow keys?
I would be very grateful for any tips or suggestions.
Thank you,

If restoring your iPhone from your iPhone's backup as well as restoring your iPhone as a new iPhone or not from your iPhone's backup does not resolve the problem, if you are in the U.S. - time to give AppleCare a call at (800) 694-7466, or make an appointment at an Apple store if there is one nearby.

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    VoiceOver is not just for vision-impairments. You might try opening VoiceOver utility and turning off the voice (and maybe the sound effects). At this point, you have full keyboard access to all parts of the OS and any application that implements the Cocoa accessibility APIs. This includes the Finder, iChat, iTunes, Mail, etc.
    Tip: Go through the VoiceOver Quick Start (ControlOption+CommandF8) when you first start VoiceOver. This will help you learn it, then you can turn off the voice once you get comfortable with the navigation interface.

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    The question mark means the computer cannot find a bootable volumes so can;t do anything, That, combined with annoying sounds, strongly suggests a failed hard drive.
    You can ask a "genius" at an Apple Rtail Store to test it but I'm pretty sure the drive is kaput. I'm hoping you had your data backed up.

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    there is an entire forum devoted to iLife
    There is also one for notebooks too ;-)
    - just not this one.

  • I run a mac air on a single user account but multiple people using it, which is ok for the situation. All have their accounts in the apple mail app. what is missing for me is a separate password to access the mail account. otherwise anyone can see anyones

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    Years ago there was a program called mail switcher which added this functionality, but thats gone.

    They would have to be logged in as separate users in order not to see your account in Mail. Whatever accounts put in Mail under your account will show up. All mail accounts usually have there own user and password. The only thing you can do is to remove the password from Keychain and take the account offline so you don't keep getting prompts for passwords each time it checks for mail.
    Not a great solution.
    Best way is to give the other user their own user account with their own mail and enable fast user swithcing to log between the different users if all access the computer frequently.

  • Login error when trying to access iCloud Mail

    I am receiving the following error when trying to access iCloud Mail. All other iCloud services are functioning.
    Mail could not be loaded
    There was a problem loading the application due to a possible network error or missing resources. Please try again.
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: MAIL in main()
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: Creating local CK.User object
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: Creating local CK.AccountPreferences object
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: -->  Request 1:   POST to ientId=523F12B2-FC11-4D72-952C-A9AA1C424022&dsid=103705688,  headers: Content-Type=text/plain,  body: (omitted)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: ----------------> Request out: /wm/preference-list-->1425991198034/1
      wmsid: null
      params: {"locale":"en-us","timeZone":"US/Central"}
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: SC.Object:sc1473:dispatch('load content')
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: "2.0 Waiting for Content" handled event 'load content' (no transition)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: SC.Object:sc2647:dispatch('noContent')
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG:   "6.2 pop up View" handled event 'noContent' with a transition to "6.2.2 No Content"
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG:     -> entering "6.2.2 No Content"
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  WARN:  REJECTING SERVER RESPONSE CoreMail.MailRequest.willReceive:
      Redirect Count:1
      Timeout Redirect Count:1
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: -->  Request 2:   POST to ientId=523F12B2-FC11-4D72-952C-A9AA1C424022&dsid=103705688,  headers: Content-Type=text/plain,  body: (omitted)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: ----------------> Request out: /wm/preference-list-->1425991198034/1
      wmsid: null
      params: {"locale":"en-us","timeZone":"US/Central"}
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  ERROR: GIVING UP ON RETRIES, CoreMail.MailRequest.willReceive:
    responseText: ,
    this._redirectCount: 1
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: <--  Response 2:  0  (72ms),  headers:   body: (empty)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: <---------------- Request in: /wm/preference-list-->1425991198034/1,httpStatus: 0,round trip time: 71ms, wmsid: null
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  ERROR: retrieveResponseError:
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  ERROR: Bootstrap error: Preferences.RefreshError
      initialized: true
      name: cloudos-statechart
      current-states: [
        active: false
        suspended: false
      handling-event: false
    Tue Mar 10 2015 07:40:01 GMT-0500 (CDT)        (1425991201489)
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/600.3.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.3 Safari/600.3.18
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: MAIL in main()
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: Creating local CK.User object
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: Creating local CK.AccountPreferences object
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: -->  Request 1:   POST to ientId=523F12B2-FC11-4D72-952C-A9AA1C424022&dsid=103705688,  headers: Content-Type=text/plain,  body: (omitted)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: ----------------> Request out: /wm/preference-list-->1425991198034/1
      wmsid: null
      params: {"locale":"en-us","timeZone":"US/Central"}
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: SC.Object:sc1473:dispatch('load content')
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: "2.0 Waiting for Content" handled event 'load content' (no transition)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: SC.Object:sc2647:dispatch('noContent')
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG:   "6.2 pop up View" handled event 'noContent' with a transition to "6.2.2 No Content"
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG:     -> entering "6.2.2 No Content"
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  WARN:  REJECTING SERVER RESPONSE CoreMail.MailRequest.willReceive:
      Redirect Count:1
      Timeout Redirect Count:1
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: -->  Request 2:   POST to ientId=523F12B2-FC11-4D72-952C-A9AA1C424022&dsid=103705688,  headers: Content-Type=text/plain,  body: (omitted)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: ----------------> Request out: /wm/preference-list-->1425991198034/1
      wmsid: null
      params: {"locale":"en-us","timeZone":"US/Central"}
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  ERROR: GIVING UP ON RETRIES, CoreMail.MailRequest.willReceive:
    responseText: ,
    this._redirectCount: 1
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: <--  Response 2:  0  (72ms),  headers:   body: (empty)
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  DEBUG: <---------------- Request in: /wm/preference-list-->1425991198034/1,httpStatus: 0,round trip time: 71ms, wmsid: null
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  ERROR: retrieveResponseError:
    Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:39:58 GMT:  ERROR: Bootstrap error: Preferences.RefreshError

    After activatin iCloud, my dotMac account wouldn't retrieve mail anymore. It kept saying that my username or password were not good. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn't restore the service.
    Here's how I got it working again.
    Apparently my 6 letter password is no longer acceptable. You need to update it to an 8 letter password that includes numbers and capital letters.
    So I went to and asked to reset my password.
    Because I could still get my emails logging into iCloud with Safari, I responded to Apple's email, and created a stronger password.
    Than I updated the passwords on my computer's Mail program, iPhone, and iPad (and of course everything else, iTunes, etc.).
    That was it!
    Everything works as normal again, I even was finally able to synchronize calendars over different computers again.
    Try it out, it could be your issue as well.

  • No keyboard access in bootcamp after upgrade to Early 2008 MacBook Pro

    How do I regain keyboard access in Bootcamp after a hardware upgrade to a new (early 2008) 15" MacBook Pro (MBP)?
    I was recently forced to upgrade from a July 2007 MBP 15" to an early 2008 MBP due to a burglary. The original MBP also had a Bootcamp partition in use for business purposes (Windows XP SP2).
    Fortunately using Time Capsule and WinClone I had very recent back ups of all data and migration to the new MBP went well until I encountered an insurmountable problem at the point I wished to update the new MPB Bootcamp drivers in the restored Bootcamp partition.
    The problem being encountered is as follows:
    When starting up in the restored Bootcamp partition I am unable to update the with the latest Bootcamp drivers as the keyboard is inoperative. I am therefore unable to get past the CtrlAltDel security pane and navigate to load the Leopard install disk.
    I do however have mouse control.
    I have also tried rebooting with an external keyboard and mouse. Again the mouse worked but not the keyboard.
    To add further confusion or insight into this problem I had a BartPE Windows CD utility disk set-up available for emergency use and this will boot on the new MBP. Once booted it does provide mouse and keyboard access suggesting that somehow in the WinClone restoring process the original keyboard driver was damaged.
    This may well be the case as when I first started up the Bootcamp partition after the restore I encountered a Windows 'blue screen of death' that pointed to a Driver fault in a file called "bcmw15.sys".
    After restarting Windows I no longer encountered the blue screen but had no keyboard access as described above.
    Unforunately using the BartPE CD to bypass the keyboard problem has thwarted me as this configuration does not appear to have a means available to eject the BartPE CD itself, allowing me to then insert the Leopard install disk in its place.
    Given the unique nature of the Windows system configuration I had in use any suggestions as to how I might overcome this without having to resort to rebuilding the configuration from scratch would be gratefully received.
    In particular if anyone may know of the MacBook Pro Windows keyboard driver name and location this would be of particular assistance.

    Booting from the Windows Install CD did not work.
    I have however recovered the partition and got operational again.
    The solution in the end was achieved by gaining access via Windows XP start-up in 'safe mode' using an external MS USB keyboard (the new MBP 'delete' key was not being recognised, and then using the 'Administrator' password to gain access to the Windows XP 'Device Manager'.
    The full saga of difficulties encountered is too lengthy to relate in full unless someone out there really wants to know the gory details for their own specific similar need.
    Suffice it to say that the most of the problems that arose were:
    a) the result of the hardware changes between the old MBP and the new one requiring select old drivers to be located and removed and then new drivers installed;
    b) due to an upgrade that occurred to the MS Enterprise server software in the period between when the WinClone image was taken and when the new MPB arrived and I attempted the restore (including that as a consequence of the burglary I updated my corporate mailbox password online causing the back-up XP image to be out of sync with Enterprise server once networking was revived); and
    c) a Parallels software upgrade reinstall also caused issues in regaining sync with the revived Bootcamp.
    Isolating the driver causing the offending ""bcmw15.sys" driver crash proved very tricky as Windows appeared to keep reinstalling some sort of generic driver that kept repeating the problem. Thereafter getting past the blocks to accessing the Apple install CD also required enormous trial and error skill to overcome.
    Bottom line WinClone did perform. It restored the partition on the new machine with sufficient integrity to allow a skilled Sys Op (far beyond my Win experience) the capability to fully restore Bootcamp XP functionality.
    Nevertheless the process is definitely not one I'd prefer to experience a repeat of - its taken several man days (and nights) to resolve.
    Nevertheless thanks xnav for your advice.

  • No Longer Possible to Access iCloud Mail on Third Party Mac

    Something has changed recently. It is no longer possible to access iCloud mail on a third party mac via web browser
    This afternoon, I tried to do so on my daughter's iMac - and the system wanted me to set up iCloud rather than letting me access Mail (or any other iCloud services for that matter) instead. Tried different browsers, change of login account on the computer. All to no avail. Have to set up iCloud on the computer. Which means either logging my daughter out, or creating a whole new identity for the purpose. This entirely defeats the notion of the simple webmail interface - and indeed makes Pages, Calendar, etc inaccessible unless on your own computer, or one that you have used to set up an iCloud account. Not something that you want to do in an internet cafe or an airport lounge.
    Two sets of Chat Support sessions later, with the problem being hinted to be probably due to "my daughter's computer (!!???)", no satisfaction
    I am now in the airport, trying to still access my iCloud mail through a web browser. Same nonsense about setting up iCloud before I can access my iCloud mail via the web through a browser.
    Apple, this was one of the advantages of iCloud that I, as a regular traveller, have found useful in the past. Today I have wasted well over an hour on something that is clearly an error in the logic of how people will be using iCloud - possibly a "feature" of Mavericks?
    Please bring back simple and straightforward access to iCloud mail via web browser, so that I can once again access my mail from any third party computer.

    Excellent, well done. I have to say that talktalk were useless, they repeatedly sent me instructions for setting up an emil account and did not seem able to understand that it was the login that would not work. Thank you.

  • Why am I getting an error message,"windows can not find(my Yahoo mail launch address)"when accessing Yahoo mail site?

    Using WindowsXP, and e-mail via Yahoo,browser is Firefox 4.0.I get the following error message when accessing yahoo mail site:" can not find(the above address is inserted here).make sure you typed the name correctly,and try again". After this message is displayed on my desktop it begins to fade,and the inbox of my yahoo mail is then displayed..I am able to work all functions of the mail without problems.( I might add at this point that i access the mail program via a desktop icon).When I close out of the program the error message box with the error described above is displayed again on my desktop.I must click on the "X" to remove it.I can access my yahoo mail via Internet Explorer with no problem,as well as accessing via my yahoo home page.

    Here's an image of the ERROR Message. I'm not sure how this forum works -- if this image is an attachment or if it shows up in the body of this reply.
    Here goes...

  • HT201401 since iSO 7.02 update bluetooth with my car is no longer working at all. also can no longer access my mail! the browser is turned off and I can not turn it back on!!!!!

    last week my phone was automatically updated after a trip to Europe, now I can no longer access gmail because the browser capability for cookies has been turned off and I can NOT get it back on. Before the trip bluetooth was on partially working with my car and now since the newest update works no more in any form. Anyone else having these problems? Need help!!

    As far as automatic update, the iOS cannot be updated without user intervention, so it could not have been automatically updated.
    You need to provide more information about your mail. Does this mean you cannot access the Mail app, you cannot download mail, or what? Not sure why you cannot access the cookies setting in Safari. Go to Settings>Safari>Block Cookies>set to what  you want.
    Problems with 3rd party Bluetooth devices, such as car audio, etc., generally has to do with vehicle manufacturers not providing updates to match the current Bluetooth stacks that are found in today's phones. You can go into the phone and remove the pairing for the car, and then go into car settings and remove the iphone. Then put both devices back into pairing mode and attempt to connect them again. See this support document

  • Toggle Full Keyboard Access is Not Working after Shutdown/Reboot

    I'm yet another keyboard maniac and somehow as above subject was keep re-occured every time after enabled it, I've turn it on full keyboard access in system preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts. All seemed to be good before I shutdown or reboot my macbook pro. I could access all the dialogs and windows. After a reboot or shutdown, all the dialogs from any other apps can still be accessed via keyboard except one single window, the shutdown window (both from hitting apple->shutdown and control+eject.) I have to toggle control+f1 or control+f7 every freaking time in order to enabled keyboard access to shutdown/reboot. I've tried "defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode" in terminal and it returned 3 which is "Full Keyboard Access ON and All controls" even after a fresh reboot:-
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
    But when I'm using sudoer to check the result was set to "0" means disable:-
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ sudo defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
    So what I do for the workaround/fix is by the set value to enabled it using root access level or sudoer:-
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ sudo defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 3
    Once done do reboot your Mac & check the result in Terminal should shows as below:-
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ sudo defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
    So it's fixed for my issue. If anyone have better suggestion or the proper method please share.
    Thanks in advance.

    So what I do for the workaround/fix is by the set value to enabled it using root access level or sudoer:-
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ sudo defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 3
    Once done do reboot your Mac & check the result in Terminal should shows as below:-
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ sudo defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
    Ben-MacOSX:~ Ben$ defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
    So it's fixed for my issue. You may try this let me know the outcome.

  • I keep trying to access my mail but MAIL keeps rejecting my password. I am an AOL user. Please advise?

    I keep trying to access my mail via the MAIL icon on my MacbookPro but it keeps rejecting my password. It worked find an hour ago but all of a sudden it won't work. I tried deleting the acct and re-adding it but still the same problem. The odd thing is I can send no problem.
    I am an AOL user and am entering it correctly but it keeps rejecting  I can access my acct via aol no problem
    Okay now it's effecting my Iphone and Ipad accts.
    Please advise?

    So far as I can tell this is a server overload problem and Apple is working to fix things. I have had the same thing all morning and just now it cleared up, though not with AOL, but my iCloud mail. I was, of course, typing in the correct password, so the error message one keeps getting is very misleading, as the rejection has nothing to do with the PW. I think if we are all patient things will straighten out through the day. My mail is okay as of noon, crossing my fingers, but at least it is nothing I did wrong.

  • I need a little help accessing my mail on my mac and my iphone 4s after changing my password on Yahoo as someone hacked my account. I can't get mail, I just get Password error every time :(

    Hi people,
    A little stumped for what to do here... I had my Yahoo hacked, changed my yahoo password (Yahoo is the account configured to 'mail' on both my mac and iphone)... however since changing my password I have found I can't access my mail on either with out it asking me to enter my password. When I do, it say's 'Password error'. Sometimes it re-directs me to the actual 'Yahoo' browser saying I need to verify my account, but basically I can't use the mail function on either device now! I know you may suggest deleting the account and re-installing it to each device and I feel this would probably work as well but (and this is the tricky bit)... all my NOTES are configured through Yahoo, only some are through icloud (which is odd). All notes are about 201, icloud about 77 and the rest on Yahoo and when I go to delete the account it says it will also delete all my notes :/ Now, I am a bit of a writer, and these notes are pretty sacred to me so losing them isn't an option. I don't want to lose them. Is there anything any one of you lovely peeps can suggest. It would be much appreciated.

    Yes, you have encountered Activation Lock (Find My iPhone Activation Lock - Apple Support). The only way that phone will ever be usable is if the owner the phone is locked to releases it (see: Find My iPhone Activation Lock: Removing a device from a previous owner’s account - Apple Support). If you are lucky the phone is locked to the seller, so you can ask them to unlock it. If the seller is merely a middleman and the previous owner is not the seller it gets much more complicated. It's even possible that you bought a stolen phone, in which case you will never be able to use it and you should return it for a refund.

  • How do I access compacted mail on a Mac version 10.5.8 stuck with Thunderbird version 16.0.2 ? I am unable to access needed documentation for Taxes, etc

    How do I access compacted mail on a Mac version 10.5.8 stuck with Thunderbird version 16.0.2 ? I am unable to access needed documentation for Taxes, etc

    Where in the world did you read Deleting All My Mail? I have reread my answer several times and cannot seem to find that in there.
    When you mark a message for deletion it does just that. It marks it for deletion and hides the message. It is not truly deleted until you compact.
    My point is that unless you deleted your important mail they should still be there somewhere.
    Your question was about compacting and thinking it put your messages in a nice little box for safe keeping and now you want to open it.
    I have to agree that Thunderbird did a horrible job of naming this process because most are like you and do not understand what it actually does. I included the link to the explanation of what compacting means in the Thunderbird world.
    Your messages may still be available to your but finding them has nothing to do with compacting.
    Thunderbird does not archive anything unless you use that process by selecting the message and pressing a. You have the option to setup where you want that archive to go and what folders to make.
    The All Mail folder is a goofy gmail arrangement. If you have problems with that then you need to address that with Google.
    If you go into your gmail account on the gmail site do you see the messages you are hunting in the All Mail folder there?

Maybe you are looking for