Keyboard Input
In that link are all three of my classes (,, and
I'm trying to do keyboard input for the numbers, the decimal, all the operations and enter. But the way I have it set up, I can't get any of the methods in the to run once a button is pressed. It's hard for me the explain, but if you compile it and try looking at the code, you'll understand what I mean.

Alright, I'll post the 3 classes here.
#### ####
// Date Started: March 1, 2004
// Date Finished: March 26, 2004
// Program Description: A graphical user interface for the calculator.
//                              No calculation is being done here. This class is
//                              responsible just for putting up the display on
//                              screen. It then refers to the "CalcEngine" to do
//                              all the real work.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class UserInterface implements KeyListener
     private CalcEngine calc;
     Frame panelFrame=new Frame("Non-Scientific Calculator");
     static Label displayLabel;
     static String button="";
     // Method Name: UserInterface()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: A user interface for the given calcEngine.
     public UserInterface()
     // Method Name: setVisible()
     // Parameters Passed: boolean variable visible
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Sets the panalFrame interface visible.
public void setVisible(boolean visible)
     // Method Name: makeFrame()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: The full display of buttons and labels on the calculator.
     private void makeFrame()
          CalcEngine buttonHandler = new CalcEngine();
          Button[] myButtons=new Button[30];
          String[] labels={"","","BS","CE","C","PI","sin","cos","tan","%","sqrt","7","8","9","/","x�","4","5","6","x","1/x","1","2","3","-","-/+","0",".","=","+"};
          Font titleFont=new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD,20);
          Font buttonFont=new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD,13);
          String display="0";
          displayLabel=new Label(display);
          String info = buttonHandler.getInfo();
          Label infoLabel=new Label(info);
          //Labels all the buttons
          for(int i=0;i<myButtons.length;i++)
               myButtons=new Button(labels[i]);
          panelFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout(4,5));
          Panel secondPanel=new Panel();
          secondPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,5,5,2));
               for(int i=0; i<myButtons.length; i++)
     // Method Name: redisplay()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Updates the display of the current number being inputed.
     //                         Also truncates the decimal if it is ".0".
     public static void redisplay()
          boolean itsInt=false;
          int doubleChecker = (int)CalcEngine.getDisplayValue();
          int intValue=0;
          if(CalcEngine.getDisplayValue() == (float)doubleChecker)
               displayLabel.setText("" +intValue);
               displayLabel.setText("" + CalcEngine.getDisplayValue());
     public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
          char keyChar = e.getKeyChar();
          CalcEngine calcEng= new CalcEngine();
          if(keyChar == '+')
               System.out.println("+ PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == '-')
               System.out.println("- PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_SLASH)
               System.out.println("/ PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == '*')
               System.out.println("x PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_1)
               System.out.println("1 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_2)
               System.out.println("2 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_3)
               System.out.println("3 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_4)
               System.out.println("4 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_5)
               System.out.println("5 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_6)
               System.out.println("6 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_7)
               System.out.println("7 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_8)
               System.out.println("8 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_9)
               System.out.println("9 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_0)
               System.out.println("0 PRESSED!");
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER || keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS)
               System.out.println("= PRESSED!");          
          else if(keyChar == KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD)
               System.out.println(". PRESSED!");
               /// QUESTION: what do these next two lines do?
               byte bytes[] = {(byte)keyChar};
               //     command = new String(bytes);
     public static String passButton()
          return button;
     public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
     public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
#### #####
// Date Started: March 1, 2004
// Date Finished: March 26, 2004
// Program Description: Does all the calculations for the calculator.
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class CalcEngine implements ActionListener
     final int ARRAY_SIZE=100;
     String []buttonPressed = new String[ARRAY_SIZE];
     String buttonCheck="";
     static String userDisplay="";
     int numberLength=0;
     int currentNumber=0;
     int previousNumber=0;
     int currentElement=0;
     boolean allowDecimal=true;
     boolean cEPressed=false;
     String buttonCheckKey;
     // Method Name: CalcEngine()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Instance of the CalcEngine.
     public CalcEngine()
          System.out.println("ButtonCheckKey " +buttonCheck);
               if(currentElement>=2 && !buttonPressed[currentElement].equals(""))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("C"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("CE"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("BS"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("sqrt"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("sin") || buttonCheck.equals("cos") || buttonCheck.equals("tan"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("PI"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("1/x"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("x�"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("-/+"))
          //else if(buttonCheck.equals("."))
          //     decimal(event);
          else if((buttonCheck.equals("+") || buttonCheck.equals("-") || buttonCheck.equals("x") || buttonCheck.equals("/") || buttonCheck.equals("%")) && !buttonPressed[currentElement].equals(""))
          //     allNumbers(event);
          System.out.println("1st: "+buttonPressed[0]+ "\n2nd: " buttonPressed[1] "\n3rd: " buttonPressed[2] "\n4th: " buttonPressed[3] "\n5th: " +buttonPressed[4]);
          System.out.println("6th: "+buttonPressed[5]+ "\n7th: " buttonPressed[6] "\n8th: " buttonPressed[7] "\n9th: " buttonPressed[8]"\n");
     // Method Name: getDisplayValue()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: float variable N/A
     //     Method Purpose: Retrived the updated number to display on the calculator
     //                         and passes it as a double.
public static double getDisplayValue()
          return Double.valueOf(userDisplay).doubleValue();
     // Method Name: actionPerformed()
     // Parameters Passed: ActionEvent variable event
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Run the correct method depending on what button is pressed.
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event/*, String button, boolean keyBoard*/)
          //Removes null from buttonPressed array
          for(int i=0; i<buttonPressed.length; i++)
          buttonCheck=event.getActionCommand();     //Gets the button that was pressed
          //Runs the correct method depending on which button is pressed
               if(currentElement>=2 && !buttonPressed[currentElement].equals(""))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("C"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("CE"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("BS"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("sqrt"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("sin") || buttonCheck.equals("cos") || buttonCheck.equals("tan"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("PI"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("1/x"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("x�"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("-/+"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("."))
          else if((buttonCheck.equals("+") || buttonCheck.equals("-") || buttonCheck.equals("x") || buttonCheck.equals("/") || buttonCheck.equals("%")) && !buttonPressed[currentElement].equals(""))
          System.out.println("1st: "+buttonPressed[0]+ "\n2nd: " buttonPressed[1] "\n3rd: " buttonPressed[2] "\n4th: " buttonPressed[3] "\n5th: " +buttonPressed[4]);
          System.out.println("6th: "+buttonPressed[5]+ "\n7th: " buttonPressed[6] "\n8th: " buttonPressed[7] "\n9th: " buttonPressed[8]"\n");
     // Method Name: clear()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "C" button is pressed. Clears all the numbers
     //                         inputted into the calculator.
     public void clear()
          for(int i=0; i<buttonPressed.length; i++)
     // Method Name: clearOne()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "CE" button is pressed. Deletes the last
     //                         entire number inputted into the calculator. For example,
     //                         if "5x123" was inputted, it would go back to "5x".
     public void clearOne()
          if(currentElement >= 2)
     // Method Name: backSpace()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "BS" button is pressed. Deletes the last
     //                         number inputted into the calculator. For example,
     //                         if "5x123" was inputted, it would go back to "5x12".
     public void backSpace()
               int stringSize=buttonPressed[currentElement].length();
               buttonPressed[currentElement] = userDisplay.substring(0, userDisplay.length() - 1);
     // Method Name: trig()
     // Parameters Passed: String variable buttonCheck
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "sin", "cos", or "tan" button is pressed.
     //                         Finds the sin, cos or tan of the current number.
     public void trig(String buttonCheck)
               double sinThisNum=Double.valueOf(buttonPressed[currentElement]).doubleValue();
               double sinNum=Math.sin(sinThisNum);
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("cos"))
               double cosThisNum=Double.valueOf(buttonPressed[currentElement]).doubleValue();
               double cosNum=Math.cos(cosThisNum);
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("tan"))
               double tanThisNum=Double.valueOf(buttonPressed[currentElement]).doubleValue();
               double tanNum=Math.tan(tanThisNum);
     // Method Name: squareRoot()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "sqrt" button is pressed. Sqaures the current
     //                         number.
     public void squareRoot()
          if(currentElement==0 || currentElement % 2==0)
               double rootThisNum=Double.valueOf(buttonPressed[currentElement]).doubleValue();
               double rootedNum=Math.sqrt(rootThisNum);
     // Method Name: numPI()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "PI" button is pressed. Allows the user to
     //                         input the value of PI.
     public void numPI()
          double PInumber=Math.PI;
     // Method Name: oneOver()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "1/x" button is pressed. This will divide
     //                         the current number by 1.
     public void oneOver()
          if(currentElement==0 || currentElement % 2==0)
               double oneOverNum=Double.valueOf(buttonPressed[currentElement]).doubleValue();
     // Method Name: powerTwo()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "x^2" button is pressed. This will take the
     //                         current number to the power 2.
     public void powerTwo()
          if(currentElement==0 || currentElement % 2==0)
               double powNum=Double.valueOf(buttonPressed[currentElement]).doubleValue();
     // Method Name: negPos()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "-/+" button is pressed. Toggles the number
     //                         between a negative and positive value.
     public void negPos()
     // Method Name: decimal()
     // Parameters Passed: ActionEvent variable event
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "C" button is pressed. Clears all the numbers
     //                         inputted into the calculator.
     public void decimal(ActionEvent event)
     // Method Name: operations()
     // Parameters Passed: String variable buttonCheck
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "+","-","x","/","%" button is pressed. Depending
     //                         on which operation is selected, the calculator will perform that.
     public void operations(String buttonCheck)
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("-"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("x"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("/"))
          else if(buttonCheck.equals("%"))
     // Method Name: allNumbers()
     // Parameters Passed: ActionEvent variable event
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if any of the numbers are pressed. Adds the inputted
     //                         number to the already ongoing number in the display.
     public void allNumbers(ActionEvent event)
     // Method Name: checkInt()
     // Parameters Passed: String variable dataInput
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: A quick check to see if the button pressed is a number.
     //                         Rather than doing if(buttonCheck=="1") for every number.
     public boolean checkInt(String dataInput)
               int n=Integer.parseInt(dataInput);
               return true;          
          catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
               return false;
     // Method Name: equals()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Is run if the "=" button is pressed. Takes all the inputted
     //                         numbers and operations and executes all the calculations.
     public void equals()
          double firstNum=0;
          double secondNum=0;
          double currentAns=0;
          int howBig=0;
          for(int i=0; i<buttonPressed.length;i+=2)
          for(int j=0; j<=howBig-1; j+=2)
               else if(buttonPressed[j+1].equals("-"))
               else if(buttonPressed[j+1].equals("x"))
               else if(buttonPressed[j+1].equals("/"))
               else if(buttonPressed[j+1].equals("%"))
          for(int i=0; i<buttonPressed.length; i++)
     // Method Name: getInfo()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: String variable N/A
     //     Method Purpose: Return the title of this calculation engine.
     public String getInfo()
          return "ver 0.9 Copyright � 2001-2003 Harish.";
### ###
// Date Started: March 1, 2004
// Date Finished: March 26, 2004
// Program Description: The main class of a simple calculator.
public class Calculator
     private CalcEngine engine;
     private UserInterface gui;
     // Method Name: Calculator()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: Creates the calculator and displays it on the screen.
     public Calculator()
          engine = new CalcEngine();
          gui = new UserInterface();
     // Method Name: show()
     // Parameters Passed: None
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: If the window is closed, it will show it again.
     public void show()
     // Method Name: main()
     // Parameters Passed: String variable []args
     //     Data Returned: None
     //     Method Purpose: The main method that runs the Calculator()
     public static void main(String [] args)
          new Calculator();

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    Hi Ivan,
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    So I searched for alternative remote desktop apps.  Cord 0.5.0 crashes on my machine and 0.5.5 won't even start up.
    I ended up installing rdesktop (
    It looks promising - very fast, and gets me to my PC login screen.  My mouse pointer can click on the screen buttons, but any keyboard input appears in my G5 Terminal window and is not sent to the Windows 7 PC.  This makes it impossible to enter my Windows 7 password to login!
    I'm sure this is a simple problem to solve but I have no idea on how to solve it.
    Any clues appreciated.  Thanks.

    rdesktop -x m -r clipboard:"CLIPBOARD" -g 1280x1024 -u<username> <hostip>
    I do recommend using ssh tunnel for RDP over internet. Is more secure and limits open ports to only ssh port in firewall.
    There are instructions about on how to use cygwin with RSA key login, turn off ssh password login when working properly.

  • Take printscreen and detect mouse/keyboard input

    hi guys,
    I'm looking a way to take printsceen and detecting mouse/keyboard input in Adobe Air app using html/ajax .. is it possible ?
    any ideas ..please

    I wrote a blog post on how to do screen capturing using Adobe AIR abnd HTML/JavaScript. Maybe it'll help you out: tions
    As for detecting key input, you can add a keydown/keydown event to the document quite easily.
    document.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt){
         // do something

  • Troubleshoot keyboard input problem

    the right hand shift key, and full stop, have stopped working. When I attached a different apple keyboard the same thing happened to it. The only way I can get a full stop is with the numeric pad, and the only way to get shift is with the left hand shift key. Does anyone have a solution, please?

    Well, the game is a bit big now, but the problem is definitely in the file, and my source is:
    It is simply a Space Invaders Game. I have gotten almost everything working but keyboard input. I have it set up now so that the game even plays itself, cuz it doesn't listen to my button presses :)
    I really want to add a KeyListener to the JPanel (the GameBoard extends JPanel) so that keyboard input is invisible, but it won't let me - says the GameBoard never has focus and just ignores it. So to get any key input to work at all, I temporarily added a TextField to the panel, and added the KeyListener to the TextField. That's part of the problem. And the main problem is that inside the "gameplay" loop, the KeyListener has no effect. I tried making a new class with a run(), putting the KeyListener in there and calling start() from the GameBoard, but it had the same outcome. Please help! :)

  • Maple13, tiling wm and keyboard input

    I am using a tiling wm (musca). I installed maple and at first had the problem, that maple would show only a grey window.
    Using wmname and
    wmname LG3D
    I resolved the problem. Now the problem is, that the worksheets wont accept my keyboard input.
    Mouse/menus work. All dialogs also work with keyboard input.
    If I open a new worksheet, input works. But as soon as I switch worksheet it does not work anymore.
    Anyone an Idea what I could do?
    PS: I already tried sun jre (from pacman) and openjdk6 by changing the maple startup file. It's always the same

    Depending in your window manager you may have the option to add a floating workspace. Try working there. If that doesn't solve the problem you can try runing an aditional floating window manager inside a Xnest or a Xephyr session. This has worked for me for some other problematic applications. For example try:
    Xephyr -ac -br -host-cursor -noreset -screen 1280x800 :1 &
    sleep 3
    twm -display :1
    this will initiate a new X session inside yours, which will be managed by twm. There you can run a terminal and of course maple. Maybe is a sub optimal workaround, but is the only alternative I have found.
    (Note that Xephyr is found in xorg-server-xephyr package and twm, well in xorg-twm )

  • Keyboard Input OS X 10.9

    A student changed the MacBook keyboard input to a foreign country keyboard.  It is changed at the log in screen too.  I can't figure out how to change it back.  I can use an external keyboard and log on and type and I have no problems. I just can't use the keyboard on the laptop.  This MacBook is using OS X 10.9.

    Hey Sweet 1971,
    Well let’s see if we can get the keyboard back to what you need. If you can log in to the account, go to System Preferences > Keyboard and go to the Input Sources tab and remove any keyboard that you do not want and you should be good to go. I have also provided an article on how to change the keyboard layout at the log in window and it talks about OS X Lion but will be the same for OS X Yosemite. 
    OS X Mavericks: Use input sources to type in other languages
    OS X: How to change the keyboard layout at the login window
    Take care,
    -Norm G.  

  • Solaris 10 8/07 Install hangs awaiting keyboard input

    I have a W2100z Java Workstation that I am trying to install S10 8/07 on. When it first powers up, I get the standard bios prompts and can hit F2/F8 to customize things as I wish.
    However, when I start the Solaris install from CD, after the OS installer is loaded, it first prompts for 1, 2, 3, 4, ... choices (1 being an interactive install). No amount of keyboard punching seemed to get it to make a choice. So after about 30 seconds or so, it times out and presumes interactive install.
    After a bit, it loads a text-based window to let me choose a language. Just move the cursor around, select a language, and then hit F2 to continue. Unfortunately, it does not recognize any keyboard input and just sits there comatose for as long as I choose to wait.
    So, perhaps I have a keyboard issue, so I swapped out a Kensington for a Dell keyboard. That didn't work so I acquired a Sun keyboard. That doesn't work either. I've also plugged the keyboard into every USB slot I could find (two on the front and 3 on the back), all to no avail.
    Now, Solaris 11 from the SXDE has no problem booting and installing on this computer with all of those keyboards. Unfortunately, that is academic in that I need to run S10.
    So what is the magic to getting the W2100z to boot/install Solaris 10?

    After much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, I found an BIOS upgrade for the W2100z. The keyboard now is recognized and the bits are installing.

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