KNI and legacy c code.

I have some c code that I need to call from a J2ME application. I know I need to write a kni wrapper for the c code and i will be able to call c functions using this wrapper from my application which is running on the kvm. My problem is that there is a lot of c code and was wondering if there is a way to avoid manually writing a kni interface for all the c code that i want to call. Has anyone done anything like this before. Any help on how I should go about this would be appreciated.

Can you please let me know how to access native code (c) in java files.
I am having some functions written in C. I am not getting how to load the same into java files as there is no System.loadLibrary option in J2ME. So can you pls let me know in detail.

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    So is there a way to build what I want in edge without resorting to dreamweaver? If so and there is code to input can you guys provide step by step on how to put it in the program? And is there a way to export the project so I can pass the RAW code to the programmers to do there thing? Lastly, is there a way to incorporate Jquery mobile to Edge? For the Dashboard can I build the same thing in Edge? Example what will be in there are things like charts, Calendars, Dates, Etc, Etc.  If I need to resort to building it in dreamweaver I can provide the code for you guys to alter to change for what I need. Like I said I'm not a big fan of coding and a little stranger to it. I just know the basics and the fact I haven't touched dreamweaver since CS4 makes it even harder to use. Some tools I like are gone such as AP divs. However i like the new elements you can inject into the program such as the Jquery stuff, but for the simplist things I want to do such as moving them left or right or centering them is a different story.
    Please Help!

    if you search on the forum you can find useful posts about creating a form in edge

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     <splitButton idMso="DialMenu">
                <dynamicMenu id="CallContactwithFreedomvoice
    " label="CallContactwithFreedomvoice" 
                            getContent="OnGetContenttest"                           insertAfterMso="Call"/> 
            </menu>       </splitButton>    </contextMenu> 

    Hi Narasimha prasad2,
    Based on the description, the context menu for the flagged contact doen't work in Outlook. I am tring to rerpoduce this issue however failed.
    I suggest that you check the state of the add-in first to see wether the add-in was loaded successfully.
    Regards & Fei
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    If you are having issues with iTunes after an attempted update, you may want to try the steps in the following articles:
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    Apple Support: Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
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    Sine upgrading to Dreamweaver CS5, I haven't been able to copy/paste smart quotes and apostrophes into code view without them automatically being converted to straight quotes.
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    John’s new song is called “DW Blues”
    would get pasted into Code View as:
    John's new song is called "DW Blues"
    Notice the smart quotes and apostrophe are replaced with single and double ticks, or "straight quotes."  While this seems like a minor detail, it's extremely important to our writers and editors to have them appear on the website exactly as typed.
    If I do the same copy/paste in Design View (doc type is XHTML Transitional), it appears as:
    John's new song is called &quot;DW Blues&quot;
    The characters are still replaced, and the straight quotes are then entity encoded (as expected).
    This doesn't happen with other valid UTF-8 characters like ™, ®, —, etc., or with any other code editors I've used, including DW CS3.
    Is there a hidden preference somewhere to disable this "feature," or is it just a bug?
    Please help!

    It's now 4 years since jsparacio posted this, and I just wanted to let everyone know that I had -- and am still having -- the exact same problem with Dreamweaver CS5 (running first under Windows XP, then Windows 7, and now again with Windows 8.1). So it's not just Macs that are affected.
    FWIW, I have set my DW CS5 Paste preferences to the 3rd of 4 options available
        1 - Text Only
        2 - Text With Structure
        3 - Text With Structure Plus Basic Formatting
        4 - Text With Structure Plus Full Formatting
    in the EDIT > PREFERENCES > Copy/Paste Preferences dialog box.
    But the Paste Special command ignores this setting, giving me only the first 2 options from which to choose, with option 2 the default selection for Paste Special operations (options 3 and 4 are grayed out, and can't be selected).
    According to David Sawyer McFarland's _Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual_ (O'Reilly Media, 2010), the reason these are grayed out is because I am pasting unformatted ASCII text which I generated in a program editor called "UltraEdit":
        "... Choose EDIT > PASTE SPECIAL to open the Paste Special window. Here, you can choose which of the four techniques you wish to use ... sort of. You're limited to what Dreamweaver can paste. For non-Microsoft Office products, you can use only the first two options--the others are grayed out--whereas you can choose from any of the four with text copied from Word or Excel." (McFarland, p. 81)
    Regardless of such restrictions, standard copy-and-paste (CTRL+C followed by CTRL+V) works just fine for me using Dreamweaver CS4 (i.e., I have never needed to use the Paste Special command), but with DW CS5, neither Paste command (CONTROL+V or CTRL+SHIFT+V) works properly with typographic/curly/smart quotes.
    All typographic quotes -- ASCII-0146 and ASCII-0147 (double quote marks); plus ASCII-0145 and ASCII-0146 (single quote marks, for quotes within a quote) -- are converted to inch (&quot; is entered in the code) and foot (' is entered in the code) marks when I copy-and-paste text with these characters into Dreamweaver's Design View.
    When I copy this same plain ASCII text directly into the code (rather than using Design View), typographic double open & close quotes are converted to the inch (") mark, and typographic single open & close quotes are converted to the foot (') mark.
    The beginning of this week, I installed Dreamweaver CS5, ver. 11.0, Build 4909 under Windows 8.1 OS on my new Ultrabook. I was hoping that under Windows 8.1, DW CS5's handling of typographic quotes might improve so that I can actually use this program that I purchased 4 years ago. Alas, no such luck: I continue to have the same problem I had when I first upgraded to Dreamweaver CS5 back in August 2010 (then running under Windows XP on my desktop computer).
    Back in August 2020, when I first asked about fixes, I was told to change the Title/Encoding setting of Page Properties to "Western European" -- which I tried, but it didn't work then, and it doesn't work now ... and even if it did, it wouldn't be a proper fix for the problem as I have plenty of good reasons for wanting my HTML page Title/Encoding set to Unicode (UTF-8), not Western European ("charset=iso-8859-1").
    The ability to copy-and-paste typographic quotes is such a big deal for me that I chose back in August 2010 to revert to Dreamweaver CS4, which I've been using ever since.
    It is *very* frustrating that, 4 years later, I still can't use this program, and shall be reverting to DW CS4, yet again.
    I continue to be completely flummoxed by this. Every other program with which I am familiar converts non-typographic quotes to typographic/curly/smart quotes ... never have I seen the process automated in reverse!

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  • How get and edit xml code of BI Publisher Report

    Hi to all,
    I need to do some costumization to one BI Publisher report. Investigating I found a solution to do my costumization. However this requieres edit the xml code. Can you please let me know how can I get and edit this code?
    Thanks in advance

    obiee / ebs .... ?
    Investigating I found a solution to do my costumization. However this requieres edit the xml code.
    no need edit seeded code (it's for SR)
    your steps:
    - get seeded code
    - edit
    - create custom report
    Can you please let me know how can I get and edit this code?
    for ebs you can look xml publisher responsibility, find by code

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    getting a message says apple id has not yet been used with the itunes store while trying to download apps
    why do i need to enter the credit card information for downloading free apps and redeem the codes?

    As a security precaution, Apple verifies your billing credentials with every transaction whether paid or free apps or using the balance of a redeemed code.

  • Re: Windows Vista and 7 / Error Code in Windows 7 Home Premium

    Just purchased my first laptop and am attempting to connect to the internet via a DSL GNET Modem using PPPoE. When I attempt to connect to the internet I get Error Code 651: The modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. Any ideas on a fix for this. Odd to get a new system and an error code so soon.
    System Overview:
    Toshiba Satellite Notebook
    AMD Phenom (tm) II N870 Triple Core Processor
    2.30 GHZ
    64 Bit OS
    Sent via IPAD

    Im 100% sure this error is not caused by your new notebook. Im also 100% sure that all ports on your notebook work properly. You can check this in device manager. Is some problem there?
    This modem is not known to me but, generally speaking, using LAN cable there should not be any problem if your modem is configured properly. With WLAN is the same.
    Have you tested functionality on some other LAN or WLAN network (different DSL router)?
    By the way: which notebook model do you have exactly?

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    Well, then you are SOL.

Maybe you are looking for

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