Knife tool won't cut text?

I'm trying to do one of those jagged sliced text effects for a logo, but I can't get the knife tool to get text once I convert it to outlines (or before).
Does the knife tool not work on text and if not, what do people typically do to get these very perfect slices?

As I (mis)understand it, you may (on top of the outlined type):
1) Click (not drag) with the Pen Tool to create the jagged cutting line (or create it in another way to get the right shape and position);
2) Object>Path>Divide Objects below;
3) Object>Ungroup and Object>Group the parts on either side of the cutting line (2 Groups);
4) Move one of the Groups to get the right gap.
This way you may adjust until you are satisfied before actually cutting.
And what Scott is going to say.

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    Of course, that's a lot of steps, so as soon as I get back, I'm going to try the way you just described as I think it will come in very handy in the future.
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by: MercuryCrest

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    Did you read my last post in your other thread?
    Pse 10 needs a good copy of the amtlib.dll in system 32 or the text tool won't function.
    Yours might be corrupted.

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    dm25 wrote:
    > The knife tool is grayed out when I try to use it ona
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    You need to ungroup it first. Modify > Ungroup.
    Linda Rathgeber [PVII] *Adobe Community Expert-Fireworks*
    Fireworks Newsgroup:
    CSS Newsgroup: news://

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    > I have been using Fireworks for a number of years now. I
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    Linda Rathgeber [PVII] *Adobe Community Expert-Fireworks*
    Fireworks Newsgroup:
    CSS Newsgroup: news://
    Design Aid Kits:

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    Best regards,

    Thank you for your reply, I still have a slight problem though,
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    Thanks again for taking your time.
    Best regards,

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    I don't believe you can do this in a single operation. You'll need to knife the object, then select the newly created segment on each object with the direct selection tool, then delete to open each path.
    But this is likely to cause another problem: once you delete the path segment that you knifed through, the object's fill will form a straight edge from one open end point to the other. IOW, you'll lose any curvature you might have created with the knife.
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    Anyone ever noticed this? Is there a workaround? Is this a
    bug or is this behavior by design?

    This article might help clarify what you are seeing.
    mjeune wrote:
    > Ok, this is something I noticed with earlier versions of
    Fireworks, and it's
    > still lingering in CS3.
    > What happens is this: I have a rounded rectangle with a
    border of 1 pixel (no
    > fill). When I use the knife tool to cut it in smaller
    parts, the resulting
    > sections end up having a thickness of 2 pixels and
    become blurry/faded. This
    > does not happen with path having borders of 2+ pixels,
    only with 1 pixel.
    > Here's another interesting bit: let's say I do the same
    using a rectangle with
    > a 2-pixel border. The resulting sections have the same
    thickness as the
    > original (2 pixels), but if I attempt to change it to 1
    pixel, Fireworks blurs
    > the section and its thickness remains at 2 pixels. What
    > Anyone ever noticed this? Is there a workaround? Is this
    a bug or is this
    > behavior by design?

  • Knife Tool Oddities

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    I draw a "donut" using the rectangle
    tool (the "doughnut" autoshape). This autoshape is a Vector
    graphic, yet I cannot select the knife tool to slice it up. I know
    this is how it is, but is there any way around this? Otherwise I
    have to make donuts with circles and smaller circles and punching
    and all that.
    Now the real problem: I have a circle
    made with the Circle tool and I cut it in two with the knife tool.
    Now I have two halves of a circle, yet when I cut them in two again
    with the knife tool, weird things happen. I know this is because
    they are like Cs and not like Ds (i.e., they're missing the path
    thinger in the middle). How do I fix that? I wish to make a pizza
    (more or less).
    (The bullets do not work correctly in
    this posting forum, or at least here in the preview. Sorry. I
    thought Adobe might use some Adobe technology, like the
    RichTextArea component in Flex...)
    Thanks to everyone in advance for your help!

    d23535 wrote:
    > wow, that was weird. Here is the original post
    > Hello all. I am having two problems with the Knife Tool
    in Fireworks.
    > I draw a "donut" using the rectangle tool (the
    > autoshape). This autoshape is a Vector graphic, yet I
    cannot select the knife
    > tool to slice it up. I know this is how it is, but is
    there any way around
    > this? Otherwise I have to make donuts with circles and
    smaller circles and
    > punching and all that.
    > Now the real problem: I have a circle made with the
    > tool and I cut it in two with the knife tool. Now I have
    two halves of a
    > circle, yet when I cut them in two again with the knife
    tool, weird things
    > happen. I know this is because they are like Cs and not
    like Ds (i.e., they're
    > missing the path thinger in the middle). How do I fix
    that? I wish to make a
    > pizza (more or less).
    > (The bullets do not work correctly in this posting
    forum, or
    > at least here in the preview. Sorry. I thought Adobe
    might use some Adobe
    > technology, like the RichTextArea component in Flex...)
    > Thanks to everyone in advance for your help!
    > Best,
    > Daniel
    point 1 - The Donut is an autoshape, so it must be ungrouped
    before the
    knife tool is accessible
    point 2 - A much easier way to do this would be to use the
    Pie shape.
    Option/Alt drag to segment the "pie. When you have all the
    pieces you
    want, ungroup the shape and you will have ready made pie
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
    Adobe Community Expert
    See my work on Flickr

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    hello, i only made an account to solve this for you guys because it has been a headache for me also.... let me apologize before hand for terrible grammar and punctuation i am in a huge hurry  Now this may not work for everybody but i fixed it on my machine with the following   now before you print ...use (ctrl+p) in your word processor to open the print window click on (properties) then navigate to the (advanced) tab now, I have a section called printer features under this category there is an option to "send truetype as bitmap" enable this and see if it can help any of you, for me, with this ENABLED I can print any size font my word processor will allow me to type  specs of my machinedell d6420win7msoft word 2007 printer itself is hp laserjet 200 color m276 printer driver is HP LaserJet 200 color MFP M276 PCL 6 i understand that this printer and driver is not identical to yours per se  but the nature of these drivers makes it highly likely that this solution will work for most of you  if this helps, have somebody else post it more noticeably because i will probly not be signing back in to this website i created this account just to post this and hopefully solve this annoying issue for many of you kudos needed   

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    See if the link will help you with the printing issues.​e=c00613428&cc=uk&lc=en&dlc=en&product=1138342&tmp​...
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.

Maybe you are looking for

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