Korean Font in iTunes

I want to input the correct titles and artists info for Korean songs in iTunes. I have the Eastern Asia Language pack enabled in Windows XP SP3. How can I type the info forthe songs in Korean? Also when I right click on a song the "Convert ID3 Tag" option is not present as stated in iTunes help.

Wrong encoding perhaps.

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    You cant delete an Apple ID permanently, you can just stop using it. Your GameCenter is linked to the Apple ID that your phone uses to download stuff. So whatever ID is linked to your phone when you download things from th AppStore and iTunes is also the account that is linked to your GameCenter. if you keep switching accounts thats why the random accounts keep popping up, just stick to one and you should be grand.

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    I'm not sure, but I think the change was using the font "Segoe UI" instead of "Tahoma", and maybe, Lucida Grande.
    I haven't tried it, but I assume you can edit the fonts, which are specified in (basically) a text file (at least, for iTunes 10).
    Make a backup of the file before you edit anything (or you can repair/reinstall if you mess it up). See the following post for some more info:
    You'll want to edit the "font", not the "xp-font". I can't tell you what fonts will work.

  • PDF Report with Korean font work fine in 9iDS but not in 9iAS

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    My 9ias settings
    In uifont.ali the settings are
    [ PDF ]
    .....ZHT16BIG5 = "MSungStd-Light-Acro"
    .....ZHS16CGB231280 = "STSongStd-Light-Acro"
    .....KO16KSC5601 ="HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro"
    Installed the Korean font(HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro) from Adobe site
    the font file HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro exist in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Resource\CIDFont
    also installed the asian Suit 2000(Union Way) on the ias server.
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    Actual font = HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro type=type1 (CID)
    Anyone please let me know do i need to do any other changes or i need to apply any patch . Please reply, Thanks in advance
    with Regards

    Hi Navneet,
    Thanks for the immediate reply.
    As such there is no change in both the report servers , same output in win2000 and win2003. I am generating the rep from 9ids for both 9ids and 9ias, and i am using font UWKMJF which is korean charecter support, but 9ias is generating some junk charecters with spacing , 9ids is working fine.
    The PDf Document font is showing
    Origial font = HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro type=type1 (CID) Encoding=KSC-EUC-H
    Actual font = HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro type=type1 (CID)
    which is same as 9ids, but the data displaying in the pdf are not proper.
    As you mentioned about the patch, which patch i have to apply. can you please also mention the patch numbers.
    Please help me.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Korean font not displaying correctly. Internationalization Issue

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    It's the latest AIR 15 SDK with the Flex framework.swc and framework_fb.swf added for binding support
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    var tf : TextFormate = this._sknPageShield.pageName.getTextFormat();
    tf.font = "Arial Unicode MS";
    The font changes because english characters showed up, however even though I click embed all fonts, korean characters do not display. I have to set the font on the textfield using the Flash CC tools and it works fine.

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    i use SAPscript original language EN.
    in sapscript i use korean font KPBATANG to show detail of Purchase order,
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    but when i convert SAPscript to PDF for sending file vie email.
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    i attach picture as below.
    you will see that korean font in ( ) cannot read
    please help.
    Edited by: dittaporn nanasilp on Sep 7, 2010 6:43 AM

    In addition to Korean font like KPBATANG, the language key of the used form(sapscript or smartform) must be KO. Also the PDF must be created by a Korean device type like e.g. KPSAPWIN.
    If you have a Unicode system, then the Unicode cascading fonts device type SWINCF or PDFUC can be used to create the PDF. In this case the language of the form is not so important.

  • Korean Font Problem

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    These are not font issues, they are encoding mismatches, where names are either not in Unicode as required by OS X or are somehow being read in the wrong encoding.  It is not uncommon with mp3 files imported from Windows, which often uses different encodings than Mac.  The zip utility also botches encodings sometimes. 
    Try to make sure all the id3 tags are in Unicode before transferring and avoid zipping/unzipping and see if that helps.

  • Korean Font crash after iOS 7 update

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    It drives me crazy also. Use iAwriter app for a temporary. I've used many document apps but most of them had same problem as iWork apps. Juding from the fact that even google docs has same problem, i assume it is iOS 7's general trouble to document apps. But somehow iAwriter does not has those issue at the moment, so i'm only using that one now. Try that one for a moment although it is bit annoying the delay of bug fix. It is such huge falut that never been exist. Typing letter is impossible...? No single one apple staff has tryed typing Korean. That demonstrate a lot of current apple's situation i suppose.

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    Korean true type fonts have two names, in English and Korean. For example, the default font of Windows 7 Korean version is '맑은 고딕' in Korean, 'Malgun Gothic' in English. In Microsoft WIndows, webpages with CSS which has Korean font name display right font, but in my Mac, Safari does not display right font. If the webpage use both Korean and English names in CSS font section, it works in both Mac and Windows.
    For example,
    body { font-family: 맑은 고딕; }
    It works just in Windows.
    body { font-family: 맑은 고딕, Malgun Gothic; }
    It works in both platform.
    Apple mail also has same problem. I have tested other browsers in Mac and only Mozilla Firefox display the right font.
    Is this a some kind of bug?

    drshawn wrote:
    Is this a some kind of bug?
    Probably.  Let Apple know via

  • Document properties has not fonts listed and not able to display korean font

    I have a korean PDF file which I am using Adobe Acrobet 9 Pro to view the file.  When I open the file, the text is all in not-standard characters.   An example looks like the following:
    I tried to search to see if I am missing installing the font for Acrobet, but couldn't really find anything.  Then, I checked the file properties, under the Font tab, it did not list anything.
    I want to ask if anyone would know why the PDF file is not displaying the font properly?  and is there anyting I can do to fix it?

    You need to download and install the Korean font pack
    Windows: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3982
    Mac OS: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3986

  • How to keep Korean fonts when converting .pages file to .epub file

    Hi, I am also asking about embedding Korean fonts other than English when converting .pages file to .epub file.
    I really like to use application for Mac in order to make certain file format for e-books though there seems to be some problem that should be improved.
    Please answer to my question and help me to find the best way to make .epub file with Mac.

    You should have no problem keeping your text in Korean when you convert to .epub from .pages.  Are  you saying that the Korean is converted to something else?   Please provide more details about what is not working the way you want.
    Pages can't embed fonts, you would have to use another app.  But there is no need to embed fonts to create Korean books.

  • Embedded a korean font in Flash

    Hello !!!
    I would like to embedded a font thanks Flash CS3, in order to
    get a .swf that handle the italic and bold korean font (is
    possible, one that looks like lucida for the latin characters).
    I’ve tried several that seemed to handle the korean but each
    time I end with square characters when I test it :( Furthermore I
    couldn’t find the fonts given in this post (
    I also have corectly "embedded" the special characters on flash..
    still not work !!!
    Does somebody has an idea where I could find a character
    table or directly which font use for korean or where to find .swf ?
    Thanks a lot !!

    I have created an English brochure for a client, and the same brochure was translated into German. Now I am being asked for a Korean version. Can someone provide some guidance on how best to proceed in Adobe Indesign CS5? I gather that I use Apple Gothic or another font... but it doesn't show up as Korean. Also, is Korean a vertically read font?
    Korean is occasionally set vertically, but it's an extremely old-fashioned technique outside of a few limited areas - some ads, the spines of books, et cetera. 
    To be honest, I'd say "package your InDesign file and send it to a firm or freelancer that specializes in English to Korean translation, with experience in the subject matter of your brochure." It sounds like you are asking for automated machine translation within InDesign; ID has no such ability. There are ways to flow automated machine translations into ID documents, but you're most likely to find those tools in the hands of translation agencies anyways.
    No matter where you get your translation done, I'd advise against you trying to typeset the Korean yourself - there are issues with Korean in English-language ID. Without some careful setup, ID will treat Korean characters as if they were Chinese, and will break Korean words in incorrect locations instead of at spaces.

  • Korean Font for Belle

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    If you have some time look at this thread:http://discussions.nokia.com/t5/Nseries-and-Symbia​n-Smartphones/Nokia-N8-RM-596-Symbian-3-Keyboard-a​...
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

  • Korean Font in Curve 8520

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    Thanks a lot!

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    If you are on corporate/enterprise/BES, then stop now and seek assistance from your BES admins, for they control the IT Policy that your BB uses.
    If you are not on BES, then somehow you have a latent IT Policy on your BB which is preventing this functionality. Sometime in this BBs life, it was associated with BES, but was not properly cleansed when it was removed from BES. So now you must do drastic things to cure it.
    To start, please follow the backup instructions available via the link in my auto-sig on this post...you will need ALL of that, as your BB will be wiped totally clean in order to remove the IT Policy.
    Once you have completed the backup, follow this KB to remove the IT Policy from your BB:
    KB31291 How to reset a BlackBerry smartphone to factory settings using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    However, once you have completed the reset to factory, DO NOT do a full restore of your data...rather, do a selective restore of only those databases you really require (e.g., contacts, calendar, messages, etc.), especially avoiding any databases that have anything to do with Corporate, Enterprise, or IT Policy. If you restore those, you will wind up right back where you are now.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • Korean fonts

    I am using a Korean computer with Korean fonts.
    I have Flash 8 English version.
    I have prepared Korean text in Dreamweaver 8 which appears in
    the Flash movie.
    When it appears the text is all broken and illegible.
    Can anyone advise as to why this is?
    Thank You
    [email protected]

    Is there some way to use the
    Korean fonts to type the Korean
    Yes. Go to system prefs/international/input menu and check the box for Hangul, plus the box for "show input menu in Finder." Then go to the "flag" menu at the top right of the Finder and select Hangul. Then type. There are a number of settings at the bottom of the flag menu.

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