KT400 Ultra & ATI 9500Pro

Does anybody know why you can't use the via agp 3.0 drivers with the radeon catalyst 3.0a drivers on this mobo.  This causes crashes in d3d apps and games.  I know of several people on the Rage3d forums who have the same setup with the same result.  We have to use the stock XP via drivers in order for our systems to work properly.
I have tried both the via 4.42's and 4.45 drivers with the same result.  Since other kt400 mobos can run this combo without issue, I am thinking this may be a bios issue for MSI to look into.
Any comments would be nice.

i got two winxp installs, on my kt4 ultra and ati 9500np 128mb
on one of them the ati works great
on the other winxp the 4.45 didn't work, but when i installed 4.43 it started to work normally.

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    Wonka means, check if the JBAT jumper is set to position 1-2
    If that's the case, read the trouble guide on top of the forum...


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    Quote from: Stu on 14-January-08, 01:30:33
    Thanks for all your help.
    I tried that driver already...same result, but no matter.
    I got this sorted today...went and bought 20 mts of ethernet cable, works a treat.
    I've come to the conclusion that the USB WiFi Dongle is Kaput.
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    the existing connection.
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    split from "Booting from USB sticks" sticky as it is irrelevant really. moving to SocketA forum.
    read this thread Suggestions on posting and getting better answers then come back with more info so others can help you better.

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    Same thing here...
    related post
     I've switched back to 1.2 Overclockers out there take care
    and don't be fooled. Best is to note the exact diference in degrees before and after ver 1.4. And if u have now 20* degrees and before you had 30* that means if you ever get past 40* is bad  - you're running at 50*C )
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    Thanks For Reading.

    just set fsb to 133 in the bios

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    Originally posted by XorArch
    Yep the ABIT AT7 MAX2 works great with my Prophet 9700 pro, just remember it has no serial or paralel ports(which is not a big problem for me), but it does however have 10 USB2 ports, firewire and lan onboard.
    Now if only my XP 2400+ would arive  X(
    LOL.......... :D

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    For now I had put my Geforce4 Ti 4200 back in so I can use my computer again.  
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    Antec case, 400w P/S +3.3/28amps +5/40amps +12/18amps
    WinXP Home Sp2. Dx9.0a
    MSI KT4 Ultra biosv1.4 (boot) 4x AGP (there is no 8x option in bios)/ Fast Write disabled & enabled/ AGP Aperture size 64&128mb, AGP voltage set to AUTO. NOTHING IS OVERCLOCKED fsb 166, cas 2.5
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    2-80 gig Maxtor Raid Strip 0
    12x8x4 Burner
    Linksys 10/100 ethernet card
    Zoom 56k modem
    4-80mm fans
    My brand new 9700 card:
    Model: OEM Generic MIC powered by ATI
    Board revision: AO2
    Memory: 128meg Infineon DDR SGRAM 3.3n

    for one try removing one of your memory sticks,,try that first,,,make sure your fsb of the cpu and the memory are 166,,,,it will auto detect the 8x agp if the card suports it,,,,,,do you have the card setted all the wat,,,,,,,,,,double check memory settings,,this card i have found does not like fsb messed with or the memory fsb messed with.....set memory to spd,,,,good luck

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    WinXP Pro SP1
    KT4 Ultra
    AthlonXP 2000+
    512mb DDR 2700
    WD 40gb  7200
    WD 20gb 7200
    16x DVD-rom
    AIW Radeon 8500DV
    SB Live xgamer
    Linksys Nic
    Allied 350w
    Voltage 190w
    Current 144w 9.6w 2.5w
    Frequency 10w

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    and does it fit on old mobo's?
    when will mobo's with PCI Express be released?

    The X600 is basically a slightly improved 9600XT, so it is not a big step above your current 9500pro. Wait for the price of 9800pro to drop a bit, or wait even longer for X800pro to get affordable. Motherboards with PCI-Express are coming out within the next months. But don't rush out to get one, because PCI-Express is a development for the long haul with no real advantage this early on. Wait until you really need a new motherboard for other reasons.

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    Does anyone know if MSI is aware of this issue?  I know that it works with Nvidia drivers cause my buddy has that setup (MSI mobo + GF4).
    Hope to get some comments from MSI gurus, I really like my board, and this is the only issue I have with it.

    Please take a look at this thread regarding your motherboard.  http://www.msi.com.tw/program/service/forum/index.php?threadid=6090&boardid=13&styleid=1

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    I've got the same issue with KT3 Ultra2 + XP2000, wireless NIC Netgear WG311.
    Tried a lot of tuning, from Bios setting to driver options, but nothing worked.
    I'm sure this is not related to PCI revision ( 2.1 or 2.2 ) because this is running
    pretty fine on the same computer under Linux Mandrake 9.1
    I tried every possible combination of PCI slot / driver / Bios setting ...!!!!
    The problem now is that, in addition to having found not workaround, I still do not
    know where the problem come from : VIA chipset, Netgear driver, AMi Bios, ....
    Don't know if I should change the motherboard or the NIC, or just wait for ....???
    Any suggestion will be welcome !!!!

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    My components are;
    AMD Athlon 2200
    2 x 256MB Kingston Value Ram
    80GB Maxtor ATA-133 7200rpm 8MB
    HIS Radeon 9500 128MB
    Lite-on CDR/RW 52x24x52
    LG DVD 16x48x
    Enermax 460W PFC
    Globalwin CAK4-88T
    rounded cables
    no floppy drive
    2 rear fan and 1 front
    CPU Temp          34 C
    System Temp     32 C
    Cpu Fan Speed  2800rpm
    Vcore                 1.664
    +5.v                   5.113v
    +12.v                 12.167v
    -12v                   -11.825v
    -5v                     -5.227v
    Battery               3.46v
    +5v SB                5.066
    Boot Sequence
       1st Boot Device       Disabled  ????
       2nd Boot Device      CD
       3rd Boot Device       HD

    Originally posted by the_black
    I had same problem, but when I disabled Raid from Bios, that message was gone.
    If you want to use Raid, you must install drivers for that.
    Will do.

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