?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(
MSI KT400 ULTRA (6590)
256 DDR 333
2 HDD 40 GB - DVD ROM - FLOPPY ...
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
msn  [email protected] please need help
msn  [email protected] please need help
msn  [email protected] please need help
msn  [email protected] please need help
msn  [email protected] please need help

Quote from: Stu on 14-January-08, 01:30:33
Thanks for all your help.
I tried that driver already...same result, but no matter.
I got this sorted today...went and bought 20 mts of ethernet cable, works a treat.
I've come to the conclusion that the USB WiFi Dongle is Kaput.
It looked like it worked in my laptop but this is already WiFi so I guess the new software was just using
the existing connection.
Dongle was never recognised in the desktop PC I wanted to use it in and in my other desktop was recognised as
Wireless USB Device but after trying to install it got to the same scenario where Windows could never find better drivers.
Just hope Ebuyer will take it back or the £8.50 it cost might bankrupt me!

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    it is an XP bug, you might try windows update to see if MS fixed it.
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    The answers to your questions I got from MSI for L18:
    it can only be done if he has knowledge or experience in soldering
    normally, the spare parts can be bought on hardware parts store selling capacitors/resistors etc.
    L18,inductor,10n/5%,0603,400mA,RDC=0.26 ohm

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    PC details in sig.
    Things i've done...
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    Bit bummed i've spent about $500 on new parts for it not to come together - hope someone could be arsed reading my novel here and has an idea. Not sure what to try next.
    Any help appreciated !!
    Edit - Final Question....if I go to BIOS 2.0/2.1 does it only support Richland chips??

    Quote from: flobelix on 04-July-13, 00:39:16
    Try the board out of case on a non-conductive surface with basic components and then try tuner and usb.
    Not sure where/how it would be grounding and causing a fault only to USB....but im willing to try anything atm!
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    Quote from: flobelix on 04-July-13, 00:39:16
    No, it will support all previously supported Trinity cpus as well.
    Would you suggest going to 2.1?

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    With the 1.3 bios it tells me 37-38c
    So wich bios is the right?
    which bios tells me the right temp?
    1.3 or 1.4 ?
    Please help  
    Thanks A lot

    Same thing here...
    related post
     I've switched back to 1.2 Overclockers out there take care
    and don't be fooled. Best is to note the exact diference in degrees before and after ver 1.4. And if u have now 20* degrees and before you had 30* that means if you ever get past 40* is bad  - you're running at 50*C )
      Until now the temperature readings of MSI mainboards were very precised.


    Hi, i get problems when overclock (fsb) my cpu with 133 fsb to 136 ONLY!!! , only support the overclock my cpu 1800(1533mhz)--to(1580mhz), high fsb 137 or high  freeze , restart  my system when run games or aplication with geforce 3 ddr 64mb, i modify vol agp to 1.8 , but get error again.  
    HELP ME!!!
    MSI KT4-ULTRA 6590-SR
    CPU XP 1800+
    T.VIDEO GEFORCE 3 DDR 64 detonator 41.09 agp4x

    Thanks for you help, but my power 350 watts codegen work a:
    However i read guide revision 12-12-02 about psu and all configuration is correct  !!!!!!
    My powersupply not is problem

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    Ok here is my problem.
    I bought 2 sticks of ram from, the memory was 512MB 333Mhz.  I instantly started getting errors within windows, something like "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" and "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA", the error occurred totally at random, the computer can be running for 5 mins or 5 hours before the error occurs and I can be doing anything from playing a game or browsing the internet.
    First thing I did was run memtest to see if there was a fault with the memory, It found no errors at all.
    Second thing I tried was to reinstall windows, This didnt solve the error ethier.
    Third thing I tried was to only use one memory module, This is the odd thing, Both memory modules work fine on there own with no errors at all.
    Can you please help?

    Which Windows (e.g. 9x, ME, 2K/XP)?
    Windows XP
    Are all DRAM timings set to default or auto detect in BIOS?
    They are all set to the motherboards default
    Have you tried moving the second module into the third DIMM socket?
    Yes I have tried all three ram sockets, they all work fine when 1 ram stick is in and I have tried every combination of 2 ram sticks.
    post some system specs like mine in my sig down there, cpu what fsb,
    try fsb/dram ratio at 1:1 in bios.
    Athlon XP 2400+  266fsb
    MSI 745 Ultra Bio Version 1.7
    2x512MB 333Mhz Crucial DDR
    Radeon 9800 pro 128MB
    Soundblaster Live
    2x120GB Maxtor Harddisks 7200RPM
    Pioneer 105 DVD-R(W)
    Liteon 16x DVD Drive
    Nexus NX-3500 350W 3.3v - 28A / 5v - 30A / 12v - 18A
    I hope all this information helps you try to solve my problem

  • PowerNow with MSI 745 Ultra and Athlon XP2600-M

    Hi, i have a MSI 745 Ultra board with a XP2600-M barton processor.
    Has anybody got the powernow feature to work? I have tried and i just cannot do it. Also if i want top maually set the cpu core voltage in the bios it will not go to 1.45v!
    I have the latest bios, drivers and xp pro with SP2

    Hi, thanks for the quick responses   
    The CPU (although a barton core) is a native native FSB 266. AXMG2600FQQ4C
    i got the processor because it runs at 45W - and i wanted a low current system for bittorrent and usenet downloads. the cpu is in the epox board at the mo as it allows a 1.45v core in the bios.
    i got the MSI board off ebay for a staggering 99p (bargain as its a really good board), and the processor works fine on it. I cannot remember exacety how low i can set the cpu core voltage in the bios as the cpu is back in the epox board but im sure it bottomed out at 1.5v
    The latest bios i installed in the MSI board said it supported the 2600+ but the powernow just did not work.
    i may get an old mobile processor like an 1800+ and see if it works with that

  • KT4 ultra (6590) and Randeon 8500 instability

    This is my pc:
    Msi Kt4 Ultra (6590)
    Athlon Xp 2000+
    512 mb ddr pc 2700
    Ati Radeon 8500 Ret.
    maxtor diamondplus 8 80gb
    Pioneer DVD 16x slot-in
    Asus ISDN Adapter internal
    Skystar 2 DVB sat Adapter
    Power Supply Deer 350 W (amd certificaded)---- 5v/35A
    Monitor 19"  Philps 109B.
    S.O WinXP PRO SP1.
    My systems runs great but when i play games sometimes my system crash and (very curios) before about 3-5 min of game play i see small interferences like small  white orizzontal  jolt similar the interference when a cellular phone ring near the monitor. the problem it persists with any resolution and any monitor refresh rate !!!!!  
    What i've tested:
    I have the lasted KT4 ultra bios, test any Randeon Drivers (include the lasted 779 beta drivers) and lasted via's drivers
    Near my monitor there isn't any interference source !!
    Monitor is perfect (tested in other system )
    it's not Radeon8500 problem because i play games perfectly in other system (a7v266 and same hardware)
    KT4 are not damaged because i play game perfectly with another video card (geforce2 Mx400)
    It's not a PSU problem because i replaced AMD athlon 2000 + with AMD Athlon 900 (the rest hardware is the same) and the problem it persists.
    although i have 5 years experience under PC assemblage  ,   I do not know that what to make!!!
    is There an incompatibility with Radeon8500 and KT4 Ultra  ??
    Please someone can help me ???  ;(   ;(

    It might be the AGP driving value problem. Set it to EA in BIOS. It works for most people with components like yours.  If that does not help, switch to AGP 2x and see if the problem went away. If it did, look for other DGP Driving values and turn off some AGP related features (sideband, fastwrite etc)
    If that did not help,
    See this post and try to draw come conclusions. Sometimes the Power Supply is at fault not because of being underpowered (which you checked with Athlon 900) but because of the incorrectunstable voltages and other similar crap. With 266Mhz fsb and 333Mhz memory interface the boards now are too sensitive to cheep power supplies.
    Good Luck
    KT3 Ultra2
    Athlon 1800+
    PowerColor Radeon8500 128mb
    No-name 512 memory
    No-name 400W power supply

  • MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU video lock-ups

        I have a 3 month old MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU.  I am running Windows XP Professional and I am having a periodic lock-up where the screen will show blinking colored blocks and the system will freeze.  Sometimes just hitting reset will cure the problem.  Other times, hitting reset will create two vertical stripes of colored blocks scrolling down the screen.  I have used the board on two entirely separate systems (One with AMD Athlon 2000+, Gainward GeForce 4200, 512 MB Samsung 2700 DDR, Western Digital Expert HD (tried both IDE #1 and RAID controller) (Other System, Athlon 1800+, a different Gainward Geforce 4200, 256 Crucial 2700 DDR, an older Maxtor hard drive).  In either system, every once in a while, the system will freeze as described above (it has happened in Netscape 7.0, Microsoft Word 2000, America's Army game).  
         I have played around with the bios settings, reformatted hard drives, tried various revisions of the nvidia display drivers, swapped out video cards, etc.  Any ideas?  Do I have a bad board?  Do I need to flash the BIOS?  If the board is bad, what do I need to do to return it?
    Matt Gumaer

    The second system has a 330 watt enermax power supply.  With the new system I put together, I put virtually the same board (MSI KT3 Ultra 2 with bluetooth and RAID), everything is the same as my first system (except the KT3 Ultra-ARU) and the stability is fine.  So, I'm reasonably confident its not the power supply.

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