L3 OOB NAC Server loadbalanced by ACE

Hi is there any documentation or information on NAC server loadbalance by cisco ACE? I want to know typically how is the setup like and what is the traffic flow? is there a way to configure NAC clients to talk to the NAC directly after being loadbalanced by the ACE? meaning traffic flow going
users>ACE>NAC Server Untrusted interface>user <---- during authentication
instead of
user>ACE>NAC Server Untrusted interface>ACE>user.

I've seem some internal documents on this. Please ping your account team and they can possibly help you out with the design for this.

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    You could do everything in one context. I have a similar setup and I used multiple contexts in order to keep the individual configs smaller and simpler, large configs on the ACE can get complicated and ugly:) I set up the following:
    APP-PROD and APP-NON-PROD non slb segments off FWSM, APP-LB-PROD and APP-LB-NON-PROD slb segments using ACE contexts. This gives app owners flexibility to use load balancing or not in parallel tiers.

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    Assuming the CAM has failed, the CAS would allow all traffic from the AUTH VLAN to the ACCESS VLAN. Since the CAM has failed, the switchports which are not in the AUTH VLAN would behave per the rules/ACLs on the VLAN they're in and won't get flipped over.

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    Hi Bro
    This could be a problem with the certificate in that Cisco NAC appliance itself. My suggestion is to redo the certificate generation between the CAS CAM and CA Server. If this still doesn’t work, it could also be due to overload/broadcast storm on the LAN portion. This can be verified via Wireshark.
    If all else fail, then a hardware swap would seem like the next best thing.

  • NAC server is not available on the network

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    I had the same issue and upgrading to 1.1.2 made the issue quiet down a bit. I have a few reported issues but havent seen any in the past 2 weeks. Also which supplicant is the client running and do they see these on the laptops or machines that have both wired and wireless connections?
    The reason I ask is that the native windows supplicant tends to connect to both networks (wired and wireless), this can can cause some problems with the NAC agent if the link for the wired or "the lower metric route" flaps.
    the bug cisco provided me is related to "CSCuc70607".
    Hope this helps,
    Tarik Admani
    *Please rate helpful posts*

  • Backup server on an ACE

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    It's just  as well as the ACE manual documents the backup serverfarm, there's dearth of info on the backup server.
    _ Greg

    Hi Greg,
    Backup rserver as you know would be configured with standby keyword. When primary server will be Operational (probe passed)
    - Existing connections on backup keep accessing backup.
    - For new connection requests ACE looks up sticky entries, if there's already an entry for backup server, the connection is sent to the standby rserver.
    - If a new client request (connection) doesn't match any sticky entry for backup rserver ACE forwards this request to primary.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Note: Please mark answers if they are helpful.

  • Wireless Guest with NAC Server

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    Anyone knows why Sponsor can't create a guest account with 1 month duration.
    Its a NAC running on 2.1 version in SNS-3415-K9.
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    Is it related to Account type?
    From the Account Type dropdown menu, you can choose one of the predefined options:
    Start End—Allows sponsors to define start and end times for account durations.
    From First Login—Allows sponsors to define a length of time for guest access from their first login.
    From Creation - Allows sponsors to define a length of time for guest access from the moment of account creation.

    When you say, "One MAC user" you mean every other client works except for this one MAC device?  If other MAC devices work, then it must be something on the client device that is having issues.  The only issue that I have ran into, is html code that might not be supported in certain browsers if you are runing a custom webauth page.

  • What happens when NAC Server License Exceeds ?

    Hi all,
    Got a simple question for which I could not find the explanations ?
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    Also anyone has any info about the roadmap of licensing for Cisco NAC products ? Such as central management of licenses, license pools or etc. ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Any comments appreciated.

    Thanks a lot.
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    Hi Ashok,
    You can use a single CAS in the network in a single location in case you have a centralized CAM for multiple locations but you would need atleast one CAM to manage all the CAS servers as all the settings and policies for CAS are stored in CAM.
    Moreover, the CAS product licenses are generated based on the eth0 MAC address of the CAM, so atleast one CAS is essential.

  • NAC Server still in "Fallback: Allow All" state

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    i have a strange behaviour under my NAC Server.
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    The CAS can ping the CAM too.
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    The CAM was moved to other city and they are using a 2MB link connection between them.
    The IP Address of the CAM was changed.
    I've checked my link connection between them because my CAM is in a different city  of the CAS but my link is in 50% load.
    Does anyone know any possibilitie to solve this?

    Are you using ip based certs or domain name? Also make sure when you do an nslookup that the CAS is able to resolve the ip address of the CAM. Also check your firewall and make sure that you are allowing all ip traffic between the CAS and the CAM.
    Also check yoru certs on the CAM and make sure that they havent expired. Are you using a standalone CAM and CAS setup are are they in failover configuration?

  • Two server Vlans behind ACE needs to communicate

    Hi all,
    We have a setup as follows:-
    MSFC-->FWSM--->ACE--->2 Server Vlans.
    The gateways for all the servers are the respective alias IP addresses. the clients can initiate inbound sessions to all servers and the servers can initiate outbound sessions to selected outside devices. Now we have a new requirement wherein the servers need to communicate with each other. How do we accomplish this? Now when server (behind the ACE) initiates a session a to the devices in outside world a source NAT to the VIP is required. In this case the for server to server communication is a VIP required. What we require is just something like "inter vlan routing" on the MSFC. the sample config is like this:-
    interface vlan 410
    desc "SERVERS-B"
    ip address
    peer ip address
    access-group input ALL
    service-policy input SMTP-LOG
    service-policy input ICMP_PROD
    no shutdown
    interface vlan 411
    desc SERVERS-A
    ip address
    peer ip address
    access-group input ALL
    service-policy input ICMP_TEST
    no shutdown
    interface vlan 423
    desc "FWSM DMZ"
    ip address
    peer ip address
    access-group input ALL
    service-policy input TEST
    service-policy input PRODUCTION
    no shutdown
    We require 192.168.10.X network to communicate with 192.168.20.X network.
    I hope i have explained the scenario.
    Thanks in advance.

    there is nothing special to do.
    ACE will route the traffic if it is permitted by an access-group and if it does not match a policy.

  • NAC Server

    When I connect to our new guest wireless network and then open my IE browser the page redirects to our NAC server authorisation login page which fails due to DNS.
    (doesn't work)
    (works when I use the internal IP of the NAC server)
    The trusted setup DNS servers are public hosted DNS servers (guest user access is only for the Internet), reason being internal.nac-srv.com is not resolvable.
    Is there anyway I can make internal.nac-srv.com resolvable to the guest wireless user, is there a config parameter for this to change the redirection to the IP automatically?

    I understand that. They gave me a patch but they had to modify it on the fly so I don’t have the correct patch to share. But yes we would lose all connectivity with the server, luckily we had a terminal server where we kept the server that kept going out of sync we would just have to console into the server and hit enter a few times to get the prompt and it would go back in sync for a time.

  • Access Server through VIP (ACE 4710) but very slow

    Re:  Access Server through VIP (ACE 4710) but very slow
    Hi Shiva
    Kindly  Help .....Accessing the server very slow.., Plz check my real  configuration... this configuration is for application server and after  this i have to configure more serverfarm for different server like  webmail etc. in this ACE 4710. I have only one ACE 4710 .
    ACE Version A4(2.0) = is there supports Probe with this version.???  without probe server will work but very slow. And plz guide Nat-pool is required
    VIP :--
    LB/Admin# sh run
    Generating configuration....
    no ft auto-sync startup-config
    logging enable
    logging host udp/514
    resource-class RC1
      limit-resource all minimum 10.00 maximum unlimited
    boot system image:c4710ace-mz.A4_2_0.bin
    hostname LB
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/1
      description Management
      speed 1000M
      switchport access vlan 1000
      no shutdown
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/2
      description clientside
      switchport access vlan 30
      no shutdown
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/3
      description serverside
      switchport access vlan 31
      no shutdown
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/4
      no shutdown
    context Admin
      description Management
      member RC1
    access-list everyone line 8 extended permit ip any any
    access-list everyone line 16 extended permit icmp any any
    probe http probe1
      description health check
      interval 5
      passdetect interval 10
      request method head
      expect status 200 200
      open 1
    rserver redirect https_redirect
      description redirect traffic to https
      webhost-redirection / 302
    rserver redirect maintenance_page
      description maintenance page displayed
      webhost-redirection /sry.html 301
    rserver host web1
      ip address
    rserver host web2
      ip address
    rserver host web3
      ip address
    serverfarm host http
      rserver web1
      rserver web2
      rserver web3
    serverfarm redirect https_redirect_farm
      description Redirect traffic to https
    serverfarm redirect maintenance_farm
      description send user to maintenance page
    parameter-map type connection paramap_http
      description parameter connection tcp
      exceed-mss allow
    sticky ip-netmask address source Sticky_http
      timeout activeconns
      serverfarm http
    class-map match-all REMOTE-ACCESS
    class-map type management match-any remote_access
      2 match protocol xml-https any
      3 match protocol icmp any
      4 match protocol telnet any
      5 match protocol ssh any
      6 match protocol http any
      7 match protocol https any
      8 match protocol snmp any
    class-map match-all slb-vip
      2 match virtual-address tcp eq www
    policy-map type management first-match remote_access
      class class-default
    policy-map type management first-match remote_mgmt_allow_policy
      class remote_access
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match slb
      class class-default
        serverfarm http
    policy-map type inspect http all-match slb-vip-http
      class class-default
    policy-map multi-match client-vips
      class slb-vip
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy slb
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply active
        inspect http policy slb-vip-http
        connection advanced-options paramap_http
    interface vlan 30
      description "Client Side"
      ip address
      access-group input everyone
      service-policy input client-vips
      no shutdown
    interface vlan 31
      description "Server Side"
      ip address
      service-policy input remote_access
      no shutdown
    interface vlan 1000
      description managment
      ip address
      service-policy input remote_mgmt_allow_policy
      no shutdown
    ip route
    snmp-server contact "PHQ"
    snmp-server community phq group Network-Monitor
    snmp-server trap-source vlan 1000
    username admin password 5 $1$b2txbc5U$TA74D920oSdd2eOZ4hSFe/  role Admin domain
    username www password 5 $1$.GuWwQEK$r8Ub4OcE3l190d5GA4kvR.  role Admin domain de
    username prem password 5 $1$8C7eRKrI$it3UV4URZ26X4S/Bh6OEr0  role Admin domain d
    ssh key rsa 1024 force
    banner motd # "ro" #

    Hi Shiva,
    plz guide i'm new with ACE LB, also find my n/w design for connected ace to server. but server accessing very very slow, but when i connect through my old server software LB (with two interface)then accessing very fast. I just replace my old serverLB(with two interface) to ACE4710 and connect the same scenario then why not server accessing smoothly with VIP .Reply soon only I connect ACE's two interface with switch.....

  • NAC Server and NAC Manager installation

    Hi experts,
    When I've tried adding NAC Server to NAC Manager in CAM web management, it prompts: Failed to add server: Could not connect to
    Is there anything I can do for solving this?
    I'm new for NAC Manager and Server installation.
    The version using is 4.8.2
    BTW, I don't know how to generate SSL certificates (not temporarily) for installation, can anyone help also?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Daniel,
    this is related to the certificate issue.
    just generate temp certificate in NAM and NAS.
    Export the certificate along with key and store it in different location.
    then in SSL option there is trusted certificate authority
    load NAS certificate in NAM and NAM certificate in NAS. then try to configure or add NAS to NAM.
    it will work.

  • Question concerning NAC server

    Does the NAC server have the ability to provide bandwidth usage limiting on a per user or per device basis.  The feature list I have seen doesn't seem to list this option.
    Thank you

    It can do that yes.
    On the clean access server configuration page (through the manager), go to "filter" , "Roles", "bandwidth"
    You can set bandwidth restriction per role (so a kind of group of users). You can also chose to share the limitation between all the clients currently connected in that group, or to give that limitation to each client.
    Example if you restrict to 100Kb/s the user role "marketing", then you can either have the whole marketing department limited to 100kb/s regardless of the number of marketing users connected or say that each marketing employee is restricted to 100kb/s.
    I hope this answers.

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