Labeling Data Points

If I have a graph, how do I apply labels to each of my points of data?

Unfortunately, this behavior is much like Excel's behavior. Only the value can be shown, not the label.

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    Hi NGKai,
    I did some research and I try some test by my own and as far I know there is no way to label data points on a 3D scatter graph, that is why the graph has the color scale on it.
    Acording to the other question "deally id want to superimpose a sphere into the space so that some points are enclosed while others are included." there is a way to do it and is creating a multiple 3D plots in the same graph, please take a look into this files:
    Create Multiple 3-D Plots
    How Do I Create Multiple Plots on a Single 3-D Graph in LabVIEW?
    I hope this info works for you!

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    Well, I think you are out of luck. You are basically saying you want to control when you have a column heading and when you don't want to have a column heading. Most of us users do want column headings in our reports. In fact I have a hard time trying to figure out why you don't want a column heading. How are the report users going to know what the numbers in the column mean if you don't have a heading on the column? Maybe the initial users of the report know, but what happens when they leave and someone else takes over their duties? I would suggest putting in an enhancement request for Discoverer to give you the option to not display a column heading, if you really want something like this. This needs to be at the workbook level, I am thinking.
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    Currently, Xcelsius does not support display of labels at data points. It would be difficult to move and update labels on a chart with dynamically updated data. However, a work around for a static chart would be to add a Label component in the desired location. This can be done for multiple static charts by using dynamic visibility.

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    I figured out a way to customize a single datapoint in a line series.  The solution is at this link:

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    =IIF(COUNT(Fields!Date_Reading.value, "DataSet1") <=48 ,1 , 12)
    However, it always missed the 1st data point date/time, please advise on how to include it always ... !
    Thanks !

    Hi kkcci8888,
    Per my understanding that when you using the expression in the Interval you can't see the first date display in the label, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, the issue caused by the setting of the Interval. I assumed the 1st data point date time which haven't display means the minimum date in the report.
    If you have specify an kind of "Interval Type", the first date not display as the label, if you keep the "Interval Type" as "Default", you will get it display correctly.
    I recommend you to do the setting as below to get it display correctly:
    Go to Horizontal Axis Properties
    In Axis Options, Select the Axis Type as Scalar.
    Deselect "Always include zero".
    In Minimum box type [First(Sale_Date)]
    note: make sure you have use the order by Sale_Date in the query to order the date already.
    keep the "Interval Type" as "Default", the default means "Days", try to modify the expression to specify an new value of the Interval and the type will be "Days" by default.
    Click "Labels" on the left pane to check you  haven't select the "Hide first and last labels along with this axis":
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Edited by: kstinson on Oct 18, 2012 12:33 PM

    As I see you are using LV in a wrong way. Why don't you run the DAQ tasks in independent while loops? You could use the same Queue, and you can add time stamps to every data package (or also a label to show the source) created in the several Producer loops. In your single Consumer loop you can just decide what to do with the data depending on the label (save to File,etc...).
    Other big problem: do not use DAQ Assistant! It is OK for quick testing, but not for real application! These Express VIs initializes and closes your hardware at EVERY while loop iteration.
    You should use proper DAQmx VIs: initialize your HW resources BEFORE the while loop, do your DAQ inside the loop, and close HW components when you stop the application.
    There are many examples shipped with LabVIEW, have a look how to use DAQmx VIs. Also, this way you avoid the silly dynamic data wires...Much easier to live with Double arrays

  • Time display on x-axis for front panel instead of data points

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    blockdiagram.JPG ‏158 KB
    frontpanel.JPG ‏94 KB

    And since you are sending it an array of doubles rather than an array of waveforms, there is no timin information associated with it.  It will assume 1 sample per second.  If your acquisition is faster than that, you will need to set the dT of the graph or the scaling multiplier factor of the X scale of that graph.
    (PS, it is always a good programming practice to show the labels for all the terminals on your block diagram and assign the terminal a name.)
    Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 09-15-2009 09:28 PM

  • Chart not showing last data point

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    Thanks in advance,
    Zack H.

    Need more info.
    Version of CR and any patches installed?
    Thank you

  • Help with Capturing Business Graphics data point

    I created a BusinessGraphics UI element with SimpleSeries and assigned eventId for the categories and data points. I am able to get the series that is clicked through the event but I would like to know which point (value) is clicked as well.
    The steps I followed are
    1. Created BG UI element, category and SimpleSeries
    2. Assigned eventIDs
    3. Created an action class and mapped it to the UI element
    4. Code in wdDoModifyView is
         if (firstTime)
           IWDBusinessGraphics chart = (IWDBusinessGraphics) view.getElement("bgCSB");
           chart.mappingOfOnAction().addSourceMapping("id", "pointID");
    5. Implemented action class with one parameter (pointID) and able to get the value.
    Can someone help me to get the data point values from the user click.
    Appreciate your help.

    You have done everything right, except I don't think you can do this with simple series.
    Create something like this:
    in the context:
    series-> (this node can be with 1..1 cardinality and 1..1 selection)
           label (string)
           value (int)
           pointId (string)
    in the business graphics:
    create one series (not simple one) and add to it one point of numeric type.
    in the properties of business graphics bind seriesSource to series context.
    Series: bined poitSource to series.points
    Series_points: bind eventId to series.points.pointId
                            bind label to series.points.label
                            bind valueSource to series.points
    Values (these are the numeric values): bind value to series.points.value
    in wdDoModify method do the same thing as you have done already.
    Now, when you click on a point you will receive in your event in pointId variable the pointId context attribute value.
    Best regards,

  • Propagate data point to multiple consumers? I'm probably overcomplicating this.

    Please see the attached screencap.
    The DAQ assistant in the first case structure is taking a lot of measurements from a local cDAQ chassis.  One of those data points (#15) needs to be extracted (hence the select signals) and then merged with the signals from three remote (ethernet connected) chassis.
    The issue that I'm having is that the data point, due to the fact that the chassis and consumers aren't running in any specific order or sync, sometimes just isn't there when the consumer loops run and it reads a 0 rather than the value.  This causes the test stand to think it lost hydraulic pressure and call for a shutdown.
    I'm aware someone will tell me to wire the error from each DAQ assistant to the next, but that creates a massive 6.5 second loop time, which is unacceptable.  The chassis have to remain independent to keep execution time down.
    I'm looking for a way to 'catch' that #15 data point and hold it for the consumers to use until the next iteration where it is replaced with the new value.  I'm not sure if Collector is what I'm looking for, or some sort of data copy, or a register.  If this was a PLC I'd know what to do with it.
    Thanks in advance.
    Still confused after 8 years.
    Go to Solution.
    lostpoints.jpg ‏246 KB

    As I see you are using LV in a wrong way. Why don't you run the DAQ tasks in independent while loops? You could use the same Queue, and you can add time stamps to every data package (or also a label to show the source) created in the several Producer loops. In your single Consumer loop you can just decide what to do with the data depending on the label (save to File,etc...).
    Other big problem: do not use DAQ Assistant! It is OK for quick testing, but not for real application! These Express VIs initializes and closes your hardware at EVERY while loop iteration.
    You should use proper DAQmx VIs: initialize your HW resources BEFORE the while loop, do your DAQ inside the loop, and close HW components when you stop the application.
    There are many examples shipped with LabVIEW, have a look how to use DAQmx VIs. Also, this way you avoid the silly dynamic data wires...Much easier to live with Double arrays

  • Interpolated Data-Connecting Data Points

    Does anyone know how to connect data points that are not sequential? For example, if I have a column with 15 cells and data in cells 1, 5, 8, 10, and 15. When I chart that data, I want those points to be connected with a line, rather than plotted as individual points. In Excel, you select interpolated from the main preference menu under charts. I've searched interpolation and have not found anything. I'm wondering if this function is called something different in Numbers?

    The first method I posted works well if you don't need the "blank" categories/rows taking up space on your chart. But if you need to see the "blank" categories/rows, I have a table that I think will do a straight-line interpolation for you. I'm not sure it is error free but, if not, it'll be obvious when you chart it. I'm also not sure it was the simplest way to do it but a lot of the complexity was a result of my making it easy to add new rows to the bottom. I tend to brute force things so if someone has a simpler solution, I hope they post it.
    Copy the table to your spreadsheet. Copy your data to the X and Y columns and your category labels to Column A. If you only have Y data then the X's must be a numeric series (like what's in the table now). Plot your X-Y (or Y-only) data as one series and the interpolated column as another series. Change the interpolated data points to "none" and change the line color if you want to (which I did not do below).

  • Graphing data of different data point amounts I get errors

    I'm using Labview 7.1 and I'm graphing a group of data sets on a single graph display.
    These data sets have different numbers of total points and the sets with a less number of points wind up going back to the origin (0,0).
    This seems to be due to where they stop in data points labview fills in the vacancy with a 0,0.
    The result is (other than addiing erroneous data points) is the scaling is way off because I'm not near the origin.
    How can I( get round this problem?
    Thank you,

    Your code seems to be highly flawed. Does it even work at all?
    Some comments.
    If you load more than one data file, the data from the files read in the previous iteration gets lost. You'll only get the set that you read last. (for example, the 2D array output from case "=0" will be empty at all later iterations. That's why you get all these zeroes!
    Why do you need to do all the array extraction and manipulation at every while loop iteration. Everything prior to the division by the FP control belongs outside the while loop.
    "Array subset" is better than "delete from array".
    The while loop spins at infinite rate calculating the same old stuff over and over again, millions of times/second. Use an event structure so it recalculates exactly once whenever the control changes.
    All the Array manipulation is done identically in four different places, you only need that code once in a loop, you can even do it right in the FOR loop when you read the data.
    The label.text properties need to be written exactly once, ouside the loop.
    You don't need to connect an indicator to the slide. Just right-click on the slide and do " display".
    You don't need a stacked sequence. It only hides code and forces backwards wires, making the code hard to debug.
    You don't need to transpose following by gettting a row. Just get a column instead!
    Attached is a quick attempt at some simplification according to my comments above. I cannot test it so it probably needs a few tweaks here and there. Still, it should give you some ideas.  Modify as needed.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Attachments: ‏192 KB

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