Labview ne reconnaît pas le port USB

J'utilise Labview pour piloter des pompes. Tout fonctionne correctement, sauf que je viens de changer l'ancien PC qui abritait l'application pour mettre à la place un panel pc. Depuis, Labview ne reconnaît pas le port USB, donc ne reconnaît pas la pompe, et le système est HS. En revanche, je peux me connecter à la pompe directement via le logiciel de paramétrage, qui lui voit le port USB.
J'ai essayé sur plusieurs autres pc, et le programme Labview fonctionne correctement. 
Je ne peux pour le moment pas changer de pc, car c'est un pc particulier (panel pc accroché par un pied sur la manip). 
Avez-vous une idée de ce qui pourrait empêcher Labview de voir le port USB d'un pc alors qu'il voit bien le port USB des autres pc ?
Merci de votre aide,

Bonjour JFL_ML,
Vous pouvez poser cette question dans le forum francophone, vous aurez plus de chance d'avoir une réponse car cette section est réservée à l'anglais :
Jean-Luc D. NI France
National Instruments France
#adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
Journées techniques : du contrôle d'instruments aux bancs de test
Du 4 au 13 juin : Grenoble - Pari...

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    A titre d'information, il arrive dans certains cas, et sur des longues périodes de communication que les convertisseurs USB se déconnectent.
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    Bonne journée,

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    Bonjour Sylvain_j05,
    Le driver VISA propose un jeu de fonctions haut niveau qui permettent d'appeler des fonctions bas niveaux. Si vous utilisez un port USB en partant de votre PC, vous devrez avoir également un port USB disponible sur votre matériel contenant le FPGA et permettant de récupérer ses valeurs. Sinon, un adaptateur Série-USB peut être envisagé s'il n'y a qu'un port série disponible sur votre matériel.
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    N'hésitez pas à fournir davantage d'informations et notamment à répondre aux questions d'Helmut O'Brian.
    Jérémy C.
    National Instruments France
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    No, you cannot control Hyperterminal from
    LabVIEW or any other program. You can however, use the VISA functions
    in LabVIEW instead. You configure the port (baud rate, parity, etc)
    with the VISA Configure Serial Port and you would send commands with
    the VISA Write. The VISA Write would perform the same function as you
    typing something into Hyperterminal. According to your image, the
    device driver for the modem does make it appear as a serial port so you
    should not need to install anything else. Open MAX (Measurement &
    Automation Explorer) and see if the modem is listed. No, you cannot control Hyperterminal from
    LabVIEW or any other program. You can however, use the VISA functions
    in LabVIEW instead. You configure the port (baud rate, parity, etc)
    with the VISA Configure Serial Port and you would send commands with
    the VISA Write. The VISA Write would perform the same function as you
    typing something into Hyperterminal. According to your image, the
    device driver for the modem does make it appear as a serial port so you
    should not need to install anything else. Open MAX (Measurement &
    Automation Explorer) and see if the modem is listed.
    the mobile telephone is not detected in max as you can see on the link picture. I don't think the telephone appears as a standard serial port in hyperterminal : you have to provide a phone number in this case and not when using COM1 (see the link pictures). I think it is more complicated to establish communication with a USB connection than with a serial RS232 cable.
    My goal is not to load hyperterminal with labview. Using hyperterminal is just a simple way to establish communication with a serial device (send some AT commands and check the serial device answer), then using VISA functions with Labview.
    But it doesn't run in my case.
    device_manager_nokia6680.jpg ‏147 KB
    max_serial&parallel.jpg ‏84 KB
    nokia_properties_hyperterminal.jpg ‏30 KB

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    Avez-vous consulté les deux documentations ci-dessous ;
    Agilent 34970 Data Acquisition System :
    Using the Agilent 34970A with LabVIEW :
    Le problème provient directement de NI-MAX. Quelle version de NI-VISA et de LabVIEW avez-vous? Avez-vous installé ou reinstallé la dernière version de NI-VISA?
    Brice S.
    National Instruments France

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    Merci pour votre aide.

    J'ai le même problème de déconnection de port USB depuis le passage à windows 7.
    Une solution (mais pas fiable à 100%) pour limiter les déconnections :
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    Modifier les paramètres d'alimentation avancés
    Dans la nouvelle fenêtre, à la ligne Paramètres USB, désactiver.
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    Prezados Diretores da Apple:
    Perdoe-me por ser direto: por que os senhores não disponibilizam portas USB e um programa gerenciador de arquivos no IPAD?
    Como consumidor acho isto muito arrogante.  Alguns chamam essa arrogância de estratégia de mercado. É um imenso engano. O nome correto disto é “surdez corporativa”!
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    Por favor, quero usar meu IPAD também como um flash drive! Não quero ser obrigado a conectar no Itunes! Por favor, quero gerenciar meus arquivos de forma simples e inteligente!
    O seu desafio é provar que o IPAD é um produto realmente democrático, que atende o desejo democrático dos seus clientes.
    Finalmente gostaria de falar que estou arrependido de ter adquirido um IPHONE 4GS, porque a bateria não dura tempo suficiente. Isso é vergonhoso! Como os senhores tiveram coragem de lançar um aparelho com problemas de bateria?
    Será que resta alguma humildade aos senhores diretores para entender uma lição tão básica de marketing? Não pisem na bola com o seu consumidor. A paciência acabou!
    Isso não é contra-propaganda. Iphone serial number DNPH25NBDT9Y e IPAD serial number V503287EETV.
    De seu consumidor furioso: Carlos Alexandre (Brazil) – [email protected]

    Oi, obrigada por responder!
    Em inglês, só se eu transformar pelo Google Tradutor rsrs mas mesmo assim seguirei seu conselho!
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    No gmail a conta fnciona normalmente...
    Preciso muito de ajuda e não sei mais o que fazer ou aonde procurar ajuda!

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    I have a HDD attached to my AirPort Express through a 7-port USB hub. How come it doesn't show in my iMac?

    To add to what Tesserax said -
    The USB port on the Express only supports a USB printer. You will need to connect the hub to your iMac.

  • Port usb- Structure

    Bonjour à tous,
    Je suis actuellement en stage dans une petite entreprise. Je me consacre à créer un programme qui va automatiser la calibration de leur capteur en température.
    Les capteur communique par une liaison rs232 transformé par une clef usb: USB-*‐série le FT232R en USB grace à un ftdi inséré sur les carte.
    Ma première question est quelle est la structure la plus adapté pour pouvoir calibrer une multitude de capteur en même temps? Est ce l'utilisation de VI rendez vous en fin de stabilisation des capteur.? Ou plutôt une structure Maître esclave? Producteur consommateur?
    Dans un second temps lorsque je lance mon programme j'arrive à lire les info renvoyé par mes capteurs mais lorsque que j’arrête le programme je suis obliger de quitter le programme et de débrancher rebrancher mon capteur au port usb. J'aimerai pouvoir effectuer ce reboutage des com usb de façon automatique. Cela est'il possible?

    Google translate:
    I bought a MD313 (2011 MacBook pro 13" i5) MacBook pro this summer. But after connecting my [USB] fan, the port only works with the fan. When I plug one USB, no signal connection. For 1 external hard drive, there is only noise in the motor drive and the light flashes, by contrast on the mac, nothing is displayed, as if I have nothing connected.
    I tried to alt Cmd PR but nothing has changed
    Could you advise me how to solve this problem please?
    Thank you in advance for your answers.

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    My iMac is  27" (mid-2010) with 8 GB RAM. My only problem is that my new Anker Powered USB Hub (7 port, USB 3.0) often does not wake when computer does. In other words, the power lights remain off following waking the computer from sleep and I must unplug and replug the HUB. I called Anker and they told me that Mavericks has a new "energy saving power mode" that may turn off power to a USB hub. This is most annoying and I hope that Apple can update Mavericks power management to fix this USB issue. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I've seen similar posts from D-Link USB hub owners. Perhaps if this "question" has a response trail, Apple will see it and create a fix.

    Hopefully, Apple will monitor this issue and correct the USB power management issue. We'll see what happens with Yosemite.

  • Labview control of LS331 using RS232 port

    Hi All,
    I want to control a Lakeshore 331 temperature control using Labview. I am using RS232 port. I found driver on NI website but I guess they are for GPIB. I was wondering how can I use them for RS232 port?
    Or if I want to bulid my own VI, how do go about it? I would appreciate if someone provide me example for capturing device using RS232 port.

    The driver is written for both GPIB and Serial. You should replace the "Old" Visa Open function in LSCI 331 Initialize per the instructions here and try it. Once that's done, just select the com port by clicking on the VISA Resource Name.

  • My Ipad mini is not reconized on any computer via USB.

    My Ipad mini is not reconized on any computer via USB.

    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
    iPad not appearing in iTunes
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes can’t contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server
    windows 8.1 itunes wont recognize ipad
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    IOS: Syncing with iTunes
    Apple - Support - iPad - Syncing
    iTunes 10.5 and later: Troubleshooting iTunes Wi-Fi Syncing
    iOS: “Not enough free space” alert when trying to sync
    You may need to delete iTunes on your computer and then reinstall.
    How To Completely Uninstall and Remove All Traces of iTunes of-itunes.html/
    Wi-Fi Sync Not Working? Here’s How to Fix it for All iOS Devices
     Cheers, Tom

  • Classic - Printer port (USB 1) disappears after switching User

    I have used an Epson SP785EX on my iMac G5 under OSX 10.3 for months without trouble. I upgraded to OSX 10.4.8 and are constantly loosing this printer expecially when printing from Classic. After having tried everything including resetting the printing system it is still not clear what exactly causes the loss of the USB Port. However it may have to do with restarting or switching users. When in the chooser after selecting the original Epson Printer driver (which I have reinstalled many times) the Port (USB 1) does not show in the 'choose printer port list' (nothing at all shows). I have also tried the 'LaserWriter 8' solution which I do not understand. Perhaps someone can explain or point me to some literature. LaserWriter 8 shows in the Chooser but again nothing shows on the right pane of the Window. I am stabbing in the dark with this. Any help will be apprecated.
    Thanks - Stefan
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Powerbook G4
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   Powerbook G4

    I have used an Epson SP785EX on my iMac G5 under OSX
    10.3 for months without trouble. I upgraded to OSX
    10.4.8 and are constantly loosing this printer
    expecially when printing from Classic.
    The printing subsystem changed considerably between Panther & Tiger. In Panther, you had to have a working OS 9 driver in order to print from Classic. This caused problems, particularly with certain HP printers which had OS 9 drivers which were not properly coded, and with newer printers which did not have and never would have OS 9 drivers.
    In Tiger, things have changed. The default driver is the LaserWriter driver. You don't have to do anything, not even select the driver. The print system will print to the LaserWriter driver and the LaserWriter will print to the OS X driver for your printer. (This, of course, means that there must be an OS X driver for that printer...)
    After having
    tried everything including resetting the printing
    system it is still not clear what exactly causes the
    loss of the USB Port.
    Classic does not have direct access to hardware, including USB ports.
    However it may have to do with
    restarting or switching users. When in the chooser
    after selecting the original Epson Printer driver
    (which I have reinstalled many times) the Port (USB
    1) does not show in the 'choose printer port list'
    (nothing at all shows).
    This is normal.
    I have also tried the
    'LaserWriter 8' solution which I do not understand.
    Just print, normally. The LW8 dialog box will pop up. You can then select the printer you want to use. (I have several printers on my system, two HP inkjets, a Brother laser, a label printer, a fax modem, and Adobe PDF)
    1 type cmd-p or however you normally print
    2 select the printer from the pull-down menu on the LW8 dialog
    3 print
    4 the system will hand off the print job to the proper OS X print queue, which will then print the file. If you're printing in color to a color printer, you'll get color output. If you're printing to Acrobat Distiller, you'll get a PDF. If you're faxing, you'll get the fax dialog so you can enter your dialing & cover sheet info.
    Perhaps someone can explain or point me to some
    literature. LaserWriter 8 shows in the Chooser but
    again nothing shows on the right pane of the Window.
    I am stabbing in the dark with this. Any help will be
    Just print. That's all.
    Thanks - Stefan
    iMac G5
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Powerbook
    iMac G5  
    Mac OS X (10.4.4)   Powerbook G4

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