LaCie no longer recognize, system profiler says "Unknown Device". Help?

I've used an external LaCie drive for about a year to handle Time Machine. Yesterday morning when I started up my iMac wouldn't mount the LaCie. I tried both firewire plugs, restarting, resetting the firewire bus - my iMac can no longer see the LaCie drive. However, if I take my external to another iMac, the drive shows up and works just fine. If I take a working external from another iMac, it cannot be recognized by my iMac. Any help would be appreciated!

I had a similar problem with my LaCie drive.
It turned out that the problem was an intermittent fault with the power supply. I had contacted LaCie technical support here in the UK and was advised how to test the power supply:
"leave it plugged into the mains socket, power switched on and hold the power supply (black oblong box) to your ear, it should be silent, if the power supply is making a noise, mine made a quishing sound, chances are the power supply is duff"
Once confirmed back to LaCie technical they asked me to return the faulty power supply and 2 weeks later a new working replacement was delivered. My drive now works perfectly.
I'm not sure if this will go some way to solving your problem but it's worth checking this out.

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    Hello MArk.wijesinghe,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at this article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Best of luck,

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    See this Apple support Article
    You did not by chance bought the Hello Kitty special edition?
    Have nice day!

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - I would start with
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    However, after your remove the Apple software components also remove the iCloud Control Panel via Windows Programs and Features app in the Window Control Panel. Then reinstall all the Apple software components
    - New cable and different USB port
    - Run this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Also see:
    iPod not recognised by windows iTunes
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    - Try on another computer to help determine if computer or iPod problem

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Simple step first. If the "stuck" is due to a software problem, restart the computer holding down the click pad through the start-up until the disk ejects. This usually ejects anything in the drive.
    You'll find other suggestions here (Donald Worrell post).
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    If the iPod does not appear in iTunes then:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    Try another cable
    Try another USB port
    Try on another computer to helpo determine if y have an iPod or computer problem.
    Not Charge
    - See:
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    - Try another cable
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector for bend or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genus Bar of an Apple store.
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    In "Erase", name your drive. Check "Mac OS Extended Journaled", and click "Erase".
    The drive will be ready to use.
    If you want to split the drive into partitions. in "Partition", create the partitions, name the partitions, select Mac OS Extended Journaled, and click "Partition". The new volumes will be ready for use.
    Erasing and partitioning both format the drive
    Please read What is a Mac OS Extended (journaled) volume?

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    Hi, Mark.
    It seems as if you have a MAX Database Corruption error.  Go through the steps provided in this Knowledgebase article.  If removing the MAX Database Corruption error does not work for you, respond to this post, and I will do my best to find a solution for you.
    I hope you're having a great day!
    Sara Lewandroski
    Applications Engineer | National Instruments

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