Large amount of dependencies missing when installing Unity?

Hello everyone, Ive been having a problem when I try to install unity following the guide on the archlinux wiki.
When I do 
pacman -S $(pacman -Slq Unity-for-Arch)
I get
:: bamf: requires libgtop
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires boost-libs
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires glu
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires libxslt
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires libwnck
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires libcanberra
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires libgtop
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires zenity
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires metacity-ubuntu
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires pyrex
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires gnome-settings-daemon
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: dee-qt: requires dee-ubuntu
:: dee-qt: requires qt5-base
:: dee-qt: requires qt5-declarative
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: geis: requires python3
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: accountsservice-ubuntu: requires lightdm-ubuntu
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires accountsservice
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires cups-pk-helper
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-bluetooth
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-menus
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-online-accounts
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires libgtop
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires sound-theme-freedesktop
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires libpwquality
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-color-manager
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires smbclient
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires libgnomekbd
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires grilo
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires clutter-gtk
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires webkitgtk3
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-desktop
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-menus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-settings-daemon
:: libtimezonemap: requires json-glib
:: unity-control-center: requires libtimezonemap
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires unity-control-center
:: gnome-screensaver-ubuntu: requires libgnomekbd
:: gnome-screensaver-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-session-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-session-ubuntu: requires json-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: gsettings-qt: requires qt5-base
:: gsettings-qt: requires qt5-declarative
:: bamf: requires libgtop
:: hud: requires bamf
:: indicator-application: requires json-glib
:: bamf: requires libgtop
:: indicator-appmenu: requires bamf
:: indicator-bluetooth: requires gnome-bluetooth
:: indicator-datetime: requires evolution-data-server
:: indicator-datetime: requires libcanberra
:: libtimezonemap: requires json-glib
:: indicator-datetime: requires libtimezonemap
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: accountsservice-ubuntu: requires lightdm-ubuntu
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires accountsservice
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires cups-pk-helper
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-bluetooth
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-menus
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-online-accounts
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires libgtop
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires sound-theme-freedesktop
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires libpwquality
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires gnome-color-manager
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires smbclient
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires libgnomekbd
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires grilo
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires clutter-gtk
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires webkitgtk3
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-desktop
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-menus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-settings-daemon
:: libtimezonemap: requires json-glib
:: unity-control-center: requires libtimezonemap
:: gnome-control-center-ubuntu: requires unity-control-center
:: indicator-datetime: requires gnome-control-center
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: accountsservice-ubuntu: requires lightdm-ubuntu
:: indicator-keyboard: requires accountsservice
:: indicator-keyboard: requires gnome-desktop
:: indicator-keyboard: requires ibus
:: indicator-keyboard: requires libgee06
:: indicator-keyboard: requires libgnomekbd
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: indicator-keyboard: requires lightdm-ubuntu
:: indicator-power: requires upower
:: indicator-printers: requires cups
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: accountsservice-ubuntu: requires lightdm-ubuntu
:: indicator-sound: requires accountsservice
:: indicator-sound: requires libgee06
:: indicator-sound: requires libpulse
:: libdbusmenu-glib: requires json-glib
:: libdbusmenu-gtk2: requires libdbusmenu-glib=12.10.3daily14.03.19
:: libappindicator: requires libdbusmenu-gtk2
:: libdbusmenu-gtk2: requires libdbusmenu-glib=12.10.3daily14.03.19
:: libindicate-gtk2: requires python2-gobject2
:: qt4-ubuntu: requires libmng
:: libindicate-qt: requires qt4
:: libtimezonemap: requires json-glib
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: lightdm-unity-greeter: requires gnome-doc-utils
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: lightdm-unity-greeter: requires lightdm-ubuntu
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires libcanberra
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires libgtop
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires zenity
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires libexif
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires exempi
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires gvfs
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires libtracker-sparql
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires nautilus-sendto
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires libunity
:: nautilus-ubuntu: requires libzeitgeist
:: nux: requires glew
:: geis: requires python3
:: nux: requires geis
:: nux: requires ibus
:: qt4-ubuntu: requires libmng
:: sni-qt: requires libdbusmenu-qt
:: qt4-ubuntu: requires libmng
:: sni-qt: requires qt4-ubuntu
:: bamf: requires libgtop
:: unity: requires bamf
:: unity: requires boost
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires boost-libs
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires glu
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires libxslt
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires libwnck
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires libcanberra
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires libgtop
:: metacity-ubuntu: requires zenity
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires metacity-ubuntu
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires pyrex
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: compiz-ubuntu: requires gnome-settings-daemon
:: unity: requires compiz-ubuntu>=0.9.11
:: unity: requires clutter-gtk
:: unity: requires gjs
:: unity: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-screensaver-ubuntu: requires libgnomekbd
:: gnome-screensaver-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: unity: requires gnome-screensaver
:: gnome-session-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-session-ubuntu: requires json-glib
:: unity: requires gnome-session-ubuntu
:: bamf: requires libgtop
:: hud: requires bamf
:: unity: requires hud
:: unity: requires libgnomeui
:: unity: requires libunique
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity: requires libunity
:: nux: requires glew
:: geis: requires python3
:: nux: requires geis
:: nux: requires ibus
:: unity: requires nux>=4.0.6
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: unity-scope-home: requires dee
:: unity-scope-home: requires json-glib
:: unity-scope-home: requires libgee06
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-scope-home: requires libunity
:: unity: requires unity-scope-home
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires json-glib
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires telepathy-glib
:: unity: requires zeitgeist-ubuntu
:: lightdm-unity-greeter: requires gnome-doc-utils
:: lightdm-ubuntu: requires libxklavier
:: lightdm-unity-greeter: requires lightdm-ubuntu
:: unity: requires lightdm-unity-greeter
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-desktop
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-menus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires gnome-desktop
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libcanberra-pulse
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libwacom
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires pulseaudio-alsa
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires upower
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libibus
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires libgweather
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geocode-glib
:: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu: requires geoclue2
:: unity-control-center: requires gnome-settings-daemon
:: libtimezonemap: requires json-glib
:: unity-control-center: requires libtimezonemap
:: unity-lens-applications: requires gnome-menus
:: unity-lens-applications: requires libgee06
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-lens-applications: requires libunity
:: unity-lens-applications: requires libzeitgeist
:: unity-lens-applications: requires xapian-core
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires json-glib
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires telepathy-glib
:: unity-lens-applications: requires zeitgeist-ubuntu
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires json-glib
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires telepathy-glib
:: unity-lens-files: requires zeitgeist-ubuntu
:: unity-lens-files: requires libgee06
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-lens-files: requires libunity
:: unity-lens-music: requires gstreamer
:: unity-lens-music: requires gst-plugins-base
:: unity-lens-music: requires libgee06
:: unity-lens-music: requires liboauth
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-lens-music: requires libunity
:: unity-lens-music: requires tdb
:: unity-lens-photos: requires python-gobject
:: python-oauthlib: requires python-crypto
:: unity-lens-photos: requires python-oauthlib
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: unity-lens-photos: requires dee
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-lens-photos: requires libunity
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: unity-lens-video: requires dee
:: unity-lens-video: requires json-glib
:: unity-lens-video: requires libgee06
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-lens-video: requires libunity
:: unity-lens-video: requires libzeitgeist
:: unity-lens-music: requires gstreamer
:: unity-lens-music: requires gst-plugins-base
:: unity-lens-music: requires libgee06
:: unity-lens-music: requires liboauth
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-lens-music: requires libunity
:: unity-lens-music: requires tdb
:: unity-lens-video: requires unity-lens-music
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: unity-scope-home: requires dee
:: unity-scope-home: requires json-glib
:: unity-scope-home: requires libgee06
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-scope-home: requires libunity
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: unity-scopes: requires dee
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-scopes: requires libunity
:: unity-scopes: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: unity-scope-home: requires dee
:: unity-scope-home: requires json-glib
:: unity-scope-home: requires libgee06
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python-gobject
:: dee-ubuntu: requires python2-gobject
:: libunity: requires dee-ubuntu
:: unity-scope-home: requires libunity
:: unity-scopes: requires unity-scope-home
:: unity-scopes: requires python-dbus
:: unity-scopes: requires gnome-calculator
:: unity-scopes: requires python-lxml
:: unity-scopes: requires python-feedparser
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires json-glib
:: zeitgeist-ubuntu: requires telepathy-glib
That seems like way more dependencies than should be missing. I get the same thing when installing from the AUR. Any help?

Trilby wrote:I suspect that either you have removed the standard repos from your pacman.conf, or you have not updated in a long time.  Can you retry that command with "pacman -Syu unity" and report the results?
Thank you for your response!
[frap129@arch ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu unity
[sudo] password for frap129:
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date 0.0 B 0.00B/s 00:00 [-----------------------] 0%
extra is up to date 0.0 B 0.00B/s 00:00 [-----------------------] 0%
community is up to date
Unity-for-Arch 15.8 KiB 0.00B/s 00:00 [#######################] 100%
Unity-for-Arch-Extra 7.6 KiB 0.00B/s 00:00 [#######################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "libgtop", a dependency of "bamf"
warning: cannot resolve "bamf", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "boost", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "boost-libs", a dependency of "compiz-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "glu", a dependency of "compiz-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libxslt", a dependency of "compiz-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libwnck", a dependency of "compiz-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libcanberra", a dependency of "metacity-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libgtop", a dependency of "metacity-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "zenity", a dependency of "metacity-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "metacity-ubuntu", a dependency of "compiz-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "pyrex", a dependency of "compiz-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-desktop", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libcanberra-pulse", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libwacom", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "pulseaudio", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "pulseaudio-alsa", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "upower", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libibus", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "libgweather", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "geocode-glib", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "geoclue2", a dependency of "gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-settings-daemon", a dependency of "compiz-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "compiz-ubuntu>=0.9.11", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "clutter-gtk", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "gjs", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-desktop", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "libgnomekbd", a dependency of "gnome-screensaver"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-desktop", a dependency of "gnome-screensaver"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-screensaver", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-desktop", a dependency of "gnome-session-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "json-glib", a dependency of "gnome-session-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-session-ubuntu", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "libgtop", a dependency of "bamf"
warning: cannot resolve "bamf", a dependency of "hud"
warning: cannot resolve "hud", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "libgnomeui", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "libunique", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "python-gobject", a dependency of "dee-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "python2-gobject", a dependency of "dee-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "dee-ubuntu", a dependency of "libunity"
warning: cannot resolve "libunity", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "glew", a dependency of "nux"
warning: cannot resolve "python3", a dependency of "geis"
warning: cannot resolve "geis", a dependency of "nux"
warning: cannot resolve "ibus", a dependency of "nux"
warning: cannot resolve "nux>=4.0.6", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "python-gobject", a dependency of "dee-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "python2-gobject", a dependency of "dee-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "dee", a dependency of "unity-scope-home"
warning: cannot resolve "json-glib", a dependency of "unity-scope-home"
warning: cannot resolve "libgee06", a dependency of "unity-scope-home"
warning: cannot resolve "python-gobject", a dependency of "dee-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "python2-gobject", a dependency of "dee-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "dee-ubuntu", a dependency of "libunity"
warning: cannot resolve "libunity", a dependency of "unity-scope-home"
warning: cannot resolve "unity-scope-home", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "json-glib", a dependency of "zeitgeist-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "telepathy-glib", a dependency of "zeitgeist-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "zeitgeist-ubuntu", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "gnome-doc-utils", a dependency of "lightdm-unity-greeter"
warning: cannot resolve "libxklavier", a dependency of "lightdm-ubuntu"
warning: cannot resolve "lightdm-ubuntu", a dependency of "lightdm-unity-greeter"
warning: cannot resolve "lightdm-unity-greeter", a dependency of "unity"
warning: cannot resolve "linux>=3.15", a dependency of "virtualbox-guest-modules"
warning: cannot resolve "linux>=3.15", a dependency of "virtualbox-guest-modules"
warning: cannot resolve "X-ABI-VIDEODRV_VERSION=18", a dependency of "virtualbox-guest-utils"
:: The following packages cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
unity virtualbox-guest-modules virtualbox-guest-utils
:: Do you want to skip the above packages for this upgrade? [y/N] y
looking for inter-conflicts...
Packages (16): clonezilla-3.10.11-2 drbl-2.8.25-1 gtk-engine-murrine-0.98.2-2
gtk-engine-unico-1.0.2-6 lxinput-0.3.2-3 lxrandr-0.1.2-5
lz4-120-1 notify-osd-0.9.34-2 openbox-themes-1.0.2-3
partclone-0.2.70-1 partimage-0.6.9-6 scrot-0.8-7 slock-1.1-2
spacefm-0.9.4-2 volumeicon-0.5.0-4 xxkb-1.11-5
Total Installed Size: 18.04 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: -5.43 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(16/16) checking keys in keyring [#######################] 100%
downloading required keys...
:: Import PGP key 2048R/, "Jonathan Steel <[email protected]>", created: 2012-08-12? [Y/n] y
error: key "Jonathan Steel <[email protected]>" could not be imported
:: Import PGP key 4096R/753E0F1F, "Anatol Pomozov <[email protected]>", created: 2014-02-03? [Y/n] y
:: Import PGP key 4096R/, "Sergej Pupykin <[email protected]>", created: 2011-07-15? [Y/n] y
error: key "Sergej Pupykin <[email protected]>" could not be imported
:: Import PGP key 2048R/, "Maxime Gauduin <[email protected]>", created: 2013-01-21? [Y/n] y
error: key "Maxime Gauduin <[email protected]>" could not be imported
:: Import PGP key 4096R/30D7CB92, "Felix Yan <[email protected]>", created: 2012-01-19? [Y/n] y
:: Import PGP key 4096R/, "Seblu <[email protected]>", created: 2011-11-10? [Y/n] y
error: key "Seblu <[email protected]>" could not be imported
:: Import PGP key 2048R/, "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>", created: 2011-10-10? [Y/n] y
error: key "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>" could not be imported
:: Import PGP key 2048R/, "Alexander Rødseth <[email protected]>", created: 2011-09-29? [Y/n] y
error: key "Alexander Rødseth <[email protected]>" could not be imported
error: required key missing from keyring
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Last edited by frap129 (2014-07-31 22:32:18)

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    One reason (of many) you can get this error message is bad media - corrupt download, bad burn, defective flash or optical media.  I've also heard of problems with USB ports causing this.  If you're using USB media, have you tried another port?
    And as NINE asked, when in the process do you get this error?
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
    English Community   Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español   Русскоязычное Сообщество

  • Datasources Missing when Installing Technical Content for BI Admin Cockpit

    I have installed the Technical Content for BI Admin Cockpit in our QA systems, for BI7, using SPRO, and it seems that there are some missing datasources, transfer rules, etc.,
    The one's that are missing are:
    Does anyone know if this is a known issue, that these are not available?
    Please let me know if they're required, and if there's a fix to get them back.

    Hi John,
    In my system the symptom is the same. So I just installed them myself in RSA1->BI Content.
    I don't think it's a big problem because the queries on the MultiProviders can run without these master data. For example, you may find the text of query is missing but you can see query's technical name.
    I remember when I activate 0TCTBWOBJCT_TEXT and 0TCTPRCSVAR_TEXT, these datasources are in BI 7 version but there's no transformation. So I create myself.
    Please let us know if you have other questions.

  • Adobe CS4 Indesign plugins missing when installed on brand new MacBook Pro. How can I get these missing plugins? Indd. files will not open

    Please Help!
    Adobe Chat doesnt deal with old products
    Apple Genius Bar says to talk to Adobe.
    HAD a 2008 MacBook Pro with Adobe CS4 installed
    now have a brand new MacBook Pro (and used my time machine to back up from my old mac) and when trying to open InDesign files - gives a list of plugins that are missing and will not open the document.
    I'm a graphic designer- so this is not an option..
    Please Help!

    You can install Adobe Programs ONLY from the originals installer which is provided from Adobe. Time Machine (which is a form of migration) will not result in working Adobe programs. As Bob said, use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, which is also working for CS versions, to wipe out everything from Adobe and start with a clean installing.
    I am not sure, if CS4 is running on Maverick, at least it is not supported officially, your are here alone. It might be so that you have to upgrade your software to a later version.

  • Packages missing when installing database 11g in  linux 6

    hi am installing my oracle database 11g in oracle Linux 6 am geting this error in prerequiste check packages This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "unixODBC-2.2.11" is available on the,This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "unixODBC-devel-2.2.11" is available on the,This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "pdksh-5.2.14" is available on the system.where can i get this packages

    hi am geting this error error: File not found by glob: pdksh-5.2.14.*
    when i run this comand
    root@tshifhiwa Packages]# rpm -Uvh pdksh-5.2.14.*
    where can i get this packages
    Package: pdksh-5.2.14 - This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "pdksh-5.2.14" is available on the system.
    Expected Value
     : pdksh-5.2.14
    Actual Value
     : missing
     List of errors:
    PRVF-7532 : Package "pdksh-5.2.14" is missing on node "tshifhiwa"  - Cause:  A required package is either not installed or, if the package is a kernel module, is not loaded on the specified node.  - Action:  Ensure that the required package is installed and available.
    Edited by: Tshifhiwa on 2012/02/09 4:11 PM

  • missing when installing elements 12 from download

    I though that i hadcessfully donloaded both the *.Z7 ffile and the *.exe file.  It took quite some tim unpacking all the files but one thing i noticed that the numbers of cabinets don't make sense. It runs from 1 to 15 but is not there. now that i just the one the installer seems to miss. i didn't get any error message. perhapsd i will try unpacking them again/.

    Hi Pat,
    After that initial error, I moved the two downloaded files to a local disk  (they were on an external disk before) then I ran the executable,  now all files were correctly unpacked and installed. Just for information: I was not unpacking those files manually, the installer unpacks everything to a seperate folder only then can the installation beggin. It was during installation that the installer asked for
    Daniel Vanhoof

  • Large amount of ARP packets

    I've got a question regarding large amount of ARP-packets when enabling "Interface Groups" (aka "VLAN Select") on a WLAN.
    Currently we have an SSID with approximatly 12.000 similtanoius users during peak hours. These users are primarly students with lectures all over campus. So mobility and flexibility are key aspects. By this I mean that the amount of users in different areas of campus vary a lot and therefore the amount of users on a controller vary alot. And when we have one client VLAN/interface per controller, we did see that we didn't have enough IP-adresses on one client VLAN to handle all the clients when alot of users are moving between areas.
    To be able to have enough IP-adresses available at any time at any controller, we have enabled "Interface Groups" on the WLAN/SSID. In this Interface Group we have all the client VLANs/interfaces from all the controllers. This also makes us able to move APs around on different controllers without thinking about having enough IP-adresses for this area on the controllers.
    But, as I started with, the result is a large amount of ARP-packets to all clients on that SSID. We fear that this is causing trouble and that other traffic suffers from this. If we do sniffing of traffic to a client with all running applications closed (and therefore very low network traffic), we see 70.000 ARP-packets during one hour (97% of the traffic). These are mainly ARP-requests from clients requesting the MAC-address of their default gateway. I know that the actual amount of data transmitted is very low, but it is the number of packets that troubles me.
    So my question is this:
    Are "AP groups" the solution to my problem? If I create one AP group for each area of the campus using an Interface Group dedicated for this area and define this AP group and Interface Group on every controller. For instance an area called "Building A" has an "AP Group" and "Interface Group" with the same name. This Interface Group has 3 VLANs. And of course the APs in this area are configured with this AP Group. Then I guess only ARP traffic for these 3 VLANs will be sent out on these APs?
    I know that the scenario and question is a bit fussy. But I really need an opinion on this. So if something is unclear, please ask.

    I think the root cause is very clear. I'll try to explain a bit more.
    We've got twenty controllers and each of these had one single /23 subnet for clients (for this SSID). But this /23-subnet got too small when a lot of students moved to one area. Then "Interface Groups" came along and we tried adding one single /23 to the SSID. This worked very well but we did see that our utilization of IP-addresses was poor. This because we needed to have enough IP-addresses in every area to cope with the peaks of users on each controller (we are not doing NAT but using "real" IPv4-adresses). So we wanted to try to have all the client subnets defined on every controller and in one Interface Group on every controller. So that means that every ARP-request/broadcast from clients on the routers MAC-address on these twenty subnets reaches every controller and gets broadcasted out to every AP and client. That is the root cause of the huge amount of ARP.
    I realize that this is no good design, but I honestly thought that this kind of ARP-traffic/broadcast was stopped at the controller when we have "Broadcast Forwarding" disabled. And this design gives us flexibility to move APs around on controllers without thinking of if we have enough IP-addresses on the controller we are moving APs to. As I mentioned, we are not doing NAT so utilization of IP-addresses is important. And please don't start a discussion on why we are not doing NAT. We've had that discussion internally ;-)
    So I'm trying to figure out if I can have this flexibility by using "AP Groups". I'm still doing the design on the drawing board and struggle a bit to explain. So I'll simplify my question: If a controller has four VLANs/Interfaces for clients (VLAN 10, 20, 30 and 40) and an "Interface Group" with only two of these VLANs (VLAN 10 and 20). And I set up an "AP Group" using this "Interface Group". Will I see broadcast/ARP only for the two VLANs in the "Interface Group" (VLAN 10 and 20) or is it a possibility that I will see broadcast for the other two VLANs as well (VLAN 30 and 40)? I really hope and think that I'll only see broadcast for the VLANs in the "Interface Group" but I need to be sure.

  • My iMac running 10.7.5 crashes when copy and paste large amounts of information like a picture.

    My iMac running 10.7.5 crashes when I store a large amount of data like copy and paste a picture. It also has started being painfully slow to open the first page in Safari.  Here's is some information a program gathered on my computer.   -Thanks!
    Problem description:
    iMac 10.7.5.  Crashes when copy & paste large amounts and slow to first open first web page then back to normal speed
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.8 (121)
    Report generated April 13, 2015 3:05:27 PM EDT
    Download EtreCheck from
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) (Technical Specifications)
        iMac - model: iMac10,1
        1 3.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2-core
        8 GB RAM
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
            BANK 0/DIMM1
                2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM1
                2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
        Wireless: Unknown
    Video Information: ℹ️
        ATI Radeon HD 4670 - VRAM: 256 MB
            iMac 2560 x 1440
    System Software: ℹ️
        Mac OS X 10.7.5 (11G63) - Time since boot: 14 days 7:47:18
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        ST31000528AS disk0 : (1 TB)
            disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / : 999.35 GB (777.11 GB free)
            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
        OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5680H 
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Sunplus Innovation Technology. USB to Serial-ATA bridge 1 TB
            disk2s1 (disk2s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Time Machine Backups (disk2s2) /Volumes/Time Machine Backups : 999.86 GB (143.50 GB free)
        Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
        Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
        HP Deskjet 9800
        Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
        [loaded]    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv (4.2.18) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp (4.2.18) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt (4.2.18) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB (4.2.18) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook (7.0 15107.796624) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_hypervisor (7.0 15107.796624) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_netbridge (7.0 15107.796624) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_vnic (7.0 15107.796624) [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.kext.prl_usb_connect (7.0 15107.796624) [Click for support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
        HP IO: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HP IO
        ParallelsTransporter: Path: /Library/StartupItems/ParallelsTransporter
        VirtualBox: Path: /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox
        Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [running]    com.hp.devicemonitor.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.desktop.launch.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.parallels.DesktopControlAgent.plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.parallels.vm.prl_pcproxy.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded]    com.hikvision.iVMS-4200.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [running]    com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon.plist [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [loaded]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [running]    com.akamai.single-user-client.plist [Click for support]
        [loaded] [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        GrowlHelperApp    Application  (/Users/[redacted]/Library/PreferencePanes/Growl.prefPane/Contents/Resources/Gr
        Microsoft AU Daemon    Application  (/Applications/Microsoft AU
        Air Mouse Server    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        CrossOver CD Helper    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        Pages    UNKNOWN  (missing value)
        Dropbox    Application  (/Applications/
        Wondershare Helper Compact    Application  (/Users/[redacted]/Library/Application Support/Helper/Wondershare Helper
        AdobeResourceSynchronizer    Application Hidden (/Applications/Adobe
        HP Scheduler    Application  (/Library/Application Support/Hewlett-Packard/Software Update/HP
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 14.9.0 - SDK 10.7 Check version
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.1
        AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
        AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.4.8 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 6.0 [Click for support]
        Silverlight: Version: 4.0.60531.0 [Click for support]
        iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
        Reload Button
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        Akamai NetSession Preferences  [Click for support]
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
        Growl  [Click for support]
        MacFUSE  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
             2%    WindowServer
             1%    prl_disp_service
             0%    fontd
             0%    AdobeReader
             0%    ODSAgent
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        120 MB    mds
        112 MB    AdobeReader
        94 MB    WindowServer
        94 MB    Finder
        69 MB    loginwindow
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        5.44 GB    Free RAM
        1.78 GB    Active RAM
        464 MB    Inactive RAM
        901 MB    Wired RAM
        1.64 GB    Page-ins
        0 B    Page-outs

    I believe that insufficient RAM may be the source of some of your problems. If you have a RAM of somewhere 4 to 8GB, you will experience smoother computing. 3GB doesn't seem right, so you might want to learn more by going to this site:
    I don't know what know what's happening with your optical drive, but it seems you use your drive quite a bit. In that case, look into a lens cleaner for your machine. It's inexpensive, works quite well.
    I hope you'll post here with your results!

  • DSS problems when publishing large amount of data fast

    Has anyone experienced problems when sending large amounts of data using the DSS. I have approximately 130 to 150 items that I send through the DSS to communicate between different parts of my application.
    There are several loops publishing data. One publishes approximately 50 items in a rate of 50ms, another about 40 items with 100ms publishing rate.
    I send a command to a subprogram (125ms) that reads and publishes the answer on a DSS URL (app 125 ms). So that is one item on DSS for about 250ms. But this data is not seen on my man GUI window that reads the DSS URL.
    My questions are
    1. Is there any limit in speed (frequency) for data publishing in DSS?
    2. Can DSS be unstable if loaded to much?
    3. Can I lose/miss data in any situation?
    4. In the DSS Manager I have doubled the MaxItems and MaxConnections. How will this affect my system?
    5. When I run my full application I have experienced the following error Fatal Internal Error : ”memory.ccp” , line 638. Can this be a result of my large application and the heavy load on DSS? (se attached picture)
    Idriz Zogaj
    Idriz "Minnet" Zogaj, M.Sc. Engineering Physics
    Memory Profesional
    direct: +46 (0) - 734 32 00 10

    LuI wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I am frustrated on VISA serial comm. It looks so neat and its
    > fantastic what it supposes to do for a develloper, but sometimes one
    > runs into trouble very deep.
    > I have an app where I have to read large amounts of data streamed by
    > 13 µCs at 230kBaud. (They do not necessarily need to stream all at the
    > same time.)
    > I use either a Moxa multiport adapter C320 with 16 serial ports or -
    > for test purposes - a Keyspan serial-2-USB adapter with 4 serial
    > ports.
    Does it work better if you use the serial port(s) on your motherboard?
    If so, then get a better serial adapter. If not, look more closely at
    Some programs have some issues on serial adapters but run fine on a
    regular serial port. We've had that problem recent
    Best, Mark

  • Freeze when writing large amount of data to iPod through USB

    I used to take backups of my PowerBook to my 60G iPod video. Backups are taken with tar in terminal directly to mounted iPod volume.
    Now, every time I try to write a big amount of data to iPod (from MacBook Pro), the whole system freezes (mouse cursor moves, but nothing else can be done). When the USB-cable is pulled off, the system recovers and acts as it should. This problem happens every time a large amount of data is written to iPod.
    The same iPod works perfectly (when backupping) in PowerBook and small amounts of data can be easily written to it (in MacBook Pro) without problems.
    Does anyone else have the same problem? Any ideas why is this and how to resolve the issue?
    MacBook Pro, 2.0Ghz, 100GB 7200RPM, 1GB Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   IPod Video 60G connected through USB

    Ex PC user...never had a problem.
    Got a MacBook Pro last week...having the same issues...and this is now with an exchanged machine!
    I've read elsewhere that it's something to do with the USB timing out. And if you get a new USB port and attach it (and it's powered separately), it should work. Kind of a bummer, but, those folks who tried it say it works.
    Me, I can upload to Ipod piecemeal, manually...but even then, it sometimes freezes.
    The good news is that once the Ipod is loaded, the problem shouldnt' happen. It's the large amounts of data.
    Apple should DEFINITELY fix this though. Unbelievable.
    MacBook Pro 2.0   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Finder issues when copying large amount of files to external drive

    When copying large amount of data over firewire 800, finder gives me an error that a file is in use and locks the drive up. I have to force eject. When I reopen the drive, there are a bunch of 0kb files sitting in the directory that did not get copied over. This is happens on multiple drives. I've attached a screen shot of what things look like when I reopen the drive after forcing an eject. Sometime I have to relaunch finder to get back up and running correctly. I've repaired permissions for what it's worth.
    10.6.8, by the way, 2.93 12-core, 48gb of ram, fully up to date. This has been happening for a long time, just now trying to find a solution

    Scott Oliphant wrote:
    iomega, lacie, 500GB, 1TB, etc, seems to be drive independent. I've formatted and started over with several of the drives and same thing. If I copy the files over in smaller chunks (say, 70GB) as opposed to 600GB, the problem does not happen. It's like finder is holding on to some of the info when it puts it's "ghost" on the destination drive before it's copied over and keeping the file locked when it tries to write over it.
    This may be a stretch since I have no experience with iomega and no recent experience with LaCie drives, but the different results if transfers are large or small may be a tip-off.
    I ran into something similar with Seagate GoFlex drives and the problem was heat. Virtually none of these drives are ventilated properly (i.e, no fans and not much, if any, air flow) and with extended use, they get really hot and start to generate errors. Seagate's solution is to shut the drive down when not actually in use, which doesn't always play nice with Macs. Your drives may use a different technique for temperature control, or maybe none at all. Relatively small data transfers will allow the drives to recover; very large transfers won't, and to make things worse, as the drive heats up, the transfer rate will often slow down because of the errors. That can be seen if you leave Activity Monitor open and watch the transfer rate over time (a method which Seagate tech support said was worthless because Activity Monitor was unreliable and GoFlex drives had no heat problem).
    If that's what's wrong, there really isn't any solution except using the smaller chunks of data which you've found works.

  • When installing itunes 10.7 my computer gets all the way to verifying install and then removing applications and stops.  I get a message that says "unable to complete - there is a file missing.  I tunes has not be completed.  See your package dealer

    I am trying to install iTunes 10.7.  The installation gets all the way to the end and says "removing application" then stops and gives me an error message that states there is a missing file and it cannot complete the configuration.  Please contact my support or package dealer."
    Confused - my old itunes worked fine - haven't removed any programs, etc.,

    Try the following user tip:
    "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package ..." error messages when installing iTunes for Windows

  • Charged a large amount $68 by iTunes California . I can't get to anyone in support and when I challenged the amount on my card, now my Apple ID has been disabled. Anyone else having similar problems?

    Charged a large amount $68 by iTunes California . I can't get to anyone in support and when I challenged the amount on my card, now my Apple ID has been disabled. Anyone else having similar problems?

    Does anything show on your account's purchase history ? If you log into your account on your computer's iTunes via the Store > View Account menu option, you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it. Click on that and you should then see a list of your purchases.
    If it does and you didn't do the purchase(s), and nobody else has access to your account or devices, then try contacting iTunes Support via this page : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption. Is that how you tried contacting them ?
    If it doesn't show on your account then contact your card issuer.
    For your account being disabled have you tried getting it re-enabled ? If it's been disabled due to payments then you may need to contact support to get it enabled

  • My iPhone has a large amount of capacity used by other as shown in iTunes when sync.  I can't determine where 4.3 GB of other is from.  Even eliminating all of the categories of music, movies and the like it still uses 4.3 GB for other?

    My iPhone has developed a large amount of "other" as shown on how the capacity is used when sync in iTunes.  Even eliminating songs, ovies and all other sync items it still uses 4.3 GB of other.  This is a relativily new development.  How can I determine the cause and free up this capacity?

    Other includes data such as iPhone settings, contacts, calendar events, Safari bookmarks/cache/cookies, email and email attachments, SMS/MMS/iMessages, notes, app data, Safari cache, cookies and bookmarks, stored passwords, search index, home screen organization, wi-fi network data, etc.  But is should be around 1 GB; 4.3 GB is an indication that something is corrupt and you will have to restore your phone to correct it.
    Before restoring, be sure to import all your photos to your computer and back up your contacts (by syncing them with iCloud or Google, or to a supported program such as Outlook or mac Address Book, or using an app like My Contacts Backup) as contacts are not fully backed up in the iPhone backup.  Once this is done, follow this guide:, being careful to back up your phone at step 6.  At the end of the process your phone will restart and you will go through the setup screens; during this setup, when given the option choose to Restore from iTunes Backup and restore from the backup you made earlier.  Then connect to iTunes and see how large "Other" is.  If it's still that large, then the corrupt data was contained in the backup you restored from and you will have no choice except to repeat the process, but this time restore your phone as a new iPhone.

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  • [CS5] set the path to include php files dynamically

    this is my code php #into file confstart.php i create the session #$_SESSION["PATH"]["CORELIB"]=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/system/core/lib"; include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/newportal/system/config/confstart.php"); include($_SESSION["PATH"]["CORE