Last updates killed MacBook pro

Just did the last software updates and iv had the grey screen with the apple and spinning thing for over an hour help

Took my MacBook Pro to the Apple shop they said the hard drive had died and replaced it. Laptop was only a few months old :-( didn't lose to much data but I'm still setting everything back up.

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    ted39 wrote:
    I updated to OS 10.8.2 and now Pages won't open
    Please elaborate on what exactly you mean by it "won't open".
    Do you try to launch it and get an error message from the Finder (for example, something like "This application is damaged and cannot be launched....")? Does an icon for the application ever appear in the Dock when you try to launch it? Does it start to launch and then immediately crashes (Finder will display an "unexpectedly quit" dialog)? Or does it start to launch and never seems to "finish" launching (in other words, it basically hangs and is unresponsive)?
    If the application crashes, please post the contents of the crash log here.
    Otherwise, if the application seems to be hanging, can you, before attempting to launch it, open the application (it's in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder), and see if anything is reported when you attempt to launch it? If so, please post it here.

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    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

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    Here you go:

  • How to update a MacBook Pro 17 inch mid 2010 with SSD?

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    Clean install with Bootable USB flash drive with Mavericks and restore from Time Machine?
    Buy a USB enclosure for SSD and Clone HDD to SSD with Carbon Copy Cloner first and boot it to check and than install the drive?
    Could anybody help me with this?
    Thank you.

    Look here for the maximum memory for each MBP model: s.html
    The limit is given by the memory controller ("northbridge").
    There are no thermal drawbacks expanding the memory to the maximum supported limit...
    However, as explained, often Apple did specify an "official" maximum RAM amount which is in reality shorter than the real value, simply because, when the machine was launched, memory sticks of the proper size for giving maximum capacity were not available.
    Apple never revises the specs after the launch...
    But this did not happen in your case: the maximum memory for mid-2010 Core machines appears to be effectively just 8 Gb, form the page linked above...
    Final remark: in my experience, the SSD counts much more than memory for speeding up a laptop! As you already have 8 Gb, there is little value to expand to 16Gb even if it was posisble. Better to invest the same money in a  larger SSD...
    I expanded mine because it was equipped with just 4 Gb, and purchasing 16Gb Corsair was costing as 8 Gb Crucial. However, it was not a wise choice, those cheap Corsair memories were bad, the seller had to exchange both sticks...
    If I could come back, it was better to spend more and buy Crucial memory sticks!

  • I have updated my Macbook Pro from 10.7.5 to 10.9.1 and it keeps on restarting after upgrade. Please help me fix this issue.

    Hi All,
    I have updated the Macbook Pro from 10.7.5 to 10.9.1 today and once it is done I restarted the system and it keeps on crashing/restarting the system every 2 min.
    I have found the below backtrace. Please help me fix this issue.
    Anonymous UUID:  
    Mon Dec 30 23:57:23 2013
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801da5260f): "a freed zone element has been modified: expected 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef but found 0, bits changed 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef, at offset 8 of 128 in zone: kalloc.128"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.1.72/osfmk/kern/zalloc.c:461
    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff8096bf3690 : 0xffffff801da22f69
    0xffffff8096bf3710 : 0xffffff801da5260f
    0xffffff8096bf3770 : 0xffffff801da51d09
    0xffffff8096bf3870 : 0xffffff801da2aa2f
    0xffffff8096bf38a0 : 0xffffff801dde080d
    0xffffff8096bf38e0 : 0xffffff7f9fcada11
    0xffffff8096bf3930 : 0xffffff7f9fcae16e
    0xffffff8096bf39a0 : 0xffffff7f9fcae523
    0xffffff8096bf39d0 : 0xffffff801dc13438
    0xffffff8096bf3a00 : 0xffffff801dd83378
    0xffffff8096bf3a70 : 0xffffff801dbfd1ae
    0xffffff8096bf3ae0 : 0xffffff801dbf437a
    0xffffff8096bf3b80 : 0xffffff801dbe5f15
    0xffffff8096bf3c30 : 0xffffff801dbe67d2
    0xffffff8096bf3f50 : 0xffffff801de3de23
    0xffffff8096bf3fb0 : 0xffffff801daf3e06
    Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[E163B7AE-F6E5-328 6-B827-66DB3FE3DB7B]@0xffffff7f9fcac000->0xffffff7f9fcaffff
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: applet
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Thu Sep 19 22:22:27 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2422.1.72~6/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: 1D9369E3-D0A5-31B6-8D16-BFFBBB390393
    Kernel slide:
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff801da00000
    System model name: MacBookPro7,1 (Mac-F222BEC8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 172506613860
    last loaded kext at 107245362778: com.trendmicro.kext.KERedirect 1.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f9ff33000, size 24576)
    loaded kexts:
    com.trendmicro.kext.KERedirect 1.0.0
    com.logmein.driver.LogMeInSoundDriver 1.0.0
    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB 3.2.6
    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv 3.2.6 1.9.5d0 2.5.3fc1 1.60 100.14.11 1.0.2d2 124 2.5.3fc1 4.2.0f6 3.0 8.1.8 2.0.4d1 1.0.0d1 7.0.0 1 2.5.3fc1 1.0.0 3.4.12 170.3.5 1.7.0 3.5.13 8.1.8 3.0.4d1 4.2.0f6 4.2.0f6 1.1.12 240.2 325.7 240.2 240.2 3.3.5 3.0.1 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 35 3.6.0 404 2.4.0 3.6.9b9 700.20.22 2.9.5 4.9.9 650.4.4 650.4.1 650.4.1 161.0.0 2.0 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 216.0.0 153 3 216.0.0 3.4.12 2.5.3fc1 1.0.0 10.0.7 1.0 8.1.8 1.9.4fc11 1.14 91 4.2.0f6 1.0.0 3.4.12 1.0.4 5.5.1d27 8.1.8 2.3.6 3.1.6d1 4.2.0f6 2.2.5 2.5.3fc1 2.5.3fc1 1.0.12d1 1.0.11d1 2.3.6 240.6 650.4.4 3.6.0 3.6.0 650.4.0 650.4.0 3.6.0 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.1 2.6.0 3.6.0 1.0.3b3 1.0.1b4 600.34 3.2 2.6.0 4.5.5 1.11 650.4.4 2.0 2.0 650.4.4 2.2.9 2.0.0 1.1 278.10 1.0.0d1 7 2 371.1 1.9 21 28.30 2.0 2.8 1.4 1.0 1
    Unable to gather system configuration information.Model: MacBookPro7,1, BootROM MBP71.0039.B0E, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.62f7
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353637334648302D4346382020
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353637334648302D4346382020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.2.0f6 12982, 3 services, 15 devices, 0 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: TOSHIBA MK2555GSXF, 250.06 GB
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS23N
    USB Device: Built-in iSight
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    Thunderbolt Bus:
    Please help me fix this issue.
    Thank you,

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you boot, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually login automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • HT1338 how do i update my macbook pro from 10.5.8 to the latest software? also please let me know what do i have to do to save my files from being deleted when updating? thank you

    how do i update my macbook pro from 10.5.8 to the latest software?

    First you have to purchase Snow Leopard, 10.6, from the Apple on-line store for $20.  Install and on-line software update from the disk version to the last of the line, 10.6.8.
    Then determine if you can go to Mountain Lion, and if you can go to the App Store and purchase for $20 the download of 10.8.3.
    If you cannot go to ML, see if you can go to Lion, 10.7.5, do you have an Intel Core 2 Duo, i3, i5, i7 or Xeon processor at least 2 GB ram and 7 GB free hard drive space.  If so you can purchase a download code for Lion from 1-800-MY-APPLE for $20.
    If you can use Mountain Lion, skip the Lion step and go directly to ML.

  • Can't update my MacBook Pro

    Hello. I am trying to update my MacBook Pro and it doesn't seem to work. I'm using OS X 10.6.8. I follow all the logic steps: search for updates and restart the computer. But everytime I restart it, nothing's changed. Still have the same old version of all programs that I wanted to update. Could anyone help me?

    If your system is at 10.6.8, then that's the last version of Snow Leopard that was released and there are no more updates for it.
    As for applications, you can set most current apps to automatically check at start up (or whenever you choose) for updates. Again, if there are no updates available, you won't be notified.
    What types of updates, or which applications, are you looking for updates to?

  • HT1338 How do I update my macbook pro with 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processors from OSX 10.5.8 to 10.7?

    How do I update my macbook pro with 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processors from OSX 10.5.8 to 10.7?

    Firefox 16.0.2 was the last to work on the old Mac OSX 10.5.x as Firefox 17.0 to current has required OSX 10.6+

  • I got an iphone 4. I had to update my macbook pro to Lepard just to sync. I updated to lepard. Now when I try to sync itunes does not recognize my new iphone 4 as mine and wants to erase everything I have bought using the phone.

    I upgraded from Iphone 3g to iphone 4. I had to update my macbook pro to Lepard just to sync. the **** thing with the new iphone 4. I bought and updated to lepard. Now when I try to sync itunes does not recognize my new iphone 4 as mine and wants to erase everything I have bought using the phone before it will sync! It says everything on the phone now will be cleared in order to sync it with my existing info on the computer from my previous iphone. How can I just get everything from my current iphone 4 into itunes, basically add it to the info from my previous iphone 3g that is currently in my itunes?  I dont want to lose what I have on my phone currently....I paid money for half the apps for crying out loud.
    I was so frustrated by this when I first bought the phone that I just pushed it out of my mind and NEVER synced it. Please help...

    Nope - you cannot restore a backup from a newer iOS version on to a device running an older iOS version.  The reverse works, but in your case to use your backup, you must update to iOS 7.0.3 - no other option if you want to use that backup.

  • HT1338 I updated my MacBook Pro with Mountain Lion and now it is starting slow and opening with some of the programs. How can I fix the problem?

    I updated my MacBook Pro with Mountain Lion and now it is slow in starting up and loads a number of probrams. How can I fix the problem?

    Have you tried starting in Safe Mode and see if the slowness still occurs?
    Restart holding the "shift" key.
    (Expect it to take longer to start this way because it runs a directory check first.)
    If this works look in System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login items and delete any third party login items (-), you can always add them back with the (+). Also look in /Library/Startup Items. Nothing is put in that folder by default, so anything in there is yours.
    Reboot normally and test.

  • When I updated my macbook Pro to Maverick, I lost I Photo. How do I get it back to manage my pics?

    When I updated my Macbook Pro to Maverick, I lost I Photo. It seems as if my pics are still on the laptop, but I have a really hard time finding them. I no longer have I Photo. Can anyone help me in getting that application back and putting my pics back in it? I loved the faces feature. Thank you!

    Run the >software update>iPhoto
    If you have a legit copy of of iPhoto you are eligable for the Mavericks compatible version. Look for it in your applications folder along side the older versions.
    If not purchase it on the AppStore to regain access to your iphoto library as you knew it.

  • I've updated my Macbook Pro and my iMac with Maverick, updating the various apps. On my Macbook, everything functions perfectly. On my iMac, I get the Your System has Run out of Application Memory, and it's based our Mail, the only app not updated. Ideas?

    Maverick and Your System message
    I've updated my Macbook Pro and my iMac with Maverick, updating the various apps (Pages, Aperture, iPhoto, Numbers & iMovie, too) in the process.
    On my Macbook, everything functions perfectly. On my iMac, I get the Your System has Run out of Application Memory message. But it's not Calendar, it's Mail that not only won't open, but when it does now, it takes the entire system out with it.
    I open Safari, and it works. I open Firefox, and it works and Safari still works. I open Calendar and it works, Safari and Firefox continue to work. I open Reminders, and everything still works.
    I open Aperture, and it opens Finder instead, showing the 3.5 update that was installed two days ago (and Aperture has functioned), but doesn't seem to update the app; after about 20 seconds the update disappears and I can now open Aperture and it shows I'm now opening the updated Aperture, which it didn't show before.
    I click on Mail, and the cursor spins for ten minutes. The mail window finally opens, but the cursor spins and does not connect to upload new mail, and I finally Force Quit Mail. Since the Maverick update, even though Mail was not updated (and maybe because Mail was not updated), I have been able to receive emails twice, and then the program crashed.
    Besides the Aperture app, Pages didn't fully update on the iMac, and I had to remove the old Pages icon from the dock after the new program loaded up from Applications.
    Any ideas?

    Maverick and Your System message
    I've updated my Macbook Pro and my iMac with Maverick, updating the various apps (Pages, Aperture, iPhoto, Numbers & iMovie, too) in the process.
    On my Macbook, everything functions perfectly. On my iMac, I get the Your System has Run out of Application Memory message. But it's not Calendar, it's Mail that not only won't open, but when it does now, it takes the entire system out with it.
    I open Safari, and it works. I open Firefox, and it works and Safari still works. I open Calendar and it works, Safari and Firefox continue to work. I open Reminders, and everything still works.
    I open Aperture, and it opens Finder instead, showing the 3.5 update that was installed two days ago (and Aperture has functioned), but doesn't seem to update the app; after about 20 seconds the update disappears and I can now open Aperture and it shows I'm now opening the updated Aperture, which it didn't show before.
    I click on Mail, and the cursor spins for ten minutes. The mail window finally opens, but the cursor spins and does not connect to upload new mail, and I finally Force Quit Mail. Since the Maverick update, even though Mail was not updated (and maybe because Mail was not updated), I have been able to receive emails twice, and then the program crashed.
    Besides the Aperture app, Pages didn't fully update on the iMac, and I had to remove the old Pages icon from the dock after the new program loaded up from Applications.
    Any ideas?

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    I Did my usual software updates and it downloaded n asked me to restart so I did, and now it's not starting up

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