Late Macbook Pro Keyboard?

Is it just me, or did Apple downgrade the MBPRO keyboard to a Macbook keyboard? Gone, it seems, is the out of the box soft supple easy flow of keying, replace by the Macbook keyboard, which needs more pressure to key, and may backspaces to enter the character not keyed because of the extra pressure needed. Call me a spoiled writer, but even BLINDFOLDED, when your hands touched a Macbook Pro, it was OBVIOUSLY a superior keying experience. Sadly, it now seems to just be a Macbook keyboard. DEAR APPLE, PLEASE UPGRADE THE MBPRO KEYBOARD.

Oh there most certainly is. I see they have removed the firewire port on the unit as well. So much for using a small fortune in firewire hardware around the place hey? I just watched the video about the re-design of the Macbook, and one of the designers said they removed everything that should not be there. Hmmmmm? I guess that included a firewire port and the old classic keyboard.
I wonder if they will seperate the Macbook Pro features from the Macbook in future releases? I certainly hope so, as this unit has the look and feel of a 15 inch Macbook and not a Macbook Pro, but as you mentioned, it is a matter of personal preference I guess.

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    (1) It sounds like you might be using a Spanish keyboard. You should specify this to begin with. Unless you do, the default assumption is that you're using a US keyboard. The advice you received is correct for the US keyboard.
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    2. If I log in to the migrated user account, the non-numeric keys on the keyboard do not work. If I then log out, and try to log in to another account on the same machine, the non-numeric keys continue not to work.
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