Latest downloadable version of VISA for Windows ?

Why is the latest downloadable version of VISA still 2.6.0f7 whereas 2.6.1f2 is allready available on CD ?
I noticed that, when I tried to install GPIB drivers v2.0 without having the CD available.

We didn't update the main page, but it is on the ftp site:
Dan Mondrik
Senior Software Engineer, NI-VISA
National Instruments

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    See iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues.
    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
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    Hey socestlavie,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues with iTunes for Windows. The following resource may help to resolve your issue:
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    If Microsoft merely off their own decided that only a 64-bit version of QuickTime was going to be supported by them and did not both checking such a beast existed then this is perfectly believable behavior on the part of Microsoft and they should roast in **** for it.
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    Moving on to trying to be more constructive…
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    Install QuickTime Alternative - see
    I have no idea if QuickTime Alternative is 64-bit, I have no idea if it will work in 64-bit Office even if it is 64-bit. However it does work in Internet Explorer for Windows, it is free and therefore will cost you nothing to try. If it does not work you can then always uninstall it.
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    * []
    If you can't run the latest version because your system doesn't meet the requirements, it's highly recommended that you use another browser that is secure. TenFourFox is a third-party build of Firefox that is kept up-to-date and runs on Mac OS X 10.4 and PowerPC Macs (as a side note, I've never seen the site go down; whatever problems James noticed 9 months ago must've been a fluke).
    * []
    If your system can run the latest version, but you want to downgrade because you've experienced problems, please start a new thread and someone will try to help you.
    If you understand the security risks but want to downgrade anyway,
    * Firefox 3.6: []
    * Firefox 3.5: []

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    Thanks in advance.

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    Realtek Driver Download:
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