Lauching photoshop(different problem)

I managed to install photoshop cs3 on my computer, but when i try to launcg it, i have a problem.
It says that the application adobe photoshop cs3 quit unexpectedly.
When i click on relaunch, the window just keep popping back. What am i supposed to do? thank you.

Which Mac do you have and which version of Tiger are you running? Please click My Settings on the right side of this window. Fill in that information for your profile, scroll down, click Save.
How much free drive space do you have?
Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see
Capacity and Available. Make sure you always have a minimum of 10% to 15% free disk space at all times.
Please fill out your profile so we can help.
Also, anytime you install software, run Disk Utility and repair disk permisisons.
Launch Disk Utility. Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

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    Hi WA Veghe,
    >First: DO synchronize, makes sure you have the same profile settings and color mange settings.
    I don't seem to be able to synchronize between CS4 (Photoshop) and CS3 (Indesign).
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    If it's a 2010 as you say towards the end of your post, it's out of warranty. The battery isn't covered in that case. Why don't you just buy a new battery if that's your concern? If it's a 2013 as you say up at the top, it shouldn't have a bulging battery. How do you know it does? If it really does, ask for the store manager and explain the problem.

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    Contact Apple Customer Care - not Apple Care - Customer Support. Have your receipts handy and/or case numbers. Be patient, be calm, and tell your story just as you have here. I get the sense you are not in the US and don't have access to an Apple Store but are going to an independent shop. This makes using Customer Support all the more important. If phoning isn't viable, use registered mail.
    Since time is running short, be prepared to purchase AppleCare to exennd your warranty 2 more years. Yes, you shouldn't have to do this, but it gives you added protection and more opportunities over the next 2 years to claim a replacement computer if you don't get one immediately. After dealing with a similar unhappy situation with a Mac in the late 1990s I finally got a replacement computer and reimbursed for the AppleCare policy.

  • New hard drive and photoshop license problem

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    The hard drive in this computer failed, and it has been replaced.  I used an image backup from Acronis True Image 10 to "restore" the new disk.
    Now, when I try to open Phostoshop CS2, I receive a message that the license is no longer valid (I have been using this version of Photoshop for a long time).
    I don't have this problem with InDesign CS3 (v. 5.0.2), FrameMaker 7.2b144, or Acrobat 8.1.6.
    I didn't find any helpful info on the "Product Activation" web page.
    I tried a forum search and a search of using the search criteria "new hard drive and photoshop license problem."
    The only relevant item I could find is this:
    "Backup and restoration of your system using standard tools do not require reactivation. While reactivation after backing up or restoring the system was required in early versions of Adobe software (such as Adobe Photoshop® CS), Adobe has continued to improve the activation process with new technology that eliminates the need to reactivate after system restoration. In complex situations where the system is being upgraded, we recommend deactivating the Adobe software before commencing the system upgrade. Once the system upgrade is completed, the subsequent install/restore will require reactivation, which is typically accomplished without difficulty and is completely transparent to the user."
    So does that mean I have to "reactivate" Photoshop CS2?  If so, do I use the Activation window that is displayed when I open Photoshop?  The serial number has 20 characters.  Will the Adobe (re)activation recognize this old serial number?  If not, what do I have to do to get this product usable again?
    Please help.

    >replaced your hard drive and CS2 DRM is looking for the old hard drive number and not finding it
    Interesting... I use which creates a bootable CD and runs outside of Windoze
    I have made image files and loaded those files to a new hard drive (I use drive swap hardware to make a backup and create a new drive every time I install or uninstall major software) and have never had any program complain about needing activation
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    Maybe you need to enable Direct Play under Legacy Components in the Turn Windows Features on or off dialog.
    1. Right click on the windows start Logo on the taskbar, select Control Panel and click on Programs
    2. Under Programs and Features click on Turn Windows Features on or off and then under Legacy Components enable Direct Play

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    Do you have an idea how I can make the programm work?
    thanks in advance

    Thanks for you email, I finally went to an informatician today. We
    finally found out that even if windows 7 sais the drivers are up to date
    the driver that is managin to switsch between the two graphic cards
    wasn't up to date. We downloaded it from the website and photoshop works
    now perfectly well.
    Thanks for your help!
    Emmanuel Dorsaz
    Le 09.09.2012 21:14, Manish-Sharma a écrit :
          Re: Photoshop CS6 Problems
    created by Manish-Sharma
    <> in /Downloading,
    Installing, Setting Up/ - View the full discussion

  • Photoshop CS2 problems after updating to 10.4.5.?

    Anybody notice Photoshop CS problems after updating to 10.4.5.?

    Hello I had the same problem
    I found the following information that helped me.....
    Program errors occur when software conflicts arise due to an updated operating system. You can resolve these errors when you also update the driver software that causes the conflict or when you update the operating system. Program errors can also occur because of a damaged Photoshop preference file, or if there is a problem with a phone or internet connection. The Apple Disk Utility fixes file system errors that can also cause program errors.
    Error "Could not complete your request..." or "Could not create a new document..." (Photoshop CS2 on Mac OS X v10.4)
    Adobe Photoshop CS2 returns one of the following error messages:
    "Could not complete your request because of a program error" when you try to open a file.
    "Could not create a new document because of a program error" when you try to create a new file.
    Solution 1:
    Install the most recent update to Mac OS.
    Solution 2:
    Re-create your preferences files.
    1. Hold CommandOptionShift when you start Photoshop.
    2. Click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?"
    Solution 3:
    Disconnect your Internet connection.
    To disconnect your Internet connection, do one of the following:
    If you are connected to the Internet via a telephone modem, then disconnect from the modem.
    If you are connected to the Internet via cable modem or DSL, then disconnect the ethernet cable from your computer.
    Solution 4:
    Use a disk repair utility.
    Restart your Mac in Single User mode and run fsck -fy . For more information about the fsck command, please visit the Apple website at http:/ .
    Solution 5:
    Ensure that all your drivers are compatible with Mac OS X v10.4.
    Determine if your printer and video card (and any other peripherals you might have) are compatible with Mac OS X v10.4, and visit the manufacturers' websites to update the drivers.
    Solution 6:
    Re-create your printers in Mac OS X.
    To re-create your printers, first delete them and then add them again.
    To delete your printers:
    1. Open System Preferences from the Apple menu.
    2. Select Print & Fax, and click Printing.
    3. Select each printer in the list and click the delete key (the minus key).
    For instructions on how to add your printers again, see "Setting up to print to a printer" in Mac Help or search Help using the phrase "add a printer."
    The one that fixed it for me was solution 6 -- re-creating my printers
    I don't know why but it could be worth a try
    Good luck
    17" Powerbook G3 iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    17" Powerbook G3 iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    17" Powerbook + G3 iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    This response is a little late as I just read about your problem. I have a 2012 Dodge Charger and a 2012 Chrysler Town and Country and both worked flawlessly with the iPhone 5s my wife and I had. However, we just upgraded to the iPhone 6 and Uconnect will receive calls but you cannot answer them. You can callout successfully, however. the annoyance being the inability to answer incoming calls in the HandsFree mode.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS6 Problem

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    Have uninstalled and re-installed the CS6 several times with no effect. Am installing from a boxed disc that I purchased from Adobe.
    Ted Wolfe

    Got it solved by going by adding the latest updates to CS6.
    Ted Wolfe
    In a message dated 10/24/2013 4:37:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  Adobe Photoshop CS6 Problem
    created by Jeff A Wright ( 
    in  Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full  discussion

  • Photoshop elements problem

    everytime i try to edit in the photoshop elements 10 an error message appears saying "unable to continue because of a hardware or a system error, this problem is unrecoverable"

    it never worked and it is the first time for me to download pse10 and i tried reinstalling it and it never worked
    Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 15:15:09 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: photoshop elements problem
        Re: photoshop elements problem
        created by photodrawken in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    OS version? Did PSE10 ever work?  If so, what changes did you make to your system, such as un-installing or installing any software or drivers? Ken
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • I have got new hardrive windows 8.1 and i have downloaded PS, LE and AE...Clouds...when i open PC so i get massage on rigth corner short time." your photoshop has problem with compalitet"....i have not put things back or used PS,,,what shall i do? LR work

    i have got new hardrive to windows 8.1....when i open my PC so i get message on lower right corner  - very short time - your photoshop has problem with compalitet....i have not used it yet or put brushes and so on back....LR is working fine...i can open photoshop without problem..and AE...what shall i do?...

    Thanks for info:
    A. Backup before doing anything advanced is recommended but not widely used.
    B. Upgrade on vanilla plain (and updated) operatiing system goes flawlessly. Upgrade on "real" computer may depend on "status" of operating system and applications installed. You may not be the last experiencing troubles.
    C. Software vendors expect that users has nearly unlimited disk size, large memory and latest processor.
    D. It is on you to find anything positive to compensate annoyances. Mental balance is in your hands ;-)

  • The messages on my Iphone and Mac don't match, My Mac is lacking messages. Do they only show if the sender has an iPhone, trying to figure out if thats what the missing names have in common, or if it a different problem?

    The messages on my Iphone and Mac don't match, My Mac is lacking messages. Do they only show if the sender has an iPhone, trying to figure out if thats what the missing names have in common, or if it a different problem?

    Messages on the mac will only show iMessages sent from an iPhone, another mac, iPad etc etc...
    It won't show SMS / Text messages.
    If the messages are green on your iphone then they are text messages... Blue are iMessages

  • Photoshop Elements problems

    I bought Photoshop Elements 10 in March and I have not been able to use it.  Photoshop Premiere Trial version will not load and the Inspiration Browser will not load.  Also any valuable help you get with this product, you have to pay for it (as if purchasing the product was not enough). I am very disappointed in this product and I actually want my money back. 

    I am not able to do anything in Photoshop Elements.
    Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 02:12:21 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Photoshop Elements problems
    Re: Photoshop Elements problems created by domnic.rj23 in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    Can you state the nature of the problem you are facing?
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements by email or at Adobe Community
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  • How can two pictures of the same size still appear to be a different size? (Photoshop CS6 problem)

    I called the big webdesign file "(X)" and the image I wanted to paste in it "(Y)",
    so that you won't be confused when you read it.
    What Happened
    For the design of a webpage, I made a photoshop-file(X) with a lot of squares(X). These squares(X) had the size 9,42×9,42 centimeters.
    I measured the squares(X) carefully and also made sure the size was in centimeters, so I am sure that the size was 9,42×9,42 cm.
    My plan was to fill the squares(X) with pictures(Y). I had a map on my computer with a lot of square-sized JPG-images(Y) in it. All I had
    to do was open the pictures(Y) in photoshop, change the size into 9,42×9,42 centimeters and copy+paste them into the squares(X)
    of the webdesign. I did this before and it worked perfectly.
    But then, I opened one of the images(Y) and when I wanted to resize it, the resize-tool said it was only 3,25×3,25 centimeters big.
    I thought it was strange, so I copied+pasted it into the design-file(X) with all the squares(X) that needed to be filled. Allthough photoshop
    had told me that the squares(X) in the file were 9,42×9,42 centimeters big and the image(Y) I resized was 3,25×3,25, the "small" image(Y)
    turned out to be bigger then the squares(X). And when I resized the "small" image(Y) into 9,42×9,42 centimeters, it was even bigger
    than it was before. How can this be, and how can I still make the images(X&Y) the same size?
    What I already tried
    - I made the file of the webdesign(X) with all the squares(X) into one layer, copied the file(X) and opened a new file(X) with the same
    measurements of the old file(X). I also changed the resolution of the file(X) into pixels/centimeters instead of pixels/inches.
    Then I pasted the image(X) of the old file into the new file. I didn't work; the image(X) that I pasted in the new file was bigger and
    when I pasted the other picture(Y) in this image, the same problem was still there.
    - I also opened the picture(Y) in photoshop, made a screenshot of it and then pasted the screenshot into paint. With paint I cropped
    it again and saved it as a JPEG-file. After that, I opened the image (Y) in photoshop again. It now had the size of 11,27×11,27 centimeters.
    Then I resized the image(Y) into 9,42×9,42 cm, but it still wasn't as big as the squares(X).
    Could you help me please?
    I really don't understand why this problem is happening and I can't think of a solution because I am still quite unexperienced with photoshop
    and I also couldn't find the answer on the internet. I assume the solution is very simple, but I haven't found it yet allthough I have to finish this
    project soon and I also have to use the image(Y). So any help would be very appreciated.

    You need to understand the basic of a digital image.
    Image is recorded as pixels and image is a rectangle so many pixels wide and so many pixel high.   Pixels do not have a fixed size. The images resolution setting defines the image current pixel size.
    So for example if you have and image that is 300 pixel wide and 200 pixels high and set its dip resolution to 100DPI the image size is 3" wide and 2" high.  Set its dip setting tp 300DPI the image size becomes 1" wide by 2/3" high.  Both the 3" x 2" and the 1"x2/3" images have the same 60000 RGB Colored Pixels.
    Web pages are sized to to be so many pixel wide and so many pixel high.  Often the height is not enforced scrolling is used when viewing. 
    However image for web pages often must not exceed so many pixel wide and high for displays have a fixed resolution and a fixed number of Pixels. You want images to fit on users displays.  Users use different displays some have high resolution displays and other have low resolution displays with far fewer pixels then high resolution displays.
    Web Image are normally image that have been interpolated down in number of pixels a resampled large image so that web image will fit on a low resolution  display with limited number of pixels. The image size the user see depend on the display they are currently using. A low resolution display's image will be much larger then the same image displayed on a nexus 10 with a 300dip display. Cheep low cost Desktop LCD have a 84DIP resolution, large high cost desktop displays are not be much higher in resolution somewhere near 108DPI.   Tablets, Laptop and Phones can have much higher resolution like the nexus 10 300DPI IPS display

Maybe you are looking for

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