Launching the BSP page through transcation launcher

Hi CRM Experts ,
                          How to launch the BSP page through transcation launcher ?

Hi Mahadevi,
You can find the detailed information here:

Similar Messages

  • How to keep track of the sequence of the BSP Pages being invoked.

    How to keep track of the sequence of the BSP Pages being invoked.
    I have a BSP Page A.htm. There are two other pages B.HTM and C.HTM in the same BSP Application.
    The page B.HTM has a link A.HTM. The page C.HTM also has a link A.HTM. On clicking  these links the Page A.HTM would be invoked. Is there any way to keep track which BSP Page  (i.e B.HTM or C.HTM) invoked the page A.HTM.
    Any input on this Regard would be of great help.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Pavithra,
    Declare in page attributes:
    appl_url type string
    In the onClick event of the link that calls the A.htm page , use:
    call method runtime->get_url
    URL = appl_url.
    Now appl_url contains the url (also name) of the page that invoked A.htm .
    Hope it helps.

  • How to do page break in the BSP page?

    I want to display the records in the BSP page, but the records are too many, I want to display them in several pages and I don't want to use tableview, I only want to write code to realize it.
    Can anyone give me some suggestions about it?
    Thanks very much. Awards will be provided.
    Best Regards,
    Chris Gu

    You can look at <xhtmlb:pager> tag:
    <xhtmlb:pager id     = "pager"
                  design = "<%=cl_xhtmlb_pager=>co_design_horizontal_simple %>+<%=cl_xhtmlb_pager=>co_design_indicator %>"
                  hMin   = "1"
                  hMax   = "<%= LINES( record_table ) %>"
                  hIndex = "<%= l_index %>" />
    You can check which action was done with the following code:
    CASE l_event->event_class.
      WHEN application->mk_evtcl_pager.
        l_event_pager ?= l_event.
        CASE l_event_pager->if_htmlb_data~event_type.
    **    Go to previous page/selected record
          WHEN cl_xhtmlb_pager=>co_event_left OR cl_xhtmlb_pager=>co_event_1left.
            SUBTRACT 1 FROM l_index.
    **    Go to next page/selected record
          WHEN cl_xhtmlb_pager=>co_event_right OR cl_xhtmlb_pager=>co_event_1right.
            ADD 1 TO l_index.
    **    Go to page/selected record with index given by the user
          WHEN cl_xhtmlb_pager=>co_event_enter.
            l_index = l_event_pager->hindex.

  • Calling the ASP page through a BSP application

    We are in the process of implementing Digital signature for SRM cFolders.
    BSP application : CFX_RFC_UI
    Pages with flow logic : doc_de_download
    The digitally signed files are uploaded to the cFolders.On click of a
    particular file in cFolders, the 'ASP' page residing on the server in IIS
    vertual directory i.e. 'verifyfile.asp' should get called.This ASP page has
    the logic to verify the signed file.
    The signed file resides on the file system in the same vertual directory.
    As a result we want to post a message on the screen which
    will be the output of the ASP page logic.
    Please suggest the way to achieve this.
    Message : ---
    <b>Verification Successful</b>
      Certificate Details
    The certificate is valid
    CRL Status: Certificate Revocation Status is Unknown: CRL Not checked
    Email Id: [email protected]
    Issuer Name: ock Demo Certification Authority
    Serial Number: 15 65 7a 0a  00 00 0d d9
    Subject Name: Email Address = [email protected] | Country = US
    | StateOrProvince = VA | Locality = McLean | Organization = Technologies Corporation | Organizational Unit = ock Demo | Common Name = Valid ock |
    ThumbPrint: 16 00 c1 f4 76 aa 57 f2 20 27 0f 21 44 9e 08 9d 61 ca dd 95
    Valid From: Monday, April 10 2006,02:19:58
    <i><b>The code in OnInitialization event handler is as follows :----</b></i>
    * doc_de_download.htm
    DATA lp_root_exception   TYPE REF TO cx_root.
    DATA lp_doc              TYPE REF TO cl_cfx_document.
    DATA l_cur_ver_id        TYPE guid_32.
    DATA lp_col_app          TYPE REF TO cl_cfx_col_application.
    DATA lp_col              TYPE REF TO cl_cfx_collaboration.
    DATA : icontent type table of  sdokcntbin.
    data :  w_tmpcontent TYPE sdokcntbin.
    **** Data declaration
    data : g_folder_path TYPE btcxpgpar value 'usrsapDigitally signed files',
          g_md(100)      TYPE c,
          g_file_path    TYPE string,
          g_system       TYPE rfcdisplay-rfchost,
          g_os           TYPE sxpgcolist-opsystem,
          g_file_size    TYPE string,
          g_mime_type    TYPE string,
          g_file_ext     TYPE string,
          g_len1         TYPE i,
          g_var          TYPE c,
          g_out_file     TYPE c LENGTH 600,
          g_file_count   TYPE p,
          g_table_lines  TYPE p,
          g_counter      TYPE p VALUE 1,
          g_flag         TYPE c.
    DATA : i_doc_id TYPE sysuuid_c.
    CONSTANTS : c_dot TYPE c VALUE '.'.
        IF NOT p_refresh IS INITIAL.
          cl_cfx_ui_application=>delete_instance( ).
        TRANSLATE p_col_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_area_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_topic_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_doc_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_ver_id TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
        TRANSLATE p_save TO UPPER CASE. "Just in case...
    *   initialize in case of server state timeout
        IF ( NOT p_col_id IS INITIAL ) AND
           ( NOT p_area_id IS INITIAL ) AND
           ( NOT p_topic_id IS INITIAL ).
          CALL METHOD cl_cfx_context_ui=>initialize
              i_col_id      = p_col_id
              i_area_id     = p_area_id
              i_topic_id    = p_topic_id
              i_doc_id      = p_doc_id
              i_object_type = cfxf1_sc_doc_type_document.
        IF NOT p_col_id IS INITIAL.
          lp_col_app = cl_cfx_col_application=>get_instance( ).
          lp_col = lp_col_app->get_collaboration( p_col_id ).
    *   Do we need to prepare to checkout this document?
            i_guid        = p_doc_id
            ep_docref     = lp_doc ).
        IF ( NOT p_filepath IS INITIAL ) AND ( p_do_lock = 'X' ).
          l_cur_ver_id = lp_doc->if_cfx_versioning~get_current_version( ).
          IF l_cur_ver_id = p_ver_id.
    *       OK, prepare checkout
                lp_doc->if_cfx_document~lock( ).
              CATCH cx_root.
    data: lt_formfields type TIHTTPNVP,
          l_formfield   type IHTTPNVP,
          l_request     type STRING.
    data: lt_headerfields type TIHTTPNVP,
          l_headerfield   type IHTTPNVP.
    CALL METHOD request->get_form_fields
        fields = lt_formfields.
    CALL METHOD request->get_header_fields
        fields = lt_headerfields.
    *    CALL METHOD cl_cfx_doc_ui=>retrieve_content
    *      EXPORTING
    *        ip_navigation = navigation
    *        ip_response   = response
    *        ip_runtime    = runtime
    *        i_col_id      = p_col_id
    *        i_area_id     = p_area_id
    *        i_topic_id    = p_topic_id
    *        i_doc_id      = p_doc_id
    *        i_ver_id      = p_ver_id
    *        i_save        = p_save.
    *   Do we need to checkout this document?
            i_guid        = p_doc_id
            ep_docref     = lp_doc ).
        IF ( NOT p_filepath IS INITIAL ) AND ( p_do_lock = 'X' ).
    *      l_cur_ver_id = lp_doc->if_cfx_versioning~get_current_version( ).
          IF l_cur_ver_id = p_ver_id.
    *       OK, do checkout
                CALL METHOD cl_cfx_doc_ui=>mark_doc_as_checked_out
                    ip_doc     = lp_doc
                    i_filepath = p_filepath.
              CATCH cx_root.
    i_doc_id = p_ver_id.
        i_doc_version_id = i_doc_id
        e_file_path      = g_file_path
        e_file_size      = g_file_size
        e_mime_type      = g_mime_type
        e_file_ext       = g_file_ext
        et_content       = icontent.
    ******  Download document
    IF NOT icontent[] IS INITIAL.
    ***  PERFORM sub_download_file USING g_file_path.
      CONCATENATE g_folder_path g_file_path
      INTO g_out_file.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        LOOP AT icontent INTO w_tmpcontent.
          TRANSFER w_tmpcontent TO g_out_file.
      CLOSE DATASET g_out_file.
      CLEAR g_out_file.
        CLEAR: p_area_id, p_col_id, p_doc_id, p_save,
               p_topic_id, p_ver_id, p_filepath.
    ** handle other standard exceptions
      CATCH cx_root INTO lp_root_exception.
        CALL METHOD cl_cfx_exception_ui=>handle
            ip_exception  = lp_root_exception
            ip_navigation = navigation.

    Something like this should work:
    REPORT  zggar_http_client.
    PARAMETERS: p_host  TYPE char100 DEFAULT '',
                p_port  TYPE char20.
    DATA: wcl_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client.
    DATA: w_content    TYPE string,
          w_host       TYPE string,
          w_port       TYPE string,
          w_proxy_host TYPE string,
          w_proxy_port TYPE string,
          w_path       TYPE string.
    w_host = p_host.
    w_port = p_port.
    CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create
        host          = w_host
        service       = w_port
        proxy_host    = w_proxy_host
        proxy_service = w_proxy_port
        client        = wcl_client.
    wcl_client->request->set_header_field( name  = '~request_uri'
                                       value = w_path ).        "#EC *
    wcl_client->request->set_header_field( name  = '~request_method'
                                       value = 'GET' ).         "#EC *
    * send and receive
    wcl_client->send( ).
    wcl_client->receive( ).
    * display content
    w_content = wcl_client->response->get_cdata( ).
    Best regards,

  • Issue while printing the BSP page haveing radio buttons.

    Hi Experts,
    I have a BSP page which has radio buttons. When i try to print the page using browser print, the radio buttons are not getting printed.
    Could someone help me regarding this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Karthik MD

    when you use radiobutton in BSP (<htmlb:radioButton) they are rendered as images. so to get it printed , in your browser (IE) go to tools->internet options->advanced->printing and check the check box against "print background colors and images".
    now try printing it should be fine.

  • [WRT160N] Accessing the router_status page through apply.cgi (Curl)

    Hi everybody,
    This is my first post here so I hope I'm writing my topic in the good section.
    A few days ago, I changed my ISP and went from a static public IP adress to a dynamic one.
    I need to access to my home LAN through the internet, so I have to know my home-public adress.
    That adress is writen on the /router_status.asp
    So I'm writing a script, using curl, to get that IP adress
    After a few search, I found that I had to go through the apply.cgi page giving it a few datas
    The fact is I don't know what datas are required to join the router_status.asp
    I can't join directly the page (curl http://userass@my_router_ip_adress/Status_Routeur.asp) doesn't return anything
    What I need is something like that :
    curl http://userass@my_router_ip_adress/apply.cgi -d "page=router_status"
    Of course the "page=router_status" is not real, it's the datas I'm searching for, the ones leading to the router_status page
    I hope I'm clear enough,
    thank you in advance !

    Aichan wrote:
    Hi everybody,
    This is my first post here so I hope I'm writing my topic in the good section.
    A few days ago, I changed my ISP and went from a static public IP adress to a dynamic one.
    I need to access to my home LAN through the internet, so I have to know my home-public adress.
    That adress is writen on the /router_status.asp
    So I'm writing a script, using curl, to get that IP adress
    After a few search, I found that I had to go through the apply.cgi page giving it a few datas
    The fact is I don't know what datas are required to join the router_status.asp
    I can't join directly the page (curl http://userass@my_router_ip_adress/Status_Routeur.asp) doesn't return anything
    What I need is something like that :
    curl http://userass@my_router_ip_adress/apply.cgi -d "page=router_status"
    Of course the "page=router_status" is not real, it's the datas I'm searching for, the ones leading to the router_status page
    I hope I'm clear enough,
    thank you in advance !
    Hi Aichan
    I hope this article will help you

  • Removing tool bar and menu bar to the navigated page through ADF

    Through facesconfig iam navigating to the other page, some thing like my method returns a striing "success" in faceconfig i made to navigate to page2.jsp if it receives success,
    My current requirement is to remove the tool bar as well as manu bar from the navigated page i.e. page2.jsp, i could n't able o configure that, can any one please help me on this.

    Yeah exactly i am talking about the browser window, let me explain you once more,
    the bellow iam calling from first.jsp
              FacesContext fc=FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              Application ac=fc.getApplication();
              NavigationHandler navigationHandler=ac.getNavigationHandler();
    }catch(Exception e){
    in faces config.xml i have used
    right now what i need is when the page traverses to the second window i.e second.jsp i shudn't see menu bar and tool bar in my browser window.
    hope this will clear my question, any one please help me out......
    please let me know the sollution even if there is any in JSP

  • How to store the content of text_edit in the BSP page to infotype

    Hi experts,
    I created a bsp page with a text_edit which is for every one that read the page to leave comments...
    I tried to store the content of the text_edit to infotype, but failed, I noticed that there is a class named CL_HRRCF_INFOTYPE, has method named read_text and update_text.
    I think maybe these methods could help me fulfill the requirement,
    I've debug the standard program many times(the standard infotype 5130 used the class CL_HRRCF_INFOTYPE and the methods to store descriptions into infotype.)but still can not figure out how the standard complete the process..
    Please help me with this...
    Thank you!!

    So the issue is not with BSP but to find the appropriate method/FM for updating the text. you will get a quicker response in ABAP forum and moving your thread to ABAP forum.

  • Tags not recognized when compiling the jsp pages through appc

    I am trying to convert a web application from weblogic 9.1 to weblogic 10.3. However, when I try to build the ear file the page compilation fails with the error:
    weblogic.utils.compiler.ToolFailureException: jspc failed with errors :weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException: projectFinancials.jsp:10:2: The tag handler class was not found "jsp_servlet._tags.__projectJobCostingLayout_tag
    However, the tag file is there.
    The tags are referenced through this declaration:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    All the declarations in the jsp pages are fine. In weblogic 9.1 I don't have any problem. I also set the <backward-compatible>true</backward-compatible> in weblogic.xml.
    Any idea?

    There is no need to use tld files with tag files when it comes to running the ear file through appc. When I do development I use a tld file that contains references to all the tag files, however my build process replaces that with the tag files directory:
    So, during development I have:
    <taglib xmlns=""
    During the build I have:
    If I don't do this appc will have a fit of even bigger proportions (more error messages etc.)

  • How to SELECT ALL records of a TABLE VIEW in the BSP page

    Hi All,
    In the BSP portal, I am displaying some data(multple records) in the form of a table using the BSP TAG <htmlb:tableView>. I wrote the logic in the 'VIEW' of the BSP application which will be triggered by the controller. I have used the attribute selectionMode = "MULTISELECT" to have a Check Box to select a row.
    My requirement is to have a button/checkbox on the first column of the header of the table view. By clicking on this, it should select/desect all the records of the table. Could someone please help me how to do this? What attribute I should use in the tableview to get the button in the header row of the table and how to select all the records of the table.?
    Please provide your valuable inputs.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Select all / Deselect all functionality when onRowSelection is there

  • Can you get a free download of the new Pages through the appstore if you already have an earlier version of iworks from a disk?

    I have loaded mountain lion on my iMac and have an old version of iWorks on my machine.  It appears that all my Pages documents won't open unless I get the new version of Pages off the App store.  Does anyone know if that is a free download if you already have purchased iWorks previously on disk?  Thanks.

    No. The iWork (no 's') apps are a separate purchase. You should not have to buy any of the '09 apps again to work in Mountain Lion, you just need to update them.
    iWork '09 installed from the retail disk or from the downloaded trial must be updated through Software Update. In Mountain Lion Software Update has been "rolled into" the Mac App Store. Choose Software Update from the Apple menu just like you always have & the Mac App Store will launch. Depending on what you have that needs updating you may see two sections in the MAS window.
    But, as always, if you're not running the latest versions of the iWork apps installed from a retail box or the downloaded trial & Software Update says your software is up to date, make sure the applications are where the installer initially put them. The updaters are very picky. If the location is not where the updater is programmed to look or if the folder doesn't have the name the updater looks for, it will not work. The applications cannot be renamed or moved. If you installed from the downloaded trial or the retail box, they must be in the iWork '09 folder in Applications. That iWork folder must be named iWork '09. If it doesn't have the '09 Software Update won't find them & the updaters won't work.
    Alternatively, you can download the standalone updater here.

  • OMS is up and running but unable to get the console page through web browser

    Hi All,
    I have a wierd issue here.  I have my OMS running successfully, but I am not able access it through HTTPS connection in web browser.  My version of OEM is
    It was working till yesterday, I am not sure what happened suddenly that its not accessible anynore.
    I can successfully start and stop my OMS and it gives the status update also .
    Also, my agents can not connect to the OMS , I see that last succesfull OMS heartbeat is not current .
    Any advice for the places to look in will help.  I tried to find the logs under sysman but nothing was there. Also , since I am able to start and stop the OMS successfully I dont have error logs.
    I believe in 11g , when we start OMS , HTTP services also start ? , still I am unable to access it.
    Let me know if any of you can you guide me through it.

    Looking over you configuration, it looks like you perhaps have a typo in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml resource reference. In your weblogic-ra.xml you have defined the JNDI name to be MctEIS11/connFctryCCA but in your resource reference in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, you have defined the JNDI name as MctEIS11/connFctryCCA1. In applications where we have an RA and EJB clients, these JNDI names are usually defined as the same and we take advantage of the fact that the resource ref definition in the EJB descriptor makes the resource application scoped (vs. global scoped) so we will usually do application scoped JNDI lookups from within the EJB (i.e. ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/MctEIS11/connFctryCCA")). We do this because we support the WL production redeployment feature which defines as a best practice that all application references be defined at the application scope so they are self contained and not shared between multiple versions of the app that are deployed simultaneously. Your situation may not require use of application scoped lookups so I do not want to give you the impression that it is required. Just sharing our configuration in hopes that it may help you resolve your issue.

  • Why can't I open the single page through css11151

    The css11151 and ce560 worked in transparent cache. But there is a url "" can't access. and other url is right. My computer is connected with css111151 through proxy server. what can I do

    could you place a sniffer trace between the CSS and the CE.
    Then capture the connection to the site that has problem.
    Once you have the sniffer trace, just let me know and I will help you understand what is wrong if necessary.
    Could you also send me some data regarding your configs.
    Like 'sho run' from the CSS and 'sho tech' from the CE.
    My email address is [email protected]

  • Access BSP pages through dropdown values

        I have a created a dropdown in a webdyn pro application. Now, when I select any value from dropdown in first iView, then an BSP iView should open. I am able to pass dropdown values from first to second iView. But how to link BSP iView to dropdown values and open them?
    Can anybody help me in this case?

    Hi Vaibhav,
    if you want to open an iView over a selectbox in web dynpro i would do the following steps:
    - look into Content Administration into your portal you have created your iView and look after your iView path in the details (something like pcd:/portal_content/...)
    - write down the following code in your web dynpro application for your selectbox:
      if (Menuevalue.equalsIgnoreCase("<your value>")){
         // call your iView
         String url_iView = "ROLES://portal_content/<your path to your iView>";
    In my case i do it for an ITS iView and it works fine.

  • Direkt link from a web dynpro (non crm system) to the crm bsp page from sap

    we are trying to call the bsp page like opportunities details edit in edit mode with a parameter that discriebes the opportunity. AT the moment we can the page but don't know how to tell the system what opportunity should be displayed and in edit mode or not .  Any hints ? or documentations ?

    Hi, the central class which is used for external navigation to a component, is CL_CRM_UI_EXT_NAV_SERVICE.
    In the URL of the Web Client, you can specify 4 different parameters:
    1. Object type : crm-object-type
    2. Object action: crm-object-action (A for search, B for Display, C for Edit and D for Create) -> see details in "Define Navigation Profile" and in Define generic OP mapping.
    3. Object value (optional) : crm-object-value
    4. Object key name (optional): crm-object-keyname
    If you use option 3 and 4, then you also need to define a mapper class in customizing to create a BOL entity based on the key name and value. See for example class CL_CRM_UIU_BT_OBJ_MAPPER and method IF_CRM_UI_OBJ_MAPPER~GET_ENTITY_FROM_UI_OBJECT. This is done in "Define Object Mapping". Fro example, for BuilHeader BOL object which is linked to Object type BP_ACCOUNT, you could use the class CL_CRM_BUPA_UIU_OBJ_MAPPER as an example.
    Example of an URL:
    Hope this helps,

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