LDAP problem

I have implemented a EP (NW2004s) system once before, and have connected it to our LDAP server without much difficulty.
Now I have just installed another portal with EP (NW2004s SR1) and am having trouble with user mapping in LDAP. I can get the Portal to connect to LDAP with no problem, but the problem is just the user mapping.
We have multiple backend ABAP systems that we connect to through the Portal.
Our LDAP username/login information is different than the usernames/login info in the backend ABAP systems. To resolve this, we have the ABAP login information mapped to the LDAP login information, all within LDAP. So users can log in ot the Portal using their LDAP login info and be able to go into the backend systems without having to login again. This caused no problem with the NW2004s (older) installation.
However, in the new installation it's failing to recogize the user mapping that already exists in LDAP. So basically, I can login to the portal with my LDAP uid, but when I try to go to a backend system, I get a "username or password not recognized" message, and in SM20 (ABAP system) I can see that it's trying to log me in with my LDAP uid, and not mapping to my ABAP uid.
I have basically copied everything from the old installation and have been looking at resolving this issue for a few days now, thinking it might be some small configuration that I'm missing. I've found nothing.
The original configuration file (configtool) we used was exactly the same in both new and old Portal systems. Since they were the same, I saw no problem using our modified copy from the old system.
The system profiles that I created in the Portal for the backend systems are exactly the same. I have the exact same LDAP connection information in both Portal systems (not that it matters since it's not having trouble connecting to LDAP, just mapping, or recognizing the mapping, the LDAP and ABAP uids). The certificate for the Portal has been imported into the backend systems. As well, I have the Portal pointing to one of the created system profiles in the Portal as a reference system. All in all, from what I can tell, both systems are identical as far as the configuration, but it's still not mapping the UIDs.
Would anyone have an idea of what might be causing this, or possibly something else to check? I'm running out of ideas on what it might be.
Thanks so much.
I'll award points for any helpful answers.

If you're talking about the settings under Sys Admin>Sys Configuration>UME Configuration, from what I can tell they are the same. There are some differences, however, between the old system and the new.
For instance in the new system, under the LDAP Servers tab, there is a section for
Blocked principals
     Unique Names of Blocked Users:  Administrator,Guest
     Unique Names of Blocked Groups: Administrators,Guests
As, well some of the tabs contain less information than they once did. But for the most part I don't see anything that could be related. The user I'm testing with isn't one of these blocked users or in these blocked groups.
Do you remember what flag this is exactly?

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    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LDAP_API_FFI", line 0
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LDAP", line 1338
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LDAP", line 1273
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    Edited by: Rolf Grüninger on Jul 19, 2011 6:08 PM

    Problem solved:
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    Any help greatly appreceated.

    Nope. Never used sso_util.
    I try to use Apple's GUI server management tools unless absolutely necessary/at the end of my rope (i.e., last step before re-install etc.). I figure there's just too many things going on under the hood: using the command line may fix one setting, but not re-configure the two or three others that Apple NEEDS in order to have the whole thing working in harmony. Unless you really know what's going on with all the configuration files, it's best to let the GUI manage the settings.
    In my particular circumstance, I've now got ALL Leopard clients, one Leopard v10.5 server, and one Tiger v10.4 server. Everything is working fine now, but it was not a simple matter getting the Tiger v10.4 server re-integrated into the otherwise ALL Leopard environment. OD/Kerberos is on the Leopard v10.5 server. Home directories are still on the Tiger v10.4 server.
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    2) Sharepoint on Tiger v10.4 server has to have SOME, but NOT ALL checkboxes for guest access enables/checked. See:
    Number 2 immediately above is contrary to what Apple manual for User Management reads, but this is what worked for me/my set up, after pulling my hair out following the manual's instructions to the letter and not getting the thing to work!

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    Hi I was having endless issues with OBIEE and LDAP, I followed the exact steps here:
    These worked for me, so you could check for a start these recommended setting are same in your environment.


    Hi Friends,
    I can create new data records in LDAP but when i try to update these records i get following error :
    type id                      number   message
    E   |LDAPRC                 |053   |LDAP server cannot execute operation    
    Does anyone has any idea about this?

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  • LDAP problems

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    server, so I couldn't decide where to post...
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    not a programmer, but I'd need to know little something about WebLogic
    LDAP-use in order to create usable schema. I afraid (actually I'm
    sure), that if I design the LDAP-schema based on customer's other needs,
    it probable that WL/PS/CS can't use LDAP-directory.
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    without too much additional programming.
    Local BEA people haven't been able to answer my questions within the
    week, so I thought I try to find experts from here.
    1. Personalization Server 2.0.1 manual "Creating and Managing Users"
    talks about "registering user/group attributes for retrieval from LDAP".
    Could someone explain for non-programmer, what this means in practise?
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    4. Do I loose some features if using LDAP-directory instead of
    relational database?
    All comments are appreciated very much.
    Jari Pirhonen
    -- [email protected]
    -- "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

    j> Local BEA people haven't been able to answer my questions within
    j> the week, so I thought I try to find experts from here.
    I can't answer your Commerce or Personalisation questions, but I can
    help with some others.
    j> If uid is used for authentication, do I have to use uid in RDN
    j> also?
    j> Can I have users stored in many LDAP-branches like
    j> "OU=dep1,OU=people,O=acme.com", "OU=dep2,OU=people,O=acme.com"?
    Not at present. All of your users have to be in one branch of the
    tree, as do all of your groups (through the user and group branches
    can be different).
    j> Do I loose some features if using LDAP-directory instead of
    j> relational database?
    You can't store WebLogic ACLs in an LDAP database.
    Let us pray:
    What a Great System.
    Please Do Not Crash.

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    [30/Mar/2004:13:49:24] info: ldap_pool: ldapu_pool_init() : can't contact server <bovproxy.bov.com>
    [30/Mar/2004:13:49:24] security: ldap subsystem: ldap server(s) unreacheable. Acl evaluation may fail.
    [30/Mar/2004:13:49:24] info: LdapCheckUp set to 30 seconds
    A netstat whilst the proxy is starting reveals that the system does open ports with the LDAP server ok. I've tried various things without success. Any ideas/suggestions would be really welcome.

    Hi, Can you just guide how to setup this kind of scenario. I mean to say
    im using solaris 9 X86 and i have to setup webproxy server (for internet connection sharing) and LDAP. The users should enter username and password for accessing internet. If you dont mind where can i get the documenattion on this. Please help me in this issue as im new bie in Solaris World.
    Thanks in Advance
    R. Venkat Sharma

  • Address book ldap problems

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    If anyone has a solution or any suggestions I would appreciate it. If there is a way to see at what level it is failing that would be helpful too. It does not show up in the Mail activity window.

    Hi Jay,
    It is a Outlook 2003 problem.. the way around it is:
    Open registry editor.
    a. Find the following registry key.
    b. Edit --> New -->Key
    c. Input "ldap" and press Enter key.
    1.Edit --> New -->[DWORD]
    6. Input "NoDisplayNameSearch" ane press Enter key.
    7. Right click the above and click "change".
    8. Input "1" to [data value] and press [OK]
    9. Edit --> New -->[DWORD]
    10.Input "DisableVLVBrowsing" and press Enter key
    11. Right click the above and click "change".
    12. Input "1" to [data value] and press [OK]
    13. Close the registry editor.

  • UME and LDAP problems

    Hi all!
    I'm trying to configure my UME to a MS Active Dir Server...
    I managed to display the users and groups - stored in the LDAP - in the useradmin GUI of the UME http://<server>:50000/useradmin.
    The problem I have is the following:
    the groups in the LDAP Directory Server have users as members. But in the GUI - when choosing a group and click maintain users - are not displayed.
    In order to get the groups dislayed in the GUI I had to edit the configuration XML file. I guess there is a way to edit the XML config file to be able to see users as kind of childs of a group.
    Any hint on this issue?
    Kind regards,

    Post the LDAP path to your groups and users. Even though in LDAP the groups have members attached that doesn't mean you will see it that way in the UME gui. Are these the real user entries in LDAP or is this simply an attribute of the group?
    Deep hierarchy implies groups are trees with the real user underneath and that no user will appear in multiple groups. Is that the way your LDAP is implemented?
    See this help - http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/09/c5ee407552742ae10000000a155106/frameset.htm

  • LDAP problems after IP change

    I changed my IP address for the LDAP server in accordance to the advice given here:
    [using command:
    sudo changeip /LDAPv3/ ldap.example.com ldap.example.com
    However, LDAP still does not work. [when attempting to authenticate, I just get the shaking Login screen]. The logs do not indicate anything useful to diagnose this problem.
    As well, iChat (on another server) can not authenticate users to the OD Server (assuming the problem is the same for LDAP and authentication problems).
    Can someone help me out as to where I went wrong and how to correct it?

    I want to thank the guys at this post:
    Following these instructions (while a bit bumpy in my situation) fixed my LDAP. As such, I am marking this problem as solved... although, another problem crept up as a result... MD5 mail authentication now fails (Password works)... so, I will open a new thread in Mail section and mark this as answered.

  • Could Calendar services not available after reboot be LDAP problem?

    I followed this installation guide:
    I have successfully installed and set up the Oracle UCS Sun7 update 2 server. Calendar works ( if I don't reboot the server ).
    However, when I reboot the server, Calendar service is unavailable.
    Important information for when I installed Oracle UCS sun 7 update 2 by following the installation guide:
    I have noticed when browsing through the folders, that there was already a 'dsee6' folder for the Oracle Linux I started from. Following the example installation for the Oracle Linux 5 with GlassFish install, I was instructed to download a new Directory Server. Following the instructions on page 7 of the install guide listed above, I made another folder 'dsee7'. I am wondering if I should never have downloaded this new Directory Server as instructed on page 6 "Get the Software". The install guide actually does not mention where to get the Directory Server from, so I just went to the edelivery site and figured it out myself. Anyways, under the "Installing and Configuring Directory Server" section, #3, I was instructed to "mv dsee7 /opt/sun/directory". In this folder, /opt/sun/directory/bin, there will be "./dsadmin" utility that can be ran. This is used to do many things with the Directory Server including starting it. Here is how I started it:
    cd /opt/sun/directory/bin
    ./dsadm create /var/opt/sun/directory/dsins1
    ./dsconf create-suffix "0=isp"
    Also, I downloaded the Directory Server from edelivery - Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition 11gR1 Patch Set 1 for Linux x86-64
    Then, I ended up running to get it set up:
    ./dsccsetup ads-create
    ./dsccsetup war-file-create
    $ ./dsccsetup cacao-reg
    ./dsccsetup status
    Then, it looked like the dcss agent is registered in cacao.
    So, if we forward ahead to page 9 of the install guide, "Preparing the Directory", I ran this and prepared the directory. After I finished installation, I could restart the Directory Server with no problems, as long as I did not reboot the machine. I would restart the Directory Server like so:
    cd /opt/sun/directory/bin
    ./dsadmin stop-domain domain1
    ./dsadmin start-domain domain1
    However, if I rebooted the machine, I could still start and stop the Directory Server as noted. But, the Calendar Services were not available.
    The only reason I wonder about this LDAP Server possibly being the cause of this is because I had at one point configured the services to start on boot. I followed these instructions:
    I am using a VMSphere client to host this set up. So, since that point of configuring the services to start up, I have rolled the snap shot back so that the services are no longer set up to start on boot. But, when they were, and I rebooted the machine, I could see ldap 389 errors all over the place. So, that lead me to roll my snap shot back in effort to try and fix the ldap errors. I no longer get LDAP errors since I rolled my snap shot back. But, like I said, I no longer have any of the services, including the LDAP, to start on boot as noted in the above link that instructs us how to do this.
    After reboot, I run these commands to get the server up and running:
    Start GlassFish server:
    cd /opt/sun/SUNWappserver/bin
    Start web ( Messaging Server I think ):
    cd /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/bin
    Start LDAP ( Directory Server )
    cd /opt/sun/directory/bin
    ./dsadm start /var/opt/sun/directory/dsins1
    Start Mysql
    ./mysqld start
    All of those commands complete without problem. I can log into the convergence web, I can hit the delegated administrator, I can log into the GlassFish admin console, and I can see my calendar folder when I hit it in the web ( http://myServer.com/davserver/dav/home/userName/calendar/ ).
    So, in summary, I am wondering if anyone knows if this supposed second Directory Server is causing my problems since I started with Oracle Linux 5 and Oracle Linux 5 appeared to have the folder dsee6 already installed with it. Could this be why my calendar services are not starting after reboot but are working before reboot?
    ( Also, all of my posts keep getting deleted. Can someone please email me if someone from Oracle is deleting my posts and tell me why they are getting deleted? )
    Edited by: ntfytim16 on Mar 5, 2012 7:41 AM
    Some of my steps were out of order. Cleaned them up so it is easier to understand.

    Here is my error0.log which is in the /var/opt/sun/comms/davserver/logs folder:
    Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago.
    SEVERE [2012-03-01T05:10:26.033-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend> failed to instantiate or create backend com.sun.comms.davserver.backends.BackendException: Cannot get Initial Database Information: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: Connection could not be allocated because: Communications link failure
    Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago.(OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED)
    INFO [2012-03-01T05:10:26.033-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend> Loading backend ischedulebackend with backendid ischedulebackend
    INFO [2012-03-01T05:10:26.034-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend>      JDBC JNDI Name = jdbc/ischedulebackend
    SEVERE [2012-03-01T05:10:26.177-0500] <...JdbcBackend.queryDatabaseType> Cannot get Initial Database Information: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: Connection could not be allocated because: Communications link failure
    Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago.
    SEVERE [2012-03-01T05:10:26.177-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend> failed to instantiate or create backend com.sun.comms.davserver.backends.BackendException: Cannot get Initial Database Information: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: Connection could not be allocated because: Communications link failure
    Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago.(OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED)
    INFO [2012-03-01T05:10:26.209-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackends> iSchedule enabled
    WARNING [2012-03-01T05:10:26.209-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackends> iSchedule URI is configured but can't find ischedule backend.
    SEVERE [2012-03-01T05:10:29.567-0500] <...LDAPSingleHostPool.buildConnection> buildConnection: got LDAPException while connecting to Pool number:0. Host=myServer.com :netscape.ldap.LDAPException: failed to connect to server ldap://myServer.com:389 (91)
    SEVERE [2012-03-01T05:10:29.568-0500] <...LDAPSingleHostPool.buildConnection> buildConnection: got LDAPException while connecting to Pool number:0. Host=myServer.com :netscape.ldap.LDAPException: failed to connect to server ldap://myServer.com:389 (91)
    WARNING [2012-03-01T05:10:29.568-0500] <...LDAPFailoverPool.getConnection> Fatal Error: All LDAP servers are down.
    Does that look like an LDAP issue to you?
    "Fatal Error: All LDAP servers are down."
    Edited by: ntfytim16 on Mar 5, 2012 10:13 AM
    Changed one server address

  • Oracle Directory Manager LDAP Problem

    I am right in the middle of provisioning OCS on a Win2K sp4 server. I am receiving and error that the LDAP server is not up and running when trying to logon to the Directory Manager GUI. It appears all services are running fine. Does anyone have any imput?

    Finally got this working!
    It was the wallet manager. The trusted CA root cert was not installed properly. The certifcate status has to be marked "Ready" to have everything work correctly.

  • External LDAP problems after 5.4 - 9.0.4 migration

    I've just completed a 5.4 - 9.0.4 migration without any errors being reported, but I am now having problems with my external user directory.
    The setup is:
    Standalone Calendar 9.0.4
    iPlanet directory server 5.1
    There are several error codes associated with the problem, but unfortunately the documentation I have doesn't describe any of these (or of it does there is not enough info, or the suggested remedial action has not worked), there are no hits on these from technet, metalink, or these forums...
    Any info on any of the following error codes greatly appreciated:
    These appear in das.log and eng.log.
    The iPlanet server logs show that the Calendar server is establishing a connection when it starts, and I have run UNIDSUP successfully to verify that the Calendar server thinks the directory server is up....
    Any suggestions/ideas anyone???!!

    Please log a support TAR.

  • IDS 6.0 Authentication LDAP problem

    Hi all,
    I would like to test the ids6 bundled sample "remote client login". I have installed the temp cert. and activate the SSL on the web-instance. Then, i modify the AMConfig.properties: "com.iplanet.am.server.protocol" to "https". Then, i restart the IDS. After that, run the application. However, on testing ids server with authentication services SSL
    enabled (i.e. https://<ids server>/<deployment url>/), I got following
    unknown protocol error if only changing http to https in
    ----------------- cut here ----------------
    orgname is : dc=com,dc=cn
    javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Failed to create New
    AuthContextError while processing XML requestunknown protocol: https
    at LDAPLogin.main(LDAPLogin.java:57)
    Login failed!!

    The problem was fixed after i change the jdk to 1.4 and
    specially set the classpath to
    /opt/iplanet/ids6/SUNWam/lib:/opt/iplanet/ids6/SUNWam/lib/am_services.jar:/opt/anyiu/iplanet/ids6/SUNWam/lib/am_sdk.jar -d /opt/iplanet/ids6/class

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