Length of Service

Hi Experts,
Please help me with the infotype field for Length of Service.

There is no infotype for the same.
But you can identify from the 0000 infotype date for the hiring action and termination action.
Also if the person is not yet retired and you want to identify the length of service on retirement and you are maintaining the date of retirement in 0041 infotype.
Then the difference of hiring and this 0041 retirement date can give you length of service.

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    Please check OSS notes 333517 and 357093. Both notes, though from 2000, contain detailed functionality and recommendation around u201Clength of serviceu201D.
    Hope this helps.

  • SMP Exclusion due to length of service

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    Please can you help - we have an employee who has TUPE'd in Service so IT0001, etc. have date of 01.04.2010 but IT0041 and IT0016 have an initial entry date of 2004 - but when we put a Maternity on for this employee she is being excluded from SMP for not enough length of service.
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    Hi Nicola
    Unfortunately not, this is the standard SAP response that someone else sent me:
    'Why does Function module HR_GBSXP_INSUFFICIENT_LOS use IT0000 and not Function module HR_ENTRY_DATE?'
    The length of service uses two checks, IT0000 and IT0041.  OxP will use IT0041 based upon your configuration of GLOSS.  SxP will use IT0000 and any historic data that has been loaded using the guidlines offered in the SAP user guide for Absence Data- take-on.
    The legislation states that the employee must be employed "into" the QW/MW to qualify for SMP/SPP/SAP. So they must be ACTIVE at the start of the QW/MW.
    A date on IT0041 cannot give this information, because they could have been employed by you well before the 26 week cut-off date before the start of the QW/MW, but still have not been employed by you "into" the QW/MW, so wont qualify.
    The check is therefore two-fold.
    1) Check that they are employed "into" the MW/QW, which can ONLY be
    based on IT0000.
    2) Check that they satify the Length of Service check, which can be
    based on IT0000, IT0001, IT0016, IT0041 or your own code.
    So, we're having to manually pay the employees the SMP (the occupational is fine because that works on IT0041) if they have transferred or TUPE'd and then go on Maternity within the first 6 months before they qualify for SMP based on IT0000 date.
    The route we're looking into now is to have the IT0000 & IT0001 dates as the employee's original start date to mirror IT0041 but with IT0008, etc. as their true transfer / TUPE date - that way entitlement can be based on the correct date, but we want the original IT0000 to be Inactive rather than active and I think that is going to cause us problems when the system calculates the entitlement again- but haven't got that far yet

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    Hi Sheela,
    Few benefits/Leave quota are based on the Age of the Employee, few benefits/Leaves quota are based on the length of service one has with the company...
    If this not the answer, you were looking for, pls. clarify your query little more, probably somebody will be able to help in better way.

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    What is F01KJ?

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    Thanks and Regards

    Here is what we use in our reports...
            first_date                  = start_date
            second_date                 = end_date
            years_between_dates         = llength_service
            sequence_of_dates_not_valid = 1
            OTHERS                      = 2.

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    Length of service Months 6
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    So for my example person I get 7.64 years.
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    ROUNDOWN being my non-existent function!
    Any advice on this is greatly appreciated.

    TRUNC is the function I always use to round down. It is more flexible than FLOOR as you can use it to round down to a number of decimal places.
    You should also understand that Oracle's definition of MONTHS_BETWEEN does not meet everyones expectations. For example MONTHS_BETWEEN('28-JAN-2001', '28-FEB-2001') is exactly 1 so is MONTHS_BETWEEN('31-JAN-2001', '28-FEB-2001') unless it is a leap year when it is slightly less. That's because Oracle treats the last day of the month as different when it calculates the months between 2 dates.
    Rod West


    Hi all,
    Could you please tell me the logic to calculate the above mentioned fields.
    <b>please provide me the logic.</b>

    choose the proper functional forum..
    this looks like an HR question.
    try SAP ERP Human Capital Management (SAP ERP HCM)
    and please do not post using your CAPS LOCK key, it shows disrespect to people who read your question.
    good luck.

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    The report displays the values if the corresponding configuration is maintained.
    If you have set up "Calculation of Employment Period" in the Implementation Guide (IMG), and if table T77S0 contains the entry SENI with group ADMIN and semantic abbreviation LORSV, the system calculates the value according to your Customizing for calculating length of service.
    For further information, see the IMG for Personnel Administration under Personnel Administration -> Evaluation Basis -> Calculation of Employment Period.
    If there is no entry in table T77S0 with group ADMIN and semantic abbreviation LORSV, the system calculates the value according to your entries in the ENTRY feature.For further information, see the feature documentation: ENTRY.
    Please check your configuration settings and do the needful so that report displays the number of years.

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    status = SecKeychainAddGenericPassword (
    *NULL, // default keychain*
    10, // length of service name
    "SurfWriter", // service name
    10, // length of account name
    "MyUserAcct", // account name
    passwordLength, // length of password
    password, // pointer to password data
    NULL // the item reference
    This function is defined here:
    http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Security/Reference/keychainservices/Ref erence/reference.html#//apple_ref/c/func/SecKeychainAddGenericPassword
    and the data type for the Keychain is here:
    http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Security/Reference/keychainservices/Ref erence/reference.html#//appleref/doc/cref/SecKeychainRef
    But neither helps me at all for being able to edit a keychain that isn't the default Keychain.
    I appreciate any help, thanks.
    Message was edited by: Smerky

    http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Security/Reference/keychainservices/Ref erence/reference.html#//apple_ref/c/func/SecKeychainOpen

  • JSR 82 Bluetooth - Discover services

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    Thanks a lot Kay!
    Perhaps you can also tell me why these server and client codings only prints until "Sending 'Hej!'" on the client side and "Receiving..." on the server side.
        public void servicesDiscovered(int transID, ServiceRecord[] servRecord) {
            tbox.insert("Discovered service " + servRecord.length, tbox.size());
            if (servRecord.length == 1) {
                RemoteDevice device = servRecord[0].getHostDevice();
                String name = device.getBluetoothAddress();
                tbox.insert("BT Service found. Name: " + name, tbox.size());
                try {
    tbox.insert("#1#", tbox.size());
                    try {
                        String url = servRecord[0].getConnectionURL(
                                ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false);
    tbox.insert("#2#", tbox.size());
                        L2CAPConnection cConn = (L2CAPConnection) Connector.open(url);
                        tbox.insert("Sending 'Hej!'", tbox.size());
                        String str1 = "Hej!";
                        String str2 = "Stop Server";
                        int maxOs = cConn.getTransmitMTU();
                        int maxIs = cConn.getReceiveMTU();
                        byte[] inbuf = new byte[maxIs];
                        tbox.insert("Received '" + inbuf + "'", tbox.size());
                        tbox.insert("Sending 'Stop Server'", tbox.size());
                        byte[] inbuf2 = new byte[maxIs];
                        tbox.insert("Received '" + inbuf2 + "'", tbox.size());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        tbox.insert("ERROR:#" + e.getMessage() + "#", tbox.size());
                } catch (BluetoothStateException e) {
                    e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use Options | File Templates.
            } else
                tbox.insert("Error: Unexpected number (" + servRecord.length +
                    ") of service records " + "in servicesDiscovered callback, transId=" +
                    transID, tbox.size());
                try {
                    server = (L2CAPConnectionNotifier) Connector.open(
                        "btl2cap://localhost:" + serviceNumberServer);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    tbox.insert("Failed to start service", tbox.size());
                    tbox.insert("IOException: " + e.getMessage(), tbox.size());
                tbox.insert("Starting L2CAP Print Server", tbox.size());
                while (!(message.equals("Stop Server"))) {
                    message = "";
                    conn = null;
                    try {
                        conn = server.acceptAndOpen();
                        tbox.insert("Receiving...", tbox.size());
                        length = conn.getReceiveMTU();
                        data = new byte[length];
                        length = conn.receive(data);
                        while (length != -1) {
                            message += new String(data, 0, length);
                            try { length = conn.receive(data); } catch (IOException e) { break; }
                        tbox.insert("Received '" + message + "'. Sending it back...", tbox.size());
                        int maxOs = conn.getTransmitMTU();
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        tbox.insert("IOException: " + e.getMessage(), tbox.size());
                    } finally {
                        if (conn != null)
                            try { conn.close(); } catch (IOException e) {}
                }Btw - do you also happen to know how to get line breaks programmatically (tbox is a TextBox)?
    Thanks again,

  • Key Figure format in Years and Months..

    Is there any Key figure similar to 0SRVCLENKYF (Length of Service (in Years)) part of Headcount and Personnel Actions, which should give me value in Years and Months..?
    Thanks in Advance,

    For curiousity sake...if you use the FIMA_DECIMAL_MONTHS_AND_YEARS Function Module, the output that you'll get is a months and years in fractional amounts. So, how are you going to get the Years and Months from this?
    For example, if the from date is 20000101 and the to date is 20090914, the results from this Function Module will be Months = 116.42740 and Years = 9.70228. If you do use this, I'd suggest taking the whole number from passed value for years (9 in this example) and then calculate months by taking the franctional amount of the passed value for years and multiple it by 12 (0.70228 * 12), you end up with 9 Years, 8 Months (8.42736 to be exact, but you're going to want to truncate it to 8 so that when it goes above 8.5, the value doesn't become 9 when it still should be 8).

  • UK Payroll - Local Government Teacher's Absence Scheme

    Hi Gurus,
    I am facing an issue with configuration of Local Government Teacher's Absence Scheme ( UK).
    Please let me know if anybody has worked on this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Surya,
    The issue is that we are facing is that  the Local Government Teacher's Absence Scheme that is configured  is  currently not taking into account the previous service while calculating occupational sick pay (OSP).
    Actually when an employee joins a new organization having previous local gov. experience, the previous service start date is maintained in IT0041 and according to statutory requirements the total absence entitlemet ( Self certified & doctor certified sickness etc)  should take the previous service date into account while calculating the length of service and on the basis of the length of service the entitlement should be calculated.
    Currently the system is not taking into account the previous service date for length of service calculatioatn for the first four months of service with the new organization, only after four months the previous service is being considered.
    The return value of feature GlOSS ( for calculating seniority ) is EBED3 ( D3 is the date type on IT0041).
    I have checked the config part, everything seems to be fine, request you to please help me with this.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Leave Quota generation with diifferent rules for different countries

    I have the following requirement need help in achieving this.
    Employers must grant 10 days paid leave to employees that worked for six consecutive months from the time of hiring and who worked on not less than 80 per cent of all schedule work days. This paid leave may be taken consecutively or separately. Where an employee's application to take paid leave will hinder the normal business operations, the employer may require the employee to take such paid leave at a different time.
    The number of days of paid leave available to employees increases in proportion to employees' length of service as set forth in the below table.
    Years of Service  0.5  1.5  2.5  3.5   4.5   5.5   6.5+
    Paid Holidays         10    11  12   14    16    18    20
    The right to annual paid leave expires after two years. In other words, annual paid leave left over from one year may be carried over and taken the next year only. For example, if an employee is awarded 10 days paid leave after their first 6 months of employment; those paid holidays will become invalid after 2.5 years of employment. Use them or lose them.
    Simply put, holidays from one year can be carried over to the next year, but not to the third year. So, if you don't take your leave from one particular year within 12 months of that year ending, you will lose that first year's allowance.
    Employee can take leave encashment of holiday leave only when leaving their employer. It is not legal for companies to buy up the holiday leave of those still working for the firm.
    In my organization one PSG grouping has been used for all countries, it wont be possible to change the grouping now. In such a case how can we provide different rule for different country without customizing the Leave module.
    Do we have to use any PCR for this, if yes which??
    Edited by: Jailakshmi on Aug 3, 2011 7:16 AM

    Use QUOMO Feature to give different entitilement to employees.
    Leave entitlement as per seniority can be configured in base entitlement.
    Keep validity and deduction period for 2 years by using :Relative postion" option in validity and deduction period table.

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