Leopard Broke Core Midi?

Hello everyone,
I'm new here so I apologise if I was not able to find a thread that already answers my question.
I just upgraded my Imac (Intel) to Leopard, and Core Midi now no longer responds. I tried getting rid of my midi drivers and re installing, but core midi will still not launch. (it says so in the Audio/Midi utility. Has anyone had any midi problems with leopard? Does anyone know of a way for me to get core midi working again, I need it for a project for school. I did the dvd update from Tiger, not sure what else you guys might need me to tell you.
Thanks for your help

After re-reading my response, perhaps I wasn't clear. How about this:
1. Open he hard drive by double clicking it's icon.
2. Open the Library folder.
3. Open the Audio folder.
4. Open the MIDI Drivers folder.
5. Remove all MIDI drivers.
6. Reinstall correct driver that's Leopard compatible for your MIDI interface.
7. Restart the computer.
8. Open the Audio MIDI Setup application in the Utilities folder (within the Applications folder).
9. Run the program and set up MIDI.
This should work as long as the MIDI drivers are Leopard compatible. It worked for me.

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    Core MIDI Problems
    1. Open he hard drive by double clicking it's icon.
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    5. Remove all MIDI drivers.
    6. Reinstall correct driver that's Leopard compatible for your MIDI interface.
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    8. Open the Audio MIDI Setup application in the Utilities folder (within the Applications folder).
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    “″ can be any 127.0.0.x address you like, aside from .1, and it will work just like does. Once you do this–-and properly configure your ssh tunnel–-you can Command-K from the Finder to connect to "smb://" or "smb://[email protected]", and Leopard will happily connect using this new address instead. The nice thing is this alias will stick around forever, or until you run the same command except with a “-alias”. (Using this trick, there’s no need to mount_smb by hand through the Terminal; pre-Leopard behavior is essentially restored.)
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    sudo ssh remoteservername -F /Users/mymac_loginname/.ssh/config
    Here is the relevant excerpt from my ~/.ssh/config file…
    Host remoteservername
    User remoteloginname
    LocalForward remoteipaddress:139
    LocalForward remoteipaddress:445
    "remoteipaddress" should be, unless you are connecting to a Windows server. (See below.)
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    Message was edited by: Macs Are War Horses

    i was able to solve my problem.  maybe it'll help others?
    because my problem was most likely linked to an mbox2 driver update, i went to avid's website and searched for "core midi".
    that took me here:  http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/error_message/en336231?popup=true&NewLa ng=en&DocType=1081
    "Timeout or Timer Inactive! Check other applications using Timer or MIDI. Code (0)" error in Core MIDI apps with Mbox 2.
    This is likely due to a conflicting MIDI driver in the MIDI Drivers folder in OS X. Confirm that the only MIDI driver in Mac HD > Library > Audio > MIDI Drivers is: DigidesignMbox2MIDI.plugin If there are any other MIDI drivers, try removing them and attempting to use other Core MIDI apps again. In particular, DigiDioMIDIDriver.plugin will likely cause this issue as it is an old driver for 001 and 002.
    i went to my hd>library>audio>midi drivers and put DigidesignMbox2MIDI.plugin & DigiDioMidiDriver.plugin in the trash.  thereafter, i was immediately able to play audio from finale 2011 AND record and playback audio through my mbox2.
    i hope this helps someone else.

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    UInt32 hello = MIDIGetNumberOfExternalDevices();
    NSLog(\[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Num devices: %1i", hello\]);
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    What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help?

    Hi Morgan
    There is a Core Audio mailing list where Core Audio/Midi specialists hang out.
    Go to here: http://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo
    then choose this list: Coreaudio-api
    I'm sure that if you repost your question there you will get the answer.

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    Thanks for your help.

    Now, I do have Korg as a Manufacturer In my Audio/Midi setup but the only model that shows up is the Extreme.
    OK, that would be because the korg.middev doc you downloaded is specific to the extreme.
    Go to the same site and find the MOTU midnam docs link and download them.
    Put aside a copy of the korg.middev you already got.
    Drag the korg.middev doc from the MOTU collection to your devices folder.
    If the Extreme does not show up after installing that, you can then open both .middev docs in TextEdit and copy the relevant listing from the Extreme-specific middev and paste it into the new one you got. (take note of, and folow, the format when you paste in the Extreme details.)

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    Thank you!

    Not exactly sure whats going on here, but Digi has moved most of their authorizations to iLok... don't remember for sure about PT7LE, guess there could be some kind of install code that authorizes the software, but don't remember for sure.
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    Any tips would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

    Thanks, Niel.
    Apple Support sent me a Snow Leopard DVD 10.6.4 - not retail, but the original one that came with the MacBook Pro.  However, I did not get a chance to use it, but I'm sure it'll work.
    What I did instead was to make a USB thumb drive of Mavericks 10.9.2.  It installed without any problems on the 2010 MacBook Pro.  No kernel panics, etc.  Thanks for your help.

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