Leopard Disc under warranty?

Are apple leopard disc under warranty? I accidentally broke mine yesterday anyone know?

Are apple leopard disc under warranty? I accidentally broke mine yesterday anyone know?
If the disk was damaged when you first opened it then you would be entitled to a replacement, accidental damage however is not covered under warranty. That comes under insurance. Your house insurance may cover it but normally the excess you have to pay would be more than the cost of a new leopard disk.

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    Yes. Boot from the installation disc, select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu, select the internal drive, and partition it with the default options. Then run the Installer.

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    Well since you don't have the disks, you can't format.
    But what you can do is create another account for her and leave yours dormant with your own password, take a copy of your files with you back home to Miami.
    Or else set her up as a admin, then log in to her account and remove your account, then run Disk Utility Erase FREE SPACE option to remove any personal traces of your files.
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    deborahfromwindsor wrote:
    he advises restarting by inserting the OSX disc and pressing down the C button to reboot from there then selecting disk utility, hard disk and repair.... Does he mean me to hold down the C key on the alpha keyboard or the ctrl key?
    Should I just ask for my money back??? If it is a simple repair do I just literally push the disc in, push the power button and hold down the C button?
    That's where I would begin, too, with
    Repair Disk
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    (Check S.M.A.R.TStatus of HDD at the bottom of right panel, and report if it saysanything but Verified)
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    If DU reports errors it cannot repair you will need touse autility like TechTool Pro,Drive Geniusor DiskWarrior
    First we need to determine if the issue you are experiencing with the computer is software or hardware based. Once we have gotten things sorted out there should be time enough to make you decision about keeping or returning it.

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    Seen as it's impossible to contact Apple directly regarding technical issues regarding MacBook
    You've called their tech support numbers? (44) 0844 209 0611 in the UK, 800-275-2273 in the US. I've never found them particularly difficult to reach, though depending on call volume you may have to wait on hold for a while. You can also go to any retail Apple Store in your area.
    should I contact the nearest 'Premium Reseller' of Apple products? Will they charge more at the resellers than Apple will?
    I'd suggest you shop around. There's no standard pricing, so you may find that repair pricing will vary between service centers. Repairs at an Apple Store are more likely to be higher than the price charged by an independent service center, but not always, so get estimates from a couple of places, at least, and decide from there. If you're in the US, you can look for service centers on this web page:
    If you have to replace the logic board, the keyboard and the DVD drive, it's almost certainly going to be more cost-effective (and perhaps even less expensive, particularly if you go for a refurbished MacBook) to just buy a new computer.

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    Thanks for your reply,
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    I do not believe you can "Upgrade" directly from the "Panther" installed on your computer to "Leopard".  You have to have at least "Tiger" installed already Before you can install Leopard.  Thus your Mac is not recognizing the Leopard Install disk.

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    Yes, that's correct, prepare to pay.  For instance, let's say you bought some new Pirellis (those are tires) for your Lamborghini, and the guy at the tire store told you that you would get 15,000 miles on them (these are for your Lamborghini, so they won't last 30,000 miles like some tires do).  So you head on out with your Lamborghini, and within 10,000 miles all four tires have lost their tread, three of them having blown at various times on the freeway.  But hey, it's your fault, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the tires.  Just like with your battery.  I don't think you should be thinking your Mac is giving you bad information or charging your battery incorrectly, based solely on the fact that about TEN THOUSAND other Mac users have noticed the same issue.  It's undoubtedly that your battery wore out, even though Apple says those batteries last (at a minimum) 300 cycles.  Or the fact that users have done a battery reset with PRAM and SMC reset, and had their batteries start to fully recharge again.  I wouldn't rely on that.  I would instead rely on people who reply with an absolutely worthless comment, as if they actually worked at the Apple Store. But hey, that's just my opinion - I'm sure a lot of people think Snow Leopard has been FLAWLESS, with no issues whatsoever.  In fact, I would say that for a BETA release, Snow Leopard hasn't been bad at all (wait, it's not a beta release, you say?  Hmmm....). 
    Lookf for a post that covers PRAM and SMC reset.  You could start with this one....https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2139186?start=1530&tstart=0

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    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the replies...
    Interesting one this. I thought I would phone apple first and ask them. The helpful lady on the other end told me that the discs were indeed the correct ones. Apparently the MACBOOK PRO discs contain drivers for the whole family of recent Apple Systems.
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    I am thinking of arranging a trip to a Genius bar to hopefully clarify but Apple tech support said I was good to go, and I hate calling Apple a liar.
    If anyone has any knowledge on this it would be greatly appreciated. Are there any files or documents on the disc that would confirm its usage?

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    how can I reformat my MAC BOOK leopard, disc 1 and 2 are working.

    Put the first OS X 10.5 Leopard disk in the system, and reboot holding the c key down. On the menu bar, under Utilities, bring up Disk Utility. If you want to erase the hard drive, under options do a secure erase, which will write zero's to the hard drive.

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    Can I get a replacement?
    No - see below
    whenever I turn on the SLEEP MODE for my laptop and work with my laptop later on, my laptop often experiences the PAUSE or freezing.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    but there is a round circle with rainbow colors appear on the screen and pause everything/programs is running.
    Troubleshoot the spinning beach ball
    When I opened the box and used it in the 1st time, I noticed that the button CAPS LOCK wasn't good, and I had to press it 2-3 times to make it work. It has happened for 6 months
    You are still under warranty.  Call Apple Care. Make sure you get a case number as all repairs have an additional 90 days of warranty. 
    #1 - You have 14 days from the date of purchase to return your computer with no questions asked.
    #2 - You have 90 days of FREE phone tech support.
    #3 - You have the standard one year Apple warranty.
    #4 - If you've purchased an AppleCare Protection Plan, your warranty last for 3 years.   You can obtain AppleCare anytime up to the first year of the purchase of your computer.
    Take FULL advantage of your warranty.  Posting on a message board should be done as a last resort and if you are out of warranty or Apple Care has expired.

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    Please post it in SD/MM forum.

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    The warranty doesn't cover that. Sell it and put the money towards a new device.

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    The speaker on my iPhone stopped working. How to fix or is it covered under warranty?

    If the phone wasn't abused or water damaged, all parts are covered by the warranty.  It's up to Apple to determine whether the phone was subjected to physical abuse - no one here can tell you.
    Before taking it to Apple, try the basic troubleshooting steps described in the User Guide, Appendix B:  Restart, Reset, Restore using a backup, Restore as new, without using a backup.

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    I took my iPhone 5 into a Genius Bar for a speaker issue. I was immediately emailed an invoice for the repair under warranty and told to come back in an hour. After an hour, they decided to replace the handset completely under warranty, but I don't have an email invoice relating to this replacement. The new handset needs to now be repaired under my carrier insurance, but they need to see an invoice from apple with the new handset's IMEI written on it.
    Since I live a few hours away from a Genius Bar I really don't want to go in person just to ask for an invoice to be sent. Is there another way?
    I have looked on my account at the online apple store and it's not there.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction? It was just over 6 months ago in the Carindale store in QLD.

    You will need to call or visit the Apple Store and ask if they can resend the invoice. They're the only ones who can help you.

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