Leverage iOS APIs from Flash/Flex?

From looking at
we can see that Flash content deployed to iOS CANNOT leverage any private or unpublished iOS APIs..
My Question is can Flash content target native iOS APIs?
For example I want to target an external VGA screen connected to an iPad.
I am using the AIR Player's NativeWindow and Screen.
AS3 code to get Screens:
var screenArray:Array = Screen.screens;
This works fine running as an AIR app on PC/Mac but the iPad doesn't see the VGA screen connected.
So Iooks like I need to use Objective C iOS native API UIScreen.. Is this possible?

I've had a few instances where I would need access to native iOS APIs to do what I need, since there is either no equivalent AS3 class, or like in your case, the equivalent does not work with the iPhone. 
I have not been able to find a way to do it, and abandoned the idea assuming it is not possible.  If you find that it is possible I would be VERY happy if you let me know how to do it.

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         public function submitToBrowser():void {
         var url:String = "formsubmit.jsp";
         var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
         var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();     
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         u.data = variables;
         u.url = url;
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              <mx:FormItem label="User Name">
              <mx:TextInput id="fName" name="fName"/>
              <mx:FormItem label="Password">
              <mx:TextInput id="password" displayAsPassword="true"/>
              <mx:Button label="Submit" id="mySubmitButton"

    inline refresh modifies javascript, not flex. Maybe try an iframe?

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    Calling out to a dll of C++ would break the Flash Player
    security model. So it is prohibited. Check out Adobe Labs and look
    at the AIR runtime. Air allows
    Flex applicationS to run as desktop applications not web
    application with the web type security restrictions.
    Also some folks are developing and open source way to
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    I don't see how it would be any different for mobile than for desktop, considering the biggest difference is frame-size.
    Flash Builder is very good at building fluid layouts.  VERY good.  By extension, Catalyst, built on the same framework, should be too (haven't seen the final version, but the betas were looking good in this regard).
    The entire platform has been getting optimized for mobile creation lately, and CS5 should have a lot of tooling towards that end.
    I would suggest downloading the trial version of the softwares when they are released (supposed to be mid-may) and playing around with it before you decide.
    If you want to, you can hit up labs.adobe.com to download the beta of Catalyst right now, which might give you the answers you need. (Flash Builder was already released, and is available on adobe's site for trial download currently)

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    I got the answer, i need to encode video into H.264 format and then publish.

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    Thanks in advance for any help.

    It's not AIR that's lacking the key in the plist, it must be Flash Pro, although it's just running adt itself. I use AIR 3.4 and I compile via adt command line (because Flash Builder 4.6 still has not been updated to handle warnings from ANEs during compile, grr). I have CFBundleDisplayName in my plist file. Have you tried compiling on the command line?
    Here's an Adobe page with a bunch of examples compiling with ADT on the command line:
    Being unaware of what in-house distribution system that actually is, I have noted that some people had previous issues submitting apps Flash compiles. Their solution was to rename the AppName.ipa to AppName.zip, extract the Payload folder, copy the AppName.app inside there out, then rename that AppName.app to AppName.ipa. Then it was accepted. Not sure if that old issue still exists.

  • Switching from Flash to Flash Catalyst/Flex

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    I'm considering the possibility of a switch from Flash to Flash Catalyst/Flex and want to outline what my needs are, here in the forum, in hopes that others now using Catalyst/Flex can help me decide if this is an appropriate move.
    Features needed:
    1. Basic animation, transitions, etc.
    2. Full Navigation (up to 3 levels) for up to 300 slides.
    3. Keyboard navigation (PageUp/PageDown) to navigate sequentially through the entire presentation.
    4. Linking into other applications and documents - Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.
    5. Full Screen Mode
    6. Slide Show Mode
    7. Search Features
    8. Slide sharing (via email)
    9. Video and audio w/controls
    10. Pan and Zoom w/controls (panning and zooming of graphics and .swf files)
    11. Scrolling (scrolling of text, graphics and .swf files)
    12. Interactive forms
    Can anyone please comment specifically on these features and wether or not they are possible using Catalyst and/or Catalyst/Flex in combination.
    Thank you all for any insight or suggestions.

    With the exception of making fre-form animations (like a cartoon for example), everything you can do in Flash can be done in Flex considerably faster.
    The downside is that Flex applications (especially ones designed in Catalyst) are generally larger, and consume more memory. Personally, I never publish anything made in Catalyst without optimizing it in Flash Builder first.
    If the drop in operating performance isn't a deal breaker (most of the time you can't even notice it), then I would certainly consider moving to Flex going forward on new projects.

  • Calling flex functions from flash swf (AS3)

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    from Flash and Flex3 project. I use SWFLoader for runtime loading
    SWF, call functions inside SWF, but cannot find the way to call
    functions declared in Flex project. I try to use ExternalInterface
    class, but it does not help me, or maybe i use it incorrect. Is
    there a method to call Flex user declared functions from Flash SWF?
    All i need is a syntax sample, thank you in advance!

    Also, application.application will point to the top-level app
    scope, even from a loaded swf.
    I believe parentApplication will resolve to what you usually
    want as well.
    For looser coupling, consider using a bubbling event.

  • Removing div with flash/flex from page crushes browser

    Hallo to all Flex experts !
    For an application based on dojo ( javascript ) we prototype
    the migration to flex -
    The application is very big, we already work on it more than
    2 years, so we try to make the migration smooth by implementing
    parts of the application in flex.
    To do that, we dynamically open a div with an <object>
    / <embed> in it, and close it on demand, by calling
    javascript from flex, and simply remove the div from the document.
    Problem is: this results in a browser crash ! (linux, FF 2,
    Flash 9.0.31)
    So, what is the recommended way to do that ( without crashing
    the browser) ? how do we gracefully remove a flash/flex from the
    page ?

    or [simple typo funonmars ;-) ]
    I used it a few times today for just the type of thing you're
    describing... it should do what you're after.

  • Two IOS images in flash - how to boot from the other one?

    A contractor used a flash drive to copy a new IOS image into flash; however, I cannot get the second image to boot - a 'boot flash:[file]' command had no effect after reboot.
    3560#sh flash
    Directory of flash:/
    2 drwx 192 Feb 28 1993 19:09:36 -05:00 c3560-ipservices-mz.122-23
    406 -rwx 109 Feb 28 1993 19:09:36 -05:00 info
    407 -rwx 616 Feb 28 1993 19:02:31 -05:00 vlan.dat
    409 -rwx 79 Feb 28 1993 19:07:25 -05:00 private-config.text
    410 -rwx 9031259 Nov 8 2007 12:30:34 -05:00 c3560-ipservices-mz.122-4n
    411 -rwx 7382 Feb 28 1993 19:07:25 -05:00 config.text
    412 -rwx 1048 Feb 28 1993 19:07:25 -05:00 multiple-fs
    32514048 bytes total (14492672 bytes free)
    3560#sh boot
    BOOT path-list : c3560-ipservices-mz.122-40.SE.bin
    Config file : flash:/config.text
    Private Config file : flash:/private-config.text
    Enable Break : no
    Manual Boot : no
    HELPER path-list :
    Auto upgrade : yes
    Are there any commands to move images within flash directories, or how else can I direct the boot loader to the second image?

    Yes, the output was incomplete:
    I didn't make any other changes, but apparently a second reboot got the image to stick:
    DR-3560#sh ver
    Cisco IOS Software, C3560 Software (C3560-IPSERVICES-M), Version 12.2(40)SE, RE)
    Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Thu 23-Aug-07 20:03 by myl
    Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x01600000
    ROM: Bootstrap program is C3560 boot loader
    BOOTLDR: C3560 Boot Loader (C3560-HBOOT-M) Version 12.2(25r)SE1, RELEASE SOFTWA)
    DR-3560 uptime is 52 minutes
    System returned to ROM by power-on
    System image file is "flash:c3560-ipservices-mz.122-40.SE.bin"
    cisco WS-C3560G-48TS (PowerPC405) processor (revision A0) with 122880K/8184K by.
    Processor board ID xxxxxx
    Last reset from power-on
    3 Virtual Ethernet interfaces
    52 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
    The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.
    512K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
    Model number : WS-C3560G-48TS-E
    Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image
    * 1 52 WS-C3560G-48TS 12.2(40)SE C3560-IPSERVICES-M
    Configuration register is 0xF
    Thanks for being a good sounding board!

  • Using Flex to capture audio from Flash

    I've been trying for a while to figure out how to capture audio from a flash-application (http://www.delorean.se/mixer)
    and store it as a mp3-file.
    Since I've studied Java for 2 years I thought I'd try and use it to capture the audio but I'm running into problems all the time,
    and I've been advised to look up Flex by other Java users.
    So, I got some questions:
    Is Flex a good tool to use to capture audio from flash-applications and store the audio as a mp3-file?
    Is Flex hard to learn (I've been working with Eclipse for a long time so the IDE shouldn't be a problem and learning another language/framework is always nice)
    Any tips in general?
    Any answers would make me very happy!

    physical are closed : how will it managed the queues and overspill queues when target is not present? Also the data dictionary must reflect the primary but If you run capture, then you introduce rules that are not on primary: How ?

  • Flash, Flex, and the iPad

    While there is no shortage of iPad/Flash discussions on the Adobe and Apple forums, after searching for a couple hours now I have been unable to find the answers to my specific question.  So please forgive me if I missed it somewhere.
    As I understand it, Apple does not support Flash for the mobile and iPad devices.  This is reiterated in a number of Apple forum postings that I just read, as well as Steve Jobs' rant here:
    However, I came across this Adobe press release from less than a year ago:
    http://blogs.adobe.com/ukchannelnews/2011/06/20/announcement-mobile-applications-for-andro id-blackberry-iphone-and-ipad/
    Apparently this Flex thing allows me to develop cross-platform mobile applications.  So I do some research on Flex, trying to figure out the difference between Flex and Flash.  I come across Adobe's FAQ here:
    It's not real clear to me, but it sounds like what they are saying is that Flex is simply a programmatic framework around which I can build Flash applications, especially helpful for those more familiar with traditional programming.  If this is the case, based on Adobe's press release above, it sounds like I should be able to use Flash on the iPad via Flex?  What am I missing?  Is there other differences between Flex and Flash?  Or perhaps is it the difference between an application and browser support (like Apple's Safari)?
    Thanks in advance for your patience, and your help.

    It's easy Pea...
    Flash is a plugin. It runs from withing the browser IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc... It also can be run standalone, via special exe program on Windows platform.
    Although this is less common. Here are all the Flash versions: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html
    AIR is a cross platform runtime, kind of like Java (build once run everywhere). But with AIR it's a bit more tricky. You have to compile your program to each target platform (Desktop, Andriod, BlackBerry, iOS) separately. It's not like with Java where you can indeed run your jar file on lot of platforms. AIR is essentially Flash "on steroids" as it mostly has the same API as Flash and builds on top of it. But AIR not in the pluging form, i.e. you don't need a web browser to run it from.
    Here are the latest AIR runtime: http://get.adobe.com/air/
    and SDK: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/air-sdk-download.html
    You will need AIR SDK to build AIR applications and it has to be overlayed on top of Flex SDK which you can find here:
    Flex SDK: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+4.6
    Now Flex SDK is essentially a component framework. You will need a button in your application, or a Video component, right? So that is what Flex provides for you free of charge.
    Obviously this sound simple but Flex is much more then that and here is your
    Flex documentation: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/documentation.html
    So, Flex is a component framework which lets you build applications which target either Flash or AIR as executable runtime. For Flash it is called Web application and it runs from withing browser or standalone Flash player. For AIR it is called Desktop or Mobile project and it runs from withing AIR runtime which has to be installed on your device or bundled with your application.
    Now, speaking of Steve rants, yes, they wanted to kill Flash on their platform, there was even a guy there who was responsible for that result (I forgot his name but you can google), although Adobe never admited that and played it nice with Apple. Why they wanted to kill most expressive and complete vector and video engine on the web (Flash)? It's simple! This is beacase they wanted to play on their nice and cozy iOS/iPad/iPod playground alone! Because they want to control the delivery of the content from publisher to consumer. they want to stick their proprietory products and specifications in between and skim the money! That is why they don't need Flash in the browser. Flash allows people to publish and consume an impressive content without charging a dime! That includes H264 video among other things. And that is what Apple doesn't want to see.
    Good luck with Flex and everything else,

  • Opening an HTML popup from Flash, not as tab

    I need to open an HTML popup from Flash (using ActionScript in
    Flex 4).
    Thus far I found a solution, and it does work in Safari - a new
    and separate HTML window is popped up (with a new web page).
    private function popUpTheHtmlEditor():void {
      var url:String = "http://www.adobe.com";
      var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
      try {
        navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
      } catch (e:Error) {
        trace("Error occurred!");
    But in (my) Firefox (with my settings), when I click on the Flash
    (Flex) button, the page is being opened in a new tab.
    I need a solution which pops up the HTML page in a new/separate
    window, as far as possible regardless of the browser (and browser
    I found an example where a popup is opened from HTML, and it opens a
    separate window (a real popup) in my Firefox:
    -> "Open a requested popup"
    The JavaScript code seems to be:
      OpenRequestedPopup(this.href, this.target); return false;
    with this function def:
      function OpenRequestedPopup(strUrl, strTarget)
        if (WindowObjectReferenceOfRequestedPopup == null || WindowObjectReferenceOfRequestedPopup.closed)
        WindowObjectReferenceOfRequestedPopup = window.open(strUrl, strTarget, "top=" + windowTop + ",left=" + windowLeft + ",width=" + windowWidth + ",height=" + windowHeight + ",menubar,toolbar,location,resizable,scrollbars,status");
    How could I call such code from ActionScript? Should this work through
    ExternalInterface? I couldn't even get this to work:
      ExternalInterface.call('alert', 'foo');
    Should I use swfobject.js for embedding the .swf in the HTML wrapper?
    Any other ideas?
    The two files are pasted below.
    Here's the compiler command I'm using:
      mxmlc -output button.swf -target-player 10.0.0 flash_to_editor.mxml
    I'm running the examples locally (as files, not over http). Would it
    help to place the files on a server?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    // This 'http://www.adobe.com' is just an example URL.
    // Works but opens tab in FF (not a separate window):
    private function popUpTheHtmlEditor():void {
      var url:String = "http://www.adobe.com";
      var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
      try {
        navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
      } catch (e:Error) {
        trace("Error occurred!");
    // Doesn't work:
    // var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:alert('foo'); void(0);");
    // navigateToURL(url, "_self");
    // How to get this to work?
    private function popUpTheHtmlEditor():void {
      ExternalInterface.call('alert', 'foo');
    // How to get this to work?
    private function popUpTheHtmlEditor():void {
      // Or
      // ExternalInterface.call("window.open", "http://www.adobe.com", "win", "height=200,width=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes");
    // Perhaps it's necessary to try different approaches:
    // (As soon as I get two approaches to work.)
    private function popUpTheHtmlEditor():void {
      var s:String;
      if (ExternalInterface.available) {
        // Necessary? Safe?:
        // Security.allowDomain('*');
        s = ExternalInterface.call('launch','http://www.adobe.com');
      } else {
         // TODO: Then try URLRequest?
         s = "Wrapper not available";
      <s:Panel title="One way to open the HTML editor"
      width="75%" height="75%">
        <s:Button id="button" label="Open the HTML editor"
        horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
      xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <script type="text/javascript">
    function launch(url) {
      //  OpenWin = this.open(url, "FOO", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=400,height=200");
        <object id="button" name="button" width="550" height="400"
          <param name="movie" value="button.swf" />
          <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
          <embed id="foo" name="button" src="button.swf" width="550" height="400"></embed>

    Here's a solution.
    1. Make ExternalInterface work when files are loaded as local files: 
    Go to
    http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.htm l 
    In tab Global Security Settings: Edit Locations -> Add Location ->
    browse to the .swf file, add it. Make sure it's in the list (under the
    Edit Locations drop down, with a green check mark.) 
    Now open the HTML wrapper in a browser (eg Firefox). 
    Now this works (ActionScript): 
    private function popUpTheHtmlEditor():void {
      ExternalInterface.call('alert', 'foo');
    On Windows: perhaps:
    "In order for external interface functions to be called, you must also
    specify the folder/file where the swf file is located." 
    The above setup isn't necessary when the files are on a server. 
    Also see: 
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/external/External Interface.html#call()
    ""ExternalInterface" "
    "call() method" 
    "About ExternalInterface API security in Flex" 
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf626ae-7fe8.html#WS2d b454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f31
    "Using the ExternalInterface API to access JavaScript" 
    2. Open a real popup: Example: 
    private function popUpSomething():void {
      var editorPathOrUrl:String =
      var windowName:String =
      var windowFeatures:String =
    function launch(editorPathOrUrl,windowName,windowFeatures) {
      windowRef = window.open(
    Works in all browser I tested except Opera. 

Maybe you are looking for