Lexical Parameter in Oracle Reports . . .

Hi all,
I am trying to pass a value to a query in oracle reports . . .
the use of the parameter is to add 2 additional columns to an existing query, if a bind parameter is set to 'Yes' else the parameter carries a value NULL;
Here is the code I have written in After Parameter Form:
if :P_ROLL_DETAIL_PRN='Yes' then
end if;
P_Roll_detail is the bind parameter . . and P_CUSTOM_CODE is the Lexical Parameter . ..
It works for value 'No' of P_ROLL_DETAIL .. . but for Value 'Yes' I get an error . . .
REP-0499: Column '' selected by the query is incompatible with report defination
Kindly help...

Lexical parameters can not be used to change the number of selected columns. Consider selecting max number of columns always, but populating last two columns with either NULL values or table columns based on the parameter. Also, manipulations can be done in the layout model using format triggers.

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    V_WHERE should be defined same way as regular parameter. It should acquire certain value that makes the query syntaxically correct bofore the sql is run, usually in the After Param Form trigger, e.g.
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    i think you didn't read that i'm mentioned
    in datatemplate
    <parameter name="P_YOUR_PARAM" dataType = "number" defaultValue="0"></parameter>
    <sqlStatement name="Q_DATA">
    select &your_columns
    from  &your_tables
    where &your_where_clause
    <dataTrigger name="beforeReportTrigger" source="XX_YOUR_PKG.BeforeReport"/>
    ...in package
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      your_columns := 'column1, column2';
      your_tables := 'table1, table2';
      your_where_clause := 'table1.id = table2.id';
      your_columns := 'column3, column4';
      your_tables := 'table2, table3';
      your_where_clause := 'table2.id = table3.id';
    END IF;
    END;you can use another way - create your xml output by package like
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '<ROWSET>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '<ROW>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '<DAT>' || some_value || '</DAT>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '</ROW>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '</ROWSET>');in package you can use all that you want

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    Hi Renil,
    You will need to use the wildcard character (%) and the concatenation character (||) to join to your user parameter.
    i.e. like '%'||:give_desc||'%'

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    From Oracle 8.1.5 database, we can use dynamic ref cursors.
    With dynamic ref cursor we can really avoid the use of lexical parameters in Reports.
    With static ref cursor this is not possible in all cases.
    For example, if we need dynamic WHERE, we practically can't use static ref cursor.
    But, problem is that Reports needs static ref cursor type for building Report Layout.
    Solution (as i know, first published in my post in MetaLink Reports Forum,
    thread "Report based on Ref Cursor or PL/SQL Table", 24-Aug-01) is:
    in package specification we must have both ref cursor types,
    static for Report Layout and dynamic for ref cursor query.
    Dynamic ref cursor examples:
    "Dynamic Table in the Second Query with Oracle Reports"
    "Using a Collection Instead of a Temporary Table in Complex Reports"
    Zlatko Sirotic

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    You will have to Register your .rdf in Oracle Portal. The following document gives details.

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    you can use impliment this script to your query get data from file
    function AfterPForm return boolean is
    infile text_io.file_type;
    linebuf varchar2(3000) := '';
    filename varchar2(100);
    v_employee_id varchar2(2000);
    filename := :P_file_name; /* you can pass the file name like this c:\temp\test.txt */
    infile := text_io.fopen(filename,'r');
    v_employee_id := v_employee_id&#0124; &#0124;linebuf&#0124; &#0124;' ';
    end loop;
    if text_io.is_open(infile) then
    end if;
    exception when no_data_found then
    v_employee_id := replace(rtrim(v_employee_id),' ',',');
    :p_employee_param := 'and employee_id in ('&#0124; &#0124;v_employee_id&#0124; &#0124;')';
    /* you can use either 'where employee_id in ('&#0124; &#0124;v_employee_id&#0124; &#0124;')' or
    'and employee_id in ('&#0124; &#0124;v_employee_id&#0124; &#0124;')' */
    return (TRUE);
    I think it will help you to solve your problem. Do not forget to put &v_employee_param
    Good Luck
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gvardhan:
    The file will have one EmployeeID per line as follows

  • Lexical parameter in bi report

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement as below :
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    My requirement is i need to pass 3 parameters such as order_number, email, fax to the report in that case it should take only the parameters what i am passing, and it should not take the hz_contact_points table from the query
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    i think you didn't read that i'm mentioned
    in datatemplate
    <parameter name="P_YOUR_PARAM" dataType = "number" defaultValue="0"></parameter>
    <sqlStatement name="Q_DATA">
    select &your_columns
    from  &your_tables
    where &your_where_clause
    <dataTrigger name="beforeReportTrigger" source="XX_YOUR_PKG.BeforeReport"/>
    ...in package
    IF P_YOUR_PARAM = 'some_value' THEN
      your_columns := 'column1, column2';
      your_tables := 'table1, table2';
      your_where_clause := 'table1.id = table2.id';
      your_columns := 'column3, column4';
      your_tables := 'table2, table3';
      your_where_clause := 'table2.id = table3.id';
    END IF;
    END;you can use another way - create your xml output by package like
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '<ROWSET>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '<ROW>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '<DAT>' || some_value || '</DAT>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '</ROW>');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '</ROWSET>');in package you can use all that you want

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    Pl see
    How to use lexical paramter in oracle reports

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    You can use NVL function in form, where you are passing the parameters. So replace the *:ORG_ID* with
    NVL(:ORG_ID, :CUR_ORG_ID). Or If you are saving the current Org_id in a table / passing it to the report using another parameter, you can do the same in the report also.
    If this answer is helpful or correct, please mark it. Thanks.

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    What are my other options?
    Thanks in advance,

    Try this
    if :report_name = 'NEW_REPORT' (user substr if needed) then
    end if;

  • About passing multiple values in parameter for oracle report

    Hi all,
    i want to pass multiple value using , to separate them 1,2,3....
    here is my query
    ,to_char(oh.ordered_date,'DD-MON-YYYY') d_date
    ,to_char(oh.ordered_date+31,'DD-MON-YYYY') d_validity
    ,oh.cust_po_number d_po_num
    ,rcust.customer_id AS customer_id
    ,oh.order_number d_salesorder_no
    ,oh.cust_po_number d_project
    ,oh.attribute1 second_addr
    ,oh.attribute2 remark1
    ,oh.attribute3 remark2
    ,substr(oh.transactional_curr_code,1,3) as currency
    ,tyl.name ordertype
    ,rat.name as d_payment_term
    ,rat.description d_payment_desc
    ,rsa.email_address as sales_phone
    ,rcust.customer_name||' - #'||rcust.customer_number d_to_custname
    ,rcust.customer_name d_cust_sign
    -- ,raddr.ship_to_flag
    ,oh.sold_to_contact_id AS attn_id
    ,tyl.name AS SO_type
    -- ,net_org.ORG_LOGO
    oe_order_headers_all oh
    ,ra_customers rcust
    ,ra_addresses_all raddr
    ,ra_site_uses_all rsite --double_line
    ,ra_terms rat
    ,hz_party_sites hps
    ,hz_contact_points hcp
    ,ra_salesreps_all rsa
    ,oe_transaction_types_tl tyl
    -- ,apps.ar_contacts_v acv
    -- ,net_org
    WHERE oh.sold_to_org_id = rcust.customer_id
    AND oh.payment_term_id = rat.term_id(+)
    --AND        rcust.customer_id = acv.customer_id(+)
    AND oh.salesrep_id = rsa.salesrep_id
    AND oh.order_type_id = tyl.transaction_type_id
    AND rcust.party_id = raddr.party_id
    AND raddr.address_id = rsite.address_id
    AND rcust.party_id = hps.party_id
    AND hps.party_site_id = hcp.owner_table_id(+)
    AND hcp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTY'
    --AND        hcp.contact_point_type (+)='PHONE'
    AND tyl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
    --AND          raddr.ship_to_flag IS NULL
    AND oh.order_number =:P_CONTRACT_NO
    and oh.org_id = :P_ORG_ID
    --and            net_org.org_id = :P_ORG_ID
    and after para form
    function AfterPForm return boolean is
    :CP_Param := 'where oh.order_number in ('||:P_CONTRACT_NO||')';
    return (TRUE);
    it said ora-00933 but my query can run i dont need the multiple values para, can anyone help me how to modify the report so it can pass multipel values thanks

    HI I tried changing the parameter width to a larger value, it can output , and the field where I show the order_number i used source P_CONTRACT_NO,
    it will display as 102005000,102005001 and I also tried using the column from the query directly, it will be separated , it has some other problem
    I have the header part and main part,
    and also there are page numbering, with the order number field set as order_number it will output single number , but the page order is wrong
    102005000,102005001 will be like header page: 102005000 1/4 102005001 2/4, main page 102005000 3/4, 102005001 3/4
    DO you have any idea how I can set the page numbering setting so it will output as header page:102005000 1/2 102005000 2/2
    header page:102005001 1/2 102005001 2/2
    ?? thanks

  • Problem when using WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT and passing in lexical parameter

    I got a blank page with error "An error has occured while trying to use this document" when I tried to use web.show_document and passing a lexical parameter to 10g report on 10gAS. The URL in the web.show_document is:
    If I change the desformat to htmlcss, it is fine to display the report. But doesn't work with desformat=pdf. The pdf file has been generated in the cache. Why can't it display on the screen.
    Also I tried to use double quote the value for where_clause. The pdf report showed up. But it ignored the where clause.
    Experts please help.

    I use lexical parameters and they work fine, but I use a parameter list. The code is contained in a form that is called by all forms that wish to run a report. This way you only need the logic for printing in a single form. If you want the form, email me at [email protected]

  • Lexical parameter report in oracle reports

          I am new in oracle forms and reports.I am using oracle weblogic 10.3.5 with oracle forms and reports 11g at windows 7.
    I have need to create a lexical parameter report In which I have query as:
    select &P_1 ename,sal from emp
    this works well but here I have to give the default value with lexical parameter which is ename but i do not want it.
    Here If I give the value to P_1 --> empno
    then It returns all data but there is column heading  is ename for data empno from emp table.
    Is there any way so that to eliminate the default value for lexical parameter.Actually I want the sql data source query like
    select &P_1 ,sal from emp
    But flashes error ORA 00936 of missing expression.
    Please suggest me
    Thank You
    regards aaditya

    Check the datatype of the USERNAME and width value assigned for it. Because the cause for this error is:
    An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred. For example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to assign the value NULL to a variable declared NOT NULL, or if an attempt is made to assign an integer larger than 99 to a variable declared NUMBER(2).
    Change the data, how it is manipulated, or how it is declared so that values do not violate constraints.
    Vidya Viswanathan.

  • Help desiging a 10g Oracle Report with Matrix and Lexical Parameters - Long

    Hello all:
    I apologize in advance for this long post.... I'm using Oracle Reports 10g ( First -- the question:
    I need to create a Matrix where the rows come from one database table
    (TABLE1) and the columns and cell contents come from a linked query (pulled from TABLE2) that is generated with lexical parameters based on the current TABLE1 row. The lexical parameters contain a WHERE clause for the TABLE2 query. Basically, I have a linked query between TABLE1 and TABLE2. I need to generate a Matrix around it.
    Does anyone know if this is even possible?
    Here's the background on the application, if that is helpful...
    I have an application where I maintain database tables containing names/addresses along with information pertaining to them. As part of the processing, I need to produce reports that contain statistics based on values in the table. For example, each row has a field RTYPE that identifies the Record Type (1-Suppress, 2-Buyer, 3-Inquirer). Each row also has a last purchase date field. The statistics produced for this field would look like this:
              2001     2002     2003     11/03     12/03 01/04     02/04 03/04     04/04     05/04 ...
    Buyer      100 150 250 30 25 15 8 9 22 83
    Inquirer     1000 800 493 ...
    Suppress ... ...
    Totals ... ...
    Each cell contains the count of the number of records that have the corresponding RTYPE and Last Purchase date. The dates across the top are determined by the most recent purchase date in the file. We count the last 12 months, month by month, and then anything older than that is grouped by
    year of purchase. So, the column headings are variable.
    The SQL query for this example looks like this:
    SELECT CASE WHEN rtype = '2' THEN 'Buyers'
    WHEN rtype = '3' THEN 'Inquirers'
    WHEN rtype = '1' THEN 'Suppress'
    END YYMM_8,
    END FmtDate_8,
    GROUP BY CASE WHEN rtype = '2' THEN 'Buyers'
    WHEN rtype = '3' THEN 'Inquirers'
    WHEN rtype = '1' THEN 'Suppress'
    There might be a better way to write this, but that isn't the issue at the moment.
    I have many different tables, each with different fields. I need to produce counts on each of those fields. Some of those fields have a limited number of values where I need to count the occurrences and attach a description (like the RTYPE counts above). Others, like Last Purchase Amount, require counts within ranges (between 0 and 9.99, 10 and 19.99, etc.). Still others are "multiple choice"-style fields (such as products purchased), where we have multiple single-char flags that are not null when the corresponding products are purchased. In this case, we need to produce statistics that look like this:
              2001     2002     2003     11/03     12/03 01/04     02/04 03/04     04/04     05/04 ...
    Product 1 .........
    Product 2 .........
    The worst of the bunch is a field where I need to count the occurrence of each value within it (hundreds of values) without entering descriptions, so I don't know how many rows will appear ahead of time. This is used for "source codes" that identify where the name/address came from. They look similar to the RTYPE above, but the leftmost column contains each value from the field rather than a description. There are so many possible values and they change so often that it isn't feasible to enter a description for each one.
    Right now, I manually create an Oracle Report for each table when I design/load it. This is becoming difficult to manage, since I have over 150 of them now. Each of these reports can have any number of matrices to display (the largest right now has about 25).
    The new table structure to generate these reports consists of two tables: A COUNTHDR table and a COUNTROW table. The COUNTHDR table represents a single Matrix within the report. It contains info such as a heading for the Matrix and whether column totals should be calculated or not. The COUNTROW table contains a description for each row and an SQL Fragment that contains an appropriate WHERE clause to match the description. In the event of a "source code" style count, COUNTHDR has the name of the field to count. COUNTROWs won't exist, so I'll be handling those counts differently. But, ignoring that issue for now, the report structure looks like this:
    + Q1 +
    + COUNTHDR +
    + COUNTROW +
    | linked query
    + Q2 +
    + COUNTDTL +
    Q2 is the query with lexical parameters for the table and "where clause" that identifies the actual statistic I need counted. I need fields from COUNTROW and COUNTDTL to form a Matrix.
    Can this be done? How?
    Of course, if anyone out there has a better idea on how to achieve my goal of not writing a report per table, please let me know!! :-)
    Eric Raskin
    PS. This structure does not exactly duplicate my original query, since multiple Matrix rows are created by the single SQL query given in the example. Instead, I'll end up executing an SQL query for each row, which is less than desirable. The design will need some tweaking...
    PPS. I have tried handling this problem by pre-counting the target table and storing the results in a COUNTCOL table, containing the details of the matrix. This actually does work, but the performance is terrible. I have one "source code"-style count that generated over 20,000 detail cells, including all the "0" cells needed to fill out the matrix. If you don't generate the "0" cells, you get holes in the matrix presentation and/or error messages (which I can explain if you wish). I never did get Oracle Reports to print this one -- I gave up after an hour of runtime on a P4 3GHz machine connected via Gigabit Ethernet to the server. Hence the attempt to push the SQL Queries back into the Oracle Report itself.
    Eric H. Raskin Voice: 914-765-0500
    Professional Advertising Systems Inc. Fax: 914-765-0503
    200 Business Park Dr Suite 107 [email protected]
    Armonk, NY 10504

    Hi there
    here's example of my code
    Html header of the page :
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function callMyPopup (formItem1,formItem2) {
    var formVal1 = document.getElementById(formItem1).value;
    var formVal2 = document.getElementById(formItem2).value;
    var url;
    url = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:8:&APP_SESSION.::::P8_PROJECT,P8_PDRL_NO:' + formVal1 + ',' + formVal2;
    w = open(url,"winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=600");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
    1.Test each parameter separate first - each work ?
    2.Use code above, rerig it, create multiple parameter
    3.try again...
    hope this helps...
    check your orginial source (page where items are) - what data

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