li in flash

OK, i will try and ask this as clearly as possible. I am using a mac with 10.5.6 and flash pro 10. I have a flash template that i want to include some html. The problem is, i can not get the <li> to actually list; it shows as text. Can someone instruct me how to get a list in flash? I have searched the forums here and used the help in flash but do not see what i am looking for.

OK, here is what i have so far:
myText.htmlText = "<li>1</li>";
and then i save and publish. Then i open the swf file with safari and the fla file seems to run in a loop. Meaning it just keeps going back to the beginning of loading. I put the above code in directly in the fla file. Changed from static text to dynamic text, clicked "render as html" button. Is the code suppose to go in the fla file or in an actionscript?

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  • Adobe Bridge Buttons in Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks?

    Adobe says that the button to connect to Adobe bridge is in
    every CS3 application. I can find it in Photoshop, Illustrator, and
    even Contribute, a former Macromedia project, but none of the other
    Macromedia projects (Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks) have one. Am I
    missing it, or is this a glitch?

    Go to Edit > Prefs > Enable Version Cue. Once you do
    that look in the lower left corner of the flash
    application - you should see "Open" with an arrow. Clicking
    on it will popup "Reveal in Bridge" button.
    Chris Georgenes / / / Adobe
    Community Expert
    Dylnuge wrote:
    > Hello,
    > Adobe says that the button to connect to Adobe bridge is
    in every CS3
    > application. I can find it in Photoshop, Illustrator,
    and even Contribute, a
    > former Macromedia project, but none of the other
    Macromedia projects
    > (Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks) have one. Am I missing
    it, or is this a glitch?
    > Thanks,
    > Dylan

  • MSI Forum HQ USB flashing tool!!!

    Hi guys,
    We the forum team have developed  a new way of flashing.
    You no longer need a floppy or anything, just an USB-stick.
    The tool has been tested together with MSI and as far as we have done our testing, there are no problems at all.
    As long as the USB-stick is FAT or FAT32 formatted!
    However, flashing is allways risky, so if it goes bad it's your own fault, but that goes for all flashing you do.
    This tool is intended to flash MSI retail motherboards and laptops,
    but if needs you can use any other machine to prepare the necessary stuffs and the USB stick there,
    before move the USB stick to the msi product that you want to flash.
    The way it works is simple: Download the package and download the BIOS from the MSI website that you want to flash.
    The rest is straight forward.
    Make sure that your board is set to be able to boot from USB.
    So turn on USB Legacy Support in the BIOS.
    Boot and press F11 to get the boot-popup and select your USB-device to boot.
    (some boards have a different key, like K8N Master uses ESC for the boot-menu)
    What ever you do, make sure you read all warnings!
    The forum nor MSI is responsible if it fails for you.
    Nor is this software supported by MSI technical support!
    Please report problems/buggs if you find them.
    currently supported OS ( both 32 & 64 bit):
    Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (also Windows in Virtualbox under Linux!)
    (all kind of versions)
    NOTE: If you are having problems getting your USB device to boot correctly, you may need to format it correctly as the geometry data may be incorrect. You can do that by pickup option "Fix My USB key" from the Tool or by using >>> THIS <<< tool here! For future usage you can skip this step, it need to be done only once if your stick need adjustment.
    This topic is for discussion of and help with the USB flash tool only. If you have a problem with your PC and need help then do not hijack this topic, please start your own new topic in the correct area of this forum!
    NEW! >>> Read the comprehensive user guide here! <<<
    The download links are listed below:

    Quote from: max-sever on 25-May-07, 01:29:21
    I'm have problem with antivirus program too.
    C:\Temp\x863\bossmsi.exe - &#1080;&#1085;&#1092;&#1080;&#1094;&#1080;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085; Trojan.Blakhal
    Kaspersky Anti-Virus
    bossmsi.exe - &#1080;&#1085;&#1092;&#1080;&#1094;&#1080;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085;
    This file is a antivirus testing program?
    Hi Max,
    "This file is a antivirus testing program? "
    yes, the latest version accidentally really become a test for any AV....
    in latest 1.13b Avast! no more report false positive,
    but all others AV software starting reporting a different false positive results:(all AV listed didn't report false positive problem in a provisional version) Avast! was fixed and no more report the false passivity and passed, but all other AV software started to be a lot confused...
    Kaspersky Anti-Virus - Proactive Defense Warning: Riskware detected.
    Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2nd ID -
    Dr Solomon's:  probably found Zafi.D.Virus
    Symantec: Bloodhound.Overpacked / * Overpacked when a potentially unknown virus is found using Symantec Bloodhound technology */
    Panda: Win32:Trojan-gen.(Mytob.U.Mod)
    Mcafe: Worm.W32/Bakain
    Dr.Web: Trojan.Blakhal
    Bit.Defender: Trojan.JS.Obsq.Gen
    Just to clarify one more time, all things listed are false alert coused and exist in latest version only due Avast! fix.(1.13b)
    didn't continue to test with rest of AV...
    only Avast! and NOD32 report no problem detected.
    in 1.13a all false positive listed above doesn't exist, but only Avast! report false positive.
    Hoverer, the wave of false positive mess has been resolved along with Avast! false positive as well.
    New version is ready, 1.13c:
    - fixed false positive wave which confusing most of AV software. (all AV do not report any problems anymore)
    - fixed 3 minor bugs:
           * after finished work the tool do not quit normal as expected and hang instead, that happend in x32bit OS only when used has been asked for reboot and answered with "No". e.g. in described specified case.
           * 4th mainboard filter report positive results in some Biostart mainboard and this cause tool to false ID some Biostar board as MSI one.
           * added missing drive letter as USB key choice ("I")
    Download location in a the 1st post of this topic.

  • Flash plugin installs to wrong folder

    In Vista x64, using either Firefox 28 or Firefox 24.4 ESR, the plugin installer (one downloaded from Adobe distribution) installs the 32 bit .dll file to \system32\macromedia\flash\ folder;
    installs the 64 bit .dll to:  \sysWOW64\macromedia\flash\  folder.  So, they're exacly reversed.
    I uninstalled it completely - went well.  Then removed 1 remaining file in one of the above paths, then reinstalled.  Did the same thing.
    Before I did all this - I was *very sporadically* seeing the FlashPlayerPlugin_12_0_0_77.exe file, running (kinda "sitting") in background, in task manager.  It never came to foreground w/ a UI, asking for anything.  Couldn't figure out what it was, until started looking in the installation folders.
    That's what lead to discovery the files were in wrong folders.
    Anyone heard of this?
    BTW, "Nayana" of Adobe Support chat, is a few bricks shy of a load.  Or I am.  I couldn't create an acct for forums.  She kept saying, you don't need an acct - "just post your question.  Other people will answer it."

    EDIT:  Seems there's no error in Flash installing to wrong folders, only error in my brain.  Why didn't someone stop me from embarrassing myself?
    System32 (in a 64 bit OS / architecture) is for 64 bit drivers, files; SysWOW64 is for 32 bit apps running in 64 bit OS.
    WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) is a subsystem of the Windows operating system capable of running 32-bit applications and is included on all 64-bit versions of Windows
    Also, (section on SysWoW64)
    End Edit.
    Thanks for info on attaching images.  A bit different than most forums.  There's no "preview post" before submitting?
    Screenshots of the 2 flash folder contents.
    NOTE:  I attached full FlashInstall.log earlier.  I opened the 1.25 MB (text) file in an editor - copied contents to clipboard > paste to forum reply screen.  Immediately locked up Firefox like a big dog.  Couldn't perform any functions in Fx - not even reload or close browser.  At same time, Fx memory use was continually climbing; to nearly 2 GB when I killed it.  Won't make that mistake again.
    Been many yrs since Fx locked up, doing anything.  That aside, Adobe is definitely "different" than most forums.  Almost like a person w/ no $ to use one of the many forum softwares available.
    Most recent Flash installation logs.
    =O====== M/ 2014-03-27+18-59-59.282 ========
    0000 [I] 00000010 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe" -maintain plugin
    0001 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0002 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0003 [W] 00001037 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce/FlashPlayerUpdate 2
    0004 [W] 00001037 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/ 2
    0005 [W] 00001037 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayer/SwfInstall 2
    0006 [W] 00001021
    0007 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX/PlayerPath 2
    0008 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0009 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX/PlayerPath 2
    0010 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0011 [W] 00001037 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Extended Properties\System.ControlPanel.Category/C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2
    0012 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerActiveX/PlayerPath 2
    0013 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0014 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0015 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0016 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0017 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0018 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0019 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0020 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0021 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0022 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0023 [W] 00001015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe 5
    0024 [I] 00000011 1
    0025 [I] 00000012
    =X====== M/ 2014-03-27+19-00-34.066 ========
    =O====== M/ 2014-03-27+19-15-43.835 ========
    0000 [I] 00000010 "E:\DOWNLOADS\Software\Multi Media\Browser PLUGINS\Flash Player\Flash Player Fx\install_flash_player_12.0.0.77_plugin002.exe"
    0001 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/Version 2
    0002 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0003 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/Version 2
    0004 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0005 [I] 00000011 1
    0006 [I] 00000020 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0007 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\ 2
    0008 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Flash Player Plugin/ 2
    0009 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0010 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0011 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0012 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Thunderbird\extensions/Plugins 2
    0013 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0014 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0015 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0016 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0017 [I] 00000014 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_12_0_0_77.dll
    0018 [I] 00000015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_12_0_0_77_Plugin.exe
    0019 [I] 00000024 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\plugin.vch
    0020 [I] 00000017 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
    0021 [I] 00000022 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_12_0_0_77.exe
    0022 [I] 00000019 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0023 [I] 00000021 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
    =X====== M/ 2014-03-27+19-16-11.879 ========

  • How do I use Brige Web Gallery in a Flash website

    How do you use the output of a Brige Web Gallery for use inside of a Flash Website?

    Hi there -
    I'd try posting your question over in the Flash general forum. You could also try the Flash site design forum. The folks over there will probably be able to help you solve your issue

  • For what reason on my tablet with OS Android 4.1 does not work flash on the sites?

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    I found this for example: 5-29236404/

  • My flash flayer does not work on my Windows 8 Surface Tablet, it also won't let me see if i already

    My flash flayer does not work on my Windows 8 Surface Tablet, it also won't let me see if i already have it installed...

    1.      Are you getting any error message?
    2.      Which browser are you using?
    3.      Were there any recent changes made on the computer prior to the issue?

  • My flash player does not work on my tablet.

    My flash player does not work on my tablet

    Your tablet uses Android OS.
    There is no more Flash Player for Android and there won't be another. Android is no longer compatible with Flash Player. Playing Flash content is very processor consumptive and it drains your battery, also shortening the life of it. Android (Google) recommends using either "Dolphin" or "Puffin" as your browser if you need to view Flash content with a mobile device running Android. They're both free in the GooglePlay store. These browsers use "server side" rendering to reduce the load on your device.

  • Mid '09 MBP bootup issue - flashing folder; possibly a fried drive?

    Hi All,
    This is my first post here. Today my 14 month old MBP 15-incher froze in the middle of some casual browsing/iTunes listening and decided to not respond to any mouse or keyboard input. I gave it some time to figure itself out and then after about 5 minutes of nothing, decided to force a shutdown by cutting power (10 second power button hold). Then upon my next boot the computer gives the chime, shows the grey screen (no  logo), does nothing for ca. a minute and a half and then presents me with the glorious flashing questionmark-folder-whatever logo. Just great.
    I reset the PRAM (option + command + p + r), tried Safe Booting (shift + boot), tried forcing the laptop to boot into the default os x drive/partition (x + boot), tried booting with GUI boot location selector (option + boot) and, when all mentioned practices failed, inserted a retail copy of snow leopard and booted the machine to the ODD.
    Disk Utility confirmed my fears: the main HD has no partitions and the "First Aid" tab can't verify or repair the disk.
    Help me out here, guys. Is my drive dead (and all my data gone)? Is this a "directory collapse"-style issue? I had one of those babies a month ago on an '07 white MacBook... a new HDD and two hours of data restoration work for $150 at a local Mac-centric repair shop fixed that issue. But this seems a little more serious.
    I was two days away from activating a central Time Machine backup to the home-network-attached 2TB HDD, for both Mac laptops in the household. I was also two days away from getting a family package (yes, I wanted double backup). Why 2 days from now? Because my Carbon Copy Cloned backup HD (a WD elements 1TB) died a week ago. As in, "started-puffing-out-smoke" died.
    Perfect timing.
    Ideas? Please?
    <Edited by Host>

    I also suspect your internal HD has crashed. You can run Apple Hardware Test and then Google any error codes however I believe it's probably gone.
    Without any backup yes your data is probably gone, there are data recovery services however they are extremely expensive.
    If you purchased AppleCare you can take it an AASP for repair however they probably cannot do a thing about your data. If you are not covered by AppleCare of course the expense will be your however look at this as an opportunity to upgrade the internal HD to something with more storage or is faster.
    Once you have the new HD installed you will need the original Snow Leopard Install Disks (or possibly your retail copy of SL) to format the new HD and re-install SL and the iLife applications.
    Good luck,

  • When I login to yahoo mail it flashes and will not completely connect?

    I may have somehow disabled my ability to connect to mail in my tools area. I can get to my yahoo, but when I sign in to look at mail it is blank and flashes the connect and looks like its trying to load every piece of info on the tab area?

    You may have zoomed the page(s) by accident.<br>Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems.
    *<b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl/Command+0 (zero))

  • My MacBook was acting weird so I restarted it and when I login a white screen flashes and goes back to the login page. Help?

    My MacBook was acting weird like sometimes I would log on and I wouldn't be able to type my password for a couple seconds,but it usually logged in after that. Then I left my computer open after installing the recent update after that all my applications were not responding. So I shut it down, when I turned it back on about an hour later it went to this loading screen and then to the login like usual. After I tried logging in a white screen flashed and it went back to the login/ password screen like nothing happened. Any ideas on what happened and what I can do to fix it?

    Reinstall OS X;
    Reinstalling Lion/Mountain Lion Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • I have got problem with flash in my New Iphone5..

    I have got flash problem in my new iphone5...any solution plz let me know..

    It is because you are taking pictures in the dark.
    Stop doing that.
    The flash will help some with shadows on a close up pic.
    It is not intended for taking pics in the dark.

  • Problem with Preloader in my Flash AS2 Game

    I have been using this tutorial to make a preloader:
    I have run into one problem though.
    When I simulate the download, it just shows the background color of the game while it loads, and when it finished loading, it shows the loading screen fully loaded. I have followed the tutorial exactly, except added my file names into the AS2 code.
    Here is the ActionScript in Frame 1 I have for the preloader:
    if (_root.getBytesTotal() != _root.getBytesLoaded()){
    Any hints or answers to what i'm doing wrong?
    Thanks, MrA615.

    Your description of what you've done and the code you show does not match what the tutorial says to do and what code to use... (there is no stopAndGoTo() function in Flash).
    Right-click the second frame on the upper layer labeled Actions and select Actions. Copy and paste the code below to make our preloader functional.
    if (_root.getBytesTotal() != _root.getBytesLoaded()){

  • Problem with flash in events packaged application

    I´v installed the Events packaged application.
    On page 24 you can show some flash-reports. But I get an error: xml loading failed (flow_flash_chart_Rxxxxx).
    What can be the reason? serverside or desktopside?
    Any reaction will be appreciated.

    Try the following
    close all browser windows and open Windows Explorer
    in the address bar type %appdata%\Adobe
    delete the 'Flash Player' folder in there
    in the address bar type %appdata%\Macromedia
    delete the 'Flash Player' folder in there
    Now try again to change any Flash Player settings.

  • Cannot open videos in Facebook etc says need latest version of Flash when my computer says I have installed but it doesn't show up on Add/Delete programs

    I am not technically sophisticated and have been reading other post about people having problems with what appears to some problem with Flash Player.  I have checked my computer and it tells me that I have version 10,0,32,18.  In tools it shows in "Manage Ad Ons"  that I have "Shockwave Flash Object" version the catgory "all ad ons" but not in the catgory "currently installed ad ons."  I have no tired to unistalled anything since I don't show any flash player installed.  Yet when I go to a video it says I need the current edition of Flash Player which when I try to install freezes up.  I have IE8 with all Windows updates.
    Ineed simple help.  Not tech jargon, please
    Message was edited by: BlairMac

    I replied to you on the "Is it this simple?" thread.

  • My animated gif keeps pausing in captivate and flash

    Hi guys, thanks for your help.
    I made an animated gif in Photoshop CS4 and inserted it as an animation into captivate 6. The animation works (I played it several times by opening it with internet explorer and safari). But when I open it in Captivate the animation goes black for a split second-several times, before it reappears-several times. It gives it almost a "reloading" or pause look when I play it. The same in flash, but in Adobe Flash CS4 Professional the timeline shows black dots once in a while, as you can see in the screen shot below.
    See those black dots? I will insert a picture of what happens, when the player lands on one of those black dots:
    It's the same animation, but only shows a little. Like I said, it plays fine when I open it with an internet browser, it plays fine when I play it in photoshop, but it just won't work with flash or captivate.
    Any thoughts? Thanks so much!! I really appreciate your help guys!

    No problem. Building a simple animation in Flash isn't that bad. You could save each "frame" as an image from PhotoShop and then import these into Flash and place one frame at the time on a keyframe in the flash timeline (press F6 to insert a keyframe).
    If you want your animation to loop then you don't have to do anything as this is the default behavior. If you want it to stop at the last frame you insert a command in ActionScript to stop it. Select the last keyframe and hit F9 and type stop() in the ActionScript window.
    Good luck! - Adobe Captivate Widgets, Tutorials, Tips and Tricks and much more..

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