not found

Hi All,
I installed Oracle 10g R2 (64 bit) on Linux Itanium platform on partition 1. It went okay and I was able to create tablespace and objects with no problem.
I installed Oracle Instant Client 64-bit on partition 2 along with the sqlplus 64-bit and I was able to connect to database server in partition 1 using the sqlplus in partition 2. In fact I used the sqlplus in partition 2 for creating tablespaces and schema objects.
I install the Oracle Instant Client under the /opt/ora directory and linked (symbolic) the into /lib/
The problem now is am getting error message when I ran an application. The error message am getting is:
<progname>: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Also when I do 'which' it shows '/opt/ora/' even when I defined LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH environment variables starting with '/lib' directory.
Anyone having the same problem on Oracle Instantclient on 64-bit?
Thanks in advance for those who will reply.

I suppose your Linux system hasn't updated its internal library cache. To do this you must add, as root user, the complete path to '' in the file '/etc/' and the do the refresh with 'ldconfig'.
This will update your paths to libraries and your application must run or almost not will fail by this library.

Similar Messages

  • OPMN Process Manager failed to start - not found

    Hi all,
    I am completely new to Oracle in its entirety. I am trying to install Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Console on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.1 through the OUI using the new database install. When I get to setting up the Oracle Application Server, it tells me the OPMN Process Manager failed to start, tells me to check the logs in /oms10g/opmn/logs, and to start OPMN manually before hitting retry.
    The log files in that directory do not seem to contain any errors.
    When I run ./opmnctl stopall, ./opmnctl startall, ./opmnctl status, I get no obvious errors, and then the following:
    DSA ~ DSA ~ Down
    HTTP_Server ~ HTTPServer ~ Alive
    LogLoader ~ logloaderd ~ Down
    dcm-daemon ~ dcm-daemon ~ Down
    OC4J ~ home ~ Alive
    WebCache ~ WebCache ~ Alive
    WebCache ~ WebCacheAdmin ~ Alive
    When I do ./opmn start I get the following:
    ./opmn: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    When I do a ldd ./opmn I get the following errors: => not found => not found
    I am assuming my problem is that these two libraries are not linked in. I have looked through the forums, and found closely related threads, but none that seemed to help, most notably changing my PATH. If anyone has any suggestions, I would welcome them. Thanks for your help.

    Hi All,
    We all agree that best practice involves a test installation. My original post was about a problem I was having with the creation of my test bed. I did create my own manual, which I am sure is not the best manual ever created, but does work to get the software installed. If it is proven out, I will post it to try and return something to the community.
    In order to do this, I needed to read thousands of pages of documentation so far, which does not even scratch the surface of the total amount on OTN. I am still revising my instructions as I find that the documentation commonly assumes the reader has been installing Oracle for some time and is fully aware of all the appropriate acronyms and the entire logical and physical structure of the database. In order to just read many of the documents, I had to draw out a map of Oracle on a whiteboard as I went. As a systems administrator, should I have to search through all those papers, manuals, the web, etc. and try to gain an advanced DBA understanding to get a working default installation? Perhaps it seems like I am just a new user who is whining, but how many programs can you think of where this type of effort is required?
    In looking at the relationship between the DBA and the Systems Administrator, where should we draw a line between their tasks?
    Should the DBA have to learn how to assess appropriate server hardware, and then install and administrate every flavor of Windows, UNIX, Linux, etc. in any given environment? Should a DBA be required to build a Linux kernel, configure Active Directory, or install Solaris before installing Oracle?
    Should the Systems Administrator have to learn the nuances of installing and optimizing Oracle databases in order to just put the base software on the system and configure the kernel so it is ready for a DBA?
    More interesting, as stated above, I could hand you the Gentoo Handbook, and without knowing a single thing about Gentoo Linux, you would have a default installation of the Gentoo OS. You could also grab step-by-step instructions for a default installation of MySQL on Gentoo, or a myriad of other programs, for that matter. This would hardly replace the Gentoo systems administrator or MySQL DBA, but it does serve a very valid purpose of enabling the systems administrator and DBA. Shouldn’t Oracle have something similar?
    I would think the Systems Administrator knowledgeable in the OS and Kernel should be able to perform the first half of the installation task where they are more likely to be an expert, and then allow the DBA to create and optimize the databases they install, which they in turn can spend years learning how to do. Time that the DBA spends learning the OS or time the Systems Administrator spends learning Oracle is valuable in the long run, but it is also extra time to get the initial database up and running. One of the largest reasons IT personnel exist at all is to keep users from having to spend too much time learning about their computers to get their work done. Shouldn’t this also translate between IT groups?
    Databases are one of the few software installations that systems administrators commonly don't have to maintain on corporate servers. The best comparison I know of is web services. In this manner web servers are very similar, and are commonly installed by a team as well. I am perfectly capable of creating a default install of Apache, Tomcat, or IIS from step-by-step instructions provided by Apache or Microsoft without much more tailored information than the IP address and system name we are going to use to fill in the blanks during the installation.
    While I have performed the role of sole IT staff at a small software engineering company, and have therefore been the SysNetWebSecDB admin hydra in the past, in larger companies there seems to be no problem with having the system administrator create a default installation of Apache or IIS, having the network team configure the switches and DMZ, and having the web team customize the server and design the site without each of them having to know everything.
    So the above is a good idea and I would encourage
    them to do it because after that, it makes them
    stonger than when they use an already completed one
    to install.Sometimes there is time to sit down and read all the instructions and become a more robust IT professional. Sometimes there is only time to read the Getting Started section and you have to read the full instructions and optimize later if there is time. Sometimes you have outside influences that mean it has to get done in less time than it should, whether or not the justification for rushing is reasonable.
    Should I plan to read every knowledge base article ever published by Microsoft in order to create a test bed installation of Windows 2008? Honestly, I’d still be reading the NT4 docs.
    Not only does not every business have a DBA, or the money to hire one, sometimes the business does not want to do so, or sometimes the security is such that the DBA is not part of the unit allowed to utilize administrative access on the servers. That doesn’t mean they don’t need a database tomorrow.
    As an IT professional, I will never be able to come close to encompassing the amount of knowledge I actually could use to do my job. I try to specialize in a few areas so that I have the ability to keep up with the exponential rate of IT expansion, but I basically consider a vast part of my job being constantly thrown into the deep end, and, fair or not, getting things done anyway. Hopefully that makes me good at my job. The question is how much time and effort I should need to apply before I can get to a reasonable starting point where everyone else can do their work too.
    is normally no single document to achieve or complete
    and installation unless the bespoke type. Apart from
    the Install Guide, there could be Readme, Release
    notes, Adendum etc. While I noted in a previous post that I shouldn't be too hard on Oracle in trying to document such a massive effort, that doesn’t mean that their documentation doesn’t need work. Why is the documentation for a single product spread out over tens of thousands of pages? It should be obvious that this has resulted in redundant and often conflicting documents, including the dozen readme documents in the installation files, the readme documents in the installed files, the install guide, the readme and addendum for each of those, the release notes for each of those, and a new set for each patch.
    Obviously, for any installation, I need to complete a document for my own environment that contains the proper network configuration for our own LAN, or the proper partitioning. I do this for any program. Oracle needs me to change the name of the OS install to get their installer not to error out on their own OS. If OFA is so desirable, why not make the default install explain and follow OFA? Basic issues like this are highly avoidable, and shouldn’t be seen by the end user, even if in this case the end user is a highly technical audience capable of adjusting.
    It will hard to get a single document because they
    will be platform dependent and what someone did in
    their install, may not always work everywhere.Again, please note that Oracle has "released" an OS that they intend for people to use on their Oracle validated hardware as a premier platform for their Oracle database. It isn't a stretch to feel that Oracle should then be able to provide valid, step-by-step instructions for a default installation of their own software, on validated hardware, on their own OS. I’m not expecting an optimized and populated database, but if the hardware, OS, and software are all under Oracle’s control, there aren’t really any variables other than machine name and IP address for a default install.
    Hopefully my current knowledge will work for the time being, and I will be able to optimize appropriately in the future as I can.

  •, needed by, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath)

    Hi guys,
    I am build an Oracle 9i OCI application on Linux/Solaris/HPUX, it uses minimum OCI calls, so I just use -lclntsh for oracle libs in linker option.
    All things are fine on Solaris&HPUX, but on linux, the linker reports below error:
    /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by ./, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
    ./ undefined reference to `wtcstu'
    ./ undefined reference to `wtclkm'
    ./ undefined reference to `wtcsrin'
    ./ undefined reference to `wtcMerr'
    ./ undefined reference to `wtcsrin0'
    ./ undefined reference to `wtcsrfre'
    ./ undefined reference to `wtcLerr'
    I find 275934.1 on metalink, the similar error. but it says it is due to the wrong versions of the ld and gcc commands.
    I tried new complier(gcc version 3.4.3)&linker(GNU ld version 2.15), that does not help.
    If I add -lwtc9 in linker option, everything is fine. but that's strange, why it is not required on Solaris/HPUX?
    Thanks in advance!

    This is due to the library maintanance pattern is different OS.
    In solaris and HP the linked with one of the FLAGS specified by default.
    However the Linux may be a detached one.

  • Item cost not found for one or more items - Inventory Posting

    Good Day Mentors,
    My user has encountered an error during Inventory Posting and its "Item cost not found for one or more items".
    The specific Message ID from SAP's System Message Log is 10001287.
    I found a similar post which addresses this error here.
    But unfortunately it did not help me solve my user's problem.
    I already checked if the items had a defined "Item Cost" in the Item Master Data Inventory Tab, and they all have "Item Cost" defined.
    I'm not sure if this will help, but below is the Inventory Audit Report of one of the items that is throwing the "Item cost not found" error.
    I am not a business consultant neither am I literate in accounting, so thanks for the patience.
    SAP Version: 9.0 PL5
    Valuation Method: Moving Average
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Augusto and Raviraj,
    I've already verified in our production database the points you made:
    - Is the "Manage Item cost per warehouse" selected in the Basic Initialization Screen?
    - Is the "Manage Inventory by Warehouse" ticked/checked in the "Inventory Data" tab of the "Item Master Data" screen?
    * I apologize for not have been able to give this information upfront.
    Anyway, the database only has one warehouse at the moment.
    I've checked the items, like the item in the screen shot above, and it does have an item cost.
    Below is the screenshot of the sample item from my original post,
    Thanks in advance!

  • Itunes wont open at all, error message : quicktime was not found .... please reinstall ... i did that but no luck this only seems to have happened since the 10.4 update, im on windows 7 ..

    itunes wont open at all, error message : quicktime was not found .... please reinstall ... i did that but no luck this only seems to have happened since the 10.4 update, im on windows 7 ..

    Can you start QuickTime on your computer?
    You'll probably have to search for the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility and use it to remove QuickTime Player and iTunes. Then download and install the iTunes again.

  • I was updating Firefox from version 6 to version 7, after updating I tried to open Firefox and the message I got is this: This application has failed to start because xul.dll was not found. How can I fix this?

    I was updating Firefox to the newest version 7.0.1 from version 6.0.2 I think it was, I clicked the restart Firefox button that always comes up after updating. It started updating and then Firefox never restarted like it was supposed to after it was done updating. I then tried to open Firefox and it told me "This application has failed to start because xul.dll was not found." I did have Firefox crash on maybe about 30 minutes or so earlier which bothered me because I have been using Firefox for years and never had it crash on me before but I didn't think much of it at the time it happened because I was able to go back onto Firefox and finish what I had been working on. A while later I checked for updates and updated. The first time I tried to update it didn't work though so I had to shutdown Firefox and reopen Firefox and start the update a second time. It was after the second time that when I tried to open Firefox I got that message about failing to start because xul.dll can't be found. I filed a crash report when my Firefox crashed. This would have been around 1am-2am in the morning that Firefox first crashed and then wouldn't allow me to open it after updating. I have a DELL laptop running the Windows XP operating system but the laptop is probably at least 6 or 7 years old. The laptop will no longer charge so I always have to have it plugged into an outlet. Both my laptop hard drive and my external hard drive give me messages that I am running out of disk space on my hard drive. I bought this laptop 6 or 7 years ago second hand so it could be even older. In short it's a piece of crap and it gives me all kinds of issues but I currently can't afford a new one, but I have never had any problems with Firefox and I use Firefox more than any other aspect of my laptop so it's really really bothering me. May you please help me fix it?

    Unfortunately I tried that and it didn't work. Thanks for the help though. I tried to uninstall and it said I couldn't because the file is corrupt or something, but I think I finally got it uninstalled and/or deleted or whatever, but now I try to reinstall/download it again from the beginning and I can't. No matter what I do I can not get Firefox working again. No matter how many times I try to redownload it. Any other suggestions?

  • JBO:33001 bc4j.xcfg file not found in class path

    I am yet another victim of the age-old error JBO:33001 bc4j.xcfg file not found in class path, When i have my BC4JApp.jar in Tomcat Web-inf/lib directory. All the other jar files and class files in my webserver-application web-inf classes and lib directory works.
    But Tomcat server is not able to read this bc4j.xcfg file. I can see in my jar file that this bc4j.xcfg exists and in the specified package directory. still the problem persists. My BC4JApp.jar is perfectly working when i use JDeveloper. but not when i use tomcat4.0 and call a JSP using BC4JApp.jar from browser (My environment is Jdeveloper3.2, Tomcat4.0+IIS in middle tier and oracle 8i as DB, everything on windows2k)
    I have gone through almost all the threads possible that relates to this error in this form. None of them have a answer except to say "put the file in classpath". and last reply is "will fix in jDeveloper 9i. So what happens to us who are working in Jdeveloper 3.2?
    1. I have this file in my jar file.
    2. I also tried creating a seperate directory manually, with the same name as my package under web-inf/classes, web-inf/lib , just under web-inf directory and atlast under approot directory also. I tried having my package directory containing bc4j.xcfg in these folders one at a time and also tried having this directory in all these folders at the same time.
    Still no solution.
    Itz frustrating that neither proper documentation nor a right url page nor i am aware of available addressing this. page links given in above threads only gives me the wonderful page of ie's "Page cannot be displayed".
    Is there a answer to this error and my problem. If this doesn't work, then i have to all the way develop from scratch creating my jsp using JDBC calls and Stored packages etc.
    I don't want to give up on this Jdeveloper at this final moment because if this bc4j.xcfg file is found, my application will work perfectly. on these final moments, if this doesn't work, i am frightened to imagine to develop my application in standard way. Atlast, if thatz the option left,we have to do that bcos our production date is close by.
    Please can some one in this forum or Jdeveloper help me to solve this problem. I am desperate and very urgent.
    Waiting for a reply from Jdev team very much...
    ( I just posted in the other thread which is pretty old, dated backto May 2001, which was relevant to this error. Just to make sure it is noticed, I am posting it seperately too)

    Hi All,
    For those who are following this thread, I got a solution for this error with the help of Jdev Team.
    This solution may work, if you have deployed your application in Tomcat4.0.1. This is the environment in which I work and tested.
    As you may be aware, Tomcat ignores value in CLASSPATH variable.
    To see any files that are existing or newly deployed, it has it own way of detecting it.
    Addition information on Tomcat working, you can follow this link,
    Coming to point, Tomcat has got five classloaders and each classloader invoked, looks in their related directories for files in following order.
    1. /WEB-INF/classes of your web-application
    2. /WEB-INF/lib/*.jar of your web application
    3. BootStrap classes of your JVM (Tomcat's $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext)
    4. System class loader classes($CATALINA_HOME/bin/bootstrap.jar,CATALINA_HOME/lib/tools.jar)
    5. $CATALINA_HOME/common/classes
    6. $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar
    7. $CATALINA_HOME//classes
    8. $CATALINA_HOME/lib/*.jar
    So All your individual application related files should be deployed in your application's WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib directory accordingly.
    If your application files are unpacked, they should be deployed or copied under WEB-INF/classes directory
    if the files are within a jar, they should be under WEB-INF/lib directory.
    If your Jar-files contains bc4j components, then those jar files should be deployed under WEB-INF/lib directory. Also,do the next step to copy all relavant BC4J runtime libraries under lib directory.
    IMPORTANT: Please remember to copy and paste all the required BC4j runtime libraries in the Same WEB-INF/lib directory along with your application jar files. This is the real reason which can solve this JBO:33001 to disappear. It worked for me.
    To configure your directory for tag-lib uri's, use web.xml to set the taglib-uri attribute.
    Put your web.xml and DataTags.tld in the WEB-INF directory.
    Your simple web.xml may look like as follows.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
    You may then modify this web.xml to suit further requirements of your application.
    Remember to stop and restart the Tomcat Server (service) by using shutdown and startup scripts after updating any jar files/class files/ JSP or source files deployed in Tomcat.
    Sometimes, only this helps even though your context's reloadable attribute is set to true in Tomcat Server's server.xml file.
    Hope this above information helps you to solve this error in Tomcat environment. My Sincere thanks once again to Juan and Jdev team for their help and efforts to solve this problem.

  • File not found error

    I get the following error, but don't know why it can't find the file. Is there anything in this script that would call "\" instead of "/"? Is there any line of code that will switch a wayward "\" back?
    01-09-24 09:37:02 - path="" :jsp: init
    2001-09-24 09:43:42 - path="" :LoginServlet: init
    2001-09-24 09:44:15 - path="" :CourseServlet: init
    2001-09-24 09:46:48 - path="" :LessonServlet: init
    2001-09-24 09:46:54 - path="" :Error: /usr/local/apache/sites/\Food Service/Intro/AU00.html (No such file or directory)
    The script is below. Thanks for any help anyone can provide me.
    import cmi.xml.AU;
    import cmi.xml.Block;
    import cmi.xml.CourseReader;
    import cmi.xml.CSFElement;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import org.jdom.JDOMException;
    public class LessonServlet extends HttpServlet
    public void init (ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
    super.init (config);
    try {
                   Class.forName (GlobalData.DatabaseDriverName);
                   _jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection (GlobalData.DatabaseName, "tesco", "scorm");
    _jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit (true);
    //should I do this?
    //_jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit (false);
    //load serialized course data
              catch (Exception xcp) {
                   getServletContext().log("Error: " + xcp.getMessage());     
    public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request,
                             HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException, IOException
    boolean normalMode = true;
    try {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession (true);
    //can I load the session given the id??
    //System.out.println ("Lesson.valid session " + session.getId() + ": " + request.isRequestedSessionIdValid());
    response.setContentType ("text/html");
    JDBCHelper dbHelper = new JDBCHelper (_jdbcConnection);
    //get student ID
    Integer studentID = (Integer) session.getAttribute ("studentID");
    //get course ID
    Integer courseID = (Integer) session.getAttribute ("courseID");
    //get lesson ID
    String lessonID = request.getParameter ("lessonID");
    if (lessonID == null) {
    lessonID = (String) session.getAttribute ("lessonID");
    if (studentID == null || courseID == null || lessonID == null) {
    //reset session data by re-logging the user
    sendProfileError (response.getOutputStream());
    //store lesson ID in session
    session.setAttribute ("lessonID", lessonID);
    String auID = request.getParameter ("auID");
    String mode = request.getParameter ("mode");
    if (mode != null) {
    session.setAttribute ("mode", mode);
    else {
    mode = (String) session.getAttribute ("mode");
    if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase ("review")) {
    normalMode = false;
    else {
    normalMode = true;
    //synchronize access to course hash table
    synchronized (_courseHash)
    //make sure _courseHash is in tact
    if (_courseHash == null) {
    //try reloading it....
    if (_courseHash == null) {
    throw new IOException ("Corrupt course data");
    if (! _courseHash.containsKey (courseID.toString())) {
    //try reloading it....
    if (! _courseHash.containsKey (courseID.toString())) {
    throw new IOException ("Corrupt course data (course not found)");
    if (auID == null) {
    //show course menu
    Hashtable hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (courseID.toString());
    sendAvailableAUs (hash, studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, response.getOutputStream(), response, dbHelper);
    //if AU has not been attempted, initialize it
    Integer auDataID = new Integer (getAUDataID (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper));
    //if (getAUDataID (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper) == -1) {
    if (auDataID.intValue() == -1) {
    int newID = initializeAUData (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper);
    dbHelper.addAUToPath (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID);
    auDataID = new Integer (newID);
    session.setAttribute ("AUID", auID);
    session.setAttribute ("AUDataID", auDataID);
    sendAU (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, auDataID.intValue(), normalMode, response.getOutputStream(), dbHelper);
    //to do: detailed messages should be sent to the client depending on which
    // exception was thrown. Don't have one try/catch....have one for each situation
    catch (Exception e) {
                   getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    public void destroy()
              try {
                   if (_jdbcConnection != null) {
              catch (Exception ignored) {}
    private int initializeAUData (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
    String sqlQuery = null;
    ResultSet results = null;
    try {
    //get student's name
    sqlQuery = "SELECT Full_Name" +
    " FROM " + GlobalData.StudentTable +
    " WHERE Student_ID = " + studentID;
    results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
    if (! {
    return -1;
    String studentName = results.getString (1);
    //the lock prevents CMIServlet from reading AU_ID before it's committed
    //sqlQuery = "LOCK TABLES " + GlobalData.AUDataTable + " WRITE;";
    //System.out.println (sqlQuery);
    //dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);
    sqlQuery = "Insert Into " + GlobalData.AUDataTable +
    "(Course_ID, Lesson_ID, AU_ID, student_id, student_name, lesson_location, credit," +
    " lesson_status, entry, exit, score_raw, score_max, score_min, total_time," +
    " session_time, lesson_mode, suspend_data, launch_data, Evaluation_ID, Objective_ID)" +
    " Values (" + courseID + ", '" + lessonID + "', '" + auID + "', " + studentID + ", '" + studentName + "'," +
    " 'NA', 'credit'," + " 'not attempted', 'ab-initio', " + "'NA', " + 0 + ", " + 0 + ", " + 0 +
    ", '00:00:00.0', '00:00:00.0', " + " 'normal'" + ", 'NA', " + "'NA', " + 0 + ", " + 0 + ");";
    dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);
    return getAUDataID (studentID, courseID, lessonID,auID, dbHelper);
    //sqlQuery = "UNLOCK TABLES;";
    //System.out.println (sqlQuery);
    //dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);
    catch (Exception e) {
                   getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    return -1;
    private int getAUDataID (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
    throws SQLException
    String sqlQuery = "SELECT AUData_ID, lesson_status, lesson_mode, exit" +
                                  " FROM " + GlobalData.AUDataTable +
                                  " WHERE student_id = " + studentID +
                                  " AND Course_ID = " + courseID +
    " AND Lesson_ID = " + "'" + lessonID + "'" +
    " AND AU_ID = '" + auID + "';";
    ResultSet results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
    if ( {
    return results.getInt ("AUData_ID");
    return -1;
    private void sendAU (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, int auDataID, boolean normalMode, ServletOutputStream htmlOut, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    Hashtable hash = null;
    synchronized (_courseHash)
    hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (String.valueOf (courseID));       
    if (hash == null) {
    hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (String.valueOf (courseID));
    if (hash == null) {
    throw new IOException ("Corrupt course data (course not found)");
    AU au = (AU) hash.get (auID);
    try {
    if (! normalMode) {
    dbHelper.setReviewMode (auDataID);
    String courseFileName = getFileName (String.valueOf (courseID), dbHelper);
    File file = new File (courseFileName);
    //create absolute path to file so we can resolve relative URLs
    String newFileName = file.getParent() + "\\" + au.getLaunchParams();
                   BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (newFileName));
    PrintWriter htmlWriter = new PrintWriter (htmlOut);
                   String temp;
    htmlWriter.write (getAUHtml (au.getLaunchParams()));
    catch (Exception e) {
                   getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    private String getAUHtml (String path){
    path = path.replace ('\\','/');
    String response;
    response = "<html>\n" +
                        "<head>\n" +
    "</head>\n" +
    "<body>\n" +
    "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n" +
    "document.location = \"/cmi/courses/" + path + "\"\n" +
    //"win = ('','displayWindow','menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,width=300,height=300');\n" +
    //"window.onload = \"win.close();\"" +
    "</script>\n" +
    "</body>\n" +
    return response;
    private void sendAvailableAUs (Hashtable hash, int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, ServletOutputStream out, HttpServletResponse response, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (200);
    Block block = (Block) hash.get (lessonID);
    AU au = null;
    try {
    Vector completedAUs = dbHelper.getCompletedAUs (studentID, courseID, lessonID);
    buf.append ("<html>\n" +
                        "<head>\n" +
    "<title>" + block.getTitle() + " units</title>\n" +
    "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n" +
    "function go() {\n" +
    " var form = document.goForm;\n" +
    " var index = form.gotoSelect.selectedIndex;\n" +
    " if (index == 0) {\n" +
    " document.location = \"/servlet/CourseServlet?courseID=" + courseID + "\";\n" +
    " }\n" +
    " else if (index == 1) {\n" +
    " top.restart();\n" +
    " }\n" +
    "}\n" +
    "</script>\n" +
    "</head>\n" +
    "<body background=\"/cmi/images/marble.jpg\">\n" +
    "<center><h1><b><u>" + block.getTitle() + "</u></b></h1></center>\n" +
    "<p></p>\n<p></p>\n" +
    "<b>" + block.getTitle() + " contains the following units: </b>\n" +
    Enumeration enum = block.getChildren();
    while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
    String temp = (String) enum.nextElement();
    CSFElement element = (CSFElement) hash.get (temp);
    if (element.getType().equals ("au")) {
    au = (AU) element;
    if (completedAUs.contains (au.getID())) {
    buf.append ("<dt><p><img src=\"/cmi/images/node2.gif\"><a href=\"/servlet/LessonServlet?lessonID=" + block.getID() + "&auID=" + au.getID() + "&mode=review\">" + au.getTitle() + " (<i>review</i>) </a></p></dt>\n");
    else {
    buf.append ("<dt><p><img src=\"/cmi/images/node.gif\"><a href=\"" + response.encodeURL ("/servlet/LessonServlet?lessonID=" + block.getID() + "&auID=" + au.getID() + "&mode=normal") + "\">" + au.getTitle() + "</a></p></dt>\n");
    else if (element.getType().equals ("block")) {
    buf.append ("<dt><p><img src=\"/cmi/images/folder.gif\"><a href=\"" + response.encodeURL ("/servlet/LessonServlet?lessonID=" + element.getID() + "&mode=normal") + "\">" + element.getTitle() + "</a></p></dt>\n");
    buf.append ("</dl>\n" +
    "<br><br>\n" +
    "<form name=\"goForm\">\n" +
    "<select name=\"gotoSelect\">\n" +
    " <option value=\"lesson\">Lesson Menu</option>\n" +
    " <option value=\"exit\">Exit LMS</option>\n" +
    "</select>\n" +
    "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Go\" onClick=\"go()\">\n" +
    "</form>\n" +
    "</body>\n" +
    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter (out);
    writer.write (buf.toString());
    catch (Exception e) {
                   getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    private String getFileName (String courseID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
    throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException
              ResultSet results = null;
              String fileName = null;
    String sqlQuery = "SELECT CourseFile" +
                                  " FROM Course" +
                                  " WHERE Course_ID = " + Integer.parseInt (courseID) + ";";
    results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
              if ( {
                   fileName = results.getString (1);
              else {
    //need to do more than this :)
    return fileName;
    private void loadCourseData()
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    //load serialized course data
    File file = new File (GlobalData.DataFileName);
    if (! file.exists()) {
    throw new FileNotFoundException (GlobalData.DataFileName + " not found.");
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (GlobalData.DataFileName);
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream (fis);
    _courseHash = (Hashtable) ois.readObject();
    private void sendProfileError (ServletOutputStream out)
    String html = "<html>\n" +
    "<body>\n" +
    "<p>An error has occurred with your profile. Please " +
    "<a href=\"\" onClick=\"top.restart(); return true\">login again</a>" +
    "</body>\n" +
    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter (out);
    writer.write (html);
    private Connection _jdbcConnection;
    private Hashtable _courseHash;

    I know that is where my error is, but why and where is
    the script calling it up way?You wrote it right? check out the sendAU() method, there is line
    String newFileName = file.getParent() + "\\" + au.getLaunchParams();

  • Error: "file not found" when try to display image on report

    Dear All
    I have a problem when running my report.
    My Table emp_info Stores all data about employees in addition to the employee image path.
    I made a report that display employee information including its photo.
    I run my report passing the parameter p_emp_id to display the desired emploree information.
    I made a field on the report to display the employee image
    and i set its property READ FROM FILE = YES and FILE FORMAT=IMAGE
    But the following error occurs
    "File '\\iai3\iaigc\ALL\emp_images\51.JPG' not found. "
    I'm sure that the path is correct
    But i do not know why the report stops and can not read the image path.
    My platform is:
    Oracle application server installed on linux
    and oracle report builder installed on widows for development

    Dear aweiden
    thanks for replaying
    I belive you are right . I think the problem is in the path.
    But there is something that i did not mentioned to you. I work on two different servers.
    1- "iai2" : Linux server which contains oracle application server.
    2- "iai3" Windows 2003 server which contained oracle database 10g and the folder "aigc\ALL\emp_images" which contains Employees images
    I think that the problem is that Linux server can not understand the path "\\iai3\iaigc\ALL\emp_images\51.JPG".
    Do you have any idea how the path should be changed so that Linux can recognizes it.
    Thanks in advance

  • Crystal report problem in add-on(CrystalDecessions.Crystal Engine not found

    HI All,
    i am having a problem with crystal report not opening.
    what is the solution to run the add-on it i ssaying that Crytsal Engine 10.5.3700.0 is not found in assenmly or specified path.
    how can i resolve this error. do i need to add some file while creating the add-on.If so what i have to add.
    Please help me.
    Thanks & Regards

    Check this thead
    Problem with Crystal reports deisgner

  • Command not found error while executing a shell script

    I am a newbie to linux.I am attaching the code which gives me following errors..
    error list:
    1. no such file or directory enviornemnt
    2. command not found
    3. ambiguous redirectline
    cd $HOME/wkdir
    rm /tmp/*.log
    # source environment
    . ./env
    # Run the install script to setup the database
    # Configure SH account
    sqlplus "/ as sysdba" <<! > /tmp/perflab_install.log 2>&1
    grant connect, resource, dba to SH;
    alter user sh account unlock;
    # create the fetch_n_rows procedure
    sqlplus "$PERFLAB_USER" <<! >> /tmp/perflab_install.log 2>&1
    drop index sales_time_bix;
    drop index sales_time_idx;
    create index sales_time_idx on sales(time_id) compute statistics;
    -- fetch_n_rows: fetches 'n' rows from the specified statement --
    stmt VARCHAR,
    name VARCHAR,
    nexec NUMBER := 1,
    nrows NUMBER := 0,
    debug BOOLEAN := FALSE)
    -- Local variables
    curs INTEGER := null;
    rc INTEGER;
    nexec_it INTEGER := 0;
    nrows_it INTEGER;
    dbms_application_info.set_module('DEMO', name);
    WHILE (nexec_it < nexec)
    rc := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(curs);
    nrows_it := 0;
    IF (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(curs) <= 0 OR (nrows <> 0 AND nrows_it = nrows
    ELSE IF (debug = TRUE)
    END IF;
    END IF;
    nrows_it := nrows_it + 1;
    nexec_it := nexec_it + 1;
    dbms_application_info.set_module(null, null);
    END fetch_n_rows;
    show errors
    # Start the workload
    . ./ > /tmp/setup_perflab.log 2>&1
    # Wait two minutes for workload to get going
    sleep 120
    # Modify snapshot interval
    sqlplus -s /NOLOG <<EOF >> /tmp/setup_perflab.log 2>&1
    connect / as sysdba
    set head on
    set feedback on;
    set pagesize 40
    rem -- event to allow setting very short Flushing interval
    alter session set events '13508 trace name context forever, level 1';
    rem -- change INTERVAL setting to 2 minutes
    rem -- change RETENTION setting to 6 hours (total of 180 snapshots)
    execute dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings(interval => 2,-
    retention => 360);
    Note : is also in the same directory..
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Please put your script between "code" format delimiters.
    You can add the line "set -x" at the beginning of your script to see at which line it fails? I suspect the . ./env line.

  • A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (p

    A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that
    the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)
    The system cannot find the file specified
    Cannot connect to COWBOYS.
    Here are the technical details===================================
    A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider:
    Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
    For help, click:
    Error Number: 2
    Severity: 20
    State: 0
    Program Location:
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Connect(ServerInfo serverInfo, SqlInternalConnectionTds connHandler, Boolean ignoreSniOpenTimeout, Int64 timerExpire, Boolean encrypt, Boolean trustServerCert, Boolean integratedSecurity, Boolean withFailover)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.AttemptOneLogin(ServerInfo serverInfo, String newPassword, SecureString newSecurePassword, Boolean ignoreSniOpenTimeout, TimeoutTimer timeout, Boolean withFailover)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.LoginNoFailover(ServerInfo serverInfo, String newPassword, SecureString newSecurePassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, SqlCredential credential, TimeoutTimer
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(TimeoutTimer timeout, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, SqlCredential credential, String newPassword, SecureString newSecurePassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, SqlCredential credential, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SecureString newSecurePassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance,
    SqlConnectionString userConnectionOptions, SessionData reconnectSessionData)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection, DbConnectionInternal& connection)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.TryOpenConnectionInternal(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.TryOpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpenInner(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpen(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlStudio.Explorer.ObjectExplorerService.ValidateConnection(UIConnectionInfo ci, IServerType server)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConnectionDlg.Connector.ConnectionThreadUser()
    The system cannot find the file specified
    I have tried from so many forms. This is so frustrating. Thank for everyone/anyone who wants to help. So this is what happened: I had to uninstall my previous sqlserver 2012(which worked great) for some reason, and I uninstalled everything from that download.
    Then I installed the trial edition of sql server 2012 (64 Bit) and It wouldn't connect to the database. (Error mentioned above.) My local DB is COWBOYS. (COWBOYS is also my computer name.) After this, I have tried downloading sqlexpress and sqlserver 64bit
    many times and cannot connect to my local DB. 
    How do I connect to my Local DB? 
    Also, I think this might help: (When I run sqlserve.exe, which I was able to find in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\LocalDB\Binn, I get an error: Your SQL server installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with(Error getting
    instance ID from name). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem.
    I would happily re install it, if it wasn't my 20th time.
    I don't have any remote connections, I don't use username/password, only window authentication. I work mostly on visual studio, but without able to store /retrieve data, I don't know how to survive.
    May be the solution is very simple, but I am too frustrated. 
    Some of the things I have tried:
    From a command prompt, enter one of the following commands:
    net start "SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)" OR 
    net start "SQL Server Agent(instancename)"(for instance)
    on my sql configuration, I cannot start anything because there is nothing there to start. I can post more details, if that would help. Also, some more details about the error:
    SQL Server
    An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error:
    40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
    SQL Server did not respond to the client request because the server is probably not started.
    User Action
    Make sure that the server is started.
    An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error:
    40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
    SQL Server did not respond to the client request because the server is probably not started.
    User Action
    Make sure that the server is started.
    Any one that can help me, I will be greatful. Thank you so much. p.s. please ask me anything if you have any questions.

    It sounds like there are a couple things going on here.  First check if you have a successful install of SQL Server, then we'll figure out the connection issues.
    Can you launch SQL Server Configuration Manager and check for SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) if default instance or SQL Server (other name) if you've configured your instance as a named instance.  Once you find this, make sure the service is started. 
    If not started, try to start it and see if it throws an error.  If you get an error, post the error message your hitting.  If the service starts, you can then launch SSMS and try to connect.  If you have a default instance, you can use the machine
    name in the connection dialog.  Ex:  "COWBOYS" where Cowboys is the machine name.  However, if you named the SQL Server instance during install, you'll need to connect using the machine\instance format.  Ex:  COWBOYS\Romo (where Romo
    is the instance name you set during install).
    You can also look at the summary.txt file in the SQL Server setup error logs to see what happened on the most recent install.  Past install history is archived in the log folder if you need to dig those up to help troubleshoot, but the most
    recent one may help get to the bottom of it if there is an issue with setup detecting a prior instance that needs to be repaired.
    Sam Lester (MSFT)
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Please remember to click
    "Mark as Answer" and
    "Vote as Helpful" on posts that help you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Error message when clicking on links from thunderbird: Firefox.exe – Entry Point Not found

    When I click on any link in a Thunderbird email message I get the error message:
    Firefox.exe – Entry Point Not found
    The procedure entry point ?DllBlocklist_Initialize@@YAXXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library T:\PQligP sFuvy (X86)\pJPpSox HneiCFv\GwCMqTQ.Oqt.
    I tried uninstalling Firefox 27 completely and reinstalling it, and the error is still there. When I uninstall V27 and install the older V26 the error disappears. Id there an issue with V27 trying to work with links from Thunderbird?
    I am on a laptop running Windows 8.1 with all current downloads.

    Thanks for the reply - as best as I can tell it seems to be some kind of incompatibility between Thunderbird V24.3.0 and Firefox V27. If I install Firefox V26 then everything works as it should. I haven't tried installing a previous version of Thunderbird to see if that makes a difference.

  • Error message when installing iTunes on Windows 7, "Apple Application Support was not found, Error 2"

    I can successfully download iTunes on my PC, but receive an error message when I try to install the file: "Apple Application Support was not found... Error 2" I've tried deleting the file and reinstalling it to no avail. Any ideas?

    See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

  • 'dimension attribute was not found' error while refresing the cube in Excel

    Dear All,
    Thanks for all your support and help.
    I need an urgent support from you as I am stuck up here from nearly past 2-3 days and not getting a clue on it.
    I have re-named a dimension attribute 'XX' to 'xx' (Caps to small)in my cube and cleared all dependencies (In Attribute relationship tab as well).
    But while refreshing the data in excel client (of course after processing the full cube) I get an error
    'Query (1, 1911) the [Dimension Name].[Hierarchy Name].[Level Name].[XX] dimension attribute was not found' error.
    Here I am trying to re-fresh an existing report without any changes with the new data.
    Does not it re-fresh automatically if we clear the dependencies or there something that I am missing here (Like order of the dependencies).
    Cube processed completely after modifications and able to create new reports without any issues for same data. What else could be the reason?
    Can some one help me here?
    Thanks in Advance and Regards,

    Thnaks alot Vikram,
    In se11  ,when i was trying to activate the  /BIC/FZBKUPC , it is showing the warnings  like
    Key field KEY_ZBKUPCP has num. type INT4: Buffering not possible, Transport restricted.What it means.
    In PErformance Window it is showing like:
    A numeric type was used for a key field. A table of this sort cannot be buffered.When buffering, the table records for numeric values cannot be stored in plain text.
    You can enter "no buffering" as an attribute of the technical settings and then repeat the activation process. The table is not buffered.
    If you want to buffer the table, you must replace the type in the key field by a character type, i.e. that you must modify the table.
    Please adivice with your valueable suggestyions.
    Thanks Vikram.

Maybe you are looking for