Libraries for computing Symbolic derivative

Hi all! I am searching the Web for some utility libraries that allow to calculate the symbolic second derivative of a N variables function given in input in order to find its critical points. May you suggest me something that may help me? Thanks!

You haven't really specified what you want yet. What kind of functions do you want to differentiate?

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    It seems that you would just create your two separate libraries for the two iPods, library A for iPod A and B for B. Then, either don't connect iPod A to the computer when you have library B open or vice versa, but if you do, just select not to sync when the prompt appears.
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    Second for Numpy.  The concern with looping seems unwarranted.  If anything, you will need much less looping.  Case in point, the 1D Haar transform.  The first inner for loop has been replaced with a pair of list slices, [0::2] and [1::2].  (Those give the even and odd elements, respectively.)
    side note:  All the heavy lifting is done with Blas and Lapack, both very fast C math libs.  It should not be that much slower than straight C.  I really need to do some benchmarking.
    def haar1D(vec):
    "[(-0.5 to 0.5)] -> [(-0.5 to 0.5)]"
    w = len(vec)
    while w > 1:
    s = (vec[0:w:2] + vec[1:w:2]) / 2.0
    d = (vec[0:w:2] - vec[1:w:2]) / 2.0
    vec = n.concatenate((s, d, vec[w:]))
    w = w / 2
    return vec
    Compared to the original C code (from
    void haar1d(float *vec, int n)
    int i=0;
    int w=n;
    float *vecp = new float[n];
    vecp[i] = 0;
    vecp[i] = (vec[2*i] + vec[2*i+1])/sqrt(2.0);
    vecp[i+w] = (vec[2*i] - vec[2*i+1])/sqrt(2.0);
    vec[i] = vecp[i];
    delete [] vecp;
    (I am reasonably certain the whole sqrt(2) thing was a bug.  Have not found it in any other literature.)
    Last edited by keenerd (2010-05-02 13:18:09)

  • FTP_CONNECT: User ------- has no access authorization for computer -------.

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    types: begin of t_ftp_data,
             line(132) type c,
           end of t_ftp_data.
    data: lv_ftp_user(64)                value 'branch'.     "change this
    data: lv_ftp_pwd(64)                 value 'careful'. "change this
    data: lv_ftp_host(50)                value ''.     "change this
    data: lv_rfc_dest like rscat-rfcdest value 'SAPFTP'.
    data: lv_hdl    type i.
    data: lv_key    type i               value 26101957.
    data: lv_dstlen type i.
    data: lt_ftp_data type table of t_ftp_data.
    field-symbols: <ls_ftp_data> like line of lt_ftp_data.
    *describe field lv_ftp_pwd length lv_dstlen.
    lv_dstlen = strlen( lv_ftp_pwd ).
      id 'SOURCE'      field lv_ftp_pwd
      id 'KEY'         field lv_key
      id 'SCR'         field 'X'
      id 'DESTINATION' field lv_ftp_pwd
      id 'DSTLEN'      field lv_dstlen.
    call function 'FTP_CONNECT'
        user            = lv_ftp_user
        password        = lv_ftp_pwd
        host            = lv_ftp_host
        rfc_destination = lv_rfc_dest
        handle          = lv_hdl
        not_connected   = 1
        others          = 2.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
      write:/ 'could not connect to', lv_ftp_host.
      write:/ 'connected successfully. session handle is', lv_hdl.
      call function 'FTP_CONNECT'
          handle        = lv_hdl
          command       = 'dir'
          data          = lt_ftp_data
          tcpip_error   = 1
          command_error = 2
          data_error    = 3
          others        = 4.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        write:/ 'could not execute ftp command'.
        loop at lt_ftp_data assigning <ls_ftp_data>.
          write: / <ls_ftp_data>.
        call function 'FTP_DISCONNECT'
            handle = lv_hdl
            others = 1.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          write:/ 'could not disconnect from ftp server'.
          write:/ 'disconnected from ftp server'.
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    It doesn't work for me if I just maintain * entry.
    But it works after I maintained specific IP address into the table,
    ref notes:2072995 - User has no access authorization for computer
    The message comes after the implementation of note '1605054 - Restriction in access to FTP Servers & usage of test reports' or upgrading to a
    support package that contains this note. This note was created to prevent malicious users from accessing remote FTP servers.
    1. Please ensure that all manual steps from note 1605054 are implemented in your system along with the code corrections
    2. Then please enter the allowed FTP servers into the table SAPFTP_SERVERS or enter ‘*’ to allow all FTP servers.

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    Running 10.10.3 // MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013) // 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 // 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    Exactly the same problem with me.
    Some other threads advice to remove fonts, clean the caches, remove add ins but nothing works consistenty, for some it looks like it works, for me it failed.
    What I did not try yet, was to move the Render files out of the malicious library to trash.

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