Lightroom 1.3.1 raw photos

Is there a way to let lightroom open Camera raw photos only like it is in Raw Therapee? I don't what to see jpeg in the filmstrip.

There are other threads here which say the 5.0.2 update caused it, and that going back to 5.0.1 fixes the issue.  See "More like this" over there on the right ==>
I'd suggest submitting Aperture feedback to ensure Apple is aware of it; I think others here have done the same but I'm not 100% positive.

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    Thank you. 

    You shouldn't post the same question in multiple forums. But here is the list of cameras that are supported by Lightroom and Camera Raw. Locate your make and model and it will tell you what you need.
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras

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    Select the image in Lightroom, choose 'Edit in' from Photo menu then choose 'Open as Smart Object in Photoshop'. The file will transfer to Photohop (Ps) complete with Lr applied edits which can be refined in Camera Raw by double clicking on icon in the Ps Layers panel (see screen shot).

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    Any ideas on how to troubleshoot? If the screenshot is too small, I can provide the full-res version.

    I'm well-versed in forum ettiquette, thank you. I do, however, see no problem why posting about this problem once in each forum covering the software involved in my problem would be an issue. If I posted about the problem in only one forum, let's say in the Lightroom forum, and the problem was experience by another person who did not use Lightroom and would not be browsing the Lightroom forum for help, how would they have come across this post? Unless they also looked in the Photoshop forum, they might not have seen this post. So where's the harm in having it viewed by a greater number of individuals?
    With that aside, my problem is now resolved. After looking around a bit more on the forums here last night, I came across a thread started by a fellow who was experiencing the same issue as I, except he had newer versions of the software. Someone had replied to his post suggesting that it could have been faulty RAM modules and that they once experienced similar issues which were resovled by replacing the RAM. This was good news to me, since I had just purchased additional RAM for my Mac last week. It arrived today and I installed it and booted the Mac up. I purged any cache files used by these three software titles and then reattempted opening a RAW image in Photoshop. I took my latest RAW images from my camera, exported them to a USB thumb drive, and then from there exported them to my Mac. I tried to open on of the images in Photoshop and it opened successfully with ACR along with a complete and pristine preview of the image. Open the other RAW images in Lightroom, no problems.

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    Has the behavior changed compared to how it used to open ? If so, do you refer to the Camera RAW window similar to this:
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    Ah ha!
    At long last, do we now know the true identity of "Yammer"? Keith Nuttall?
    Hope so. With all the experience and intelligence shown in Yammer's previous posts it would make total sense.
    I for one cannot understand why people do not post under their real names. And I'm not prepared to say why. I'll let you guess.
    If it is you Keith, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by letting the community know who you really are. It would give much more weight and authority to your posts for the casual forum participants who have not had a long-standing familiarity with your previous very insightful and helpful contributions.
    Just my 2 cents. Don't care tuppence whether or not anyone disagrees with me.

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    BethGoetz wrote:
    I'm having the same problem but I think it's because I need the version of RAW. The only upgrade info I can find is for CS5.  I have Elements and Lightroom 4.  How do I get the updated RAW version?
    Lightroom has Camera Raw built in.  You can't upgrade it.  Just upgrade to the latest version of Lightroom.

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    any one can help?

    This is well known bug. One day Adobe will recognise that with the best live view system (A350/300) and best usability (A700) they need to take the Sony DSLR's seriously.
    Use the Import function, but use "choose files". Your CF card (in Camera or reader) will just be another drive. Navigate down to the folder with the pictures - control+A, choose selected. Then choose copy to new location and import (safer than using move).
    Don't forget to tick the backup box.
    Hope this helps. Peter

  • About Olympus EP-1: ¿ Why Lightroom can't show difference between 2 RAW photos with different ISO?

    When I take RAW+JPG photos with my new Olympus PEN EP-1 which the unique difference is ISO and I import in Ligtroom:
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    - I can´t see any difference between RAW photos (In Olympus Master or Olympus Studio I can see difference). The problem is Ligtroom

    There are two sides to your question. I. should Lightroom read all embedded
    tags to a RAW file, and II. can it even technically do it.
    The problem is that all of tags such as this exposure compensation one,
    sharpening, picture styles, etc. are embedded in proprietary file formats
    that the manufacturers will not disclose the structure off. Adobe (and every
    other RAW converter out there that is not made by the camera manufacturer)
    has to hack into the file format to figure it out, so question II can be
    answered by "probably not" This is not Adobe's fault, but that of the camera
    manufacturers not using a standard RAW format. Interestingly, for camera
    manufacturers that use a standard format such as DNG (think LEICA for
    example), a lot of camera settings actually translate into Lightroom
    For question I, you have to figure out where you draw the line. Which
    settings, on top of simply white balance (which Lightroom reads of course)
    should the program read and use? Myself I think the program should display
    the RAW data as accurately as possible. In the case of the "ISO bracketing"
    that is not really ISO bracketing, the RAW data did not change at all. The
    program should reflect this, if only to make the user realize that it is a
    useless experiment and only a waste of card space. That said, it would be
    nice if some settings translate, but that is made really hard due to the
    proprietary file format.
    >Would I expect Adobe implements how Olympus E-P1 works in next versions ?
    I doubt it, but maybe somebody at Adobe is adventurous enough to reverse
    engineer/hack your files to figure out where the compensation tag is stored,
    so you never know.
    This is however a very uncommon situation to encounter. Why would anyone
    bother ISO bracketing if the camera doesn't ISO bracket at all! You're
    better off just dialing in extra or less exposure in post. For me the
    advantages of LR over typically glacial and badly written manufacturer
    software is so large that small issues such as this do not begin to add up
    to an argument to change workflow. In the end that's all personal of

  • Is this workflow possible? RAW photos from Camera to iPad3 to Lightroom on iMac desktop?

    I would appreciate any advice you can give me - I posted the same question on the Adobe Lightroom forum to see if anyone over there knows, but since this is iPad-specific, I thought I'd ask here also:
    Workflow:  Will this work?  Camera RAW to iPad3 to Lightroom???
    I would like to use my new iPad3 in conjunction with my already-established Lightroom workflow on my desktop Mac.  What I have in mind is to shoot in RAW (Sony SLT A-65 - 24.3 megapixels) and then, in the field, transfer my photos from the camera to the iPad3 (64GB version).  On the iPad I might do some rudimentary editing - deleting duds, etc. - but I will still do all my significant editing in Lightroom on the Mac.  Thus, I need to export the photos, from the iPad, in either RAW or DNG and import them into LightRoom once I get back to my office.  My questions are:
    Is it possible to import RAW photos into the iPad3 and either keep them in RAW or convert them to DNG?
    Is it possible to export RAW or DNG photos from the iPad3 into Lightroom?
    What app(s) do I need on the iPad3 to make this happen?
    FYI - I am using Lightroom3, but will upgrade to Lightroom4 if that makes any difference in whether this will work or not.
    Thanks so much, in advance, for your suggestions and your advice!

    Importing photos into the iPad can be done with Apple's Camera Connection Kit.  The CCK consists of two adapters:  an SD adapter and a USB adapter.  If you do not already have the CCK, I suggest you get one whether it fits your workflow or not.
    You can import Raw images in additon to JPEG (or instead of, if you only take photos in raw format.)  I do not know if you can display Raw images on the iPad, and it may depend on which camera you have.
    I do not have Lightroom, so do not know about its ability to import photos from the iPad.  Aperture and iPhoto both have the needed import capability.
    Even if your proposed workflow will work, I do not see an advantage to using the iPad as an intermediate platform.  I would transfer photos directly from the camera to the iMac.  You can copy them into the iPad for display purposes, but you do not have to delete them from the camera until they are safely stored on your computer.

  • Cannot edit raw photo from lightroom 5.5 in photoshop cs 6 i have camera raw 8.5 installed.

    Cannot edit raw photo from Lightroom 5.5 in Photoshop CS 6 I have camera raw 8.5 installed.

    Sorry for getting back to you this late but I figured out the problem was
    not with Photoshop but with the file itself.  I created a new file file and
    was able to edit it in Photoshop from Lightroom.  Thanks again for your
    response to help resolve the problem.
    Steve Lerwill

  • How to import RAF format raw photos taken by Fujifilm X-T1 to Lightroom 4.4? RAF raw files cannot be recognised by Lightroom 4.4

    Fujifilm X-T1 is on the list of cameras with RAW file format supported by Lightroom, but I fail to import the RAF raw format photos taken by Fujifilm X-T1 to Lightroom 4.4 with the error message "Lightroom can't process the RAW files".  Is there a way to fix it?

    Fujifilm X-T1 is on the list of cameras with RAW file format supported by Lightroom,
    It is but Raw support varies depending on the version of Lightroom. Newer versions have more Camera Raw support than older versions.
    The column on the right hand side says "Minimum Lightroom version required" for the Fuji X-T1 is 5.4.
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Raw support is never added to older versions of LR retrospectively so Lightroom 4.4 will never be able to read X-T1 Raw files.
    Your choices:
    Pay to upgrade to Lightroom 5, or
    Download the free Adobe DNG converter, convert all X-T1 Raw files to DNG format then edit the DNGs in Lightroom 4.4
    Photoshop Help | Digital Negative (DNG)

  • Need Help. I have seen raw photos degrade in front of my eyes while in lightroom 2.4.

    I thought I had a bad card but it has done it on two different ones. If I look at images in main folder with quick look they look ok. I am using a power mac G5 1. 8 ghz 3. 5 g ram. i notice when I manipulate the image in and out of library to develop mode my fans start up. Makes me think my mac is to old for lightroom. any ideas? These photos get color stripes on them some 100% of the photo.

    OK, that means that the files are probably OK (make sure they are in preview
    by hitting Apple-0 on one to zoom in 1:1). Probably your ACR cache is bad or
    your previews are bad. You can purge the ACR cache in the Lightroom
    preferences (the File Handling tab). That might already clear up the
    problem. The previews can be regenerated by selecting a group of pictures,
    and hitting "render 1:1 previews" in the previews submenu in the Library
    menu. If that doesn't help, go into Develop and zoom in 1:1. The red lines
    should disappear as Lightroom will rerender from the RAW. The hardcore
    method of making Lightroom rebuild previews is to trash the previews.lrdata
    folder that you will find right along your catalog file (lrcat extension).
    Do NOT delete your catalog!!!! Just the previews thingie.

  • Goo night, I have Nikon D810, and i can not see the raw photos on lightroom and Ps, could someone help me?

    Good night, I have Nikon D810, and i can not see the raw photos on lightroom and Ps, could someone help me?

    Good morning,
    Thanks for your message, the versions are LR 5 and PS6
    2015-02-24 21:31 GMT+00:00 John Waller <[email protected]>:
        Goo night, I have Nikon D810, and i can not see the raw photos on
    lightroom and Ps, could someone help me?  created by John Waller
    <> in Photoshop Lightroom - View
    the full discussion <>

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