Lightroom 3 vers Lightroom 5

French bellow / Français en dessous
Hello there,
I just download the trial version of Lightroom 5 from the cloud before subscribing to try it. I go out of three years of training in my school where I was using Lightroom 3 and was recording my files and my catalog on my hard drive.
Yesterday, I imported my Lightroom 3 catalog to Lightroom 5 but problem:
- some of my collections have no more filter (so I lose my selections: pictures with small white flags),
- some of my collections have preserved a part of white flags but not all of them  (just a few),
- copies of pictures that I had modified in Photoshop (and that after editing Photoshop were immediately imported into Lightroom) disappeared.
Can someone there help me to solve these problems because with all that, I don't think i'm going to subscribe to the cloud if I have to re-select three years of photos.
Thanks in advance.
PS: before i import my Lightroom 3 catalog I well backed up my catalog and if I re-opened it in Lightroom 3, all white flags are there and copies of pictures modified also.
Français / French version
Bonjour, Je viens de télécharger la version d'essai de Lightroom 5 du cloud en vue de m'y abonner. Je sors de trois années de formation dans mon école où j’utilisais Lightroom 3 et enregistrais mes fichiers et mon catalogue sur mon disque dur. Hier, j'ai importé mon catalogue Lightroom 3 vers Lightroom 5 mais problème :
- certaines de mes collections n'ont plus de filtre (je perds ainsi mes sélections : photos avec petits drapeaux blancs),
- certaines de mes collections ont conservé une partie des drapeaux blancs mais pas tous (juste quelques uns),
- les copies de photos que j'avais modifié sous Photoshop (et qui après la modification Photoshop s'étaient immédiatement importées dans Lightroom) ont disparu.
Quelqu'un peut il m'aider à résoudre ces problèmes parce qu'avec tout ça, je ne pense pas m'abonner au cloud si je dois re-sélectionner trois années de photos.
Merci d'avance.
PS : avant d'importer mon catalogue Lightroom 3 j'ai bien sauvegardé mon catalogue et si je le ré-ouvre sous Lightroom 3, tous les drapeaux blancs sont bien là et les copies de photos modifiées aussi.

"Yesterday, I imported my Lightroom 3 catalog to Lightroom 5 but problem:"
Do you mean that you imported the photos into Lightroom 5 using File->Import?
Exactly what steps did you follow?

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    Here's something you might try:
    Create a new, empty catalogue and try File->Import from catalog... and specify your broken one as input. With luck the damage will be left behind.
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    download the latest lr and install using your serial number,
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
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    I'm only trying out the subscription. Thanks for being so concerned about my finances.
    Sent from my mobile.
    Your initial post indicated that you had a CC subscription. That seems to imply that you have subscribed. If you hadn't already purchased Lightroom 6 I would suggest that you wait until you decide about CC. You really don't need both because the Lightroom program is precisely the same except for Lightroom 6 without the creative cloud has no Lightroom mobile capabilities. But I was only trying to help.

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    Avez-vous rencontré le même problème ou connaissez-vous une solution ?
    Merci d'avance

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    Envoyé de mon iPhone
    Le 10 oct. 2012 à 01:38, Franck Payen <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Re: Lightroom 4.2: upload livre vers Blurb très lent
    created by Franck Payen in Forums en français - View the full discussion
    Intéressant… Je savais que certains services type YouTube pouvaient être bridés par les opérateurs, j'ignorais que Blurb faisaient partie de ceux-ci… Vive la neutralité du net.
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    This functionality does exist. Click on the microphone icon or video camera icon in the active video chat in order to select from the permissions drop down.
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    "Yesterday, I imported my Lightroom 3 catalog to Lightroom 5 but problem:"
    Do you mean that you imported the photos into Lightroom 5 using File->Import?
    Exactly what steps did you follow?

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