Lightroom 4.2: upload livre vers Blurb très lent

J'ai créé un livre lightroom de 86 pages (156 photos) avec les caractéristiques grand paysage couverture et papier proline pearl. Lors que je décide de l'envoyer vers le serveur blurb, le téléchargement est extrêmement lent : il a mis plus de 6 heures et ensuite resté bloqué vers "traitement par les serveurs blurb". J'ai dû abandonner la tâche et je viens de la relancer ce matin. Malheureusement, le processus reste aussi long (depuis plus d'une heure, la barre de progression "téléchargement des pages" avance très lentement) J'ai déjà créé un livre avec autant de pages il y a 6 mois et je n'avais pas cette lenteur de téléchargement.
Mon système d'exploitation est MacOSX 10.8.2, Lightroom 4.2, CameraRaw 7.2.
Avez-vous rencontré le même problème ou connaissez-vous une solution ?
Merci d'avance

Comme je l'ai écrit, il est difficile d'affirmer que le VPN ai débloqué la situation mais j'avoue que la coïncidence est assez importante pour être soulignée.
Envoyé de mon iPhone
Le 10 oct. 2012 à 01:38, Franck Payen <[email protected]> a écrit :
Re: Lightroom 4.2: upload livre vers Blurb très lent
created by Franck Payen in Forums en français - View the full discussion
Intéressant… Je savais que certains services type YouTube pouvaient être bridés par les opérateurs, j'ignorais que Blurb faisaient partie de ceux-ci… Vive la neutralité du net.
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    9th August 2014.

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    I had this problem as well - the upload to Blurb would not work. Creation of a PDF and export as JPEG in the book module worked.
    For me, the solution was to turn off the Windows Firewall while uploading. Now it works!
    Two-in-Love (Photographe de Mariage en Suisse Romande)

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    I had the same problen with Lightroom 5 - Prepares the files but won't Upload to Blurb. Tried numerours times. It is a Landscape size Book 132 Pages. There is a BUG in Lightroom and here is how I got it to work:
    Check each slide and make sure APPLY BACKGROUND GLOBALLY, GRAPHIC or BACKGROUND COLOR and not checked,. If so Uncheck them.
    Go to EDIT and SELECT ALL Slides in the Book.
    Select Apply Background Globally - turn it off and on several times, then leave it off
    Select GRAPHIC - turn it off and then turn it on and off several times
    Select BACKGROUND COLOR - turn it on then off then on then off
    I ended up with APPLY GLOBALLY unchecked for Every Page.
    GRAPHIC was turned on with a Graphic set at 12% Opacity on every Page
    Again check each page first for these Checkmarks or just fix exverything with SELECT ALL.
    Background Color was Turned off. 
    NOW UPLOAD THE BOOK - It took a couple hours but it uploaded without a hitch., I turned off all Firewalls and Plugged directly into the Router. I am using an IMac 27" with 32 GB of memory and this is the only way it would work. The Mac is about 7 days old and Lightroom 5 is also 7 days old. BUGGIEST piece of software I have ever used.
    Note - one of the above steps fixes the BUG - I am not sure which one but one will fix your book. It finally uploaded to BLURB today. It took a few hours though.

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    have Lightroom 5 and a Mac computer
    About a month ago , I uploaded my book to Blurb from Lightroom - no issues.
    Today after taking out a few photos , also removing 2 page spreads , justifying the printed pages to the right instead of the middle of the page -
    The book would not upload - just hung. Contacted my ISP - internet connections have not slowed or changed.
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    Also unable to create a PDF as well - also hangs  - no error message.
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    Check to see if you are able to create a PDF of the book. If yes,
    If you're on a wireless connection please connect directly to your router/internet connection using a cable instead. This can often be enough to allow the upload to complete.
    Ensure your firewall and/or any security programs are temporarily disabled (Some software with known issues include Zone Alarm, Norton Internet Security and Kaspersky).
    Turn off services such as Carbonite or Little Snitch.
    If your upload fails again, please let me know at what stage it does so.
    Best regards,
    Blurb Technical Support
    My response:
    1.  Unable to create a PDF.
    2.  I do not have a wireless connection / I have an internet connection with a cable
    3.  Do not have firewall / Zone, Alarm Norton Internet security or Kaspersky
    4. Do not have Carbonite or Little Snitch.
    5 The uploading path has a blank with a x at the end
    This is the response I received from Blurb:
    Kristin M ( Blurb Support)
    Jul 25 16:16 (PDT)
    Hi Sue,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I am looking into this and we'll get back to you soon. Thanks for your patience.
    Best regards,
    Blurb Technical Support
    Kristin M ( Blurb Support)
    Jul 28 18:08 (PDT)
    Hi Sue,
    Thanks for your reply.
    It sounds like your best bet is to contact Lightroom support directly from the link below. They should have more detailed information to help you with this problem. (Blurb only handles the actual printing of your file or the conversion into a Blurb ebook).
    (Click on the "Need more help" button at the bottom of the screen)
    I'd be interested in hearing what you find out.
    Best regards,
    Please advise
    thank you

    I had the same problen with Lightroom 5 - Prepares the files but won't Upload to Blurb. Tried numerours times. It is a Landscape size Book 132 Pages. There is a BUG in Lightroom and here is how I got it to work:
    Check each slide and make sure APPLY BACKGROUND GLOBALLY, GRAPHIC or BACKGROUND COLOR and not checked,. If so Uncheck them.
    Go to EDIT and SELECT ALL Slides in the Book.
    Select Apply Background Globally - turn it off and on several times, then leave it off
    Select GRAPHIC - turn it off and then turn it on and off several times
    Select BACKGROUND COLOR - turn it on then off then on then off
    I ended up with APPLY GLOBALLY unchecked for Every Page.
    GRAPHIC was turned on with a Graphic set at 12% Opacity on every Page
    Again check each page first for these Checkmarks or just fix exverything with SELECT ALL.
    Background Color was Turned off. 
    NOW UPLOAD THE BOOK - It took a couple hours but it uploaded without a hitch., I turned off all Firewalls and Plugged directly into the Router. I am using an IMac 27" with 32 GB of memory and this is the only way it would work. The Mac is about 7 days old and Lightroom 5 is also 7 days old. BUGGIEST piece of software I have ever used.
    Note - one of the above steps fixes the BUG - I am not sure which one but one will fix your book. It finally uploaded to BLURB today. It took a few hours though.

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    I got this problem sorted and it actually very easy. For some reason the settings on the windows page i use on my laptop conflicted with the blurb/lightroom upload. All you need to do is set up a new windows user page and set it up as admin. You will need to transfer all the photos from the lightroom on your current user page to the new one which can be annoying but at least you will hopefully get up and running again. I hope this helps,

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    "an error occured adding text and fonts to book"
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    As a workaround, I was going to try to upload the pdf file directly to Blurb but received a statement saying the pdf was not the right size.  Please help with this issue.  I purchased LR4 to be able to use the book feature and I am very disappointed in both Adobe and Blurb for the lack of support found in all of the FAQ's, How To's, etc.  I have seen so many posts similar to mine.  Surely there should be some fix for these common issues by now.
    I would appreciate any help you can provide.

    I had this problem as well - the upload to Blurb would not work. Creation of a PDF and export as JPEG in the book module worked.
    For me, the solution was to turn off the Windows Firewall while uploading. Now it works!
    Two-in-Love (Photographe de Mariage en Suisse Romande)

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    While the FTP client inside Lightroom has become quite robust, one area I still feels it's a little weak in is dealing with timeouts from the server. If you are getting this error with the correct login information regularly, I would suggest you continue using your FTP client.

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    Hi johnhb2,
    To import photos from your iPad into your Windows computer, I would suggest that you use the steps in this article -
    iOS: Import personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    Note that by default the pictures are placed in the “My Pictures” folder. Once imported you can see your photos there and use whatever application you want to view or manage them.
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

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    Using Lightroom 5.6, I am experiencing ongoing issues with synchronising  (uploading) LR to mobile devices. In brief, the upload will typically fail in mid-session with some collections partially or fully uploaded and some not started. (This may initially have been caused by going off-line during an upload),  It will not recover. Deleting all uploaded data to prompt a restart does not help - it does not restart either.
    Previously I have had to contact support and send the diagnostic report. Apparently there is a flag on the server end that needs resetting. Not the most satisfactory of solutions as it requires an action outwith the users control, but it does / did reset the file transfer interface. Apparently this bug was scheduled for fixing in the next up date. I understand I am on the latest (5.6) version , so does anyone know if this is still a bug?
    Meantime, can support please reset my connection?
    Regards .... Alastair

    I have a similar problem.  After upgrade to 5.6, LR told me it needed to resync ALL of my photos (5,000+).  It was really slowing my Mac down, so at some point I temporarily disabled syncing with the thought that I would re-enable overnight.  Well I finally re-enabled today and too my surprise, all of the photos that were synced have now reverted to their last know status in the Lr Mobile.  Even the desktop edits I made this morning have been overwritten.  The Lightroom history panel shows "From Lr mobile" as the last edit...for almost 5,000 photos.
    Good thing I have a backup.
    Adobe - what would have caused this.  Its not good when the desktop obviously has the last edit, but Lr mobile is allowed to overwrite it. :-( :-(

  • Problem uploading book into blurb

    i am trying to upload my book that have 174 photos into blurb.
    after it is 70% uploaded it comes up with an error says problem talking to blurb server gateway timeout.
    i am using a mac and is connected to wifi before and then i tried it with connecting wire and still getting same error.

    Go to the System/Sharing preference pand and make sure this checkbox is checked.  If it is checked,  uncheck it and then recheck. Reboot and try ordering again.

  • What ppi should each image have PRIOR to importing to Lightroom, for creating a BOOK for Blurb?

    I am creating a book for publication with Blurb and all of my images have an exclamation point in the upper right hand corner.  Each has a different message as to what the ppi is and what it will print at.  All of my images are 300 dpi and 1000px at their largest side. What am I doing wrong?  My understanding is for print, 300 dpi is the best HQ resolution. Will I need to resize all in Photoshop and start over and if so, what is the best size for such a project?  Thank you.
    Amanda Wyn

    Your problem is in the 1000px max, not the 300 ppi. 1000px photos are just good enough for small prints. There is no point in trying to print such small files, you need bigger than that, To find out the print dimensions just divide the number of pixels by the print resolution (the usual 300 ppi, but 240 ppi is usually enough for a quality print) . So you'll get a little more than 3.3 in if printed at 300 ppi, 4.1 in @ 240 ppi.

Maybe you are looking for

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