Lightroom 4 Print Problem

I have been trying to make business cards in Lightroom 4.  Everything works fine except no matter how I set things up my 2 X 3.5 inch photos print at 3 11/16 X 2 1/8 inch.  My printer is set to print borderless 4 X 6.  My settings under Custom Package are as in the screenshot below.

Sorry everyone:  I solved my problem.  It turns out with the Epson R800 you have to create a Custom Size in the Page Setup dialogue (in this case 4X6 borderless) to be able to print the size of photos you want in the Custom Package Layout Style in the Print Module.  You cannot use the 4X6 (borderless) (Sheetfeeder - Borderless ) generic setting.
I came upon this as a last resort and it worked.  I now have very nice 2 X 3.5 in. business cards.  This printer has given me nothing but greif when it comes to what format it will and will not print.  I have had to fool it into just about everything.  Definitely not user friendly.

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    Lightroom and printing work in ratios so to get your 3000x2000 pixel image (which is a 3:2 ratio) to fit a 14 x 11" print (14:11 ratio) you end up with with edges. So the ratios need to be the same. Best way is to set up a crop ratio in the Develop module Crop tool of 14x11 and crop the file before you export, then you can adjust any cropping to suit.
    See this example:

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    Do what I did....get a printer for your wife and one for prints.
    It is not a function of LR to reset your printer.

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    Any suggestions?  Except of course to print borderless prints from Photoshop.

    I am still working on a similar problem with one of my Epson printers. The newer Epson R280 (may be R290 outside the US) works just fine with borderless. The older SP 2200 does not. I have been in communication with Epson, but not yet resolved. For most printers the newest software referenced for Leopard is with EasyPrint, but with this old 2200 the driver referenced is still not nearly as recently released as the EasyPrint frame work. The reply I got back from Epson was not satisfactory because it ignored the fact I am connected to my 2200 via Firewire and not USB, and all reference in the reply was to USB connection. Despite doubting the usefulness of the reply, I will have to move my 2200 much closer to the computer to try connecting with USB, and I simply have not tried it, since I doubt it will help.
    My issues with borderless on the SP 2200 are also present when printing borderless from Photoshop CS3 and from Pages. Thus it seems more a problem with Leopard than with Aperture.
    Sorry to not be more helpful or hopeful, but I think drivers for some printers are not fully tuned to printing in Leopard.

  • Lightroom 5.44 printing problem

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    5/1/14 1:56:35.291 PM Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5: Could not find image named 'LayoutDirection1.png'.
    Is this an Adobe Photshop LIghtroom 5 problem or a Mac OS 10.7.5 problem or both?  How should I proceed?

    I have an SSD drive that has my OS and applications.  I looked in the Macintosh SSD/Users/[my username]/Library/Preferences/ directory and I do not have a com.adobe.Lightroom5.plist file.
    My old Macintosh HD drive has been renamed "Macintosh HD Archive" and I now use it for file archiving.  it has a Marcintosh HD Archive/Users/[my user name]/Library/Preferences/ directory which contains the preference files for my older versions of Lightroom (Lightroom, Lightroom2, and Lightroom3). 
    After I installed the SSD drive and used it as my startup disk I have used Lightroom 4 and Lightroom 5. 
    Lightroom4 and LIghtroom5 have been installed on the SSD drive.  I deleted Lightroom 4 after I installed Lightroom 5. 
    There is no com.adobe.Lightroom5.plist list file on my Macintosh SSD drive or on my MacIntosh HD Archive drive.
    Perhaps the printing problem is due to a failure to create these files with the installation of Lightroom 5.44 on the SSD drive.
    I do not recgnize the name "LayoutDirection1.png" as significant any of my images, but its occurence in the console log in association with Lightroom5 at the times print attempt failed suggested that the hangup was due to a missing file.

  • Lightroom printing problem Epson R1800, XP SP2, colors dark

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    Printing is fine, using Epson's Easy Photo Print, and PhotoShop Elements 2.0. In fact, the results with Epson's Easy Photo Print and Elements 2.0 are almost identical.
    I played with ICM on, off, downloaded new Epson icc profiles for glossy paper, loaded new cartridges, cleaned nozzles, etc.
    And I searched this users forum and the general web. Sounds like printing problems with Lightroom is pretty normal.
    Any other clues or hints to solve the problem? Seems pretty stupid that Lightroom can't be used to print.

    I'm new to printing on my Epson 1800 and am sure others know more than I do, but this might be a start since I had the same problem printing from Photoshop CS3 on a R1800 and R200. I think the problem is in the printer properties/printer dialog setup and since the problem is the same maybe the solution is also the same.
    In Lightroom click File - Print Settings or, to get to the same place, click File - Print and click the Page Setup or Print Settings or Print button. Whichever, it takes you to the print setup for the 1800. Click Properties which takes you to the Epson Stylus Photo 1800 Properties window. In the bottom right, click Advanced button. A "note" warning about making changes pops up. Click continue. Under the Main tab, color management make sure ICM is NOT selected. I have "Color Controls" selected. Click OK (twice I think) to get back to the Lightroom print window. This corrected the dark colors problem I was having. When printing in PS3 it asks, "Did you enable color management in the printer dialog?" Somewhere else I found the suggestion to disable ICM color management when printing from PS3. So much to know!! Hope this helps.
    Allen Round

  • Printing Problems with Lightroom!!

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    Many Thanks,

    Sorry for the delay, I seem to be experiencing delays with this website.
    OK here goes:
    Under the Color Mangement Banner on Lightroom it has profile with managed by the printer next to it. Underneath that is Rendering Intent with perceptual by it, but these are blacked out.
    I looked in the Printer Properties on my PC and under the color management tab it has set to Automatic (I hope this is what you asked for)
    The Printer is an Epson stylus PHOTO RX560
    My Operating system is Windows XP, Media Centre Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 2.
    Hope this helps.

  • Print Problem: inconsistent density between sizes and Lightroom/Photoshop

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    Has any one else experienced these problems? My first thought is that this is some sort of bug in Lightroom's color management. But if that was true, then it seems like a lot of people would be having this problem. I have been using a color managed workflow for a number of years and have gotten very satisfactory results. My prints are a close match to the soft proof in Photoshop. Since printing from Lightroom the prints do not match prints made from Photoshop, plus the prints made by Lightroom vary in density depending on the size. Bizarre.
    Please help

    Solved. Somehow the custom media setting for the Museo Portfolio Rag paper was lost when I set up the LR template. The custom media setting reduced the color density by -20 in the Epson Printer driver. With out this setting the color density was at the default zero and the density was greater.
    This brings up another question that I will have to explore. I arrived at the -20 color density setting when testing various Epson Driver media settings for the 7900 prior to profiling this paper after Epson replaced the nozzle heads on my 7900 printer. I found at the default zero color density I encountered banding. Prior to the replacement of the nozzle heads the default zero color density worked fine and there was no banding. Interestingly, on the 16 x 32 print that mistakenly used the zero color density setting there was no banding. Now I want to go back and redo my media tests. Is it possible that the new print heads needed a breaking in period and that is why I encountered banding on both the Museo Portfolio Rag and the Epson mat paper?

  • Epson Leopard Lightroom 1.3 - UK Europe Drives Print Problems

    From reading these forums the print problems (poor color when using profiles) that everyone is having with Leopard, Epson Printers and Lightroom 1.3 is related to print driver issues. While there have been no updates on the Epson US site there have been driver updates on the UK/Europe Epson site.
    Has anyone tested these updated drives referenced as version 6.12 and do they resolve the issues. In particular I am interested in the R1800 drivers.

    Ivan J:
    I downloaded the 6.12 driver for the Epson R1800 from the Epson UK site. From my testing so far, I see essentially the same color prints from the driver itself or from using the Epson-supplied icc profile. All with Intel Mac on OS 10.5.1 and LR 1.3.1. So far so good. Still no sign of the new driver on Epson America. Hope this helps.

  • Lightroom 2.1 upgrade printing problem

    I was getting great printing with LR 1 and my Epson R200 printer on Windows XP. My computer died and the new one is on Vista. I upgraded to LR 2.1 while I was at it. now my prints are way off color. I love the new color management features of LR, but there doesn't appear to be a Vista profile for the R200. I tried the one for the R300 and the prints have a decidedly yellow cast, which I can't seem to remove in LR. With the printer managing the color, the prints come out way too dark and weird colored. I need to finish some print orders, any ideas?

    LR 2.1 Final still has the problem of 'sunburned faces' and other somewhat less noticable color shifts on my system.
    Win Vista Ultimate x64
    Q6600 @ 2.4GHz 8GB RAM
    B9180 Printer
    Advanced Photo Glossy profile
    Application manages color
    The same images using the same printer settings on the same system print just fine using Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS4 so the problem is definitely in something specific to LR.
    And I have reported this to Adobe via and I suggest that anyone having printing problems with LR2.1 file a bug report.

  • My "fix" to print problems in LR (using MS XP)

    Having had the same problems printing from LR as many others are complaining about, I thought that I might give my 2 cents to what I did to solve (?) the problem. I have to run with current setting in a while to be convinced that it is not just an intermittent fix though ;-)
    My problem when printing from LR was that the print came out much too Cyan-Green and somewhat dark when color management where handled by LR. When the same photo was exported to PS Elements (PSE) in Tiff with the Pro-photo color profile embedded, adjustments from LR, and printed using the same driver setting and color management, the print came out fine.
    I must mention that I have had fine printout in previous LR versions but I'm not sure when the problem started. But at least from LR version 1.3, 1.3.1 I have had problems printing a proper print.
    As I'm not 100% sure what caused the fix, I don't want to leave much info un-documented, so I start by describing my system etc.:
    - Athlon 64 3500+ with 2 GB RAM
    - Lacie 119 LCD monitor (calibrated with a ColorVision Spyder 2)
    - Epson Stylus Photo 890 printer; an old (6-7 years) 6 color dye-sub printer, but it can still produce very good prints. (It is BTW, the A4 printer version of Epson 1290).
    - Microsoft XP service pack 2
    - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3.1.
    - Adobe Photoshop Elements 5
    - Latest Epson 890 printer drivers ver. 5.21/P (from 2004)
    - ICC profiles for various Epson printer paper
    - Paper used: Ilford Printasia Photo Glossy Paper (but I have tried Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper as well with same results)
    I used following setting:
    - In printer driver: "No color management" was selected
    - LR and PSE color management; printer profile: Epson Stylus Photo 890 Premium Glossy Photo Paper, Rendering Intent: Perceptual
    . LR Print sharpening: High
    - LR Print resolution: 360ppi
    When the photo was opened in PSE and I had printed a small print with above mentioned printer driver/color management settings. The print looked good, but with a little magenta color cast, so I thought that if I used a different printer profile this might help (I have no ICC profile for the Ilford paper). So I chose the "Epson Stylus Photo 890 Photo Paper" instead and printed again, and this time the photo looked as it did on my calibrated monitor. I have to admit I was a bit delighted even though it was from printed from PSE and not from LR, but seeing that color management worked in other applications was a relief.
    In PSE, I also I tried changing to a different Rendering Intent before changing printer profile, but with no success.
    Another thing that helped further was to change Media Type in printer driver from "Premium Glossy Photo Paper" to "Photo Paper".
    After the print success in PSE I went back to LR and changed the Printer Profile to "Epson Stylus Photo 890 Photo Paper" (still with "No color management" and "Photo Paper" selected in printer driver) and printed the photo again. Now the photo looked as good as it did in PSE (!!!???).
    Now I have made a few printer preset in LR for various print sizes, and the prints look fantastic. Every time! Do I have to mention that I am a happy guy ? :-)
    BTW, remember that a printer preset also saves the printer driver settings. Forgetting this can easily cause some unexpected results.
    The only thing is that, I still do not know what fixed the problem, and I am a bit worried that the problem might come back again. Maybe the print related changes made in PSE and the following selection of the same settings in LR did - somehow - "synchronize" LR to a proper color management. Sounds weird, but if it works...
    I hope this long explanation was useful to - at least - some of you, who experience printer problems in LR. LR is a fantastic application, and I enjoy using it, but the printer problems has really been frustrating.
    Good luck!

    Little unclear about the border thing- you say it prints with a too wide border, but also say:
    When I print the image with this set up, it still is printed without a border.
    It's a factor of your printer, though; some can never print without a margin around all sides; this can be a border, or cut off. Good news, though; you can have a 5 x 7 borderless, or with any size border you wish if you print on larger paper, and trim to taste.

  • Continuing printing problems with LR 1.3.1 (magenta)

    Downloaded/installed the .1 version of 1.3 hoping that it would "fix" the magenta tinge associated with printing thru LR print. It did not. Still the same magenta tint. Although most of the discussion in previous threads had to do with MACs, I'm running a vista PC. This is a new PC ... previously had an XP PC running version 1.2 ... no issues. Do the issues identified for MACs also apply to PC users? Also not printing to an Epson printer, but to an HP B9180. Thanks.

    Sorry I'm a bit late to this thread. Erik and Samora, I am glad that you solved the Lightroom / HP B9180 printing problem. Please keep this forum posted about HP followups or any future printing problems you may have.
    Not to jinx you, but I have been down that road before. I started out with Lightroom printing with the magenta tint, mentioned by many others. I didn't understand what was happening since I had a managed workflow on my XP machine, and PS CS3 made excellent prints on the B9180. I spent much time on this forum looking for answers. Finally I thought I found the answer and changed the default printer to the B9180. (See for the full info.) Unfortunately, the good news didn't last. Within a couple of months Lightoom returned to its former bad behavior.
    I think there is an insidious problem here with Lightroom, much more than people simply not selecting the correct profile or not understanding color management. What works for some people does not work for others. What worked at one time for me (see the above reference) now longer works. It seems that most people do not have a problem but others have great problems that apparently defy logic. The Lightroom bug bites Epsons, HPs, and Canons, as well as both Windows and Mac machines. After hours of analysis and testing, the best I can come up with is: "it just doesn't make sense." (I say this with tongue-in-cheek since I'm a highly-analytical person.)
    After a couple hours of test printing, all unsuccessfully, I tried to reduce possible conflicting issues by deleting from the B9180 color management properties all profiles, except the HP PSPro B9100-Advanced Photo Glossy; this is so Lightroom could not inadvertently select another profile. I made sure that the B9180 printing preferences was set to Application Managed Color. Then I made sure that the profile selected in the Lightroom Printing module was HP PSPro B9100-Advanced Photo Glossy. Still the magenta tint. I also get the tint using a custom profile from InkJetArt for one of their papers. I do not get the magenta tint when I send Lightroom output to my old Epson 1280, which I also have connected to the computer (parallel cable instead of USB). It just doesn't make sense.

  • Lightroom 5 Prints are too Dark - We Need a Fix Now!

    Am using LR 5.7
    I import images in RAW and convert to DNG.
    hen I export as a JPG and print, the prints are fine.
    When I print from Lightroom's Print Module, the prints come out too dark with a significant loss of detail in shadow.
    Adobe....  This has been a major problem since version LR 1...  It is High time you fixed it!  I have wasted dozens of sheets of paper due to this problem!!
    My screen is a 24" calibrated IPS ASUS monitor.
    Windows 7, 64Bit.
    Many Thanks
    Kind Rgds

    Robert Mack wrote:
    Hi Butch
    Do a google search for Lightroom Prints too Dark and you will find dozens of posts for all versions of LR. It is a common problem.
    There are many hardware and software issues that according to a "Google search" would appear as a universal problem, while in reality, they are far from widespread. I can assure you that Lightroom would not be as popular as it is today if this were indeed a universal problem.
    Robert Mack wrote:
    I also upload images from LR to a Print Lab and the prints are fine.
    Yes, but is your lab making adjustments to the images during the print process? Many do. My labs do not, they simply print the files as they are submitted. Many consumer and "pro"-sumer labs apply auto correction to image files. Most of these labs do not even inform you that they are applying those adjustments.
    Robert Mack wrote:
    The problem is using the LR Print Module to print on a printer attached to my PC.
    I have the same problem with an Epson R1900 and a Mitsubishi
    Yes ... and if you are applying the same settings/instructions in Lr for printing, the problem will persist regardless of the brand of printer used.
    Robert Mack wrote:
    LR had ICM managed by Printer. The Printer has ICM managed by Host.
    I did try this using the printer's ICM profile within LR. Still too dark.
    This could be part of your problem ... if Lightroom is set for the printer to handle color management by the printer ... and your printer is set to be color managed by the host (i.e. - Lightroom) ... then in actuality, the images you are printing from Lightroom are not being color managed at all. Ideally, you should have Lightroom set to manage printing when you have the printer driver set to "managed by Host" ...
    Robert Mack wrote:
    No windows apps are adding any additional processing in the printing process as far as I am aware of. The only exposure correction / adjustment was done in LR..... I am choosing the same printer paper profiles in all methods of printing.
    You may not be making settings in your Windows apps ... but if your printer driver is set to make auto adjustments by default when printing from these apps could explain the difference.
    Additionally, many folks think they are "calibrating" their monitors when they are not doing so as it pertains to printing. Accurate color is only one phase. While your colors may appear true, the monitor brightness may be too much to accurately render a near match of what a printed version of the image would be reproduced.
    As trshaner pointed out, not only do you need to render a close approximation of color ... but also overall brightness. Most monitors/displays, even very expensive and high resolution displays, are extremely bright at default settings for rendering a close match for printed material. That overall brightness level should fall within 90 to 120 cd/m2 and be adjusted as needed for your specific viewing environment and papers and printer inks combinations.

  • CS 3 Epson R2400 printing problem

    After recently migrating from Tiger to Leopard I reinstalled the driver software for my Epson R2400, and have been having CS3 printing problems ever since.
    The project I'm doing print work from involves CMYK versions of greyscale photos and a spot color (Pantone 200PC, also tried Trumatch 5-a2).
    If I try to print from InDesign, or from Acrobat using an InDesign "press quality" pdf, everything's 'thin'. The greyscale photos are a bit washed out, and the spot color is pink rather than rich red.
    If I export a jpg from InDesign and print from Photoshop the quality is acceptable
    If I export a jpg from InDesign and print from Lightroom the quality is acceptable
    InDesign's color settings are-
    RGB: sRGB
    CMYK: Sheetfed Coated V2
    Can anyone help? Many thanks.

    If you have a computer that runs Tiger you should stick with Tiger. CS3 was written under Tiger and seems to work best in Tiger. Use the backup of your system drive you made before upgraded to leopard as you can't go back with an Archive and install. The bells and whistles in Leopard are not worth the stability Tiger offers.

  • 1.3 Printing problems

    I have a Epson 2200 printer and am using Leopard. In the past, I have used ICC profiles and turned off the color controls. This has worked very well.
    Since upgrading to 1.3 and Leopard printing using the ICC profiles etc does not produce a satisfactory print. The result looks like a print where the printing controls were not turned off.
    If I print using Photoshop using the profiles etc all prints fine.
    I would appreciate any comments or suggestions--and am wondering if I should reinstall Leopard and then try to upgrade to 1.3.

    The problem is that from Lightroom my prints are very washed out and it appears that it is not laying down all the colors (there is some severe spottiness in the prints. I am using the same exact settings as I use when printing in CS3, which I get perfect prints. I don't recall if I had this problem when I was running OSX 10.4 on my machine because I don't think I used Lightroom to print stuff out.
    I did change the color controls to Color Sync and the prints are much better. It appears to be a bug in Lightroom.
    I am using a 2.33 Macbook Pro running 10.5 (just upgraded a couple weeks ago) and Lightroom 1.3 and am printing to a Epson 4000 on Kodak Pro Lustre paper.

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