Lightroom 4 zoom

I have recently downloaded LR4 and have yet to have it perform acceptably.  Every time I try to zoom in on an image it will automatically zoom past 100%.  When I then try to zoom out or return to any other size the program stacks multiple images in decreasing size.  Is there someway to fix this or do I need to uninstall the program?

Could you explain more exactly what you mean by "100%"? If you have clicked on the 1:1 option, LR will toggle between that and "Fit" when you click. If you have clicked on another option, say 8:1, LR will be instead toggling between that and Fit.
Some people think of "100%" as meaning: I can see the whole picture - though this is not the convention - something LR tackles with "Fit" and "Fill". These options should work in an obvious way, but if they do not, it may be that LR has not yet generated the needed previews. In that case you may merely see a crude enlarged version of a very low-resolution thumbnail when you zoom in - something that gets replaced with the full detail of the image in due course.
If you are getting multiple images displayed overlapping, that sounds like a graphics display driver problem, would be my next guess - good idea to check if the latest available version is installed. Or your computer lacks the processing power to refresh fast enough, or its graphics acceleration features are not being used for some reason.
If the cropped or actual pixel dimensions of your image are less than that of your display window, then Fit and Fill will never enlarge beyond what 1:1 does; they only reduce. 2:1 would still double the size, 1:2 would halve the size, etc.
The zoom factor options do not give a standard percentage view of the image - depending both on the pixel count of the image and the pixel count of your screen. Those who are not used to evaluating pixels in this way are often slightly shocked by the apparent bad quality, of an image from a higher-resoiution sensor as compared with one from a lower-resolution sensor. This despite being perfectly good in whole-image terms... it is a magnification effect - in the same way that the smoothest surface looks fine under an optical microscope, but like sandpaper under an electron microscope.
Also many people become used to conceiving their image in physical terms (for example, as if it were a print of a certain size in inches) and in that case, they may seek a "print size" zoom. LR does not offer such a feature, because all the images seen are completely output-independent and have no one size assigned to them, of the kind that Photoshop deals in - a 1:1 zoom will always look much larger than such a print-size zoom would.

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    You keep asking variants on this same question. You've had replies in all your other threads. If you can't find them, go here and click where it says Activity:
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    Thank you
    JimHess <[email protected]> wrote:
    JimHess created the discussion
    "Re: I have lightroom 5.  After cropping a photo, how can I zoom the small cropped photo for slideshow?"
    To view the discussion, visit:

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    I think the "Available Memory" figure is pretty standard for a 32bit system, which is what I think the OP is running.
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    4. It does it when  clicking back and forth from one image to another in the photo strip.
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    I solved my own issue.  I saw an article @ com-Intuos-5-in-LR-5 that solved my issue.
    Step 1:
    Walcom Tablet Properties
    Step 2:
    Click on Customize and change the default line graph from this:
    Step 3:
    To this
    Step 4:
    Click OK.
    After that, my spot edit tool stopped freezing in LR 5.2 while i was using my intuos 5 pen.
    Prior to doing this, I also did the procedure listed here:
    So it's possible that both need to be done in order for the freezing to stop.  I hope this can help others.

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    Thank you for your analysis.
    In conclusion:
    - JPG images are corrected in camera
    - SRW images have built profile
    - the information in the list
    is little misleading because suggests there is a profile for Samsung 16-50 lenses
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    Here is a result:
    before correction (16mm):
    after correction:

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