Lightroom 5 opens a different copy of Photoshop CC

When I go to edit a photo in Photoshop CC from Lightroom 5, it opens Photoshop from my backup hard drive and I get this message: "The application has been moved, and its path has changed. To update the product configuration, click Update." This slows down the process. How can I edit the path so that Photoshop opens from my main hard drive?

On the PC you can specify what the precise path is, whereas on a Mac it searches automatically, so presumably you're on a Mac.
If the automatic searching is something LR does or can control, then it will probably be resolved in the next version of LR, which should be out any time, now, since the corresponding Camera Raw plug-in for Photoshop is already out as a beta.
If this automatic seraching is something LR doesn't do or cannot control directly, and is relying on the OS to do for it, then there may not be much Adobe can do about it.  I suppose it's possible that Adobe can add a hardcoded setting like they do on Windows, to avoid using the Mac auto-search function. 

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    Moving this discussion to the Photoshop General Discussion forum.
    Alexanderzhang have you tried the suggestions offered in  They have steps on how to remove and add applications in this forum thread.

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    Your question is a little unclear. In a "normal" Lightroom/Photoshop workflow the raw images do not open from Lightroom into Camera Raw. Lightroom has all of the Camera Raw functionality in the develop module. When you choose to open an image in Photoshop, and Lightroom and Photoshop are synchronized (i.e. referencing the same version of Camera Raw) then Camera Raw is simply used to interpret the Lightroom adjustments as the image is transferred to Photoshop. If Camera Raw is an older version then Lightroom offers you the choice to open the image or create a PSD or TIF file that includes all of the Lightroom adjustments. But in either case, opening in Camera Raw is not part of the workflow. It is possible to open the image as a smart object or convert the image to the smart object in Photoshop and then open it in Camera Raw. That is done from within Photoshop or is one of the open options in Lightroom. If you choose to go the smart object route the image first has to be opened in Photoshop and then from there you can open it in Camera Raw.

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    This is a user forum, not a channel to address Adobe. As your fellow users and volunteers, we'll be happy to help you if we can.
    You can download the CS6 trial version just like anybody else.
    Once you download it, you can install it, input your serial number, register it and apply all necessary updates.
    An alternative, if you know how to access your Adobe account, under My Products you'll find your Photoshop CS6 registration, next to which you should find a link to download CS6 if you originally bought it as a download

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    After having contacted Adobe by phone (very professionals) i tried what
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    First i was told to run windows in "minimal" mode", that means without any
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    Then install : "AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool"from Adobe; in the dos
    windows chose "all", that will delete all previous install of adobe
    After that, you'll have to delete every adobe folder you find in this
    places :
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\
    C:\Program Files (X86)\Adobe\
    C:\Programmes\Common Files\Adobe\
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\
    C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\Adobe\
    C:\Programmes\Fichiers Communs\Adobe\
    C:\Program Files\Fichiers Communs\Adobe\
    C:\Program Files (X86)\Fichiers Communs\Adobe\
        Photoshop crashing, Lightroom not opening, help to fix please?
    created by maliet90 <> in *Photoshop
    General Discussion* - View the full discussion

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    Are you looking at the images at 100% resolution? Banding can appear in other enlargements due to rounding errors.

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    In your first screen shot you are showing "Photoshop CC" highlited towards the bottom of the list amoung the other programs which are secondary "edit in options". The two at the top "Edit in Photoshop CC" a re where the primary edit in program which is chosen by Lightroom and should be the most "advanced" Photoshop application. What happens if you choose the one at the top of the list? See my screen capture.
    From your description it appears you have more than one version of Photoshop CC installed on your computer. I have PS CS6 on my computer and there are two versions the 64 bit version and the 32 bit version.
    Maybe you have Photoshop CC (the earlier version) as a "secondary edit in program" in Lightroom.
    I am not a primary Mac user but I do have a Mac Book Pro and my thoughts would be to go to my Applications Folder on my HDD and see if there are more than one install of Photoshop CC. If so I would drag the older application into the trash. More experienced Mac users may wish to comment.

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    These are screenshots where in the left screenshot the original image is the dark image and the lighter is what it looks like when opened in Photoshop. The compare in lightroom on the right screenshot is what it looks like when I saved the file from Photoshop. So how does opening in Photoshop, then hitting save change the image? If i make the edit in lightroom then export the jpeg and open in photoshop, I get the appropriate color, exactly the same as my original lightroom raw. 
    My external editor settings in lightroom are tiff, prophoto colorspace.
    photoshop preferences are to preserve embedded profiles.

    Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, when you "Edit in" Photoshop CS3, it should give a warning dialog that says the version of ACR in Photoshop isn't compability, with the option "Open anyway" (won't work well) or "Render in Lightroom" (which should be fine).  Or, if you've created your own "Edit in" preset, you should get the option "Edit a copy with Lightroom Adjustments". 
    So long as you've chosen "Render in Lightroom" or "Edit a copy with Lightroom Adjustments" (depending on how you've edit up "Edit in...") then colour should be OK. 
    Colour options in PS should be something like:
    Check all the "Ask when..." options, just to make sure you get warned of mis-matches.  And I suggest the RGB policy should be "preserve...". 
    And the final thing: to be sure of no colour mis-match, you need a calibrated/profiled monitor (with a hardware tool like Spyder, ColorMunki, Eye-One etc).  When there isn't a monitor profile containing a colour space (which needs a hardware tool, generally) then different programs can make different assumptions and display the same image differently. 

  • How can two pictures of the same size still appear to be a different size? (Photoshop CS6 problem)

    I called the big webdesign file "(X)" and the image I wanted to paste in it "(Y)",
    so that you won't be confused when you read it.
    What Happened
    For the design of a webpage, I made a photoshop-file(X) with a lot of squares(X). These squares(X) had the size 9,42×9,42 centimeters.
    I measured the squares(X) carefully and also made sure the size was in centimeters, so I am sure that the size was 9,42×9,42 cm.
    My plan was to fill the squares(X) with pictures(Y). I had a map on my computer with a lot of square-sized JPG-images(Y) in it. All I had
    to do was open the pictures(Y) in photoshop, change the size into 9,42×9,42 centimeters and copy+paste them into the squares(X)
    of the webdesign. I did this before and it worked perfectly.
    But then, I opened one of the images(Y) and when I wanted to resize it, the resize-tool said it was only 3,25×3,25 centimeters big.
    I thought it was strange, so I copied+pasted it into the design-file(X) with all the squares(X) that needed to be filled. Allthough photoshop
    had told me that the squares(X) in the file were 9,42×9,42 centimeters big and the image(Y) I resized was 3,25×3,25, the "small" image(Y)
    turned out to be bigger then the squares(X). And when I resized the "small" image(Y) into 9,42×9,42 centimeters, it was even bigger
    than it was before. How can this be, and how can I still make the images(X&Y) the same size?
    What I already tried
    - I made the file of the webdesign(X) with all the squares(X) into one layer, copied the file(X) and opened a new file(X) with the same
    measurements of the old file(X). I also changed the resolution of the file(X) into pixels/centimeters instead of pixels/inches.
    Then I pasted the image(X) of the old file into the new file. I didn't work; the image(X) that I pasted in the new file was bigger and
    when I pasted the other picture(Y) in this image, the same problem was still there.
    - I also opened the picture(Y) in photoshop, made a screenshot of it and then pasted the screenshot into paint. With paint I cropped
    it again and saved it as a JPEG-file. After that, I opened the image (Y) in photoshop again. It now had the size of 11,27×11,27 centimeters.
    Then I resized the image(Y) into 9,42×9,42 cm, but it still wasn't as big as the squares(X).
    Could you help me please?
    I really don't understand why this problem is happening and I can't think of a solution because I am still quite unexperienced with photoshop
    and I also couldn't find the answer on the internet. I assume the solution is very simple, but I haven't found it yet allthough I have to finish this
    project soon and I also have to use the image(Y). So any help would be very appreciated.

    You need to understand the basic of a digital image.
    Image is recorded as pixels and image is a rectangle so many pixels wide and so many pixel high.   Pixels do not have a fixed size. The images resolution setting defines the image current pixel size.
    So for example if you have and image that is 300 pixel wide and 200 pixels high and set its dip resolution to 100DPI the image size is 3" wide and 2" high.  Set its dip setting tp 300DPI the image size becomes 1" wide by 2/3" high.  Both the 3" x 2" and the 1"x2/3" images have the same 60000 RGB Colored Pixels.
    Web pages are sized to to be so many pixel wide and so many pixel high.  Often the height is not enforced scrolling is used when viewing. 
    However image for web pages often must not exceed so many pixel wide and high for displays have a fixed resolution and a fixed number of Pixels. You want images to fit on users displays.  Users use different displays some have high resolution displays and other have low resolution displays with far fewer pixels then high resolution displays.
    Web Image are normally image that have been interpolated down in number of pixels a resampled large image so that web image will fit on a low resolution  display with limited number of pixels. The image size the user see depend on the display they are currently using. A low resolution display's image will be much larger then the same image displayed on a nexus 10 with a 300dip display. Cheep low cost Desktop LCD have a 84DIP resolution, large high cost desktop displays are not be much higher in resolution somewhere near 108DPI.   Tablets, Laptop and Phones can have much higher resolution like the nexus 10 300DPI IPS display

  • I have Photoshop Elements 12 for both PC and Mac (I use both). I have a new camera, Nikon D810. I downloaded the latest version of Camera Raw, 8.8. My D810 is listed as a supported camera model. However, when I try to open a raw photo in Photoshop Element

    I have Photoshop Elements 12 for both PC and Mac (I use both). I have a new camera, Nikon D810. I downloaded the latest version of Camera Raw, 8.8. My D810 is listed as a supported camera model. However, when I try to open a raw photo in Photoshop Elements, I keep getting the message "Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw. I have tried reinstalling Camera Raw many times, and have tried to open many different raw files in Elements, and still get the same error message. Please help.

    How did you try to install ACR 8.8.  The only way I know of that works with Elements is to use the Updates Choice on the Help menu.
    There are two charts supplied by Adobe that explain your RAW dilemma.  This one tells you what your camera needs:   This one tells you what version of software you need:
    In your case, the Nikon D810 needs Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) 8.6 or Lightroom 5.6.  (Congratulations on buying a new camera!)
    To get to that level with Photoshop Elements, you will need to replace your Photoshop Elements 12 with version 13.   Adobe caps ACR updates on version 12 at 8.5.
    The most convenient way to get around it without spending any money is to use the FREE from Adobe DNG Converter.  Download and install it from here for FREE:  Once it is installed you can convert your D810 raw files to an Adobe RAW version with the .DNG file extension that most, if not all, versions of the various Adobe software programs can use.  That includes old versions of Photoshop, Elements and Lightroom.  DNG converter can be used as the tool to move your files from your memory card to your computer, is efficient, will convert in batches and is completely lossless.  There is no risk of any image quality degradation or RAW functionality.

  • I am using Lightroom 5 and am hapy about it, but recently I hav encountered a problem when trying to edit an image in another program, i.e. Elements. I used the clone tool, saved the result and went back to Lightroom to open the image there. I did find a

    I am using Lightroom 5 and am hapy about it, but recently I hav encountered a problem when trying to edit an image in another program, i.e. Elements. I used the clone tool, saved the result and went back to Lightroom to open the image there. I did find a second copy, but this is identic with the one I already had in Lightroom, and I can see noe result of the clone process.

    At the moment I would say it is uncertain whether Acrobat is completely ignoring the change, or whether the changes you are making aren't affecting the ink density. I have a suggestion for a test you could make to see which is the case.
    When editing in Photoshop just add a box or mark on the image, for your tests.
    - If this box does not appear in Acrobat, you know Acrobat is not seeing the edit
    - If this box does appear in Acrobat, you know the problem is that your tool for changing ink densities is not taking effect.

  • Option missing to open images as layers in Photoshop.

    The option to edit in Photoshop CS4 from Lightroom 4 and return is just fine. However, the option to Open images as layers in Photoshop is grayed out as well as the option to open as Smart Object or Merge.

    These other options work differently than the simple "Edit in..".
    The method that does work for you, with CS4, is using Photoshop as a standard external editor by means of a "dumb" interaction. LR does all the work of converting the image into a bitmp and then saving it as a TIFF or PSD. It knows just enough about the other program, to tell the operating system to start the program executable and to pass it the file that has already been created. Then it keeps an eye on the file, watching for modifications saved to it by the other application.
    The only compatibility needed between the two programs is: that PS (or whatever) can understand a TIFF or a PSD made by LR; and in return, that PS (or whatever) can save a modified file which LR can display.
    The extended options you mention, rely on LR getting PS to get ACR to do all the work of conversion, and then in due course, for PS to take care of file creation too, and furthermore, to tell LR which file has been created where. This is partly because several conversions are involved rather than one; conversions made directly into Photoshop's memory space but not yet onto disk; which is ACR territory.
    In order for this more complex interaction to happen, LR needs to be talking to a fully-compatible PS and ACR partnership - which it knows will properly read all its adjustments, and include them in the bitmap information. At present, from LR4, that means either Photoshop CS6 with ACR 7.x - or else (as a special concession), Photoshop CS5 with ACR 6.7. Unless one of those two setups is detected, these forms of interaction are greyed out. Sorry

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