Lightroom CC sync not working

Just upgraded Lightroom CC. When I select a bunch a photos to sync the sync is not happening. I have made sure all boxes are checked in the pop up menu

I had the same problem. It fixed itself when I opened Internet Explorer (I don't normally use it). I was opening Support Portal to get some support help, but I'm not sure if it was the page or simply opening IE that did the trick.

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    I am getting sync issues too (although on OSX) - seems like others are getting issues too:
    Good luck,

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    OK OK OK
    I tried all of the above ideas
    none worked for me!
    I had already re booted, but I rebooted again, the phone, router, comp (iMac)
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    finally I got it working
    this is what I did, I hope it works for you (at least on a Mac)
    system preferences - Sharing
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    happy days

  • Active Sync not working

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    IdM Version 5
    App server: Weblogic 8.1.6
    IdM is looking at AD (2003) for changes.
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    2007-02-06T13:20:07.794-0500: Started, paused until Tue Feb 06 13:25:00 EST 2007
    2007-02-06T13:25:00.049-0500: Pause completed
    2007-02-06T13:25:00.095-0500: Polling
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    2007-02-06T13:25:01.064-0500: Looking for deletes with filter: (uSNChanged>=33117487)
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    2007-02-06T13:25:07.814-0500: Started, paused until Tue Feb 06 13:30:00 EST 2007
    2007-02-06T13:30:00.053-0500: Pause completed
    2007-02-06T13:30:00.068-0500: Polling
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    2007-02-06T13:30:01.240-0500: Looking for deletes with filter: (uSNChanged>=33117487)
    2007-02-06T13:30:08.021-0500: Poll complete.
    2007-02-06T13:30:08.021-0500: SARunner: loop 264
    2007-02-06T13:30:08.084-0500: Started, paused until Tue Feb 06 13:35:00 EST 2007
    2007-02-06T13:35:00.057-0500: Pause completed
    2007-02-06T13:35:00.088-0500: Polling
    2007-02-06T13:35:00.104-0500: Looking for updates with filter: (objectCategory=person)(uSNChanged>=71766297)
    2007-02-06T13:35:01.229-0500: Looking for deletes with filter: (uSNChanged>=33117487)
    2007-02-06T13:35:08.166-0500: Poll complete.
    2007-02-06T13:35:08.166-0500: SARunner: loop 265
    2007-02-06T13:35:08.197-0500: Started, paused until Tue Feb 06 13:40:00 EST 2007
    2007-02-06T13:40:00.030-0500: Pause completed
    2007-02-06T13:40:00.030-0500: Polling
    2007-02-06T13:40:00.045-0500: Looking for updates with filter: (objectCategory=person)(uSNChanged>=71766297)
    2007-02-06T13:40:01.014-0500: Looking for deletes with filter: (uSNChanged>=33117487)
    2007-02-06T13:40:07.795-0500: Poll complete.
    When I run these search filters I get results from my AD. When IdM runs the search they are coming back blank. Any ideas?

    If you have changed environments... or for some other reason, your USN number on the AD resource could be lower than the number passed in the query.
    Manually edit a user in AD, and then check the USN number of the object. See if it is lower then the query is passing. If so, you can manually edit the IAPI_ResourceName configuration object and alter the USN number passed in the query.

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    Please help!

    Welcome to the BlackBerry® Support Community Forums.
    To better assist you, are you following the steps outlined here:
    How to integrate iCloud contact, calendar, or email accounts on the BlackBerry 10 smartphone
    If yes, at what step does the screen go white? 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Wi-Fi Sync not working Windows 7 64 bit iOS 5 Itunes 10.5

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    After trying ever tip posted in these discussion threads (firewall, restarting itunes, resetting phone, disabling and re enabling UPnP on router, etc. etc.) the only thing that worked was uninstalling itunes and then re-installing. At first the phone appeared after unplugging right away but then disappeared after 5 minutes. After restarting itunes it seems to have fixed itself and I couldn't be happier. Anyone having problems with the wireless sync should try uninstalling itunes and then re-installing. It worked for me.

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    That seemed to work. I have not tried to sync my other devices yet, but I am hopeful.
    It almost looks like you are saying the Aurora version 28 is a version to switch to, when it is released.
    Will I be notified by Mozzila when this comes out?
    I know I might be taking advantage of you with these questions, but it is hard to find good answers without spending lots of time searching here, there and everywhere, so to speak.
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    So is there anything I can do to get my passwords back.
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    Thank you for what you do.................................

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    If I had this problem, I'd try shaking things up by following instructions to create a new Aperture library, and then checking whether iTunes reflects the projects of the new library. If so, there's a good chance the problem will correct itself when Aperture is instructed to open the main library.
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    What happens when you try to play a track in iTunes?

  • Photoshop CS5/Lightroom 3 integration issue - "Edit Copy with Lightroom Adjustments" does not work

    When clicking "Edit Copy with Lightoomroom Adjustments" from Lightroom, I get an error in Lightroom 3 complaining that the Camera Raw plug-in is not up to date; full message below.
    "This version of Lightroom may require the Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in version 6.1 for full compatibility.
    Camera Raw version 4.6 is the latest version available for Photoshop CS3. If raw file support for your camera was introduced after Camera Raw 4.6, the Photoshop integration features in Lightroom require Photoshop CS4 and the latest Camera Raw version 5 plug-in.
    The version of Camera Raw plug-in currently installed is 0.0."
    After I click "Open Anyways", Photoshop CS5 is initiated but it seems to have lost context of why it is opened and asks me what file I want to open (i.e. the Open As dialog).
    "Edit Copy" and "Edit Original" from Lightroom 3 works as expected and opens images fine in Photoshop, CS5 however.
    My installation is on Windows 7. I currently also have Lightroom 1.4 and Photoshop CS3 installed. Everything worked fine with the old configuration. I also tried the same workflow in Lightroom 1.4 again just now, which is now linked to CS5 instead of CS3. The "Edit Copy with Lightroom Adjustments" also work just fine.
    Things that I have tried but do not worked:
    I did an Update via the Help -> Update menu, and also manually downloaded the Camera Raw 6.1 plug-in.
    Blew away the Photoshop preferences file
    Made sure that Lightroom 3 points to Photoshop for editor
    I'm thinking that I'll try uninstall CS3 next. Anyone else encountered this issue?

    [CS5.1 (12.1) ACR 6.5RC / LR 3.5RC; MacbookPro 4gb Leopard 10.5.8 ] As a Lightroom instructor, up until now this has been a vexxing problem to explain to my students. Even if ACR in Photoshop is up to date (I just downloaded 6.5RC and installed the PS Plugin), I still get the error when attempting to edit from Lightroom 3.5RC. I deleted the PS prefs file to no avail. I was not willing to re-install Photoshop as a solution (per some blog's suggestion), although that might be the ultimate answer. But what an ordeal if so!
    For a solution, I went back to a resolution I devised when I had a CS3 compatibility problem with LR3. I went into the Preferences of Lightroom and manually chose the Photoshop app as the "custom" image editor. I went back to edit the file in PS from Lightroom and the ACR error disappeared. Try it. Yes, this means you need to use the Custom editor as your image editor, but it seems to have resolved the issue.

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    Thanks but it did not work. Adobe (USA, not France) solved the problem. My subscription was not correctly entered in the database, it seems.

  • HELP! Mail sync not working because of secret code (???)

    Hi all,
    My iPhone 3G is syncing with my Exchange Server (SBS 2003) only for the calendar and the contacts. The email is not syncing but at least the iPhone is trying to get the emails. It searches for a while and then prompt me for a password. The exact message is:
    "Incorrect Secret Code / Enter the password for 'srenou'".
    'srenou' is the name i've given to my exchange setup on the iphone.
    Two weird things:
    a) the iphone/exchange setup has been correctly done and the domain account given for connection is working fine as it authenticated me correctly and gets contacts/calendar items ok.
    b) when prompted, if I type in my domain account password, it does not work and prompt me again and again and never sync the emails.
    I'm guessing the solution is not complex, but I can't figure it out, could you help me please?

    I found the solution looking at the Deployment guide. The answers was to remove the domain name from the account information on the iPhone Exchange setup. So instead of domain/username, I just have now username and the emails are syncing fine.
    iPhone 3G rules!

  • Lightroom 4 Does not Work with plugins

    I installed my Lightroom 4 upgrade yesterday and I like the changes. However, the new program does not work with any plugin including Elements, NIK software and others. Adobe should not have released the full program until they had ensured that all will work.
    I have a MAC OS Lion. I went to the NIK homepages and followed their instructions to uninstall all prior versions and download the latest version of their software to install. I followed these directions and nothing happened. So I tried Adobe's own plugin, Elements 9, and that too did not work. Then I tried a few others I have from OnOne and other developers, but nothing works.
    Then I called Adobe where a recording told me they are very busy with complaints about Lightroom 4 and hung up. Then I tried to get a tech rep to chat with me, but got the same results as I had gotten with my call.
    Why does Adobe sell a product that fails such a basic issue? Why did they not work it out with the Beta edition before selling the progrm? I understand why Beta programs often have trouble, that's why they are Beta, but I do not understand why Adobe would sell a flawed product and then prevent their customers from getting tech help.

    Actually, the LR4 beta worked fine with respect to this issue.  It wasn't until the full version was released that some people started experiencing the problem of being unable to access the external editors and plugins from LR.
    The problem is being worked on, according to a reply on the feedback forum:

  • Fitbit Aria Scale Sync not working

    I had my Fitbit Aria scale set to sync with HealthVault and it worked for quite some time.
    It stopped working sometime in April and I tried fixing it the other day.
    I verified via the Fitbit website that they are sending data to HealthVault.  Latest data listed as sent was today.
    I also disconnected and reconnected it from HealthVault to see if that was the issue.
    After logging into the HealthVault site, it still didn't show any new data since April.
    How can I get it syncing again?
    "We're all in it together, kid." - Harry Tuttle, Heating Engineer

    What I have personally found is that my FitBit account only syncs when I manually log in to, go to the Settings>Sharing page, scroll down to the HealthVault section, and click the "Post" link.
    I've navigated to Settings > Sharing... there is no "Post" link in the HealthVault section.
    Here's the link to my post on the matter though.
    "We're all in it together, kid." - Harry Tuttle, Heating Engineer

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