Limit Number of Numbers Entered Into Integer Field In LiveCycle

I have a numeric field on my form that I need to limit the number of numbers entered to 4 only.   The field can have leading zeros...  Is their someway to do this?

The below code can check for the Field length and does not allow the user to enter more.
Place it in the Change event of the Numeric Field with java Script as language..
     //This is the length you want your NumericField to accept. If you want to add additional leading zeros then you need to set the length accordingly.
     var maxLength = 4;
     if(xfa.event.newText.length >maxLength)xfa.event.change = "";

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    Hello user8014695 (name please),
    Try coding the select for your search as
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    Hope this helps,

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    Thank you,

    Hi Don,
    Does this solution cover the above problem?

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    GIven that "s" is the variable containing the value, if you did:
    <cfset parts = listToArray(s, "@")>
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    If the form fields have the same name then the data entered in one field will be auto populated in other with the same name. For example, if there is a form field named custom field 1 in one document and there is another field with the same name(custom field 1) in the other document and you upload them together into a single transaction and send the document, then the data entered in custom field 1 in one document will be auto populated in custom field 1 of other document as well. This also applies for one document only as well.
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    You can use something like this as the custom Format script:
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    Thanking you kindly!

    XBLNR is a character field.  If you want to make sure all 15 positions have a digit and not some other character then use:
    IF BKPF-XBLNR CO '0123456789'.
    * OKAY, all 15 positions have digits
    * NOT OKAY, at least one of the 15 is not a digit
    If you do not care what the characters are, then Rich has given you the solution but be aware that you could have embedded blanks, for example:
    is length 15.
    Message was edited by: Charles Folwell

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    That was it!

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    You need to use file:// as the protocol instead of C:/. The latter may never work (C:\ might).
    Where is the main HTML located ?
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    A quick look at their web site shows I've misinterpreted what you said - Notational Velocity isn't related to iCal. However if you are still having a problem with that the makers would be the people to ask.
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    This is the Premiere Pro forum.  You should ask on the Acrobat forum:

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    You have to use PRE-QUERY trigger to compose the search criteria. Below I put an example of it. You have to have at least one item in the block wich is true database item (e.g. it has to exist in table or view on which your block is based). In the following example EMP_DESC is your non-database search item and EMP_ID is the database one.
    Dummy VARCHAR2 (2000);
    Dummy := '#IN (SELECT emp_id FROM Employees WHERE Upper (emp_first_name)||'' ''||Upper (emp_sec_name) LIKE Upper (''%'||:EMP.EMP_DESC||'%''))';
    Copy (Dummy, 'EMP.EMP_ID');
    end if;
    Thats it. Note the # sign in the first position of the Dummy assignment. This is required by forms to glue your search criteria and block's where clause. You may analize LAST_QUERY property of your block in order to understand how this work. Remember also to set the QUERY_LENGTH property of the EMP_DESC item to the value that could contain the whole Dummy string (otherwise it will give you an error and cut the mar the query).
    Hope this helps.
    P.S. And set your EMP_DESC database item property to NO.

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    We have a requirement to substitute document number and fiscal year into Assignment field when posted to a Sp.GL account (Using FB60). Sort key is substituting doc# and fiscal year into Sp.GL Assignment number. I am trying to use a substitution rule, but it's not working probably because the substitution is being called before document number is generated. Any thoughts or input on this is greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Chandra Nallam on Jan 29, 2009 3:13 AM

    hi!! guys ,
    Can anybody help me on this BB module of Vistex pl.
    I have one very basic Questions and not getitng the right answer.
    Look at this Business scenario
    1) I have created Billback from Agreement and Invoice and I did accrued this BB like this there are various invocies I accrued thro various agreement and BB combination - I dont see any issues in Config here
    2) now we have got Claim request from the Customer (for the same Partners) now how do I validate what is demanded by customer is same or less or more then the accrual happened thro the BB of Invoice??
    So the issue here is mainly reconciliation of what accrued agains invoice need to be validated here in Claim document so I can take decision.
    so Is this Billback module has got a possibility of reconciling in vistex ???
    Let me know If you or any of your friennd can help me to understand this.
    As you rightly said the document provided by Vistex are really Bad and not much helpful. looking at this i dont see this Product has really helped us much.

  • Preferance pane window keeps popping open when entering search or data into any fields. I'm also using 1Password and it happens when trying to enter a password

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    I think a screen shot would be helpful. There is a box below the compose area of a reply to upload files.

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