Limitation when sharing HD video on Vimeo

When I want to share an HD video 720p on Vimeo, If my video exceed 5 minutes, I receive a message that tell me that my video is to big to be shared on Vimeo => ?
So I'm limited to share HD video 720p less than 5 min.
I don't know from where comes this limitation and what to do to remove it.
P.S. : I have a basic account on Vimeo which include the possibility of sharing an HD video / week
This problem comes even if it's my first video sharing of the week
Thank you in advance
Best Regards

already answered in another post, sorry

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    Trash preferences with Digital Rebellion's Preference Manager.
    Try exporting a very short section of your project as a master file and then use the Vimeo uploader. It could be something on their end - or possibly with your connection. If that works, try again with the full project.

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    Error -50 paramErr  Error in user parameter list
    Can there be any external hard disks - if so How is/are it/they formatted ? Must be Mac OS Extended (hfs) if used for Video.
    UNIX/DOS/FAT32/Mac OS Exchange - works for most but not for VIDEO.
    What this means in Your situation is above me.
    • free space on internal boot hard disk? How much ?
    Video codec
    • streamingDV, AIC etc. (not .avi, .mp4, .m4v, .wmv etc as they are containers not codecs)
    • in what format ? .jpg, .bmp, .tif, else ?
    • from where/what format ? iTunes, .avi, .mp3, .aiff, else ?
    The "" file
    Many users has not observed that there are TWO libraries.
    • Library - at root level
    • Library - in user/account folder - THIS IS THE ONE to look into
    from Luke Burns
    I fixed the problem.. but it was very, very strange. I had a very long section for credits and set the line spacing to 1.0.. for some reason this caused it. I removed it, and it worked fine. I put it back, and I couldn't preview or play the video.
    I don't know why that could cause that big of a problem, but it did..
    You need more free space on your hard drive.
    After phone support from apple I ended up creating a new project and adding all 117 clips back in individually till I found out what clips flagged and would not allow me to export. I had 3 I deleted and replaced and everything works now 1hr after tedious work....
    Where do Your material come from
    • Camera
    • External hard disk
    • USB-memory
    And all are connected so that iMovie can find it ?
    Yours Bengt W

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    Unfortunately, the recording & movie industry does not respect the rights of the people who make them money, and thus you can only use the paid-for content in ways they see fit. Even if I lived in a bunker where no one else could possibly see the movie I paid for, therefor I'm not 'sharing it illegally', I would still not be allowed in a blue moon to copy that movie to DVD for TV viewing. Someone will tell you to get an AppleTV. How about Apple give us one for free? Until this changes, people wanting to use their content in multiple locations will continue to download music & movies via torrents, legally or illegally.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community Diane.
    I find that shared video can be troublesome, a few haven't appeared to work as you describe but have done when I've looked at a later date. Hopefully they will work if you give them a bit longer. perhaps it would be a good idea if you make sure they are working before deleting them from the camera roll.

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    Thinkpad X240 [20AL]
    Thinkpad T440p [20AN]
    ThinkVantage Update Retriever 5.00.0007
    Thinkvantage Thin Installer 1.2.0010
    Intel HD Graphics Driver - gid634ww (
    Microsoft Lync 2013 SP1 32 Bit (15.0.4569.1503)
    Error Message from Application Log:
    Faulting application name: lync.exe, version: 15.0.4569.1503, time stamp: 0x52b0af33
    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18409, time stamp: 0x53159a86
    Exception code: 0x00000879
    Fault offset: 0x0000c42d
    Faulting process id: 0x220c
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf707ca316ae96
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\lync.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
    Report Id: 9bb7c6e4-dc70-11e3-b695-5c514fb23d46
    Any help or insight is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Go to Solution.

    Just as an updated to this:
    I'm still waiting on updated drivers to fix the issue, however, there is a workaround.  If you disable Desktop Composition screen sharing will work.
    Control Panel -> Performance and Information Tools -> Adjust Visual Effects -> Uncheck “Enable desktop composition

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