Limited selection of Discussion Boards

I have been trying to ask a question about Multisim but when I try to select a board, I am only allowed to choose from the boards listed. If I choose "More", a Board Selector is displayed and I can select one of those but then I am taken right back to the post message page with no board selected.
I have tried with both pop-ups on and off. I am using IE7
Are there any other settings that could be wrong?

Please stick to the original post rather than splitting the discussion over two threads, so everything is kept in one place. Thanks.

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    I have a SharePoint 2010 site with two discussion boards. I added one additional field to each of the boards: a lookup to another list to link the discussions to individual projects. I need 2 different boards because they have different posting permissions
    (one is open to all for comments, and one is open only to the project team to post but everyone can read).
    When I go to the pages for each of the discussion boards, they work fine.
    But I'm putting together a page for individual projects, and want to have web parts for both discussion boards on the same page, showing the discussions related to the selected project.
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    One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields.
    Correlation ID: blah blah blah
    I've searched for similar postings, but mostly I see this error message related to migration from 2007 to 2010 -- this is not the case here: I created both discussion boards, and the whole site, in SP 2010. I've also found this message related
    to coding errors using SPQuery. I am not doing any coding here, just using the built-in SharePoint 2010 Edit Page -> add a web part -> select the discussion list.  I tried doing it from SPD with the same result. 

    I figured it out. I was using ?FilterField1=fieldname&FilterValue1=value on the URL to the page to pick out one project number. The web part I was trying to add was for a list that did not have that particular fieldname. I didn't realize that would matter
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  • Importing to Discussion Board Post from legacy source

    Hi All,
    Im sure im not the first to wonder or ask this question but here it goes.
    We have recently moved out intranet to SharePoint 2013. We have rebuilt from the ground up using many of the out of box solutions as well as some third party apps and web parts however these is one aspect that is stumping us.
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    Does anybody have an idea where to start if at all possible. 

    Won't keep me logged in,
    This is a server problem. In other words, "don't adjust your dial!"
    spinning balls,
    All this means is that the rendering is slowed down by something in the design of the website. If it is a thread with over 500 posts, you probably will have difficulty viewing it, unless you have a high speed internet connection with low latency, enough hard disk space to cache the files, and/or view threads in tree mode. To use Tree mode, go to My Settings, and select Tree View under Topic Page View in the General SEttings.
    Bad Request
    Sometimes will happen if your internet service provider is behind a backbone with significant peering issues.
    So how big is your hard drive?
    How much free disk space is there?
    Have you tried to empty the browser cache?
    Does this issue happen with short threads as well as long ones?
    Do you have any system modification software such as Speed Download, PthHelmet, or other browser enhancement software?
    Are you sure all your software is known to be Snow Leopard compatible?
    See these two pages about compatibility:

  • Unable to Customize SharePoint 2013 Discussion Board

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    *** Error message when creating new views based on view types Subject, Flat, or Threaded:
    TypeError: Unable to get value of the property '0': object is null or undefined
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    other properties defined.  Manually defining these properties does not make the view function as desired (Flat view is not flat).
    *** Error message when editing existing default views Subject, Flat, or Threaded:
    Cannot complete this action.
    Please try again.
    Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
    Note that this is nothing to troubleshoot or error number provided.  The URL shows /_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=65001.  Also, the edit screen does not show any view property to change.
    Note that both ability to edit existing views and create new views work in SharePoint 2010.  This issue is with SharePoint 2013.  Please guide to resolve this.  View in other apps can be edited. 
    This issue is only with the Discussion Board app. 
    -Thanks, Maqsood.

    You will not be able to modify the default view in SharePoint 2013 i.e. Subject/Flat or threaded. However you can create a new view based on your requirement and use it.
    When you try to create new view, the fields will not be available for you to select during creation of view, instead create a view with proper name, once the view is created, go back for modifying the new view and you will have the fields available for selection.
    Note: Make sure you have mandatory CU installed on the farm.
    Raghavendra Shanbhag | Blog:
    Please click "Propose As Answer " if a post solves your problem or "Vote As Helpful" if a post has been useful to you.
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • How to find sum of Discussions Initiated by a user in Discussion Board List

    I am working on SharePoint Online.
    We have used Discussion Board List for discussions on our site. In that list permitted users can initiate as many discussions as they want.
    My question is: In SP ONLINE, Can we come to know sum of how many discussions have been initiated by different users OOB or by using calculated column or by any other means without custom code.
    For eg: User X has initiated :
    DIscussion A
    Discussion B
    And User Y
    Discussion C
    So what I want is
    UserName        Discussions Initiated
    X                                       2
    Y                                       1
    Is this possible OOB. If not, Can you please help in implementing it by custom code on SP Online.
    Vikrant Kaushal

    Hi vikrant,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to display the sum of the discussions that a user created in SharePoint Online.
    There is an OOB view ‘Management’, it displays all discussions that all users created. You can group by the view using ‘Created By’, then it will display the sum of discussions that a user created.
    You can do as:  click List->Current View, switch current view to Management view, then click ‘Modify View’. Scroll to ‘Group By’ section and expand it, under ‘First group by the column’, select ‘Created By’, click OK.
    The result is like:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    I have contacted developers, but they keep sending the instruction book to me with step-by-step inforamtion, which is out of date itself, but that is not a problem, I think in my case.
    When I try to report a problem to Apple , using hte link on my receipt, it just takes me to a page with discussion boards and FAQ.
    I would like to get $1.99 back instead of troubleshoot this any longer, because it seems App help support people are not understanding the problem.
    I did try re-loading the App -didn't help either.
    Thank you!

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Apple's policy on sales of digital content is that all sales are final. If however you wish to appeal to Apple, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History on your computer.
    Currently, if your purchase happens to be your most recent purchase you will not be redirected to the report form, in this case use the report a problem option from the invoice that was emailed to you.

  • How to link Discussion Board with Custom list in sharepoint 2013

    I have a custom list, which  have collection of goals. and i have an discussion board for discussions about those goals from that custom
    list... so how can i link between those two. what my expectation is, if I select a "goal" from custom list, then the collection of discussions that related to goals will displays on other side...  and i have added a lookup column in discussion
    board that refer the goal name in the custom list so i am relating goal name between these two. 

    Hi VinoJash,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to click the ‘discuss’ column in the custom list to navigate to the associated discusstion. Is it right?
    You can do as the followings:
    Open your custom list
    Create a new column, the type is Hyperlink or Picture, select Format URL as: Hyperlink
    Navigation to a discussion, copy the URL of the discussion
    Back to the custom list, and new an item
    Type the title, and paste the URL copied in step 3 under ‘Type the web address:’, type a name for the description of the url
    Click Save
    In my testing, the result is :
    If I click ‘first discussion’, it will open the ‘first’ discussion.
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Access Denied Error on replying to a discussion board Post using anonymous access in sharepoint 2013 .

    Hi ,
    We are facing issue while replying to a post in Discussion board using Anonymous access users in Sharepoint 2013.
    WE are able to post a discussion using anonymous acess but not able to reply to the discussion post.
    Steps Performed  - :
    1. Enabled Anonymous access at Web application Level .
    2. In SiteCollection > Site Permissions > Anonymous Acess > Enable for List and Libraries .
    3.  Disable ViewFormPAgeLock Feature .
    4 .Go to Discussion board List >Permissions > Break Inheritence .
    5 . Given Add ,Edit and View item permission to anonymous users .
    6 . "Create and edit all items " Discussion Board Library Advanced Settigs  .Infact ,Neither option is working .
    Please suggest if we are missing soming .Please help

    According to your post, my understanding is that when you went to the Discussion List and selected the thread then view the list in “Flat” view, the Spelling ICON was greyed out.
    By design in SharePoint, when you view the list in “Flat” view, the ribbon would be as below:
    Only when you add a reply and move the mouse to the content, the Spelling ICON will appear.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Export data from SP Discussion board

    Hi I would like to export data (topics and replies) from sharepoint discussion board to either excel or any other
    format. I can see export on discussion topics but not on replies. is there any setting i need to setup.

    You can use the existed function in SharePoint to help you to export:
    Your Discussion Boards List > actions > open with access
    》select “link to the data on the SharePoint site” > ok > export the data using the access function external data > export > excel (access 2007).
    In addition,you can also try to use connect to outlook to export data.
    Hope it is helpful!

  • Custom View of Discussion Board

    I have a OOTB discussion board to which I have added some custom properties (Group and Category).
    I want to create a custom view of the discussion board that only shows conversations with a specific Group value. This works fine; however, when I click the title of the conversation, nothing is displayed (There are no items to show in this view...).
    Do I need two separate views for this? It seems like I need a top-level Subject view and then a secondary Threaded view to show the conversation maybe? I wasn't able to find instructions for doing this anywhere.

    Hi  Chad,
    According to your description, my understanding  is that the discussion board Subject field URL link is not working in the custom  view.
    By design,  SharePoint  Discussion Board Subject field is linking to Flat.aspx which can display the conversation with replies. But for a custom view , the subject field cannot and will link to
    display form for the conversation item.  For a solution, the fileRef will take you to the current forum post:
    <a href="{@FileRef}">
    <xsl:value-of select="@Title"/>
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Dreamweaver Discussion Board

    I'm a newbie to Flash and Dreamweaver and I am currently
    attemtping to build a Website for a class Project. The DW
    discussion board seems to offer little help here. I published a
    flash movie to Dreamweaver 8. Video plays fine on my PC and when I
    upload the video it seems to transfer ok. When I go to the page, I
    just get a popup that says "press the spacebar or enter to activate
    controls" and nothing. It's just blank. I am wondering if I left a
    step out, or I have a file directory problem? It plays fine when I
    preview it. Should I be uploading the .swf file? The .fla file?
    The.flv file? I am also a little shaky on the file that belongs in
    the src box as well.
    Thanks for your help and patience.

    It depends on what you mean by "Message x of y". If you are
    referring to a database table, some db's allow you to select the
    row number. Syntax is db specific.
    If you are referring to a specific discussion, then you could
    use the currentrow and recordcount variables of cfquery.

  • User name display in Discussion Board - SharePoint 2013 (Office 365)

    I would like to hide the display of user name of "Created by" and "Replied By" in discussion board.
    How to do this setup?
    Thanks and best regards,

    That's the nature of the web part.  Check here:
    The biggest limitation for content query web part is not able to go across site collections... but subsites should be ok. 
    Enter content by search web part.... new to 2013.

  • Get collaboration content (Discussion Board, Blog Posts, Wikki) last view time in SharePoint 2013

    How to get get collaboration content (Discussion Board, Blog Posts, Wikki) last view time in SharePoint 2013. I have tried using SPAudit setting but its not returning
    list item view time. I have enabled the SiteCollection Audit setting for "Opening or downloading documents,
    viewing items in lists, or viewing item properties". I have tried using below code.
    SPSite site = new SPSite(siteURL);
    SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
    SPList list = web.Lists[listName];
    SPListItem item = list.GetItemById(itemId);
    SPAudit audit = site.Audit;
    SPAuditQuery query = new SPAuditQuery(site);
    SPAuditEntryCollection coll = audit.GetEntries(query);
    Is there any other way to get last view time in SharePoint
    2013?? or any changes in above code?

    Hi Patil,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to get the last view time of any entities in SharePoint 2013
    How did you do with using Site Collection Audit?
    Below are my testing:
    Click Settings->Site Settings
    Click Site collection audit settings under Site Collection Administration
    On the Audit Log Trimming section, select ‘Yes’ under ‘Automatically trim the audit log for this site?’
    On the Documents and Items section,  select ‘Opening or downloading documents, viewing items in lists, or viewing item properties’
    Click OK
    Click  Audit log reports, click Content viewing under Content Activity Reports
    Then select a location to save a report, click OK
    ‘Operation Completed Successfully’ displayed, and there is a link ‘click here to view the report’, click it.
    Open the report, there were two worksheets in the file. The first one was ‘Audit Data-Table’, it contained the viewing total times. The second one was ‘Report Data 1’, it provided the time when the item was viewed.
    Below is a screenshot about my report.
    Through checking the second worksheet, we can see which items were viewed and the viewed time. Please have a try.
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Private Discussion boards

    Hello, I am setting up a discussion board in my intranet homepage, so all users can see all discussions. so far so good. But now i wanted to be able to make new discussions but with the option to invite some ppl and that discussion would only be avaiable
    and visible to me and the people i added (Kind of a private discussion). how can i do it? is it possible?

    Create a Discussion Board, add a People Picker column and call it Contributors, make it a multiple select people picker and a required field.  Now build a workflow that runs when a new item is created that is an impersonisation step workflow that
    alters the permissions of the current item as you require, i.e. give everyone listed in the contributors field contribute permission and the user who created the current item full control, etc.
    Sergio Giusti
    Whenever you see a reply and if you think is helpful, click " Vote As Helpful". And whenever you see a reply being an answer to the question of the thread, click "
    Mark As Answer".

  • Firefox updated to latest version, now I can not enter data in a discussion board dialog box in Blackboard. IE8 had same problem, change to compatability mode and IE functions. Any fix for firefox?

    Am using Blackboard to teach classes at college. Have not updated firefox at college, works great. Wife hit yes to update to latest version last week. Now can nan not reply in the discussion board, the curser is not recognized in the dialog box.

    Try to disable hardware acceleration in Firefox.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

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