Link inside tableview iterator

Hi Experts,
I kept a link inside tableview iterator it is working fine, when i click the link it shows error, i cant understand it.
The error is
The following error text was processed in the system:
BSP Exception: Das Objekt targetbspapplication/page.htm in der URL /sap(bD1lbiZjPTgwMA==)/bc/bsp/sap/ztableview1/targetbspapplication/page.htm?link=WWW.SDN.SAP.COM ist nicht gültig.
please help me to solve it.
Thanks & Regards,

Hi Arun,
You can try the method mentioned below:
when 'ACTION'.
        if p_edit_mode is not initial.
          data: bee_table  type ref to cl_bsp_bee_table,
                   link       type ref to cl_htmlb_link.
          data: cell_id_del(20).
          cell_id_del = p_cell_id.
          create object bee_table.
          link ?= cl_htmlb_link=>factory( id = p_cell_id
                                           text = 'Modify Entries'
                                           on cli ck = 'modify').
          bee_table->add( element = link level = 1 ).
          p_replacement_bee ?= bee_table.
OnInputprocessing of BSP page:
when 'modify'.
      gv_flg_tv_popup = 'X' .
      gv_matcode = gs_materials-matnr.
In Layout:
  if gv_flg_tv_popup is not initial.
        <s cript type='te xt/ jav ascript'>
        var m atcode="<%= gv_matcode %>";
        windo'tv_popup.htm?ma tcode='+ma tcode+'&end','my window','width=450,height=230,res izable=no');
        </s cript>
  clear gv_flg_tv_popup.
In the above code , I have a tableView in which last  column is a link.On Click of this link a new window is opened in whicn details of one material is displayed in tableview.on click of link OnInputprocessing is trigered and I read the row no for which link is clicked and the material numnber for that row.Now in OnCreate of popup window I fetch the data for that material and display it in the tableView.

Similar Messages

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    In the past I use the tableview tag "tableViewColumn". In this tag a nested image tag inside a link tag was used.
    Now I use the tableview iterator. But I can only define one p_replacement_bee in the RENDER_CELL_START method.
    Does anyone knows a solution for my problem?
    <htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "transport"
    tooltipColumnKey = "transport_tooltip"
    type = "user"
    title = "<%= otr(zinternet/tracking) %>"
    horizontalAlignment = "center" >
    <htmlb:link id = "$TVCID$"
    reference = "$TRANSPORT_LINK$"
    target = "_blank" >
    <htmlb:image src="$TVCVALUE$" />

    Just off hand I see one problem.  In your reference you have ''.  This link wouldn't work (and might be causing your problem, because without the http:// on the front it would assume that was a relative path.
    Other than that I don't see a problem off hand.  I normally don't render my elements to BEEs and then add the BEEs to the BEE Tree. I prefer to render to elements and then use the ADD method instead of the ADD_BEE method:
            data: tag_gl       type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayout,
                  tag_glc_if1  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell,
                  tag_glc_if2  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell,
                  tag_glc_if3  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell.
            tag_gl       = cl_htmlb_gridlayout=>factory(
                        columnsize  = '3' rowsize  = '1' ).
            tag_glc_if1 = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                        columnindex = '1' rowindex = '1' ).
            tag_glc_if2  = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                        columnindex = '2' rowindex = '1' ).
            tag_glc_if3  = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                        columnindex = '3' rowindex = '1' ).
            data: seats_bee type ref to cl_bsp_bee_table.
            create object seats_bee.
            seats_bee->add( level = 1 element = tag_gl ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if1 ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_first ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if2 ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_bus ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if3 ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_econ ).
            p_replacement_bee = seats_bee.

  • Work around for $fieldname$ replacement inside tableview

    Hello All,
    I hope you can help me on an issue I have. I've create a BSP but it doesn't work with any other browser except IE.
    So I changed the design to design2003  to work with other browsers but the $fieldname$ replacement inside tableview is not supported.
    In the eg. a user would click on 'B10' value in a cell of col. 5 row 1 as a link and this value of 'B10' would be pass as a parameter value to
    display contact information for B10. 
    How do I capture this value in the cell of the tableview to pass to another page for data selection??
    Much appreciation for any advise.

    Are you using Iterator? If not use iterator. It will allow you to do the way you wanted...
    Just go through Weblog:
    If you need any help, let me know..
    <i>*Reward each useful answer</i>
    Raja T

  • Matrix in tableView iterator

    I have created a composite BSP element that outputs a matrix with two cells, the first containing an icon, the second with a description.  This works fine when placed in a BSP page.
    When, however, I try to use the element in a tableView iterator, it blanks the whole table.  Do I need to do something special to get the element working inside a tableView?
    My element code is posted here:
    METHOD if_bsp_element~do_at_beginning.
    * use matrix to control alignment
    * <phtmlb:matrix width = "100%" >
      DATA: phtmlb_matrix TYPE REF TO cl_phtmlb_matrix.
      phtmlb_matrix = cl_phtmlb_matrix=>factory( width = '100%' ).
    * create matrix and set alignment
      WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = phtmlb_matrix ) = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   get status info
        data: ls_status type /baasow/status.
        clear: ls_status.
        select single * from /baasow/status
          into ls_status where status = status.
        DATA: html TYPE string.
    *   no status found
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          html = status.
          me->print_string( html ).
    *   status icon
        DATA: lr_icon TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_image.
        lr_icon = cl_htmlb_image=>factory(
                src = ls_status-icon ).
        WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = lr_icon )
          = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   status text
        html = ls_status-TEXTSH.
        me->print_string( html ).
      rc = co_element_done.

    I have created a composite BSP element that outputs a matrix with two cells, the first containing an icon, the second with a description.  This works fine when placed in a BSP page.
    When, however, I try to use the element in a tableView iterator, it blanks the whole table.  Do I need to do something special to get the element working inside a tableView?
    My element code is posted here:
    METHOD if_bsp_element~do_at_beginning.
    * use matrix to control alignment
    * <phtmlb:matrix width = "100%" >
      DATA: phtmlb_matrix TYPE REF TO cl_phtmlb_matrix.
      phtmlb_matrix = cl_phtmlb_matrix=>factory( width = '100%' ).
    * create matrix and set alignment
      WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = phtmlb_matrix ) = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   get status info
        data: ls_status type /baasow/status.
        clear: ls_status.
        select single * from /baasow/status
          into ls_status where status = status.
        DATA: html TYPE string.
    *   no status found
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          html = status.
          me->print_string( html ).
    *   status icon
        DATA: lr_icon TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_image.
        lr_icon = cl_htmlb_image=>factory(
                src = ls_status-icon ).
        WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = lr_icon )
          = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   status text
        html = ls_status-TEXTSH.
        me->print_string( html ).
      rc = co_element_done.

  • Passing Parameters to tableview iterator class

    Hi all,
    I have a tableview with 2 fields say A and B.
    When i click any of the field(row) i want to open a new page with the parameters A and B.
    I have used iterator and able to get the value for either  field-A or field-B..How to get both field values in
    This my code,
    create object tv_iterator type ycl_salary_review.
    method if_htmlb_tableview_iterator~render_cell_start .
        data: wf_text type string,
            wf_url type string,
            test type char1.
      data: htmlstring type string ,
      rono type string .
      field-symbols: <fs> type any ,
                       <l_a> type any,
                     <l_b> type any.
      assign p_row_data_ref->* to <fs>.
      case p_column_key.
        when 'A'.
          assign component p_column_key of structure <fs> to <l_a>.
          wf_text = <l_a> .
        concatenate 'page2.htm?field_a=' wf_text into
          call method cl_htmlb_link=>factory
              id        = p_cell_id
              reference = wf_url
              target    = '_self'
              text      = wf_text
              element   = p_replacement_bee.

    Hi Ven,
    pls Go thro this step-by-step creation of Tableview with iterator...
    Look at the Standard BSP Application BSP_MODEL --> Page Name:- table.htm
    *pls assign points,if link is useful*
    CSM reddy

  • BSP tableview Iterator

    Dear Experts,
    I am currently working with BSP tableview iterator.
    I have use many internal tables and the data are store in my class.
    My question is how can i use certain data which already store in my class and display them in my tableview with iterator.
    I use another internal table in my tableview, but when i try to refer my other data which already stored in my class, the internal table is empty.
    Please guide and advise.
    Thanks and regards,
    Simon Kiew

    Hi Bin,
    You can use HTMLB Link in your RENDER_CELL_START method.
    WHEN 'LINK'.
    p_replacement_bee = cl_htmlb_link=>factory(  id    = p_cell_id
    reference= ''
    text      = 'YAHOO'
    target = '_new' ).
    Hope this helps,

  • Ios7 bookamrking web application to home screen via Safari crashes after login and when we try to open any link inside. Can anyone please tell me if there is any scheduled fix for this bug in safari?

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    From what i understand i see that - Cookies are not transferred between your website and your webapp when installing the icon on the home screen (for authentication purposes for example). It was working until 6.1 and now it’s not working anymore.
    Can someone please tell me if this bug will be fixed in any future release, if so the ticket number of some kind that i can track, or if there is a workaround for this issue?

    ios7 bookmarking web application to home screen via Safari, crashes after login and when we try to open any link inside from the icon that gets created on the home screen. Can anyone please tell me if there is any scheduled fix for this bug in safari?
    From what i understand i see that - Cookies are not transferred between your website and your webapp when installing the icon on the home screen (for authentication purposes for example). It was working until 6.1 and now it’s not working anymore.
    Can someone please tell me if this bug will be fixed in any future release, if so the ticket number of some kind that i can track, or if there is a workaround for this issue?

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    All of my .pdfs were originally created in Word, and in the Word versions, the links DO open into new frames.  I am not sure why, when I convert them to .pdfs, they lose this feature.
    Can anyone help?

    Hi Magenta,
    Would you mind reposting this question over on the Acrobat boards?  You've posted in the AIR forum and you'll have better luck with this over there.

  • Command Link inside table to external website in popup window

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    Where I am adding in #{row.PrimaryKey} which is the Id of the row. I would like to have the new page opened into a pop up window if this is possible.
    I am not sure if this can be done in the backing bean or whether my approach is the correct one?
    Many Thanks

    something like...
    <af:goLink text="#{row.PrimaryKey}"

  • Command Link inside of datatable

    I have the following problem when I put a command link inside a datatable.
    The action or actionlisteners never get called. Now here is the funny thing.
    1. If I move the action link outside the datatable it works.
    2. if I change the scope of the bean to session it works
    3. if the datatable contains more than 1 row it works
    The last one tells me this is a bug.
    To test this I change the sql query to limit the result so 1 row would be returned.
    The sql query returns a CachedRowSetImpl
    I believe this is a bug.
    <h:dataTable rows="6" first="0" id="table" binding="#{event.eventdata}" value="#{event.eventdetails}" var="eventdetail">
    <h:commandLink value="#{eventdetail.title}" action="#{event.resaveEventaction}" actionListener="#{event.resaveEventdetails}" id="test" >

    Here is some additional information that makes this more confusing.
    The following code is used to populate the datatable
    public CachedRowSetImpl getEventdetails(){
         CachedRowSetImpl rs2 = null;
         String selectedeventmy = selectedevent;
         int rowcount = 0;
         try { 
              sql = "SELECT * FROM event where eventid='"+selectedeventmy+"' ";
              rs2 = RunQuery.mysql(sql);
              rowcount = rs2.size();
         } catch (Exception e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         return rs2;
    where RunQuery.mysql is
    public class RunQuery {
         public static CachedRowSetImpl mysql(String sql) throws Exception {
              CachedRowSetImpl crset = null;
              InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
              Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
              try {
                   DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup("jdbc/associations");
                   Connection conn = null;
         Statement stmt = null;
         conn = ds.getConnection();
         stmt = conn.createStatement();
         ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
         crset = new CachedRowSetImpl();
              } catch (Exception e) {
              return crset;
    if I replace the line
    String selectedeventmy = selectedevent;
    with String selectedeventmy = "61";
    it works properly.
    selectedevent is populated from the following triggered by another action event on another page. ? The funny thing is if the result set returns more that 1 row all works ok.
    public String viewDetails(){
         System.out.println("Running view Details");
         int selectedrow = eventlist.getRowIndex();
         Object selected = eventlist.getRowData();
         Map rowdata = (Map) selected;
         selectedevent = rowdata.get("eventid").toString();
         System.out.println("Selected Event:"+selectedevent);
         return outcome;

  • How to change the color of the links inside a portlet ?

    I have to apply a css into one of the portlets of my page. Since I thought it would not be easy I figured out that the only thing the client cares is the color of the links inside the portlet. The portlet has a bunch of links and these link should be blue and 12pt. Does somebody know how to do that ?

    Change hyperlink color:
    There are about 50 predefined styles with each template. They are modifiable. Hyperlink is one of the styles.
    Follow this process:
    • In your document select a word of text, any word will do.
    • Style it the way you want your hyperlinks to look.
    • Show Styles Drawer from the View menu.
    • Find the Hyperlink style in the drawer and right-click on it.
    • Select - Redefine Style from Selection - in the pop-up menu.
    That's it. You've changed the hyperlink style for this book.

  • Broken Links inside FLash

    I notived that the links inside my flash header do not work
    on this page as well as other pages inside this directory. The
    links do work in the root directory. Does someone know how to fix
    this problem I am having? Here is the link:
    The action script URL setting is index.html, about.html, etc.
    For some reason when you click the following link, the flash header
    sends the user to
    instead of
    Thanks a bunch!!

    impossible to say other then your code is wrong - always
    always always copy/paste the code in
    question or we have nothing to go by - but flash simply does
    not replace urls with other urls - you
    must have the wrong code on the wrong button and missed
    something simple.
    --> **Adobe Certified Expert**
    Mike Splat wrote:
    > I notived that the links inside my flash header do not
    work on this page as
    > well as other pages inside this directory. The links do
    work in the root
    > directory. Does someone know how to fix this problem I
    am having? Here is the
    > link:
    > The action script URL setting is index.html, about.html,
    etc. For some reason
    > when you click the following link, the flash header
    sends the user to
    instead of
    > Thanks a bunch!!

  • Can links inside "set text of container" behaviours open in a new page?

    I am using the set text of container behaviour to show different information within the same page, to keep things neat and simple to navigate. Some of the text needs to be external links, but they open in the current page, not a new page even though I have set the target to _blank.
    Is there another way to keep using the set text of container and have the links open in another page?
    Using CS6 on Macbook Pro 2.6Ghz OSX10.8

    gryffun wrote:
    Well, after some further google searches, I'll answer my own question...
    selecting the link inside the set text of container and adding a behaviour to it -  "open in browser" will make the link open in a new window.
    Or ading target="_blank" to each link will do the same

  • Problem with tableview iterator

    Dear friends.
    I try to adopt tableview iterator in my customer's BSP pages. So, I programmed test page.
    METHOD if_htmlb_tableview_iterator~render_row_start .
      m_row_ref ?= p_row_data_ref.
    M_ROW_REF is "Static Attribute" and "Public" and "Type Ref To Z3TYDISP"
    z3tydisp has structure as below
    REQNO          NUMC     12
    VGUBUN          CHAR     1
    REQDT          DATS     8
    RNAME          CHAR     10
    VCOMP          CHAR     30
    VNAME          CHAR     10
    VPLACE          CHAR     5
    VPLACEDSC     CHAR     20
    APPROVAL     CHAR     1
    AND... p_row_data_ref has structure below
    REQNO     N     12
    VGUBUN     C     1
    DSCOFVGUBUN     g     0
    REQDT     D     8
    RNAME     C     10
    VCOMP     C     30
    VNAME     C     10
    VPLACE     C     5
    VPLACEDSC     C     20
    APPROVAL     C     1
    DSCOFAPPROVAL     g     0
    In my option, p_row_data_ref has same structure compared with z3tydisp. But there is "CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR". How I have to define "z3tydisp"????

    >><b>M_ROW_REF is "Static Attribute" and "Public" and "Type Ref To Z3TYDISP"</b>
    instead of this make your M_ROW_REF a instantaneous attribute. since static attribute are intantiated only once when object created and are shared by all other intances. m_row_ref contains data about the table you are going to render using tableview. so it should be public, so that get different data for different iterator objects.
    your p_row_data_ref must be of type ref to data which is superior class of data types.
    and if you have defined iterator "IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR" in your interfaces. then you need not to define structure for p_row_data_ref, its already there in interface.
    hope this will solve your problem,

  • Links inside Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 result in a "General Failure" message instead of loading in Firefox 7

    When I click a link inside Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, it results in a "General Failure" message instead of loading the link inside Firefox 7 (previous versions of Firefox loaded OK, this issue has only arrived with the recent upgrade).

    See this lnk for a fix, it worked for me!

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