Nested image Tag in tableview iterator

In the past I use the tableview tag "tableViewColumn". In this tag a nested image tag inside a link tag was used.
Now I use the tableview iterator. But I can only define one p_replacement_bee in the RENDER_CELL_START method.
Does anyone knows a solution for my problem?
<htmlb:tableViewColumn columnName = "transport"
tooltipColumnKey = "transport_tooltip"
type = "user"
title = "<%= otr(zinternet/tracking) %>"
horizontalAlignment = "center" >
<htmlb:link id = "$TVCID$"
reference = "$TRANSPORT_LINK$"
target = "_blank" >
<htmlb:image src="$TVCVALUE$" />

Just off hand I see one problem.  In your reference you have ''.  This link wouldn't work (and might be causing your problem, because without the http:// on the front it would assume that was a relative path.
Other than that I don't see a problem off hand.  I normally don't render my elements to BEEs and then add the BEEs to the BEE Tree. I prefer to render to elements and then use the ADD method instead of the ADD_BEE method:
        data: tag_gl       type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayout,
              tag_glc_if1  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell,
              tag_glc_if2  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell,
              tag_glc_if3  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell.
        tag_gl       = cl_htmlb_gridlayout=>factory(
                    columnsize  = '3' rowsize  = '1' ).
        tag_glc_if1 = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                    columnindex = '1' rowindex = '1' ).
        tag_glc_if2  = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                    columnindex = '2' rowindex = '1' ).
        tag_glc_if3  = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                    columnindex = '3' rowindex = '1' ).
        data: seats_bee type ref to cl_bsp_bee_table.
        create object seats_bee.
        seats_bee->add( level = 1 element = tag_gl ).
        seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if1 ).
        seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_first ).
        seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if2 ).
        seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_bus ).
        seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if3 ).
        seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_econ ).
        p_replacement_bee = seats_bee.

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  • Tableview nested image in texfield with iterator object

    In the past I use the tableview tag "tableViewColumn". In this tag a nested image tag inside a textview tag was used.
    I chain the image and the icon in the textfield.
    <img src="/sap/public/bsp/sap/public/bc/icons/s_B_SUMM.gif" border="0">Text....
    In the tableview line the image and the text is display in the same row.
    Now I use the tableview iterator and the result is not the same. Instead of the image, the path URI of the image is displayed.
    Does anyone knows a solution for my problem?

    The image is nested in the column GRX.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <def> LIKE LINE OF p_column_definitions.
        text TYPE string.
      CASE p_tableview_id.
        WHEN 'overview'.
          APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
          <def>-columnname = 'GRX'.
          <def>-title = cl_bsp_runtime=>get_otr_text( alias = 'ZINTERNET/MACHINETYPE' ).
            APPEND INITIAL LINE TO p_column_definitions ASSIGNING <def>.
            <def>-columnname = 'LGMENGE'.
            <def>-horizontalalignment = 'right'.
          if abmonvon is initial.
            <def>-title = cl_bsp_runtime=>get_otr_text( alias = 'ZINTERNET/STOCKQUANTITY' ).
            <def>-title = cl_bsp_runtime=>get_otr_text( alias = 'ZINTERNET/REGISTERSALE' ).

  • Composite Element in Tableview Iterator

    I want to use a <phtmlb:matrix> element in a tableview iterator to arrange the content of a cell.
    I tried to follow Brians Weblog on composite elements.
    In my test example, I just want to combine two fields of t000 into one cell. Of course I know, that concatenation would be more easy here, but that would not answer my questions.
    Thought it could look like this:
    METHOD render_cell_start.
        l_o_matrix             TYPE REF TO cl_phtmlb_matrix,
        l_o_bsp_element        TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_element,
        l_string               TYPE STRING.
      CASE p_tableview_id.
        WHEN 'TABLE_T000'.
        l_o_matrix = cl_phtmlb_matrix=>factory( ).
        WHILE o_page_context->element_process( element = l_o_matrix )
          = cl_bsp_element=>co_element_continue.
    Cell 1
          CLEAR: l_o_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
          l_o_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
          l_string = me->t000-mandt.
          l_o_bsp_element = cl_htmlb_textview=>factory( text = l_string ).
          WHILE o_page_context->element_process( element = l_o_bsp_element )
           = cl_bsp_element=>co_element_continue.
    Cell 2
          CLEAR: l_o_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
          l_o_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
          l_o_matrix->mc_valign = 'TOP'.
          l_o_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
          l_string = me->t000-mtext.
          l_o_bsp_element = cl_htmlb_textview=>factory( text = l_string ).
          WHILE o_page_context->element_process( element = l_o_bsp_element )
           = cl_bsp_element=>co_element_continue.
        p_replacement_bee = l_o_matrix.
    However, that does not work.
    First, the list of T000-MANDT fields is rendered twice:
    into the tableview and into a list before the tableview.
    Second:  T000-MTEXT does not show up at all.
    What do I do wrong?
    I feel that I do not completely understand how the rendering is processed.
    Thanks for our help.

    The following is the example from Brian's weblog, updated for design2003.  It doesn't use the Matrix however.  Perhaps it will help.
    It still doesn't render quite like it did under design2002.  I'm not sure if there is a good way to combine multiple input fields into one cell any longer.  I know others have had a problem with this as well.  I will have to look closer at your matrix attempt.
    when 'SEATS'.
          if p_edit_mode is initial.
            data: max type string, occ type string,
                  value type string.
            max = m_row_ref->seatsmax + m_row_ref->seatsmax_b
                + m_row_ref->seatsmax_f.
            occ = m_row_ref->seatsocc + m_row_ref->seatsocc_b
                + m_row_ref->seatsocc_f.
            condense: max, occ.
            concatenate occ ` / ` max into value.
            p_replacement_bee = cl_htmlb_textview=>factory(
                text = value ).
            data: icon_plane2 type string.
            icon_plane2 = cl_bsp_mimes=>sap_icon(
                 id = 'ICON_WS_PLANE' ).
            data: image type ref to cl_htmlb_image.
            image = cl_htmlb_image=>factory(
                 id = p_cell_id
                 src = icon_plane2 ).
            data: if_first type ref to cl_htmlb_inputfield.
            if_first = cl_htmlb_inputfield=>factory( id = p_cell_id
                id_postfix = '_first'
                type = 'INTEGER' size = '4' ).
            if_first->value = m_row_ref->seatsocc_f.
            data: if_bus   type ref to cl_htmlb_inputfield.
            if_bus   = cl_htmlb_inputfield=>factory( id = p_cell_id
                id_postfix = '_bus'
                type = 'INTEGER' size = '4' ).
            if_bus->value = m_row_ref->seatsocc_b.
            data: if_econ  type ref to cl_htmlb_inputfield.
            if_econ = cl_htmlb_inputfield=>factory( id = p_cell_id
                id_postfix = '_econ'
                type = 'INTEGER' size = '4'  ).
            if_econ->value = m_row_ref->seatsocc.
            data: tag_gl       type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayout,
                  tag_glc_if1  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell,
                  tag_glc_if2  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell,
                  tag_glc_if3  type ref to cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell.
            tag_gl       = cl_htmlb_gridlayout=>factory(
                        columnsize  = '3' rowsize  = '1' ).
            tag_glc_if1 = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                        columnindex = '1' rowindex = '1' ).
            tag_glc_if2  = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                        columnindex = '2' rowindex = '1' ).
            tag_glc_if3  = cl_htmlb_gridlayoutcell=>factory(
                        columnindex = '3' rowindex = '1' ).
            data: seats_bee type ref to cl_bsp_bee_table.
            create object seats_bee.
            seats_bee->add( level = 1 element = tag_gl ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if1 ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_first ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if2 ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_bus ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 2 element = tag_glc_if3 ).
            seats_bee->add( level = 3 element = if_econ ).
            p_replacement_bee = seats_bee.
    Message was edited by: Thomas Jung

  • Changeable image using table view iterator

    Hello Forum -
    I have a tableview iterator working using cl_htmlb_image class. The icon shows up perfectly based on the column value (X=green; space=red). I would now like to click on the icon (just like clicking on checkbox) and turn the color from red->green or green->red which should of course change the value of the column as well.
    Here is my code, please help me:
    DATA: img       TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_image.
    DATA: beetable  TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_bee_table.
    CREATE OBJECT beetable.
    CASE p_column_key.
        img->id   = p_cell_id.
        IF c_row_ref->actvflag = 'N' OR
           c_row_ref->actvflag IS INITIAL.
           img->src = 'ICON_LED_RED'.
           img->alt = 'Inactive'.
           img->src = 'ICON_LED_GREEN'.
           img->alt = 'Active'.
        beetable->add( element = img level = 1 ).
        p_replacement_bee = beetable.

    in the iterator (render cell start) when rendering the image add the onclick property to image.
    p_replacement_bee = cl_htmlb_image=>factory( id = p_cell_id src = icon_plane onclick = 'image_click' )
    now when the user click on the image oninputprocessing will be triggered and check whether its is image click, if yes set a variable to some value to indicate that the image is clicked (and also to identify what image is clicked)
    option1: store these info as a serverside cookie and read it in your IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~RENDER_CELL_START method to change the image
    option2: pass these values to iterator class attribute and read it in your IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR~RENDER_CELL_START method to change the image.

  • Adobe Air HTML & JS Developing - Slow on massive Image-Tags

    I want to share a problem i noticed while developing an application with adobe air, based on the HTML & JS Stack, which uses multiple image-tags at the same time. I already mailed a bug but unfortunately did not get a bug number responded to refer to hit here. This post is started because i wanted to share a simple example which exhibits the problem.
    The Bug Report i mailed:
    Concise problem statement: Performance Issues with massive Image-Tags (scaled)
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Create a simple Air-Application. No need for any Air-specific library we just want the Air-Webkit to render a HTML-Page
    2.  Load ~130 Pictures with a dimension of approximately 1024 x 768 pixels.  Render each of them as a scaled Image-Tag with the dimension 100x60  pixels.
    3. Load the Page in the Air/Safari/Firefox/IE Environment (Versions: Air 2.5, Safari 5.0.2 (Win XP), FF 3.6.10, IE7)
    4. Try scrolling down/left/right/up and resizing the respective stage
    Results: The Air Environment performs worst among those 4. It reacts unacceptably slow while trying to resize and to scroll.
    Expected results: similar performance to Webkit-Engine in Safari.
    I know of one other discussion which seems to be related to a similar thing (
    The Page i used to compare the Adobe-Air rendering & scroll behaviour against the behaviour of Safari, FF and IE is posted beneath (pretty long due to the excerpt of 131 pictures taken of flicker web service).
    with best regards
            <title>Mass Img Tags</title>
            <script language="JavaScript">
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                    "Title": "landscape216 jpg",
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                    "FileSize": 114688,
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                    "Thumbnail": {
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                    "Title": "Landscape Bora Bora Lagoon with Catamaran French Polynesia jpg",
                    "Summary": "11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18",
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                    "Summary": "Landscape Flowers &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 56 156k Fractal Roiling Vo &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 56 157k Landscape Mount To &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 56 172k Landscape Southern &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 56 200k",
                    "Url": ",%20Upper%20North.jpg",
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                        "Height": "108",
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                    "Summary": "Nature Rainy Lands &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 50 58k Landscape Mountain &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 49 89k Landscape Matterho &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 49 198k Landscape Lighthou &gt; 02 Sep 2005 22 49 177k",
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                    "Title": "landscape3 jpg",
                    "Summary": "its own If you re a fan of the handiwork of Mother Nature and you d like to get a glimpse of the diversity of the world check out this photostream featuring gorgeous landscape photography",
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                    "Summary": "sports video game Stevensgraph of Columbus landing artwork including nice small o b horses and children sheep painting V Perrin small landscape etc Gone with the wind Lamp very nice quality 4 pc leather parlor set barely used 2 canes one w sterling top ca 1879 French Gras Bayonet several nice mirrors great",
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                    "Summary": "a little boost to the colour All in all a 20 to 30 minute job Was it worth You decide In my opinion it won the right to have its own place in the sorted folders Landscape Before After",
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                    "Summary": "In this tutorial you will learn how to create a fantasy landscape using some simple and easy techniques Create Smoke Effect on Grungy Wallpaper",
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                    "Title": "landscape 1024 26 jpg",
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                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "120",
                        "Width": "160"
                    "Title": "landscapeStream jpg",
                    "Summary": "pastoral painting in gold frame hollyhock painting rose painting in gold frame Madonna and child oil on canvas as is landscape with stream large European scene painting and much more",
                    "Url": "",
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                    "FileSize": 49459,
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                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "107",
                        "Width": "140"
                    "Title": "DCWP 406 038 Landscape Picture jpg",
                    "Summary": "Landscape Picture 1 I took this landscape picture from a speed boat on the Okavango Delta late one afternoon It shows one of the channels in the Okavango Delta when it is in full flow The delta is one of the",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 60211,
                    "FileFormat": "jpeg",
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                    "Width": "480",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "93",
                        "Width": "140"
                    "Title": "DCWP 406 019 Landscape Picture jpg",
                    "Summary": "Landscape Picture 7 This landscape picture of moring mist over the Kavango River in Namibia was taken just after sunrise one morning Our tent was less that ten metres from where I stood We were camping at",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 83558,
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                    "Width": "480",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "93",
                        "Width": "140"
                    "Title": "DCWP 506 023 Landscape Picture jpg",
                    "Summary": "Landscape Picture 5 The large Leadwood trees in this landscape picture are what caught my eye They are quite prevalent in the Moremi Game Reserve of Botswana escpecially near the North Gate campsite where",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 99532,
                    "FileFormat": "jpeg",
                    "Height": "322",
                    "Width": "480",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "93",
                        "Width": "140"
                    "Title": "DCWP 506 024 Landscape Picture jpg",
                    "Summary": "Landscape Picture 6 The large Leadwood tree in this landscape picture is what caught my eye They are quite prevalent in the Moremi Game Reserve of Botswana escpecially near the North Gate campsite where this",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 93286,
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                    "Height": "480",
                    "Width": "322",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "140",
                        "Width": "93"
                    "Title": "DCWP 506 005 Landscape Picture jpg",
                    "Summary": "Landscape Picture 4 I took this landscape picture depicting a large Baobab tree on Kubu Island on the Makgadikgadi Pans Botswana during June 2005 A picture utilising good light is always always better than",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 84172,
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                    "Width": "480",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "93",
                        "Width": "140"
                    "Title": "DCWP 410 001 Landscape Picture jpg",
                    "Summary": "Landscape Picture 2 I took this landscape picture near Grabouw on my way to the De Hoop Nature Reserve in South Africa s Western Cape I just had to stop for it Cloud formations in this part of the country can",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 77414,
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                    "Width": "480",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "93",
                        "Width": "140"
                    "Title": "about landscape yard jpg",
                    "Summary": "philosophy is that the final scaled landscape plan you receive should convey your landscape ideas in a road map that will be used to transform your house and yard into your home After our design meets your expectations we will submit our bid prices to implement the design and work on packaging and phasing options We use the same bidding process whether",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 39116,
                    "FileFormat": "jpeg",
                    "Height": "315",
                    "Width": "485",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "94",
                        "Width": "145"
                    "Title": "landscape02 JPG",
                    "Summary": "and Monet landscapes but with an Impressionistic approach I still want to re do the water reflections from the buildings and light but for now this will have to do Landscape Landscape close up Another example of the Virtual 3 D work I have been doing is",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 475136,
                    "FileFormat": "jpeg",
                    "Height": "960",
                    "Width": "1280",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "123",
                        "Width": "165"
                    "Title": "landscape 800 2 jpg",
                    "Summary": "",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 42291,
                    "FileFormat": "jpeg",
                    "Height": "600",
                    "Width": "800",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "116",
                        "Width": "155"
                    "Title": "landscape 800 1 jpg",
                    "Summary": "",
                    "Url": "",
                    "ClickUrl": "",
                    "RefererUrl": "",
                    "FileSize": 129843,
                    "FileFormat": "jpeg",
                    "Height": "600",
                    "Width": "800",
                    "Thumbnail": {
                        "Url": "",
                        "Height": "116",
                        "Width": "155"
                    "Title": "landscape 1024 9 jpg",
                    "Summary": "",
                    "Url": "",

    Thank you for reporting this. The internal bug number for the issue is #2740755. The issue is currently under review and will be investigated by one of AIR team members.

  • I want to find the image tag name from Image layer name InDesign JavaScript?

    I want to find the image tag name from Image layer name InDesign JavaScript?

    You can use following script to fetch image tag name and the layer name on which it lie:
    var imgBox = app.activeDocument.rectangles // fetch all rectangular frames from the active document
    for(var i = 0; i< imgBox.length; i++)
      if(null != imgBox[i].associatedXMLElement )
                var b = imgBox[i]
               alert("Image tag name "+imgBox[i] + "\n exist on layer " + imgBox[i]
    Hope this would help you to resolve your problem.

  • How to add html image tag in formsweb.cfg file

    Dear all,
    I am trying to display one image in background(not on form) by using HTMLbeforeform attribute in formsweb.cfg.
    from local machine that image is displaying..from other machine which is network I can able to access the forms first page but that image is not displaying..
    Where i need to keep the image? Is there any shared folder to keep images?
    The following code can give a clear idea...
    # HTML page title
    pageTitle=My Forms Server
    # HTML attributes for the BODY tag
    # HTML to add before the form
    HTMLbeforeForm=<img src='G:\images\logo.jpg' align=left height=150 width=150>--wich loc i need to place the img
    # HTML to add after the form
    HTMLafterForm=<MARQUEE><font color=blue><b><I>HAVE A NICE DAY!</MARQUEE>

    The image-tag has to point to an url at the application-server which is accessible from the client's browser. So, if your forms-url is something like
    http://host:port/forms/frmservlet?config=xxxThe image-url should be something like
    HTMLbeforeForm=<img src='/path/logo.jpg' align=left height=150 width=150>where path is a virtual directory on the application server. Either create such a virtual directory or use an existing one, like /forms/java, which points to $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java on the server.
    You can test that by puttin the url "by hand" in the browser like

  • Image Tags muddled in Reader v6

    Hi, I have an accessible pdf created in Acrobat v9 on a Mac with image tags. Everyone seems to read this fine, apart from someone using Reader v6 on a PC who has the image tags muddled up (with some unfortunate results!). Each time they open the file, they get the image tags in a different order. Does anyone know why this might happen?
    Many thanks.

    I wouldn't swear to this, but I think what's happening is the effect is essentially treated as a separate image during export, but as far as I know you have no way to select it to add the alt text or anything else. I don't really do this kind of work, so I could be way off base here.
    A newer version of ID might behave better, so you may want to consider downloading the trial for CS4

  • Problem with tableview iterator

    Dear friends.
    I try to adopt tableview iterator in my customer's BSP pages. So, I programmed test page.
    METHOD if_htmlb_tableview_iterator~render_row_start .
      m_row_ref ?= p_row_data_ref.
    M_ROW_REF is "Static Attribute" and "Public" and "Type Ref To Z3TYDISP"
    z3tydisp has structure as below
    REQNO          NUMC     12
    VGUBUN          CHAR     1
    REQDT          DATS     8
    RNAME          CHAR     10
    VCOMP          CHAR     30
    VNAME          CHAR     10
    VPLACE          CHAR     5
    VPLACEDSC     CHAR     20
    APPROVAL     CHAR     1
    AND... p_row_data_ref has structure below
    REQNO     N     12
    VGUBUN     C     1
    DSCOFVGUBUN     g     0
    REQDT     D     8
    RNAME     C     10
    VCOMP     C     30
    VNAME     C     10
    VPLACE     C     5
    VPLACEDSC     C     20
    APPROVAL     C     1
    DSCOFAPPROVAL     g     0
    In my option, p_row_data_ref has same structure compared with z3tydisp. But there is "CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR". How I have to define "z3tydisp"????

    >><b>M_ROW_REF is "Static Attribute" and "Public" and "Type Ref To Z3TYDISP"</b>
    instead of this make your M_ROW_REF a instantaneous attribute. since static attribute are intantiated only once when object created and are shared by all other intances. m_row_ref contains data about the table you are going to render using tableview. so it should be public, so that get different data for different iterator objects.
    your p_row_data_ref must be of type ref to data which is superior class of data types.
    and if you have defined iterator "IF_HTMLB_TABLEVIEW_ITERATOR" in your interfaces. then you need not to define structure for p_row_data_ref, its already there in interface.
    hope this will solve your problem,

  • I have lost the image tags in workspace.How do I get them back?

    I have lost the image tags. How do I get them back?

    Seems like the Keywords Pane is collapsed in your case
    Please expand it by clicking the highlighted arror icon-

  • TableView Iterator in WebDynpro as in BSP

    Hi all,
    i'm planning to move from BSP to WebDynpro ABAP and have a question:
    Does WD ABAP provide the same kind of <htmlb:tableView> as BSP? Especially, does it support the concept of an tableview iterator?
    Thx & Regards,

    Yes you'll find everything.
    You'll find also the ALV extension of a table.
    I was familiar with iterator and I like it so much; in WDA you can reach the same result but in a different way.
    Basically you have to prepare, in advance, all the data in the table rows and then in the table configuration you'll describe the rules for each column (even with variants per row).
    You have to study the Table UI object with table cell variant and then ALV features.

  • Matrix in tableView iterator

    I have created a composite BSP element that outputs a matrix with two cells, the first containing an icon, the second with a description.  This works fine when placed in a BSP page.
    When, however, I try to use the element in a tableView iterator, it blanks the whole table.  Do I need to do something special to get the element working inside a tableView?
    My element code is posted here:
    METHOD if_bsp_element~do_at_beginning.
    * use matrix to control alignment
    * <phtmlb:matrix width = "100%" >
      DATA: phtmlb_matrix TYPE REF TO cl_phtmlb_matrix.
      phtmlb_matrix = cl_phtmlb_matrix=>factory( width = '100%' ).
    * create matrix and set alignment
      WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = phtmlb_matrix ) = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   get status info
        data: ls_status type /baasow/status.
        clear: ls_status.
        select single * from /baasow/status
          into ls_status where status = status.
        DATA: html TYPE string.
    *   no status found
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          html = status.
          me->print_string( html ).
    *   status icon
        DATA: lr_icon TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_image.
        lr_icon = cl_htmlb_image=>factory(
                src = ls_status-icon ).
        WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = lr_icon )
          = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   status text
        html = ls_status-TEXTSH.
        me->print_string( html ).
      rc = co_element_done.

    I have created a composite BSP element that outputs a matrix with two cells, the first containing an icon, the second with a description.  This works fine when placed in a BSP page.
    When, however, I try to use the element in a tableView iterator, it blanks the whole table.  Do I need to do something special to get the element working inside a tableView?
    My element code is posted here:
    METHOD if_bsp_element~do_at_beginning.
    * use matrix to control alignment
    * <phtmlb:matrix width = "100%" >
      DATA: phtmlb_matrix TYPE REF TO cl_phtmlb_matrix.
      phtmlb_matrix = cl_phtmlb_matrix=>factory( width = '100%' ).
    * create matrix and set alignment
      WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = phtmlb_matrix ) = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   get status info
        data: ls_status type /baasow/status.
        clear: ls_status.
        select single * from /baasow/status
          into ls_status where status = status.
        DATA: html TYPE string.
    *   no status found
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          html = status.
          me->print_string( html ).
    *   status icon
        DATA: lr_icon TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_image.
        lr_icon = cl_htmlb_image=>factory(
                src = ls_status-icon ).
        WHILE m_page_context->element_process( element = lr_icon )
          = co_element_continue.
        CLEAR:  phtmlb_matrix->mc_backgrounddesign,
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_valign = 'MIDDLE'.
        phtmlb_matrix->mc_halign = 'LEFT'.
        phtmlb_matrix->do_set_data( element_name = 'matrixCell' ).
    *   status text
        html = ls_status-TEXTSH.
        me->print_string( html ).
      rc = co_element_done.

  • Attributes in tableview iterator

    how to retrive my inputField value in tableview iterator ?
    I have a page with inputField : eno
                    & tableview (and onclicking the cellvalue in the column it goes to other page)
    <b> here i want to get the value of my inpufield </b>
    concatenate 'preview.htm?ref_no=' wf_text into wf_url.
          call method cl_htmlb_link=>factory
              id        = p_cell_id
              reference = wf_url
              target    = '_self'
              text      = wf_text
              element   = p_replacement_bee.
    Pts Assured.
    I have added the field also in the row iterator and now able to get its value.
    Message was edited by: P24101990

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your reply. I tried that in DO_INIT and in DO_REQUEST as well. I started of this application well with the values selecting from Dropdown and then rendering the table columns. But now I have commented everything and just trying to render one column of the table....
    I have one concern.
    I have declared like this
    tv_iterator type ref to ZITERATOR.
    and in DO_INIT I have instantiated. Create Object tv_iterator.
    If you have any suggestions please let me know....

  • Can i make image tags display on pics in a slide show?

    I mistakenly added individual image tags to 300 photos, and would like to add them to the slideshow I am creating. can this be done?

    Captions - Lightroom Forums

  • Imported keyword tags, image tags, main tags in PSE 12

    I have converted an older catalog to PSE 12 for Mac.  I have tags in Imported Keywords, and that also show up in the Image Tags, but not all show up in the main tags lists (People, Places, Events).  How do I get these all in the main tag groups?

    Yes, now I see the tags under "Image Tags," and if I right click the tag in that spot, I have the option  to remove it.  Thank you.
    As to the Remove Keyword Tag option, "should be" appears to be the operative phrase here. It should be, but in many cases isn't. The option appears for some photos but is grayed out for others, even when the "others" have tags showing under "Image Tags."  But I can live without this option working, since  the "Image Tags" list gives me a woraround.  Thanks again.

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