Linking multiple images to one rollover hotspot.  Multiple hotspots on one slide.

Does anyone know if there is a widget or work around or something that will allow me to do this? My job depends on it

As long as you're not worried about output to HTML5, the Event Handler widget is probably your best bet:
I think what you're probably trying to do is have multiple images appear or disappear when a user mouses over a given hot spot. Is that correct?  If so, then all you really need is a single Event Handler widget attached to a highlight box set to 0% Alpha (to make it act as a transparent hotspot).  You can execute one Advanced Action to SHOW the images via the On Success event set to Roll Over, and a different Advanced Action set to the Roll Out even on the Failure side of the widget to HIDE all the same images.  Set the widget preference to Reset Success Fail Criteria on Action so that you can perform the mouseover and mouseout actions repeatedly.
You can even stack multiple widgets onto a single object, each widget can be set to listen for a different mouse event and do something different depending on what the user does.

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  • Swapping multiple images with 1 rollover

    Hi everybody!
    I am just wondering if the Dreamweaver swapImage() function can be used for swapping several id's images when one does a single rollover/click/mouseOver/mouseOut/whatEver.......?
    In general how would one do something like that?
    For example , if I have have several items on a page and you want to have a dedicated button for swapping them all, how would you do that?
    I am forever greatful for general feedback :-)

    Hey, and thank you for you for fast reply :-)
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    All the id's here have imageSwaps, as you can see, but I also have an id outside the wrapper id that is supposed to be a "view all swapped" - button.
    How would I start in terms of this show/hide on mouse -event ?

  • Applying changes to multiple images . . .

    i'm relatively new to macs but i've been using aperture comfortably for the past few months.
    having just returned from a long photography trip and upgrading aperture to 1.5.1, i'm finding that i am unable to apply changes to multiple images like i used to, such as: selecting multiple images to rotate or selecting multiple images to apply the "stamp."
    when i try to "shift-select" multiple images, the change i'm trying to apply affects only the last image clicked-on in the "shift-select" grouping. does that make sense?
    has anyone else encountered this?
    mahalo nui loa
    Power Mac G5 Quad   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    You most likely have the Primary Only option turned on. Turn off that option in the Control Bar.

  • How can I re-size multiple images in PSE11 ?

    I have used PSE10 to re-size multiple images by selecting the 'Process Multiple Images' option from the drop-down menu undeneath 'File'.
    I have just migrated to PSE11 and this option is not available - it is greyed out and cannot be selected.
    Anyone got any suggestions ? Thanks.

    In PSE 11 you must be in Expert mode (the equivalent of Full Edit in previous versions). Click the word Expert at the top of your screen and it should be available.

  • How to post multiple images in one blog post using iweb

    I would like to post multiple images in a single blog post. When ever I add a second or third image in the "entry" section of iweb, it does not show up in the blog post on the homepage of the blog. does anyone know if it is even possible to have multiple, separate images in one post, and if so, how.
    Here is a link to my blog: You can see how there is only one image. I I want to talk about multiple items, I need to create an image in Pages and put them all together. I would really like to break out of the one box (placeholder) mold. I feel so constrained in iweb right now. I think I have done a lot with my blog, but I am always looking to learn more about iweb and improve my blog. Thanks for any help!!!

    what's the url of your blog? I'd like to check it out. I'm always interested in learning more about iWeb to improve my blogs. Mine are: and

  • Printing Multiple images on one sheet of paper ( Printer Package)

    I want to print multiple different images on one sheet of paper using PhotoShop 6 Printer Package, (operating system windows7 h/p)  I have figured out how to get multiple images of the same image on one sheet, but not two different images.
    I seen these instructions on the web and can do 1.2.3....4.  has me lost.  I think this may work for me, unless there is another method that is easier.
    Important: Mac OS X users much first apply an update to Photoshop before attempting to customize the Picture Package layouts. Information and and a download link can be found at [url][/url] (Thank you Matt Jones for this tip!)
    Copy the next five lines and paste them into a text editor, like NotePad or SimpleText:
    I 8 10
    Letter (3) 4x6
    0 0 6 4
    0 4 4 6
    4 4 4 6 
    Name this file FourBySixes.txt 
    Copy the file to your Adobe\Photoshop X.0\Presets\Layouts folder where X represents your version of Photoshop. 
    Open Photoshop and try it!
    I copyed  #3 and save to my documents, but I can't figure out how to do #4, or where the Adobe X.0\ Presets\Layout folder is at, if you could dumb this down for me I would be very grateful.

    I can only guess that Photoshop 6 under Win7 would have the layouts under Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop 6\Presets or thereabouts.  This is the Photoshop Elements forum,  you may want to try the full Photoshop forum:

  • How To Place/Open Multiple Images Into Separate Layers For ONE Document?

    I've been searching for the answer for a long time so I figured that someone here has to know.  I have PS Elements 9. 
    So I would like to make GIFs and I know how to do so, the problem is placing in those tens of files in layers (it's tedious).  Is there a way to select multiple image files to place into a single document?  And for them to be place into its own layer?  I've tried dragging and selecting from the Open/Place menus (won't allow), SHIFT + Direction Key from the Open/Place menus (won't allow), tried opening them to drag on the Organizer and to drag from the Project Bin (again won't allow), and I've read tutorials where they say to use scripts and actions but I'm not sure what to download them in order for them to work and the links are broken anyway.
    An example of what I'd like to do:
    Open and place in 15+ screenshots into layers but in just one document.
    Each screenshot would be one layer in said document. of GIF process...
    I feel like there's an easier way to get this without placing in each one at a time.  I remember being able to do this on a old PS (though not Elements).  Thanks for any help.

    The quickest method is probably opening all images together from Full Edit:
    File >> Open
    Then navigate to the folder and use shift+click to select a block of files.
    The images will appear in the photo bin. Drag and drop each one into the main editing window and a separate layer will be created for each.

  • Load Multiple Images using link in Crystal Report

    Hi Guys,
    I am currently in need of developing a new requirement for our company's client. We have to load multiple images using just link in Crystal Report. Let's say that the images are stored in a folder (e.g., C:\Datafolder\Images\) and i have to fetch two images to show in crystal report (say, C:\Datafolder\Images\imageval1 and C:\Datafolder\Images\imageval2). These are actually dynamically created and therefore the number of images are not known and so i have to iterate through the list of image links.
    Is it possible using merely crystal report and how?. Please take note that we're also using C# in developing our software applications.
    Thanks and best regards.

    Hi Chito,
    You cannot load multiple images dynamically. Using the 'graphic location' formula for the OLE Object, you can only point to a location that can load one image.
    For the second image, you'll need to manually insert another OLE Object and point the formula to the next image's location.
    You can try posting to the SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio space to find out whether this can be done using CR SDK.

  • Multiple images of the same file on one page

    How do I create multiple images of the same file on one page? For example, I've got an image that I could fit 6 of on one page, and would like to print it that way instead of printing it on 6 individual pieces of paper.

    Are you attempting to do this in Adobe Workspaces? Or are you looking for software that will do it?
    If the former, you could insert the image into a Buzzword document six times. Not exactly elegant, but it might do the trick.

  • How do I add multiple images into one file?

    I'm sure this is something that's been covered in another post (or even in the help portal) but I think my wording in my search terms are not correct or... I don't know, because I just can't find what I'm looking for.
    I want to know how to add multiple images into one file/one image, both horizontally and/or vertically. To give you an idea of what I mean, check out :,531596060.html
    If you scroll down, you'll see a heading entitled : Screenshots of Comic Story. Notice how there's 3 pictures (divided by borders). 2 of those pictures are side by side, and 1 of them is below the first 2 pictures.
    I want to know how to add different pictures/images and put them into one picture.

    One way is to create template PSD files and populate them with your images using Photoshops scripts.
    Photo Collage Toolkit UPDATED June 12, added Picture Package Support via PasteImageRoll and BatchPicturePackage scripts.
    The package includes four simple rules to follow when making Photo Collage Template PSD files so they will be compatible with my Photoshop scripts.
    There are eleven scripts in this package they provide the following functions:
    TestCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to test a Photo Collage Template while you are making it with Photoshop.
    CollageTemplateBuilder.jsx - Can build Templates compatible with this toolkit's scripts.
    LayerToAlphaChan.jsx - Used to convert a Prototype Image Layer stack into a template document.
    InteractivePopulateCollage.jsx - Used to interactively populate Any Photo Collage template. Offers most user control inserting pictures and text.
    ReplaceCollageImage.jsx - use to replace a populated collage image Smart Object layer with an other image correctly resized and positioned.
    ChangeTextSize.jsx - This script can be used to change Image stamps text size when the size used by the populating did not work well.
    PopulateCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to Automatically populate a Photo Collage template and leave the populated copy open in Photoshop.
    BatchOneImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Collage templates that only have one image inserted. The Collage or Image may be stamped with text.
    BatchMultiImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Any Photo Collage template with images in a source image folder. Easier to use than the interactive script. Saved collages can be tweaked.
    BatchPicturePackage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Any Photo Collage template with an image in a source image folder
    PasteImageRoll.jsx - Paste Images into a document to be print on roll paper.
    Documentation and Examples

  • How do I view multiple images in one window?

    How do I view multiple images in one window?  I want to compare images side by side, not in tabs.

    Thank you, Barbara.  I found that I had to close the program after I turned on "allow floating documents" and restart, before I was able to go to "float all in windows". 

  • How to move multiple images in lr at one time from one subfolder to the next?

    How would i accomplish this procedure in lr5. I know you can click on an image  and drag it to the target folder.  But for multiple images this is the ? Thanks!!

    Same as you would do it in your operating system.
    You select multiple images (click, ctrl-click, ctrl-click, etc., or click on one image and then shift-click on another image to select the entire sequence) and then drag.
    Of course, you might also want to simplify your life and develop a workflow where you don't have to move photos from here to there by using keywords instead of folders to organize.

  • Lightbox with multiple images attached to one thumbnail?

    Is it possible to have one thumbnail allow you to scroll through multiple images without having to click on another thumbnail? 
    For example,  lets say that I have three projects with 10 images per project.  I only want to have three thumbnails which will allow the user to see each project by clicking on it's "master" thumbnail.

    If your intent is to have a single thumbnail (image) that your visitors click and it launches a Lightroom with Slideshow, you can try the following.
    The gist :
    Insert Slideshow Widget into target of Composition Widget
    The details :
    01. Drag & drop the Lightroom Display Composition Widget onto your design surface.
    02. Drag & drop a Slideshow Widget into (this is the important bit) the Target of the Lightroom Display Composition Widget
    The Target is the large area of the Composition Widget
    The Target is what appears as a light box when you click on the Trigger (the smaller boxes)
    03. Add your thumbnail image to the Trigger of the Lightroom Display Composition Widget (the smaller boxes)
    Style it :
    You're now ready, style your widgets and replace the images of the Slideshow Widget and you'll have the effect you're looking for.
    Very crude example :

  • I am trying to import photo's on i photo.  It downloads all of the pictures on my camera, how do i only select the photos i want?  Is there a way to do this without selecting one photo at a time? is there a way to select multiple images?  thanks!

    I am trying to import photo's on i photo.  It downloads all of the pictures on my camera, how do i only select the photos i want?  Is there a way to do this without selecting one photo at a time? is there a way to select multiple images?  thanks!

    To select consecutive images click and drag the cursor over multiple thumbnails to select all at once.
    To select multiple images that are randomly located hold down the Command(⌘) key and click on those images you want to select.
    Or to select consecutive images from a list of images that are together hold down the Shift key and and click on the first photo you want to select and the on the last photo you want in the list.

  • HT2477 How do I select multiple images without clicking on each one? Is there a way to select duplicate photos to delete them?

    How do I select multiple images without clicking on each one? Is there a way to select duplicate photos to delete them?

    Consider adding the delete symbol to the Finder window tool bar.  This way you can highlight all the photos you want to delete at the same time then hit the "delete" symbol.
    Open a Finder window/View/Customize Toolbar - follow the directions in the customized pop down window.

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