Links are a pain

I'm tearing my hair out here trying to get the link to behave. The page below has links in the text which is fine. My reouble is that Ican't get the links at the bottom footer to stay grey and when Iattach a link they turn red. The footer in the link below has a 'Home' link to the left of the Contact us link that is red. Itried changing the css but tnothing seems to work. I've also notice that the grey links are underlind when the css hasn't got them as underlined. Can
anyone help please. I'm using version CS4.

highlight the entire Footer text (including the unseen) (Home | Contact Us | © Taxaccount 201 | Website Design: Sunridge Graphics) and mark text color white (FFF).
<style type="text/css">
img.c1 {border: 0pt none;}
#container #footer p {
color: #FFF;
#container #footer p a {
color: #FFF;

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    Transparency flattening REQUIRES having access to the high-resolution images to get good results. One of the slogans I teach printers is "Fatten before you flatten." Meaning, replace the low-res images with high-res images.

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    Kind regards
    Matthias Vieback

    mahony2k wrote:
    Thank you for the help, Robin!
    Restoring everything after relinking would be as risky as the automatic updates. I would need a warning when the VisibleBounds have changed after updating. Maybe with an option to restore them one by one while I'm looking at the image which is being restored.
    Of course this can't be full-automat But there is posibility to define list of rules what could be done automatically in specified conditions.
    List of all linked images could look like this:
    (I'm sorry for old screen)
    Is it only for PC, because it would be a VBscript?
    It will be VisualBasic6 app compiled to exe.
    I can even do it as a "service" - so you can put INDD file in special folder (WatchedFolder) and script can analyze INDD file, make report and then you can decide "off-line" what should be done with "problematic" images.
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    Even if you work on Mac - it shouldn't be a problem for you to use this tool - you only need to have one PC connected to your local network. To go further - on the same PC could be installed web server (Apache+PHP+mySQL) and you can controll everything from web browser

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    It might be good to give us the link to your site so we can see for ourselves what is happening.

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    The Yahoo! Toolbar extension has been reported to cause this issue.

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    Your links are working for me: Welcome/Packages/Montage/Samples/Contact. Clear your browser's cache, quit the browser and restart it and enter your URL again. If that doesn't help, post back with the specific page and link that's not working.
    By the way, browsers convert spaces in page names to “%20.” To avoid these symbols, replace the spaces by an underscore when the page name or site name includes a space. For example, here:

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    Your navigation is covering some of your links. You should send the image to the back & or crop it to just the red box.
    How I create navigation menus:

  • Links are not working in Prototype Fisheye

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           <img src= "PrototypeFishEye/images/forms.png" href="forms.html" title="Forms" alt="Forms"/>
    I have also tried simply adding <a href></a> around each image and that does NOT work either. example:
    <a href="forms.html"><img src= "PrototypeFishEye/images/forms.png" href="forms.html" title="Forms" alt="Forms"/></a>
    <a href="forms.html"><img src= "PrototypeFishEye/images/forms.png" href="#" title="Forms" alt="Forms"/></a>
    <a href="forms.html"><img src= "PrototypeFishEye/images/forms.png"  title="Forms" alt="Forms"/></a>

    I've actually fixed it since then and the links are working. I had to put an if then else statement in for IE and now it's working in Chrome, FF, and IE. I totally agree with you on IE. This is what I ended up with on the javascript:
    <script type='text/javascript'>
              var PrototypeFishEye = function(e){
                  var ele = Event.element(e);
                        window.location = ele.getAttribute("href");
              var PrototypeFishEye = new FishEyeToolBar("PrototypeFishEye", { createSub : function(ele, options){
                        return new FishEyeItemDown(ele, options);
    //          var rightEye = new FishEyeToolBar("fishEyeBottom");
    //          rightEye.addEventListener("itemClick", PrototypeFishEyelinkRelay);
              PrototypeFishEye.addEventListener("itemClick", PrototypeFishEye);
    I'm working from a server address at the moment, so I've taken out the actual address, but IE would not recognize the links with a slash '/' in front of the file name, but Firefox wouldn't recognize it without it. So here's what I did:
    <!-- script for fisheye and general css -->
    <script src="/../PrototypeFishEye/includes/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/../PrototypeFishEye/includes/effects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/../PrototypeFishEye/includes/EventDispatcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/../PrototypeFishEye/includes/FishEye.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!-- IE needs to use a different scriptpath to work -->
    <!--[if lte IE 9]>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="S:/../includes/prototype.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="S:/../PrototypeFishEye/includes/effects.js"></script>
    <script src="S:/../PrototypeFishEye/includes/EventDispatcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="S:/../PrototypeFishEye/includes/FishEye.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <![endif] -->
    Message was edited by: Margie Hansen

  • Hi, My places.sqlite file size is 30,720 KB have I reached the maximum size, is there even a maximum size for this. Visited links are no longer changing color.

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    There is no maximum for the places.sqlite database and other SQLite database files like I wrote above.<br />
    All SQLite database file have fixed minimum sizes and if they run out of space they are automatically increased in size with a specific chunk size. For places.sqlite this is 10 MB for the minimum and for the chunk.
    *Bug 581606 - Avoid sqlite fragmentation via SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE

  • Adobe Reader for Android - Links are now invisible on Android Phone!

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    You are correct,with the latest update, we have modified the links appearance.
    This decision was based on a feedback from the users.
    We changed the appearance as users were reporting that the 'blue rectangles' that used to indicate links, were interfering with their document viewing experience.Also, since those rectangles are actually not how the author made the file, we wanted to make the file look exactly as the author had desired.
    Adobe Reader Team

  • Hypertext links are not always preserved from Word to PDF, using Aperçu or Adobe, depending on OS 10 or Lion. Why? This generally works perfectly in Windows. Why are Apple and Adobe unable to correctly handle links when converting from Word to PDF?

    Hypertext links are not always preserved from Word to PDF, using Aperçu or Adobe, depending on OS 10 or Lion. Why? This generally works perfectly in Windows. Why are Apple and Adobe unable to correctly handle links when converting from Word to PDF?
    Depending on the system version, and Office Word version:
    - a pure URL link starting with http or even www sometimes works in PDF, either produced by Aperçu or Adobe, sometimes does not work;
    - other kind of links where the text under display is not a URL, never work!
    I like everything with Apple computers and software, except PDF generation. Output files are usually bigger in size, and no better quality, than under Windows. Furthermore, it is weird that something as common as hyperlinks does not work correctly!
    I related this question with Mac OS X Snow Leopard, but the problem is still there with Mac OS Lion.
    This problem seems to have been around for years, without any proper solution from Apple and/or Adobe! To me, this is very embarrassing!

    Greetings NoNameGiven,
    If I understand the problem correctly (I’m not sure I do) you would prefer ‘iii’ to be read as “eye eye eye” rather than “three”? The alt text property is the only way that I know of to make this happen. Hope this helps.
    a ‘C’ student

  • Navigation links are visible to all groups even after applying specific target audience group in to links at sharepoint 2010 publishing site

    Hi ,
       Any one please help me on why the global navigation links are visible to all group users  even after applying a specific target audience group to the link. I Checked , User profile service  and User profile synchronizing services
    and they are running fine. Test environment is running fine even both the services are not running. Please let me know is any relation should be there between target audience and User profile services?
       I am wondering that the Target Audience is not working in global navigation suddenly in production server and the same is working in test server.
    Thanks & Regards,
    NareshRaju YV,

    Hi NareshRaju,
    Did you add SharePoint Groups to Target Audience ? if yes please refer and
    you will get solution
    Let us now if this helps, thanks
    Pratik Vyas | SharePoint Consultant |
    Posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights
    Please remember to click Mark As Answer if a post solves your problem or
    Vote As Helpful if it was useful.

  • Nodes and links are not displaying in IE10 browser - mapviewer ps6

    Node and link are not visible on the IE10 browser where as in IE9 they are displaying properly.
    In IE10 browser ,
    when we set compatibility settings - Display All websites in compatibility view --> node are displaying properly.
    when we deselect this node are not displaying properly
    Is there any existing bug on mapviewer?
    Thanks in Advance

    DRK Montreal,
    try opening Terminal, and running the following command in the Terminal window:
    If you still have access to some of those other Mac computers, try running the same command on them also for comparison.
    Please include in your reply the full output from that command.

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