Linux 9i disk3: gunzip sez file has invalid data

I just downloaded all three files for the Linux variant of the 9i Rel 2 from:
I have Starband, which must be managed with a Windoze machine. I used GetRight to download it to a temp area on my Linux box (via Samba). Starting with the smallest file first, I get the following for Disk 3. After reading some of the posts on this forum, I renamed the file and attempted to used it as input to cpio. The screen text is as follows:
[oracle@P2 oraclearchive]$ gunzip -t lnx_920_disk3.cpio.gz
gunzip: lnx_920_disk3.cpio.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error
[oracle@P2 oraclearchive]$ mv lnx_920_disk3.cpio.gz 920.cpio
[oracle@P2 oraclearchive]$ cpio -idmv < 920.cpio
cpio: warning: skipped 45604 bytes of junk
cpio: G 2) <<-- a little garbage outta cpio as it chokes and dies on this file
Any suggestions about how to successfully get these files? I sure hate repeated attempts, especially as Starband trottles users with high download bytecounts.
Any way to just get these files on CDROM, even if it involves a fee? URL for this?
Kindest regards,

I don't know if there have been any changes to the files on the web site, but I am getting "invalid compressed data--crc error" and "invalid compressed data--length error" or similar when trying to gunzip any of the lnx_920_disk[123].cpio.gz, lnx_iasv20_disk[1234].cpio.gz, Oracle9iAS_Rel2_Interop_Patch_Linux.cpio.gz, or 9iAS_902_Integration_LINUX.cpio.gz files.
I am running a fresh install of Red Hat 7.2. The files were downloaded with Mozilla gzip 1.3.3, cpio 2.4.2
The URLs were:
I have tried downloading multiple times but receive no errors during the download and the files sizes are consistent from download to download and with the size stated on the web site.
The .zip, .jar, and .sh files are fine, I only experience problems with the .gz or .cpio files.
Any help would be appreciated.

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    Check if the WWI Graphics Folder (...\wwi\graphics) has the exact same graphics - including file extension.
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    What is the error you are getting?
    Why don't you want to use the FileSystem task that is parameter driven?
    Running the bat file manually vs as a package has a difference.
    Do you run it while the package is in development (via SSDT)?
    You only gave the bat file, but how did you set your task in SSIS not.

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    This seems to have cropped up a lot recently. What has seemed to work so far is intentionally resetting your preferences:
    Reset Preferences
    1) Close the program and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Win)/Cmd+Option+Shift (Mac) during startup (not reversible)
    2) Move the Folder. See:

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    Run photoshop as administrator holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, that should trigger a preferences reset prompt.
    If that won't work I would do a backup and delete the entire Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings folder, not just the two files you mentioned.
    As for your Dreamweaver issue, try deleting WinFileCache-********.dat (or FileCache.dat) from your Dreamweaver Config folder.
    Otherwise try deleting your preferences
    Exit Dreamweaver. 
    In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe. 
    Rename the Dreamweaver preferences folder:
    Dreamweaver CS5: Rename the Dreamweaver CS5 folder to, for example, Old Dreamweaver CS5.
    Choose Start, type regedit in the Start Search, and then press Enter. 
    In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:
    Remove the Dreamweaver preferences registry entries. 

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    Please refer:
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    App - Adobe Creative suite 5.5
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    Problem solve
    FAQ: How do I reset my preferences?
    Thank you Jeffrey Tranberry

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    Check these solutions here Re: Preferences File was invalid.

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