Lion keeps forgetting my favourite everytime I rebot

Can anyone help?
Lion keeps forgetting my favourite everytime I rebot.
Very annoying!
Thanks in advance

Thats worked thanks but I still have no!
I keep running Dick Utility to look at the perimssions but I keep getting the same errors even though it says it's fixed them.
All in the Library folder.

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    Hello loc-man:
    Here comes a gentle reply!
    Apple wireless devices go into a very low power mode after a brief period of non-use. I never shut mine off unless I am shutting the computer down (only done when I am gone for several days).
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    This information is stored/controlled by Launch Services. I would try resetting the LS database and see if that helps.
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    ./lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
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    Message was edited by: petrock

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    Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items and uncheck them or delete them.
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    Thanks for the info, according to the Parallel website I was on a Lion supported version.  They state build #12094 ( as supported, but they conveniently keep pointing to Version 7.  Perhaps my build 102106 is still not a full patch.
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