List ActiveSync Device from CAS 2010

Hi All.
I have 02 Server with Exchange 2007 (01 CAS y 01 MBX/HUB), yesterday I installed one CAS in Exchange 2010, when I run the cmdlet get-Activesyncdevice I get 0 device,
but now I have 15 devices connected to the
CAS 2007 (This server is facing to internet).
How do I get list the devices from CAS Exchange 2010.
Thks for any Idea..

Does this help?
Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

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    I tried using the management shell on the CAS server but i didnt have any luck (could be my poor powershell skills).   I can list all the mailboxes on the 2003 server but cant get activesync device statistics on any of them using the shell. 

    I used to use this report for 2003 and its been great for our needs.
    Save the code as .vbs file, schedule it to run each week and boom - emails you a weekly report.
    As stated, You will need to add the names of your exchange servers to the search array, and update email bits (From, To, SMTP server).
    The script searches each mailbox on every exchange's mailstore and searches for the existance of a hidden folder - "Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync".  If it exists, it extracts any mobile data and dumps into a temporary file, then at the end, will email the
    HTML to yourself.
    We used to scan 10 exchange boxes and the results would come back 2 mins after running.
    ' TITLE: ReportActiveSync.vbs
    ' AUTHOR: Murray Wall, Glen Scales, Christian Sawyer
    ' DATE : 25/09/2007 - Updated 21/10/2008
    ' EMAIL: [email protected]
    ' PURPOSE: This script will report on any user with a hidden activesync folder in AD
    ' and determine if it is a smartphone, if so it will populate extensionAttribute1 with
    ' motorolaq and the date for use in a dynamic distribution list
    ' PARAMETERS: arrComputer = Add Exchange servers you want included in the report
    ' Update From objEmail.From = "[email protected]"
    ' Update To objEmail.To = "[email protected]"
    ' Update SMTPServer
    ' objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = ""
    ' Update File set wfile = fso.opentextfile("c:\temp\sync.htm",2,true)
    ' HOW TO USE: cscript ReportActiveSync.vbs
    ' NOTES: This script is based on another one built by Glen Scales, and Christian Sawyer
    ' Thank's to all for the ideas
    REM servername = wscript.arguments(0)
    REM Problem with FQDN Use Netbios NamearrComputers = Array("")
    For Each Servername In arrComputers
    set shell = createobject("")
    strValueName = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias"
    minTimeOffset = shell.regread(strValueName)
    toffset = datediff("h",DateAdd("n", minTimeOffset, now()),now())
    'Set up the Table for the Report
    report = "<table border=""1"" width=""100%"">" & vbcrlf
    report = report & " <tr>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"" bgcolor=""#000080""><b><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Name</font></b></td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"" bgcolor=""#000080""><b><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Email</font></b></td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"" bgcolor=""#000080""><b><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Device Type</font></b></td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"" bgcolor=""#000080""><b><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Device ID</font></b></td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"" bgcolor=""#000080""><b><font color=""#FFFFFF"">FolderSync</font></b></td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"" bgcolor=""#000080""><b><font color=""#FFFFFF"">Last Synced</font></b></td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "</tr>" & vbcrlf
    set req = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
    set com = createobject("ADODB.Command")
    set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set iAdRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
    strNameingContext = iAdRootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext")
    strDefaultNamingContext = iAdRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
    Conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
    Conn.Open "ADs Provider"
    polQuery = "<LDAP://" & strNameingContext & ">;(&(objectCategory=msExchRecipientPolicy)(cn=Default Policy));distinguishedName,gatewayProxy;subtree"
    svcQuery = "<LDAP://" & strNameingContext & ">;(&(objectCategory=msExchExchangeServer)(cn=" & Servername & "));cn,name,legacyExchangeDN;subtree"
    Com.ActiveConnection = Conn
    Com.CommandText = polQuery
    Set plRs = Com.Execute
    while not plRs.eof
    for each adrobj in plrs.fields("gatewayProxy").value
    if instr(adrobj,"SMTP:") then dpDefaultpolicy = right(adrobj,(len(adrobj)-instr(adrobj,"@")))
    Com.CommandText = svcQuery
    Set Rs = Com.Execute
    while not rs.eof
    GALQueryFilter = "(&(&(&(& (mailnickname=*)(!msExchHideFromAddressLists=TRUE)(| (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(msExchHomeServerName=" & rs.fields("legacyExchangeDN") & ")) )))))"
    strQuery = "<LDAP://" & strDefaultNamingContext & ">;" & GALQueryFilter & ";displayname,mail,distinguishedName,mailnickname,proxyaddresses;subtree"
    com.Properties("Page Size") = 100
    Com.CommandText = strQuery
    Set Rs1 = Com.Execute
    while not Rs1.eof
    falias = "http://" & servername & "/exadmin/admin/" & dpDefaultpolicy & "/mbx/"
    for each paddress in rs1.fields("proxyaddresses").value
    if instr(paddress,"SMTP:") then falias = falias & replace(paddress,"SMTP:","") & "/non_ipm_subtree"
    report = report & "</table>" & vbcrlf
    ' Write out the Temporary file and then Email it
    set conn = nothing
    set com = nothing
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    set wfile = fso.opentextfile("c:\temp\sync.htm",2,true)
    wfile.write newreport
    set wfile = nothing
    set fso = nothing
    Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objEmail.From = "[email protected]"
    objEmail.To = "[email protected]"
    objEmail.Subject = "SyncReport as of " & formatdatetime(now(),2)
    objEmail.htmlbody = "<p><span style='font-size: 13px;'><span style='font-family: Arial,helvetica,sans-serif;'><b>Click <a href=''>here</a> for mobile administration.</b><p>Each blue heading row represents 1 exchange server and the users on that box.<br /></span></span></p>" & newreport
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "SMTPSERVERNAME"
    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
    'objEmail.Headers.Add("message-id", "<3BD50098E401463AA228377848493927-1>")
    'Search for an Active Sync Folder
    sub SerachAsync(furl)
    strQuery = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><D:searchrequest xmlns:D = ""DAV:"" >"
    strQuery = strQuery & "<D:sql>SELECT """""
    strQuery = strQuery & " FROM scope('shallow traversal of """
    strQuery = strQuery & furl & """') Where ""DAV:ishidden"" = False AND ""DAV:isfolder"" = True AND "
    strQuery = strQuery & """"" = 'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync'</D:sql></D:searchrequest>" "SEARCH", furl, false
    req.setrequestheader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    req.setRequestHeader "Translate","f"
    on error resume next
    req.send strQuery
    if err.number <> 0 then wscript.echo err.description
    on error goto 0
    If req.status >= 500 Then
    ElseIf req.status = 207 Then
    set oResponseDoc = req.responseXML
    set oNodeList = oResponseDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:x3001001E")
    if oNodeList.length <> 0 then
    'wscript.echo "Active-Sync Folder Exists"
    Devices = Devices + 1
    displayAyncSub(furl & "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync")
    'wscript.echo "No Active-Sync Folder"
    end if
    End If
    end sub
    'Display an Active Sync Folder
    sub displayAyncSub(furl)
    strQuery = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><D:searchrequest xmlns:D = ""DAV:"" >"
    strQuery = strQuery & "<D:sql>SELECT """""
    strQuery = strQuery & " FROM scope('shallow traversal of """
    strQuery = strQuery & furl & """') Where ""DAV:ishidden"" = False AND ""DAV:isfolder"" = True</D:sql></D:searchrequest>" "SEARCH", furl, false
    req.setrequestheader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    req.setRequestHeader "Translate","f"
    on error resume next
    req.send strQuery
    if err.number <> 0 then wscript.echo err.description
    on error goto 0
    If req.status >= 500 Then
    ElseIf req.status = 207 Then
    set oResponseDoc = req.responseXML
    set oNodeList = oResponseDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:x3001001E")
    for each node in oNodeList
    call displaydeviceSub(furl & "/" & node.text,node.text)
    End If
    end sub
    'Mark Extension Attributes for User
    Sub SetExtAttributeInAD(strAttNum, strSAMAccountName, strInfo)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objItem, objConnection, objCommand, objRootDSE, objRecordset
    Dim strAttribute, strDNSDomain, strFilter, strQuery, strLDAP, strInputInfo
    'Set ADODB connection to AD provider
    Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOOBject"
    objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
    Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
    'Build the query to execute.
    strAttribute = "distinguishedName"
    Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
    strDNSDomain = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
    strFilter = "(&(sAMAccountName=" & strSAMAccountName & "))"
    strQuery = "<LDAP://" & strDNSDomain & ">;" & strFilter & ";" & strAttribute & ";subtree"
    'Initialize the query and set the recordset.
    objCommand.CommandText = strQuery
    objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 100
    objCommand.Properties("Timeout") = 30
    objCommand.Properties("Cache Results") = False
    Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
    'Retrieve the FQDN of the user name in AD.
    strLDAP = objRecordSet(strAttribute)
    'Connect to the AD user
    Set objItem = GetObject("LDAP://" & strLDAP)
    'Write the information to the Active Directory user's extensionAttribute
    'If Extension Attribute1 isnt Populated, populate it
    'Comment this out if you do not want to mark a users extensionAttribute
    if IsPopulated ="" then
    objItem.Put "extensionAttribute" & strAttNum, strInfo
    'wscript.echo IsPopulated
    end if
    End Sub
    'Create Report and Display for an Active Sync Users
    sub displaydeviceSub(furl,fname)
    strQuery = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><D:searchrequest xmlns:D = ""DAV:"" >"
    strQuery = strQuery & "<D:sql>SELECT """""
    strQuery = strQuery & " FROM scope('shallow traversal of """
    strQuery = strQuery & furl & """') Where ""DAV:ishidden"" = False AND ""DAV:isfolder"" = True</D:sql></D:searchrequest>" "SEARCH", furl, false
    req.setrequestheader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    req.setRequestHeader "Translate","f"
    on error resume next
    req.send strQuery
    if err.number <> 0 then wscript.echo err.description
    on error goto 0
    If req.status >= 500 Then
    ElseIf req.status = 207 Then
    set oResponseDoc = req.responseXML
    set oNodeList = oResponseDoc.getElementsByTagName("d:x3001001E")
    'Only Choose "SmartPhone"Active Sync Devices for all replace line with
    ' if fname <>"" then
    if fname <>"" then
    'wscript.echo fname
    'Populate Extension Attribute1 with motorolaq if it isnt already set for Dynamic DL to query on
    'Comment this out if you do not want to mark a users extensionAttribute
    SetExtAttributeInAD "1", ReportUserName, "motorolaq " & Now
    for each node in oNodeList
    report = report & "<tr>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"">" & rs1.fields("displayname") & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"">" & rs1.fields("mail") & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"">" & fname & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & "<td align=""center"">" & node.text & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    report = report & finditems(furl & "/" & node.text)
    report = report & "</tr>" & vbcrlf
    End If
    End If
    end sub
    function finditems(furl)
    hascalsyc = 0
    hasfolsyc = 0
    hasconsyc = 0
    hasautd = 0
    rback = ""
    strQuery = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><D:searchrequest xmlns:D = ""DAV:"" >"
    strQuery = strQuery & "<D:sql>SELECT ""DAV:displayname"", ""DAV:getlastmodified"""
    strQuery = strQuery & " FROM scope('shallow traversal of """
    strQuery = strQuery & furl & """') Where ""DAV:isfolder"" = False</D:sql></D:searchrequest>" "SEARCH", furl, false
    req.setrequestheader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    req.setRequestHeader "Translate","f"
    on error resume next
    req.send strQuery
    if err.number <> 0 then wscript.echo err.description
    on error goto 0
    rem wscript.echo req.responsetext
    If req.status >= 500 Then
    ElseIf req.status = 207 Then
    set oResponseDoc = req.responseXML
    set oNodeList = oResponseDoc.getElementsByTagName("a:displayname")
    set oNodemodlist = oResponseDoc.getElementsByTagName("a:getlastmodified")
    'wscript.echo oNodeList.length
    for i = 1 to oNodeList.length
    set onode = oNodeList.nextNode
    set onode1 = oNodemodlist.nextNode
    select case lcase(onode.text)
    case "calendarsyncfile" hascalsyc = 1
    hascalsycval = DateAdd("h",toffset,(left(replace(replace(onode1.text,"T"," "),"Z",""),19)))
    case "foldersyncfile" hasfolsyc = 1
    hasfolsycval = DateAdd("h",toffset,(left(replace(replace(onode1.text,"T"," "),"Z",""),19)))
    case "contactssyncfile" hasconsyc = 1
    hasconsycval = DateAdd("h",toffset,(left(replace(replace(onode1.text,"T"," "),"Z",""),19)))
    case "autdstate.xml" hasautd = 1
    hasautdval = DateAdd("h",toffset,(left(replace(replace(onode1.text,"T"," "),"Z",""),19)))
    end select
    End If
    'wscript.echo hasfolsyc
    if hasfolsyc = 1 then
    rback = rback & "<td align=""center"">" & hasfolsycval & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    rback = rback & "<td align=""center"">NoData&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    end if
    if hasautd <> 0 then
    rback = rback & "<td align=""center"">" & hasautdval & "&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    rback = rback & "<td align=""center"">NoData&nbsp;</td>" & vbcrlf
    end if
    finditems = rback
    end function

  • Exchange 2010 remove one device from ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs

    I am wondering if there is a way to remove one device ID from the ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs. I run "get-casmailbox -identity useraccount | format-list" to determine the number of devices in the ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs field. The user may
    have multiple devices in this list. I simply want to remove one of these device. I know I can run "set-casmailbox -identity useraccount -ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs $null" , the problem is that will clear all devices.
    Andy Stoyles

    You must have ActiveSync quarantine enabled. When you approve a device that was quarantined, it will be added to the ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs
    list. If you were to run the above Remove-ActiveSyncDevice command, it will delete the device
    association from Exchange which is good, but it doesn't clear the device from the ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs list.
    This is an issue, if the user attempts to setup the same device again with ActiveSync they are able to bypass the quarantine because the device still remains on the ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs
    I hope this helps

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    Placing user into cache mode resolves this issue.
    Having Outlook closed resolves this issue as well.
    Environment: Exchange 2010, Outlook 2007
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    Has anyone else seen this?

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    was experiencing this issue. We were able to resolve it by exporting his mailbox, deleting it and recreating. It was working for about a week and now the problem has reoccurred. Anyone know if there is a permanent fix for this? We haven't gotten anywhere with
    Note: When this problem is occurring, the same issue happens in Outlook Web Access. Sending a message from
    OWA also sends the item into the DRAFTS folder and the mail is never sent.
    We do not use MS CRM btw.

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    Newform.aspx of list:-
    Custom List is not saving data sometimes in the new form after 15 minutes and only blank entry record got created without saving data, even though some columns are mandatory fields?

    Hello dcakumar,
    Sounds like a strang issue. If you can reproduce this can you see some errors in the ULS logs?
    - Dennis | Netherlands | Blog |

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    I amtrying to delete books from my i pod nano. A list of devices is supposed to be on left side of screen, it is not.?

    Hello Pokeweed
    Depending on what view you have on is where your iPod nano will show up. If it is the new view, then it will be in the right hand corner next the iTunes Store button. If you have the sidebar enabled then it will be where you would expect it. If it is in neither spot, then check out the article below to get it to show up on your computer.
    iPod not recognized in My Computer and in iTunes for Windows
    -Norm G.

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    Sorry, you can't extract those photos from the old device unless you restore the new phone from that backup.
    You could of course use a third party software to extract those pics but it will cost you.
    If you still have the old phone import those pics to your computer and then sync those photos to your new phone via itunes.

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    The songs I don't want aren't checked and haven't been for a long time. You would think that would be the answer, but it isn't for some reason.Nothing has taken the songs away. Songs that I have deleted from iTunes and even the computer still stayed on the phone as well as songs that were NOT checked. In addition to albums I have NEVER downloaded... unless many, many, years ago and have no recolection of it. And they are NOT in my iTunes library or stored on the computer. And I don't have iTunes match. I've also restored the iPhone this afternoon. Still have the songs! And I haven't even signed into iCloud since the restore... which I lost all of my recent contacts during, but that was my fault for not checking to make sure I synced them before restoring.

  • Scripted Import MRU list from Office 2010.

    Hello all, i was wondering if anyone could help with this, we have a script that exports the MRUs as reg keys from office 2010, it exports the following as a .reg file on the source machine, and on the destination machine it imports the reg key so a user
    moving machines has all of their recent documents:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\File MRU]
    "Max Display"=dword:00000019
    "Item 1"="[F00000000][T01CF9ABB0FC89840][O00000000]*C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Documents\\FILENAME.xlsx"
    This works absolutely fine when coming from 2010 and going to 2010, however since we have put 2013 on the destination machines, the script doesn't work due to the user ID field being unique to each user:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Excel\User MRU\AD_CC97ADD968A5532BF33D5693E751F2355768058F0819CBCF30AD727C87634047\File MRU]
    "Max Display"=dword:00000019
    "Item 1"="[F00000000][T01CF9ABB0FC89840][O00000000]*C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Documents\\FILENAME.xlsx"
    would anyone know of a way to export from 2010, obtain the AD_CC9...... ID, and change the .reg file to this as part of a scripted import? 
    as it stands im having to open each application (word, excel, powerpoint) and click on file to generate the AD_CC..... reg key, then copy the key name from registry editor, and edit my 2010 exported .reg files to re-import manually on the destination machine.

    You might want to take a look at below thread:
    For a specific script, I would suggest you to seek assistance in Microsoft OneScript center, that's the dedicated place for script issues:

  • List teamplate (template created on migrated custom list from SP 2010 to 2013) not appearing in Add an app section in SP 2013

    We have migrated from SP 2010 to SP 2013. When we are trying to create list template from the migrated OOB custom list. List template successfully created but it is not appearing in Add an app section in SP 2013.

    Please make sure you have activated "Team Collaboration Lists" feature under Site Features. Also check if the template in the list template gallery is published.

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    How do I get my iphone to stay listed under devices on Itunes page after I have unplugged it from my Mac? My ipad stays listed under devices.

    Phone not recognised in itunes
    iPhone not recognised by iTunes on PC  or  iPhone not recognised by iTunes on Mac

  • After restoring my device from backup, some of the apps I have purchased are missing in the purchase list

    i have backed up my device on iCloud and my computer.
    After restoring my device from backup, some of the apps I have purchased are missing in the purchase list.
    It seems that i need to pay for them again in order to purchase.
    Can you please help?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Have you checked they are still available in the App store.
    Did you purchase them all from the same account.

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    After migrating from SP 2010 to SP2013 i found list View filter option is changed and filter is not working Pls help its really urgent.... you can check field 1 and field 2 in following screen shot.
    Prasad kambar

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that your list filter cannot work after Migrating from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.
    For your issue, please check your log files for any issues. Also you can refer to the blogs for troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 migration:
     Firstly try running Test-SPContentDatabase on your source database for any issues -
    Test-SPContentDatabase -
    Troubleshoot site collection upgrade issues in SharePoint 2013
    Verify database upgrades in SharePoint 2013 -
    And please have a look at your custom solution on your site.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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