ListenerObject control timeline

I've set up a flash with FLV HTTP stream, and successfully
set up the following response to a cuepoint:
vid.contentPath = "CPI_introduces.flv";
var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
listenerObject.cuePoint = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
vid.addEventListener("cuePoint", listenerObject);
Problem is, the timeline plays to the point I want it to, and
then if the user scrolls back or plays again, the timeline is
progressed already. I need it to, upon pressing play or when using
seek slider, goto and stop frame 1 again (visually clearing the
screen until it hits the cue point again). Based on the cuePoint
script, I thought something like this would work:
vid.contentPath = "mhpp_preview_3.flv";
var listenerObject:Object = new Object(); = function(eventObject:Object) {
But it seems to have no response. The instance name is vid ,
and the code I'm placing on the last frame, where it stops when the
timeline plays.
Any insight?

I agree that cue points are the closest synch mechanism with streaming video. Nevertheless, if objects have to be synched in a such a way that they appear as a part of the video - cue points don't work very well. I worked on a project that required seamless syncing and we had to revert to embedded video because cue points event on every video frame did not deliver desirable tightness.
With that said, if requirements for synching are looser - cue points are the way to go.

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  • How to control timeline sound of external SWF

    Hi All,
    Basic Intro:
    I am new in Action Script and trying to create a video tutorial framwork. In this I have lots of animated SWF files in all the files I have multiple scenes as those are 5min. to 10 min. each and all the files have the relevent background and nurration voice place directly on the TIMELINE frame by frame to match lip syncing animated chreactors.
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    2. Stop the sound with animation by the same click of Stop button, and
    3. On replay it should stop playing the previously running audio and restart it with the animation like fresh loaded file, it should not sound overlapping.
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    Thanks a lot to all of you in advance to help me.

    create one global sound variable
    you can write when you are pressing pause button
    to play

  • Controlling timeline sound

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    I know how to control the timeline but not the sound!
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    You will find sound quality options for individual sounds if you double click on the sound in the library.
    If you look in your Flash Publish Settings you will find sound quality options for all streaming/event internal sounds. These global settings can optionally override individual sound quality settings.

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    you'll need to create those buttons yourself.

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         import flash.display.*;
         import fl.motion.*;
         public class  main extends MovieClip
              private var motion:Motion;
              private var animFactory:AnimatorFactory;
              private var size:uint    = 100;
              private var bgColor:uint = 0xFFCC00;
              public function main():void
       var textClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
                   var boxObj:Sprite = new Sprite();
         , 0, size, size);
                   motion = new Motion();
                   motion.duration = 20;
                   animFactory = new AnimatorFactory(motion);
                   //animFactory.transformationPoint = new Point(2, 2);
                   animFactory.addTarget(boxObj, 0, false);
    textClip.gotoAndStop(10); //seem not work
    because textClip have no keyframe ?
    How can do it ?
    Thanks and sorry for my bad english.

    I agree that cue points are the closest synch mechanism with streaming video. Nevertheless, if objects have to be synched in a such a way that they appear as a part of the video - cue points don't work very well. I worked on a project that required seamless syncing and we had to revert to embedded video because cue points event on every video frame did not deliver desirable tightness.
    With that said, if requirements for synching are looser - cue points are the way to go.

  • Controlling Timeline With Touch

    Hi! I use edge animate in adobe dps. I searched to control the timeline with touch (or scroll) in the forum. Even some solutions were discussed, i didnt find the perfect one. It could open so many possibilities like slideshows, parallax, diagonal textscroll etc.
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    Here is the solution i found, which doesnt work in the latest edge.
    And here is the result. Works on ipads in indesign dps:

    Hi Jerry, in my opinion the best for magazines right now is to swipe left and right to the article and down to see the full article. For that I want to decide if it's snapping to single pages vertically, or smooth scroll etc. Im my case I wanted to have a smooth scroll parallax version which I can build in adobe edge (it's possible to do with stellar.js - most of the other parallax html script doesnt work on ios). But it's s so easy to do in adobe edge animate! I also want to build full pages in adobe edge, since there are more ways to animate things (even it's a little button). But then I have the same problem. I dont get off the page if it's made in adobe edge and shown full screen in adobe dps. I got some other html scripts which are full screen, but are able to swipe to the next page.
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    So many options and the abillity to get off the fullscreen page! but you need to know a bit html/css. I am not a coder at all, but enough to change some sizes etc.
    Have a look on swiper. It's awesome!
    Here is one feature they mentioned that's the problem with my above adobe edge animation:
    Scroll prevention
    Swiper will prevent vertical scroll when you touch it in "horizontal" mode, and horizontal scroll in "vertical" mode"
    That's why I think it has to be possilbe to make the adobe edge full screen animation with scroll acts the same. If its vertical, i want to swipe left/right to get off the page.
    Hope this wasn't to complicated.

  • Controlling Timeline sound in AS3

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    Thanks to all of you I was struggling with the same thing.
    The given code work perfectly for me.
    SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0, 0); //volume, pan
    My issue: I am loading and external swf file(as3.0) wich have audio on timline and I want volume controller for that audio.

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    Actually I am trying to controlling my timeline with events that I can use in my ipad. I export html from to Edge Animate, and I insert in Indesign to digital publishes (DPS).
    I found this example:
    I would like to know if there is a way to make the scroll smooth. I mean, if you give a little push with your finger and it just scrolls by itself and goes slower at the stop (don´t stop suddenly like in the example). Is this possible?
    Rubén Afonso

    Glad it worked for you, Graeme.
    Note that I've updated both Example and Source links, with a constraint so that if you swipe up, the "timelinePos" variable is constrained to 0, rather than becoming negative (line 25 @ Stage.compositionReady). You might want to re-download my example.
    Adding ease to the end of the swipe/timeline scrub is possible in Edge, but it would be a bit unwieldy. Here's the psuedo-code I'd start with:
    1) create a variable, "onTouchEndEasePosition", which you'll use to add/subtract from the "timelinePos" value
    2) run a setInterval on touchend (be sure to clear it when your value goes down to 0, or a touchstart fires!!)
    3) on each tick of that setInterval, decrease (or increase- depending on swipe direction) the "onTouchEndEasePosition" value, and position your playhead on the timeline based on the "onTouchEndEasePosition" value.
    Another thing you can try, and this would prob be cleaner than using setInterval, would be to leverage the powerful GSAP library to set the "onTouchEndPosition" variable. On touchend, you could create a Tween with the ease of you choice, and on "tick" of that Tween, increase/decrease your "onTouchEndEasePosition" variable, and position your playhead on the timeline based on that value. See FAQ #15 at bottom for how to listen to the "tick" of a Tween:
    The biggest challenge, I think is to figure out how fast the user was scrolling before lifting their finger. You would need this in order to get the "after scroll" to feel right.
    There are a lot of really good jQuery touch scroll plugins, but since you're not actually scrolling content, not sure if they apply to your project. Here is a list of good scroll plugins, but they operate on an actual scroll, so you'd have to make your content scrollable:

  • Touch-slide to control timeline

    So to begin with, I am very new to Edge and programming as well. What I'm trying to create is something that allows people to "turn" an object by sliding their finger (or mouse) either left or right. The way I've seen it done is by having an animation of the object turning, and then connecting the gesture of sliding left or right to turn the object similarly.
    I've seen a lot of examples of what I'm looking for:
    This does a pretty good job, but I don't like how it is basically tied to where the finger is in the space, I'd rather something that says "when finger moves right, move forward according to the distance the finger is moved. While if the finger moves left, the timeline moves backward in the same fashion"
    The example she uses with the fish bowl is almost exactly what I'm looking for, but I'd rather not rely on plugins if possible. As I'm extremely new to all of this I'd like to use it as a learning resource as well and I feel as though plugins sort of obfuscate that resource.
    Sorry if this isn't very clear, but I would more than appreciate any and all help. A good resource to help learn the coding language would be greatly appreciated as well. THANKS!

    Hi, mlovett1-
    You're going to need to do a lot of handcoding to make this work.  Instead of using swipe, you should use touchmove and calculate the distance between your movement.  You should find a good resource on programming in JavaScript, as that's what you'll use for all of your interactivity programming.
    Good luck, and I hope that gives you a good sense of the direction to take!

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    official site does not have document on this. Please help.

    You have to make your own slider.
    Sliders are based on the idea to find the percentage of the
    position of scroller to it's maximum position as a ratio 0-1 (0
    left, 1 right) and multiplying that ratio with a value (in your
    case the number of frames). As least that way I can think of them
    and create them.
    You can utilize this link I just created to solve your
    problem, where you move a scroller/slider to navigate into the
    I tried to make the slider portable, thus you can initialize
    it with a preferred width and set the number of frames it will

  • Keyboard Events Controlling Timeline

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    (I hope)
    I want to control what frame I'm on with the "F" keys. Right
    now both F keys bringing me to frame 6 instead of F4 bringing me to
    frame 4.

    I got that part to work. It turns out that I just had some
    extra script in there.
    Now I'm trying to get the numbers across the top of my
    keyboard to work too. I can get the NUMPAD_2 to work, but if I put
    NUMBER_2 it just loops the animation and I get "1119 Access of
    possibly undefined property" as an error.

  • Controlling timeline of parent movieclip?

    I've just swiched over from FL8 to FL CS4 (3 days ago). I'm
    learning AS3 at the moment but am on a deadline with a project (a
    bit over it actualy) which uses AS3 and I don't know how to solve
    I have a movieclip (container_mc) on the main timeline which
    holds all the animation and a timer (timer1_mc).
    When container_mc reaches frame 2 it stops and a timer
    (timer1_mc) starts running.
    When the timer finishes, container_mc should continue to the
    next frame.
    The code I have to do that (from the timer1_mc) is:
    if (d> 260) {
    This doesn't work, it gives me the error 1119: Access of
    possibly undefined property container_mc through a reference with
    static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.

    My guess is you are having the "parent" problem.
    In AS3 parent returns an item of type DisplayObjectContainer.
    That is because the parent could be a MovieClip, a Sprite or even
    several other things. So the Flash builders in their wisdom follwed
    the inheritence tree up to before the first branch -- as it were.
    The DisplayObjectContainer class doesn't have a nextFrame()
    method. So that is why you see the error. You need to tell Flash
    that even though it thinks the parent is a DisplayObjectContainer,
    that you know it is really the special kind of DOC that is called a
    MovieClip and that does have such a method.
    By casting the results of parent.container_mc to MovieClip
    this will make it work. That is assuming that the parent of
    container_mc is another MovieClip!
    Of course that might not be it....

  • Controlling timeline playback

    Is there are a script that will run a swf file in reverse?
    For instance, if the beginning of a movie zooms in on
    something, a button can run the zoom in reverse?
    Any help on conrtolling timeline playback would be
    Thanks in advance.

    try something like this, hope I put not errors in it ..
    yourClip_mc.direction = -1;
    yourClip_mc.onEnterFrame = funciton(){
    if (this.direction == -1){
    this.CF = this._currentframe-1
    if (this.CF==0) this.CF = this._totalframes;
    this.CF = this._currentframe-1
    if (this.CF>this._totalframes) this.CF = 1;

  • Control Timeline from base class?

    How do you do this?
    I'm extending the MovieClip class, and no amount of
    this.stop() is working.....

    use trace(this) to see if you're in scope of your

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